

Albus Dumbledore stood transfixed at what had just happened. A boy just apparated out of Hogwarts, silently no less. He bent down to pick up the Elder Wand and stashed it back in his sleeve as he looked at the downed Lestrange brother. 


He had been speaking with Charlus Potter who had expressed worry at the movement of dark families in the Wizengamot. Moments later the wards in the castle alerted him to a powerful outburst of magic in the defense classroom. He arrived just as Lucius Malfoy was thrown through the door and into the wall. In the classroom what he saw terrified him. 


The young transfer student Theseus had seemingly attacked the Lestrange brothers and was apparently planning on throwing them out of the castle window. 


Not only did the boy counter his attempts at subduing him, but he also revealed that he knew about his own dark past. Questions plagued the aging headmaster as he called for assistance in getting the invited students to the infirmary. 


Theseus was an enigma to him, the boy seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Albus only found out about him once a letter was sent out accepting the young man's transfer to Hogwarts. Fear creeped into his heart, Theseus was strong. Possibly even stronger than both he, Gellert, and Tom in their prime. There were also the claims the boy made of being able to destroy the world. 


Should Theseus fall to the dark, it would mean disaster for the wizarding world. He knew nothing of the lad after all. He quickly returned to his office, he had some letters to write. 


At the opposite end of the classroom Bellatrix Black stood. Her heart was hammering away in her chest. She had just watched as the man she was to wed, getting absolutely destroyed along with his brother and the Malfoy heir. All by some unidentified muggleborn student. 


The power he had wielded sent a tingle down her spine and she fell back to her seat. Her sister Andromeda next to her gasped as if struggling to breathe. 




"Yes Andi?"


"You saw that too right?"


"I don't know what I saw, I just want to know who that was."


"I have never heard of him before today." 


"I heard Heir Potter and cousin Vela mention him. They seem rather terrified of the man. Vela said his name's Theseus Dimiourgos." 


"Intresting family name…. You know what it means right?" 


"What? In Greek?" 


"No in pig Latin, I thought you were the smart one Andi." 


"Get bent Bella." 


"It means The Creator, as in god." 


"No really?" 


"I really hate you sometimes…." 


The sisters helped rearrange the room before leaving the room to look for Narcissa. Dumbledore hadn't said anything about classes being canceled but what was left unsaid was understood by everyone. Bellatrix couldn't help but wonder if the wizarding world really was sane. Three of their peers very nearly got murdered yet no one seemed all that bothered. She sighed and followed behind Andromeda as they continued on to the Slytherin common room. 


While the sisters went to find each other, Dumbledore was waiting by the floo for the Aurors to arrive. Apparently one of the seventh year Slytherins had managed to hear about the incident and contact their parents. In turn Lord Malfoy had been notified along with Lord Lestrange about their heirs conditions. Albus couldn't help but to worry about Theseus despite what the boy had done. The pureblood lords could be rather cruel when it came to pushing those that they perceived have wronged them. 


Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Minister Bagnold came through the fireplace one after the other in a flash of green fire. They were followed by several aurors and the angry lords. 




Everyone turned to Lord Lestrange who was red with anger. Abraxas was more composed, with his questioning. 


"How did this happen Albus? What kind of a circus are you running here? Mudbloods attacking the Heirs to Noble and Ancient houses." 


"I assure you Abraxas, I had no idea this would happen until it was too late." 


"I want that dirty mudblood brought here so that we may flay the skin from his bones!" 


"Lord Lestrange, I urge you to calm yourself." 


"Hold your tongue! It wasn't your heir that was attacked Auror Moody." 


"Albus, what has become of Theseus?" 


"He apparated out of the school." 




"Albus that shouldn't be possible, no one can apparate out of the wards." 


"And yet the boy did it." 


They turned to Moody, "I saw the pensive memories of the students that witnessed the incident. The boy was toying with the three. He never even drew his wand much less cast any visible spells. 


"What more, he's clearly powerful and knows quite a few things about you Albus. Do you have his school transfer paperwork handy?" 


"I'm afraid not old friend, the files provided by the goblins were heavily redacted and they refused to hand over any documents in their unaltered form." 


"We've hit a dead end then?" 


"It seems so…" Albus looked to the Minister. "What information does the Ministry have on him and his family?" 


"Nothing, it's as if he didn't exist until he got his letter." 


"Then how are we supposed to find and kill this filth!?" 


Abraxas shook his head, Reinhard Lestrange wasn't the brightest of lords. He had also seen the memory of the fight, if one could call a one sided beating that. 


"You could always just ask me." 


The occupants in Dumbledore's office spun to face the new arrival. Lestrange and the aurors wands were drawn and spells were cast before Dumbledore could say anything. Albus watched in horror as the spells sped past the boy only to gape in disbelief as they splashed harmlessly on an invisible shield. 

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