
Chapter One - The Day After a Binge. Without the Binge.

He groaned as he woke up. He was achy and his head hurt.

Had he had too much to drink? He scowled and mentally shook his head, he didn't feel nauseous or his mouth was dry.

Had he been attacked again? Probably.

He cracked his eyes open and closed them as quickly as he could as the sunlight filtered through the canopy above him. Canopy?

He opened his eyes immediately and tried to sit up only to fall back down again. Irritated squeals could be heard and he managed to lift himself on his forearms enough to see a baby Fawkes on his chest. He grimaced and lifted a hand to hold it in his palm.

-"Sorry, Fumi."-

He scowled; It wasn't his burn day, he still had at least a year until the next one. The baby bird chirped again before curling up and falling asleep. He searched for his ashes, to keep him warm, and noticed that they were scattered all around him, forming his silhouette on the burnt ground. It was as if he had been set ablaze with his second familiar.

A sudden pain seized his chest and he widened his eyes. Second familiar... Another jolt of pain. He took a breath and searched for his connection with Hedwig. Tears silently escaped his eyes as he saw that she was torn apart. It meant that his beloved owl was dead.

He took several deep breaths to calm himself and send his emotions to a corner of his mind. This was not the time! He had to remember what he was doing before landing in this forest!

He first glanced at his outfit. He still had his work clothes on jeans, a blue tunic and boots, a coat (zipped at the top and continuing to his ankles), and dragonhide gloves. His bag was still strapped to his chest, easily accessible.

He had been working before he woke up here. His original wand was still in the holster on his right forearm, but his secondary one, which he mainly used to deal with wards, was gone and nowhere near him. The Elder Wand was still in the pouch around his neck, along with his Invisibility Cloak and the Resurrection Stone. The latter had taken on an orange tint; however, It was strange, but he put that aside for now.

So, a ward. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore his headache to force his most recent memories to the surface. His Occlumency was horrible at best, but he had found another method, highly inadvisable for any sane person, to protect himself and more or less organize his mind. The problem was that it was organized chaos, and sometimes things got lost.

He sucked in a sharp breath as he remembered. He was working on a site where one of the warnings read "Trespassers will be banished from reality" and someone had cast a spell on his back while he was dismantling the barrier in question. He shuddered as he remembered his passage through non-reality and promptly yanked that memory from his mind to float away with all the others he preferred to forget.

He had been banished from reality. His connection to Hedwig was severed, but at least his owl was still alive. He hoped. Sometimes familiars didn't survive the death of their human. He cast a spell to find out the date and his eyes widened in shock. March 1987. Thirty-four years in the past.

He forced himself to calm down again and set up basic protections around the clearing, before unhooking the strap of his bag and setting it down. He opened it and forced himself to get up to go down the stairs. he passed the entrance hall to arrive in the living room where he placed fumseck in the dome, just under his perch and above a brazier.

He stuck his head out briefly and gathered as much ash as he could to make a nest for the phoenix. He carefully ignored the other perch while he worked, it was not the time. He stared at his world map, hung on the wall and full of dart holes, and found the point representing him in England.


He zoomed in and recognized the forbidden forest. He had better leave before Dumbledore realized he had intruded.

He got out of the bag, secured it again on his chest with the shoulder strap, and removed his protection. He then spotted the edge of the barriers around the school and set off, he managed to pass them without any problem and immediately apparated to the back of the leaky cauldron.

He immediately leaned against the wall as dizziness overwhelmed him. Clearly, going through non-reality, saved by a phoenix or not, had consequences on your health. He took several deep breaths until he was calmer.

Finally, he carefully detached himself from the wall, stupidly happy that no one had passed by while he recovered. He took a purse out of his bag and slipped it into his pocket, before heading towards the door.

Tom was there, it felt really strange to see him instead of Hanna. He staggered towards the counter and leaned against it without hesitation.

Tom approached immediately, looking worried, not even trying to pretend to wipe a glass. -"Are you okay? Should I contact the hospital?"-

He snorted amusedly as he shook his head; and immediately regretted his decision when his migraine worsened. He groaned as he brought a hand to his temple and shook the other in the direction of the bartender as he replied: - "Nah, I'm just tired, not dying. A room for the night, please."-

Tom hesitated, but accepted the money and gave him a key. He insisted on accompanying him up the stairs, however, for fear that he might fall. He didn't refuse, knowing that it was a real risk. He entered the room and let himself fall onto the bed with relief.

Tom stood in the doorway, hesitating, before asking: - "Are you sure you don't need anything?"-

-"I'm sure, thanks. I'll just sleep and I'll be fine."-

-"If you're sure. Can I have a name?"-

He blinked slowly, already half asleep. A name. He needed a name. He was too tired to be creative, his favorite alias would do. He let one of his signet rings appear and answered: - "Alvis Black."-

Tom stared at him in surprise, before nodding slowly and bowing politely. - "I bid you goodnight, Lord Black."-

Then, he closed the door and Alvis hurriedly locked it and cast his usual security spells. Then, without bothering to remove his coat or boots, he lay down on the covers and let unconsciousness take him.


He groaned as he woke up. He was still exhausted, but at least he could move. He waved his hand and the date and time appeared. The day after he arrived, early afternoon. Brilliant.

He forced himself to get up and went down to his bag. Fawkes immediately made his presence known by chirping. He approached him and gently stroked his head with the tip of his finger.

- "Sorry, Fumi, I know Hed... Hedwig used to feed you, but I don't have any chick food yet. I'll buy some first, I promise."-

The little bird chirped once and he felt her agreement through their bond. He carefully ignored the broken one, continuing to compartmentalize. He can crack once he's secured his situation.

First thing, shower, change of clothes and go eat.

When he arrived in the main room of the pub, he immediately noticed that Tom looked relieved to see him. He went to sit at the counter with a smile.

- "Hello. Can I have something to eat, please? The daily special will do, with a butterbeer."-

- "Of course, Lord Black. You had me worried, if you hadn't come down before tonight, I would have contacted St. Mungo's."-

He rolled his eyes as the bartender sent his order and poured him a bottle.

- "I told you, I would only go to a healer if I was dying or unconscious. I was just knackered."-

-"If you say so. If I may ask, how are you, Lord Black? I've never heard of you."-

He shrugged and took a sip.

- "I have no idea. I stopped by the bank one day and they told me I was the new Lord. I saw no reason to refuse, so I took the ring. Well, it's been a while since I was last in England. What happened in the last twenty-three years?"-

The man paused and stared at him again in marked disbelief. - "Twenty-three? But, how old are you?"-

He stroked his goatee with a slight amused smile, he knew his appearance always had that effect. Even if he was looked at strangely at first because of the four scratch marks crossing his face, from his right temple to his chin, continuing down his neck to under his collar.

- "Forty-one. I know, I look much younger. And without the beard, it's worse."-

Tom nodded slowly, still in shock. He knew why, it was no secret that the more powerful a wizard is, the slower he ages and lives longer. Still looking like he was in his early twenties at over forty was abnormal and a sign of his magical power. His meal arrived and he picked up his fork, raising an eyebrow at the bartender.

-"So... I heard there was a civil war?"-

Tom visibly recovered and nodded, grabbing a glass and his dish towel. - "Yes. But it ended seven years ago with You-Know-Who being defeated by Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived."-

The date he had given for his supposed departure was 6 years before Voldemort's reappearance and the start of the war. To determine if he was in the past or another dimension, he had to establish differences.

- "Who? I was constantly traveling and rarely paid attention to international newspapers, outside of those of curse breakers and enchantments."-

- "A curse breaker, huh? His name is not spoken, even now that he is defeated. He was a terrifying dark wizard, I'm sure you can find newspaper archives at the Gazette shop."-

He nodded thoughtfully.

-"I would probably go. it's recent history, but history nonetheless. What about this Harry Potter? Surely a great and talented mage."-

The bartender froze and suddenly looked embarrassed. Alvis knew why, but it gave him a certain perverse pleasure to see the man hesitate to tell him that their national hero was only a seven-year-old.

-"No. you-know-who attacked the Potters on Halloween night and their son, who was one year old at the time, is the only survivor, he supposedly survived the killing curse and you-know-who was disintegrated or disappeared as a result."-

Alvis was silent for a long moment, while Tom nervously washed his glass. then, he slowly pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

And suddenly, I remembered why I ran away as soon as I finished school.

-"You're telling me, that a dark wizard attacked a family, the kid was the only one who got away alive with the dark wizard nowhere in sight, and that, rather than coming to the logical conclusion that the parents did something to defeat him and protect their kid, that it was the kid himself who defeated him?"-

-"Yes. James and Lily Potter were dead, how could they have done anything about you-know-who?"-

He stared at him for a moment, wondering if he had just asked such a stupid question. Then, he remembered that he was in England, where Dumbledore had made sure to banish all knowledge of dangerous and dark magics, except in the libraries of old families. There was a reason why all curse breakers from England were retrained and reconditioned to stop believing that certain knowledge should be erased from the face of the earth for the greater good. If they didn't know about this or that ritual, or dark magic, then how could they know how to counter it?

-"You know what? I think I'll just go read some newspapers. Thanks for the meal and the information."-

-"You're welcome. Will you spend another night?"-

He hesitated. He had a lot to do, could he do it in one afternoon?

-"Maybe. Can you put it aside until I get back?"-


He smiled and paid the man before leaving. First stop, gringotts. He didn't like goblins, and the feeling was mutual. But now, he was a stranger, so he shouldn't have any trouble getting what he wanted. However, before he regularized his situation, he was going to rob them.

A cup in his possession, he was standing in front of a goblin at one of the counters. He showed his three rings and said: - "I want to see the people in charge of my accounts."-

The goblin's eyes widened at the sight of the families he claimed to be the Lord of and grabbed his hand to verify the authenticity of the signet rings. Alvis didn't breathe a sigh of relief when the goblin nodded and motioned for him to wait on the side before calling another one.

He was led to a meeting room containing three old goblins and their respective assistants who were all eyeing him suspiciously.

-"Hello! I am Alvis Black, an unaffiliated curse breaker and you will probably hate my existence very quickly."-

They won't be able to say he didn't warn them. The one in the middle answered: - "Duly noted, Lord Potter-Black-Peverell. Can you explain how you have authentic signet rings, when we still have our own copies?"-

-"No. Work accident. Very confidential. May I see your copies?"-

He was Lord Black, Potter, and Peverell, the goblins did not own the signet rings, they legally had to show them to him if he wanted to see them. Which they did with great reluctance. Alvis smiled happily at them and replaced his own copies with theirs, the rings accepting him without a problem. He rubbed his hands and said cheerfully,

-"Good! I want the bank statements of all three families for the last fifteen years. All the keys to the vaults, other than personal vaults of living members of the family, recalled and the locks changed. I also want to see who has access to what and who is still affiliated with one of the families. I also want the Potter wills, I don't care who had them sealed if that's the case."-

He was going to have a lot of work getting everything in order, but he had time. The most important thing was to secure his accounts, especially Harry's. The rest could wait.

Three hours later, he was finally done with all the paperwork, although he still had to read the statements. And the goblins did indeed hate his existence.

His next stop was the owl shop, he studiously ignored the owls and bought food for Fawkes. Then, he went to Knockturn Alley to order a custom wand to replace the one he had lost.

Rather than going to the Prophet to read their old issues, he went to the public library. He had been surprised to find that Diagon Alley was just the main alley and that the wizarding district had many small side alleys, in addition to the Knockturn Alley. Housing, shops, administrative buildings, various guilds, there was everything! Hermione had spent over an hour complaining that they didn't show this to Muggle-borns when she had discovered that there was a public library. It had been hilarious to see.

He spent the rest of the afternoon reading up on recent history, to make sure he didn't miss anything. Things seemed to have happened as they did in his world, as far as the Blood War was concerned. However, when he looked into Grindelwald's global conflict, he found some interesting mentions that could indicate a deviation. He would have to check in Muggle history books, just to be sure he was in an alternate universe rather than in the past.

He didn't leave until closing time and returned to the Cauldron for the night. The next morning, he got up early and went to a Muggle library to confirm his suspicions. He easily found what he was looking for, Captain America was an international hero. A hero that didn't exist where he came from. Just like Hydra, or Stark Industries.

He still had a few hours before lunch when he left the library. He immediately went to 12 Grimmauld Place. The house was still as dilapidated, he knew that its last occupant, Walburga, had been dead for two years. He entered without difficulty, the wards recognizing him as their owner and didn't bother to go further than the entrance hall.


There was a bang when the elf appeared and the curtains hiding Walburga's portrait immediately parted, her screams echoing in the house. He rolled his eyes and cast a silencing spell on him before focusing on the elf in front of him.

-"The false master called Kreacher?"-

-"I want the medallion that Regulus asked you to destroy. I know how to get rid of it."-

The elf's eyes widened, before promptly disappearing and returning just as quickly with the object. Alvis was relieved to see that this part of the story was still correct. He still had a lake of Inferi to destroy, but at least there was no Horcrux to destroy in the process.

-"The master can really fulfill Young Master Regulus' last wish?"-


He placed the medallion on the ground and did the necessary tests to confirm its status. Then, he drew a goblin dagger from his boot and handed it to the elf.

-"This dagger is coated with basilisk venom, don't cut yourself. I will open the locket, and you will pierce him immediately. Do you understand? Do not listen to anything he says and pierce him."-

Kreacher nodded firmly and grabbed the dagger.

-"Kreacher will do it. For Young Master Regulus."-

He nodded and focused on the Horcrux before hissing: - "Open yourself."-

It opened immediately and barely had time to emit a small plume of smoke before Kreacher planted the dagger in it. The little elf worked hard on the object, until it was in pieces, and Alvis let him do it, knowing how important the task was for him. When he stopped, short of breath and tears streaming down his cheeks, Alvis placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled softly at him.

-"Well done, Kreacher. I am sure that Master Regulus can rest in peace, now."-

He nodded.

-"Thank you, Master. What can Kreacher do for the Master?"-

-"Fix the house, I plan to live there with my nephew. Put everything enchanted in one room, everything cursed in another, and all the portraits in another, I'll sort it out. Be careful not to hurt yourself, okay? Focus on the ground floor and the bedrooms upstairs first."-

-"Yes, Master."-

He nodded and picked up his dagger before the elf disappeared. He put the remains of the Horcrux in a box and left. He knew he would have a room for tonight, so he went to give Tom his key back, thanking him again for his help.

He then Apparated to Little Hangleton, not far from the Gaunt house. He remembered the fatal wound Dumbledore had received while retrieving the ring. The first thing he did was use the cup to confirm that there was indeed another Horcrux inside.

Then, rather than risk trying to get past the wards, he estimated their power, checked that no one was near the destruction zone, and blew up the barriers in a cascading collapse before Apparating to safety. He returned a minute later to see a crater. He nodded and set up a Muggle-repellent barrier to prevent anyone from investigating the explosion that had just vaporized the area.

He went down into the crater and searched for a moment, before finding the Resurrection Stone. He took his copy out of his pouch and was only half surprised when the two artifacts began to heat up, before merging into an orange stone that pulsed with power. He put it away again and left. The Muggles would find their own explanation for the disappearance of the shack.

Locket, cup, ring. He still needed the diary, the diadem, and Harry. Sneaking into the Malfoys was doable, but he preferred not to get caught breaking into someone's home until he had his diplomatic immunity back.

He returned home and smiled as he saw the meal Kreacher had prepared for him in the immaculate kitchen. The elf was just as loyal and efficient as the first time he had destroyed the locket. And speaking of him…


-"Yes, Master?"-

-"Are you still able to go to where the other Blacks live? Like Narcissa?"-

-"Yes, Master. Mistress Narcissa is still a daughter of House Black, so Kreacher can go to her. Does Master want Kreacher to contact her?"-

-"No. Lucius Malfoy has the same type of object as the locket. His is in the form of a diary, with the name Tom Marvolo Riddle etched into the cover. Do you think you can go to their place, unnoticed by anyone, and retrieve it so I can destroy it?"-

Kreacher straightened up at the knowledge of another cursed object and nodded firmly with a determined look.

-"Kreacher can do that, Master."-

-"Fine, do it. Don't get caught and don't take any unnecessary risks."-

He nodded and disappeared. Alvis sighed, before getting up and sending the dishes to wash themselves. He had one more stop before he could go and free Harry.

The Ministry of Magic was still crowded and he had to wait a long time in line before he could pass the control office. The Auror on duty hesitated to let him pass, given his name, but his authentic signet ring was enough to convince him of his identity. He immediately headed towards the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He easily located Amelia Bones' office and smiled at the secretary.

-"Hello, I would like to speak to Madam Bones."-

-"Do you have an appointment?"-

-"No. However, it is important."-

-"Everyone thinks that what they have to tell him is important enough to do without an appointment. May I know the level of importance?"-

He smiled amusedly at her retort and replied: - "Can you tell her that this is a case of code 66AD?"-

She raised an eyebrow but nodded and disappeared into the office. He waited patiently.

Contrary to what Hermione had thought during their third year, time travel was not that rare, especially for high-level Aurors or curse breakers. Dimensional travel was rarer since the chances of surviving it were extremely low, but there were still protocols on the subject. He just hoped that they were the same here.

The secretary came back and motioned for him to come in. He thanked her and complied. He smiled at Amelia Bones and bowed politely.

-"Mrs. Bones. A pleasure to meet you."-

"-Pleased to meet you, sir...?"-

He closed the door and made sure they couldn't be overheard, before lifting his bangs to expose a very recognizable scar to the light. The woman's eyes widened and he said: - "I'm going by Alvis Black. I'm here to report a dimensional shift and get my papers in order."-

She pinched the bridge of her nose, before pointing at the chair in front of his desk. he sat down and she took out a parchment and a blood quill.

-"I must first verify your identity. Write your full name."-

He nodded and wrote his name clearly in blood. The parchment lit up for a moment before words began to appear on it.

Harry James Alvis Potter Black Peverell.

Date of birth: July 31, 1980.

Father: James Fleamont Potter.

Mother: Lily Iris Potter, née Evans.

Father by magical adoption (August 2, 1980): Sirius Orion Black.

The woman sighed upon seeing the confirmation and made a copy of the parchment before destroying the original.

She then grabbed several forms, commenting: - "I feel like this is going to be a political mess."-

-"I have no intention of letting anyone know that I am Harry Potter. I will continue to use Alvis Black or Alvis Peverell."-

-"Do you intend to regain custody of your double?"-

-"If he has the same childhood as me? Yes."-

She stared at him with a serious look.

-"What do you mean? Harry Potter is in Dumbledore's care."-

-"And Dumbledore is an overworked idiot who too often sees the good in people, even when he's not there. My mother placed a blood sacrifice ward on me, so he decided that the best place for me would be with my maternal aunt. All the while thinking that she would be able to put aside her jealousy and contempt for her sister to properly care for her poor, recently orphaned little nephew. He was wrong."-

She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose again.

-"What level of abuse are we talking about?"-

-"I was lucky to reach adulthood and not become an obscurial."-

 She cursed, which spoke volumes about her displeasure because she hardly ever cursed. If it was the same here, then they had a scandal brewing on their hands that could worsen wizard-muggle relations. And, more importantly, a child was in grave danger.

She pulled herself together and placed the forms in front of Alvis. - "Do you have your papers? Birth certificate, test results, Master's? And what story do you plan to use?"-

-"Alvis Corvus Black, son of a Muggle and a Black Squib who preferred to tutor me rather than risk sending me to Hogwarts and getting me killed for my impure blood. I am 41 years old."-

He pulled several parchments out of his bag and handed them to her.

-"I never passed my NEWTs due to the Second Blood War, but I have my Masters in Combat Magic, Ritual, and Enchantment. I am also a veteran Cursebreaker."-

-"Second Blood War?"-

-"Which I'm already in the prossess of preventing."-

She nodded and accepted the documents. She could come back to them later. They quickly filled out the ones needed to establish her new identity and validate her degrees in this world. When she got to the last document, she raised an eyebrow.

-"How did you manage to get global diplomatic immunity from the CIMS?"-

-"By being a professional pain in the ass."-

She stood there for a moment speechless at his answer, before questioning him: - "How so?"-

He shrugged a shoulder and replied with a smirk: - "I'm a curse breaker, but I also have a knack for getting myself into trouble and I'm one of the most powerful mages in the world. I tend to stop dark mages or criminals I stumble upon by accident. CIMS finally decided that I was dangerous, but not a threat as long as I didn't go after those under my protection. So, we made a deal. They gave me diplomatic immunity and in exchange, I would alert the local authorities when I was around so they could prepare the paperwork for when I inevitably got into trouble, or so they could ask me for help with criminals they had a hard time stopping."

-"I see…"- She studied the documents, before handing them back to him. -"I don't have the authority to revalidate them, we'll have to talk to CIMS about it."-

He nodded and put everything away. It didn't take them long to finish filling out all the necessary forms and Amelia breathed a sigh of relief when they were done. - "Good. Now that that's done, I have some questions."-

-"Go ahead."-

-"Adoption from Sirius Black. Didn't he betray your parents in your world?"-

-"No. He was bait and Pettigrew was the real Secret Keeper. When Sirius confronted him after the attack, Pettigrew accused him of being a traitor, cut off his finger, and blew up the street before disappearing in his rat animagus form. Sirius snapped and was sent to Azkaban without a trial because everyone knew he was guilty."-

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm herself. The description of the scene was exactly what had happened. She wasn't sure about the lack of trial, but if that was the case here too...

-"Black may be innocent."-

Alvis pulled two parchments out of his bag and handed them to her. She accepted them and found certificates from Gringotts stating that he had magically adopted Harry Potter and had taken all the necessary oaths as magical godfather. He couldn't have betrayed the Potters, not without losing his magic and his life.

-"I'll see what I can do. Any idea where to find Pettigrew?"-

-"He was the Weasleys' pet rat. Percy, one of their children, found him in the garden and his parents allowed him to keep him."-

-"I see."-

She was going to have to talk to Arthur. If he had a murderer hiding near his children, she was sure he would help her apprehend him.

-"And speaking of Azkaban, are Bartemius Crouch's son and wife dead?"-


-"Then the son is probably at home under Imperius. His wife convinced him to switch him with her when she was dying."-

She made a note to visit Barty with Moody.

-"Anything else? You said something about a second war?"-

 -"Voldemort has several artifacts that connect him to life. I am destroying them, which will prevent him from recovering a body. I can't guarantee anything about his followers on the loose, but at least he won't come back."-

-"Inform me as soon as you are finished."-

He nodded and they concluded their business.

Alvis stretched once outside the ministry and returned to his home. Kreacher appeared before him immediately and handed him a very familiar journal.

-"Thank you Kreacher, you are the best."-

He took out his dagger and raised an eyebrow at him as he handed it to him.

-"Do you want to take care of it?"-

-"Of course Master!"-

He grabbed it and enthusiastically thrust it into the middle of the pages, making the piece of soul scream in pain. Should he be worried about his enthusiasm? He wasn't sure, but at least he was geared towards destroying dark magic items. He retrieved his dagger and put the ruined journal in the same box as the locket.

-"Did you have any problems?"-

-"No, Master. No one noticed Kreacher and Kreacher was very careful in retrieving the nasty diary."-

-"Good. The house?"-

-"The ground floor and the first two floors are clean. Two rooms have been prepared on the first floor. Kreacher has put the specified items in rooms on the third floor."-

-"Good. Keep up the good work. I'll get Harry."-

The elf disappeared and Alvis went out. He Apparated not far from Privet Drive and used spells to go unnoticed to approach number 4. What he saw when he arrived broke his heart. A small, scrawny boy was busy pulling weeds in the front garden. He was wearing clothes that were much too big for him and patched-up glasses.

He deactivated his spells and approached the boy.

-"Good morning."-

 He looked up with a start and his heart broke a little more when he saw the worry in his green eyes. - "H... Hello."-

He passed the low wall and crouched down in front of him with a reassuring smile. - "Are you Harry?"

He nodded slowly and he saw his gaze pass over his long hair and his eyes, also covered by glasses. - "I am Alvis Black, a cousin of your father."-


-"Really. I am sorry it took me so long to come to see you, but I only recently returned to England and did not know that James and Lily were dead. Are you happy here?"-

He hesitated and threw a fearful glance towards the house, before shaking his head.

-"I see. Do you want to come live with me?"-


It was only a whisper full of hope, and it was enough for him. He held out his hand to help him up with a smile. He was relieved when nothing happened when they came into contact and promised himself that he would do everything in his power to give this child the life he deserved. Harry would be happy and would never end up like him. He would never be broken beyond repair, he swore to himself.

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English.

Proofreader: Proofread and correct the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

Experience is not mandatory. 

In case you are interested, we are also training for the positions of editors (Typper), translators, and Manhwa cleaners.

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