
Chapter 28: The Sheriff's Lesson

Muffled, raised voices echoed inside the mansion as Orion changed. They had trained for a few hours, returning for dinner, and were confronted again with outraged parents. He originally planned to leave and return the next day, but Cassandra firmly rejected the notion after they finished eating.

"Do you plan to attract attention with your adventures topside, putting my daughter in danger?" Cassandra had said, eyebrow raised. "While you assist Caitlyn, you will stay in the guest room."

Cassandra flicked her hand dismissively, her sharp gaze returning to Caitlyn, who stood defiant. Caitlyn had multiple bruises across her face, and when she entered earlier, she stumbled slightly with fatigue.

There wasn't much arguing after that. Orion's eyes glanced at his torn clothes folded neatly on the bed. "She's right, and this is a pretty good arrangement." Orion muddled, moving the clothes to a drawer. "Still, I wish I could see them."


The next morning, wearing matching outfits, Caitlyn led Orion to the city gates, where Greyson was waiting with a pair of horses. Caitlyn's expression continued to carry irritation after last night's argument.

"Are we headed to the lake?" Orion asked, trying to break the ice. Caitlyn nodded curtly, "Yes."

Orion sighed silently as they walked within conversation distance of Greyson.

"Glad to see you two could make it, "Greyson said mildly, her gaze flicking to Caitlyn's bruises. "I was worried it might've been a bit much for you."

"I'm fine," Caitlyn replied, though her voice carried a sharp edge. "Fighting with my parents was more exhausting."

Smiling, Greyson spoke with a comforting tone, "They're concerned. What parents' wouldn't be?"

"That's not what bothers me. It's the coddling! I'm not a kid anymore," Caitlyn fussed, her demeanor ironically resembling that of a kid.

"Of course not," Greyson chuckled softly, earning a huff from Caitlyn, who crossed her arms in frustration.

"How far out are we traveling?" Orion interjected, eyeing up the horses with a raised brow. Greyson casually replied, "About ten kilometers, the lake isn't far. Have you ridden before?"

Orion shook his head, "I'll run." Greyson's eyebrows raised and Caitlyn tilted her head, with Greyson stating, "There is no shame riding with one of us."

Caitlyn giggled, "Are you embarrassed?" Orion clicked his tongue in response, for once crossing his arms back with attitude, "No, it's just good training."

"I'm sure it is," Caitlyn mocked playfully, rolling her eyes. "You won't be able to shoot straight by the time you get there."

Orion raised his eyebrow, his ego igniting as he recalled his previous life on the shooting ranges, "Says who? You don't know how good a shot I am!"

Greyson amused, raised her eyebrow. "Ride with Caitlyn." A no-nonsense tone taking over before she climbed onto her horse.

Orion heard Caitlyn snickering as she climbed the other. Orion sighed and hopped up after her, keeping his mouth shut in embarrassment for even opening his mouth at all. More so as Caitlyn peppered him along the way with teases and taunts.


Birds took flight from the trees as a series of gunshots echoed through the forest.

An outside training course with pressure plates triggering targets in the far distance. Orion thought he would perform well- considering he had experience in his past life shooting rifles at a range.

Greyson demonstrated how to use the gun, guiding him through a few practice rounds before they competed. His skills fell far short, however, in comparison to Caitlyn and Greyson, who were both fast and precise.

Greyson's decision, indirectly telling him to shut up, ended up being the right call. The course required plenty of running between zones, and his lungs weren't prepared for the strain. Halfway through, he was gasping for air and struggling to steady the rifle for each shot.

"At least I'm hitting the targets," he thought to himself between labored breaths, forcing his body to push on.

After training concluded, Caitlyn approached Orion, barely winded, and wearing a triumphant smirk.

"You don't know how good of a shot I am," she teased, mimicking his earlier posture with crossed arms.

Still catching his breath, Orion glanced up and let out a disgruntled noise, weakly waving her off, "Yeah, yeah. You're amazing. I couldn't keep up."

Caitlyn smirk grew, smug and slightly sympathetic, "I know. Still, you did well. I'm surprised you hit all your marks."

"Agh- pity remarks!" Orion restrained from this kind of response, knowing deep down it was just his adrenaline and frustration. Instead, he carefully and slowly chose his words in an attempt to mask his upset.

"I could've been faster. You really are amazing. I don't know why you bother with close quarters fighting if you're this good with a gun."

Caitlyn frowned, seemingly taken aback before she responded. "Aren't you the one who said fighting isn't fair? What if I'm caught off guard?" She gestured toward him, "Don't make empty remarks at me because you performed poorly."

Orion let out a long, defeated sigh and nodded. "You're right, sorry. I'm just frustrated- like you were yesterday," he admitted, bending down to pick up the empty cartridge at his feet.

"I guess we can't be winners at everything," Caitlyn remarked, her frown lingering as Greyson approached.

"Well done, both of you." Greyson complimented, her judging gaze moving between them. "Caitlyn, there isn't much to correct; you did well. Orion, I think you already know what needs improving."

Despite her softened critique, Orion couldn't help but grit his teeth as he nodded. He had his pride, his competitiveness, and it stung with defeat.

Greyson, as always, kept her words concise. She observed him in silence for a moment before speaking with training authority, "Walk back the trails, pick up your casings. We'll head back afterwards."

Both of them nodded, not following up with any witty remarks. Each sensed the other's sour mood, so neither broke the silence as they retrieved their casings. It wasn't until they reached the horses, where Greyson stood with a grey pouch open to collect with her own casings inside too, did it change.

"Thank you for taking me along," Orion said, his face visibly showing that of someone that swallowed their bitterness. "It was fun; I enjoyed it."

Greyson smiled warmly and her voice held a cushioned tone as she spoke. "It is always an experience when someone new comes along. Don't worry- it's nothing I haven't seen before. After all, I'm the Sheriff of Piltover. I've seen young men and women act far more aggressively when they fall short."

Caitlyn broke in with a giggle. "You haven't met Marcus yet."

Greyson let out an exaggerated, exhausted sigh before chuckling in agreement, "Indeed, he's quite the handful. You're far easier to handle than Marcus. Speaking of him, if you meet him, don't taunt him like you did Jayce. It will make problems." She warned at the end, fixing her sharp gaze on Orion.

Orion nodded and chuckled softly, "Got it. Again, thanks. And thanks, Caitlyn. Sorry for acting like that."

"Not a problem," Caitlyn smiled brightly, her expression shifting back to one of happiness. "I'm grateful that you came along!" Orion noted her peculiar choice of words but felt that he understood her meaning well enough.

Once the formalities were done, the trio mounted their horses and began the ride back.

"I'm still the better shot," Caitlyn smirked, breaking the silence again.

"For now. Don't worry, I'll catch up. Then you'll be losing on two fronts!" Orion teased, grinning confidently back.

He felt her shift slightly with playful indignation before a haughty voice replied, "I doubt that."

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