
004- Let's check out the risky ones

THE NEXT DAY @ 9 : 15 AM


Knock knock x 15

Hey Martens wake up or you're really going to miss your final exam.

"Scholes I'm coming let me sleep a lil bit more man" Martens instinctively wanted to say before he flew up from the bed, he went to his phone and checked the time and it was then he knew that he had fucked up.

"Get yo ass out here lad, we gon be having some sherious problems in this house if you really miss those exams" Scholes said in an exasperated manner as if he was short on breath but Martens knew he'd only talk to him like that when he was fuming.

"I'm coming gimme some minutes to dress up" Martens said before rushing into the bathroom. He scrubbed his body well with a nice rinse and under a minute he was out.

[well if a girl is reading this don't bother to ask how it's possible it's a tradesecret ...for the boys.]

Martens could only pray for Scholes's sweetheart to call so that he can escape this but too bad she didn't.

"Santy you have some serious explanations to make" he said in a rather serious tone.

[Yes Martens] santy asked in a formal tone as well as if none of this actually matters to him.

"Oh really so you're acting as if you really don't know. Listen I'm not joking you lied to me and it's not funny" Martens said in a voice that indicated his urgent need for an explanation. The sort of pain he felt the previous night flashed through his mind once again sending shivers down his spine.

[ I do not recall lying to you Martens. I told you it's only a bit of pain but that's only if you soak the pill in some warm water before ingesting it] santy said.

"Oh so why didn't you make that clear, do you even know how painful it felt yesterday" Martens exclaimed.

" But you didn't ask" santy fired back.

"...." Martens was stunned. "But should you have told me anyways" he managed to reply before the urgency of his situation sank in again there was only an hour left before they were done writing the final paper of his GCSE

" I need to go and fast!" He muttered rushing out only to find himself staring at the murderous gaze of Scholes.

"Fuck he's really angry" Martens muttered to himself Inaudibly

"Move man we need to be fast about this " Scholes said hastening things up.

It was only then that Martens felt that his surroundings seemed clearer than usual and his head seemed to be surprisingly clear and free, it was a vindictive feeling and some of the memories he'd forget in his previous life came rushing back.

"Is this the effect of the pill damn so cool" He muttered acknowledging the fact that the pain was really worth it.

"Alright we are here get out of my car and go write something " Scholes exclaimed but Martens was already outside the car rushing to the hall.

"What's with all the shouting today" Ivy muttered but Scholes could hear her.

"I'm sorry cupcake that bloody rascal was about to miss his math exams" Scholes said his gaze softening after he realized that he had neglected Ivy this morning.

" It's okay Uncle Scholes it's because of that rascal" she said mischievously before chuckling

"Don't call your brother that Ivy. Okay sweetheart now run off to class and be a gentle girl today okay" Scholes said while ruffling her hair.

"Okay Uncle Scholes Byeee" she said sweetly before rushing off.

" Bye Baby girl" Scholes said before zooming of in his Acura rdx.

After the exams Martens came rushing out of the hall panting heavily as if he had ran a marathon.

" Damn that was intense....and surprisingly easy" he thought once again realizing that he'd underestimate the usefulness of the soul pill.

" Santy do you have more of that soul pill thing...I'm going to become OP" he asked with a smirk

" Yes Martens check the shop" santy said

" OK" Martens replied with the smirk still glued on his face


[ SEARCH - High tier soul pill]

High tier soul pill:

Helps to improve the power of the soul and improve the soul attributes of the user.

[Price - 200,000 sp]

After seeing the price, Martens felt the whole of his ambitions crumbling down on him.

Feeling disappointed he decided to check the menu to see if there's any changes in his attributes while making his way to Ivy's class.

" santy menu" He said


System Menu


Name: Remi Martens

Age: 16 years old

Strength : 7[ 10 for an average human]

Agility: 7[ 10 for an average human]

Speed: 8[ 10 for an average human]

Soul: 11units[ 10 for an average human]

Host's Businesses: None

Skills; None

Shop: Available

Lottery: locked


Sp: 120

Activation gift available.


Make your first 1 million pounds [after tax deduction]

Duration: 2 months

Rewards: A random high tier skill from the shop and 200 sp

Failure to complete task will deactivate the system for another 1 year.


Seeing his soul stats which was now a unit higher than an average human's a grin was plastered on his face.

When he got to the mission reward part he was a little bit irked.

" I'll only get 200sp after making a million pounds, I might have to sell my soul to make 200,000 sp" he thought before hearing the familiar voice of one of his friends called Philly.

"Hey watxup you came late, I saw you strollin' into the hall at 10 am in the morning, that's some gang shit, you gotta teach me man" Philly said in a funny accent.

" Teach you what, teach a usual latecomer how to come late. Bro I bet if they was sharing a million pounds at school you'd still come late, you own the school mate" I said returning his offer.

"What of my money man " I said after noticing his girlfriend was drawing near.

" Bro seriously, aiit man I gotta go, bye" he rushed off after noticing that Martens won't hesitate to break the bro code if he stayed any longer

" Now let's go get ivy" He said turning around only to see Ivy running at him from a distance

"Sweetheart your done, let's go home" Martens said

"Okay rascal " Ivy replied

Marten's brows twitched After hearing what Ivy called him

" You know what I was planning to take you over to the phone store this afternoon but now that I think of it you're too young to use a phone so let's go home" Martens said

It was only then she knew she had fucked up

" wait a minute, lemme tell you something" Ivy said trying to salvage her situation she wanted the phone so bad

" I was joking okay, don't take it personal " she exclaimed but after seeing that Martens didn't seem to listen to her she made a pitiful face as if she was about to cry and that was when Martens got angry.

" Oh so you've been learning. You can't say sorry but you're trying to make a pitiful face to get out of it innit. Now listen I hate it when girls use pitiful faces and cry every minute to get out of their problems. Ivy you have to learn how to solve your problems without making pitiful faces if you had said sorry we would be at a Sony store right now" Martens said after they got home.

"You're lying" Ivy said amidst sobs before rushing into her room.

Martens sighed before going outside.

He called a cab and came down at a Sony store

"Hey mate I need a Sony ericcson w600" he said to the man at the counter.

" Okay blud that would be 45 pounds" he said after packaging it

" I would like to transfer" Martens said

" Okay boss the guy said" before showing him the digits

After paying for the phone Martens took a cab home and went straight to his room time to get to work he muttered quickly booting his pc.

He open his Etrading account and transferred all the money he'd saved over time into the account

MC's pov



[Account Code: 173282]

[Account Name: Edward Scholes]

[Account Type: Cash Account]


[Total Balance: $20,181.50]

[Available Balance: $20,181.50]


[Market Value of Holdigs: $0.00]

[Buying Power: $20,181.50]


Recent Transactions:

[Fee: $18.50 (Account Opening)]

[Deposit: $200]

[ Deposit: $20,000]


After seeing my account I scrolled down to see the biggest winners of the last month


[Nvidia Corp. ($NVDA)]

[% Gain: +15.7%]


[eBay Inc. ($EBAY)]

[% Gain: +12.5%]


[Yahoo! Inc. ($YHOO)]

[% Gain: +10.2%]


But I knew that these stocks required less risks but guaranteed less profits as well they'll require a massive amount of time to make me a million pounds which I didn't quite have.

"Let's check out the risky ones" he thought to himself before scrolling down once again.

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