


Moving his arms above his head Brandon swung it down and a instant later a aura-ice imbued attack could be seen hitting the scorpion 

It started freezing cut it's leg of directly but before the ice could move to the rest of it's body the scorpion mercilessly ripped off its other leg causing it to stumble and the fall on the ground due to 

 It now being unbalanced 

"Tsk little shit" brandon could feel Yue stiffen on his back she was surprised to see the moment he swung his sword it hit instantly 

And to top it all of she didn't hear him chanting a spell or using a magic circle. Yue realized he had the same kind of mana manipulation ability she had 

He was the same kind as her and for some reason he to was stuck in the depts of hell and earlier he said she was the same as them... Betrayed

Though she knew this was no time to be distracted. She couldn't help but pay more attention to Brandon than Hajime or the monster 

Meanwhile Brandon scooped up Yue again as he continued jumping through the air using aerodynamics as the monster continuously unleashed those spikes 

Suddenly hearing multiple gun shots he looked at hajime just to see him putting on that shit eating grin again

"If you try to get in my way... I'll kill you and eat you" trying his best not to cringe at hajime words

Suddenly stoping...

brandon looked at yue climbing of his back 



"Why won't u run" she asked 

"Pffft hahaha even though we've falled into the abyss I haven't fallen low enough to leave at the sight of danger plus I promised I'd get you out of here no?" I responded quite amused by her

"Do you trust me" was all she asked

Knowing what was going to happen Brandon lowered his natural defenses as well as suppress his passive skill ~evasion~ before he responded without any hesitation 

"Ofcourse" Yue saw in his expression the words he didn't say and nodded with a slight blush before suddenly hugging him 

Wrapping her arms around his neck Yue licked his milky white skin before she bit into him

Feeling the energy leaving his body brandon couldn't help but marvel at her ability

"Hajime get us 5 minutes" screaming at hajime I picked Yue up while wrapping her legs around my waist with my right hand under her butt to support her and my left holding the hilt in case anything happens

While drinking his blood Yue twitched in surprise after feeling his hand on her behind but after a moment she hugged him even tighter

As she buried her head in his neck... looking at her she looks happy? 

Well the main reason she fell for hajime was because he saved her in the first place so now that I did instead and they barely even exchanged a few words 

It makes sense 

"Kshhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" the scorpions roar echoed throughout the dungeon it seems thats about as much time as Hajime could get us

Yue seeming to have gotten the message finally removed her fangs from my neck 

Her face was flushed as she licked the last few drops of blood on her lips

Despite how young she looked the gesture along with her flushed face looked really seductive 

In a span of a few moments her emaciated body had become healthy and her porcelain-white skin glowed with vitality.

Her cheeks once dunk was now a rosy pink A warm gentle light now blossomed in those crimson eyes

As she caressed brandons cheeks with her slender hand

"Thanks for the meal" smiley warily if it wasn't for his grandmaster level regeneration he might really end up like Hajime in cannon with his baggy eyes and dunk cheeks

Yue got to her feet and brandished a hand at the scorpion thing. As she did so a tremendous amount of mana 

Golden in color poured out of her tiny body chasing away the darkness. 

Then clad in a wondrous golden light with her golden hair fluttering around her she muttered a single phrase 

~Azure Blaze~

A massive blue-white fireball at least six or seven meteres in diameter appeared directly above the scorpions head 

Though it didn't score a direct hit the fireball must've caused quite the damage as the beast backed away screeching in pain

However my princess had no intention of letting it escape 

She struck an elegant finger out waving it around like a conductors banton the fireball then followed her finger faithfully 

Chasing after the fleeing scorpion and slammed into it

"Gagyaaaaaaaaa" it screeched in pain letter out a sound brandon hadn't heard before 

It was clearly suffering. As the fireball smashed into it's target the whole room was illuminated in a blinding white light robbing everyone if their sight 

Covering his eyes with his arms Brandon gazed amazed at the display of magic

Eventually the magic wore of and the pale blue fireball vanished. Once the false disappeared the scorpion could be seen writhing in pain 

It's shell pulsing an angry red and parts of it had fused together due to the heat 

Hearing the sound of air tearing apart Brandon caught Yue in his arms before she could fall to the floor 

"Yue are you alright" even though he knew it might just be because of her emptying her mana reserves Brandon couldn't help but feel worried 

"Mh... Just very... Tired" 

"Well rest now I'll take care of the rest" patting her head Brandon turned around as he took out a Brandon new sword 

"Geez I really need a katana, well I guess I'll try that move as I don't wanna spend more time in this crappy room" musing to himself 

~Limite Break~ 

Feeling his power multiply by three times his base power Brandon couldn't help but smile

To other limit break might be a last resort but to him it's nothing more than a normal skills because of his regeneration the damage done to his body or the fatigue it caused

Will be gone after a few seconds he's basically immortal with his level of regeneration 

*Haaah* getting out of his thoughts he exhaled slowly as he took a tai sword stance 

~Focus+lightning clad+doom strike+foresight~

Raising his sword above his head the whole rooms temperature dropped then raised again due to the ice covering his blade then the lightning covering the ice with sword aura to cover it all

Brandon used focus to remove any distractions as this is the first time he's using this skill

And used foresight to see the scorpions next moves as having it dodge this skill would leave them open 

Having seen the future Brandon swung the blade forward without any hesitation 


A massive explosion echoed throughout the room causing it to vibrate the walls exploded with debris falling everywhere

 When the smoke cleared the scorpion could be seen cleaved in half with both sides encased in ice along with lightning frying it from the inside as smoke escaped from the ice 

"Wooow not bad" looking at the broken katana in his hand Brandon smiled warily but nevertheless satisfied with the skill

turning around he could see both Yue and Hajime staring at the scorpion then at home with their mouths wide open 

Walking towards them I said "come on let's got out of here" that seemed to have brought them out of their stupor as Hajime walked towards the scorpion and

Yue towards me with her eyes shining in amazement feeling a little proud I puffed out my chest causing Yue to let out a little giggle

Holding her hand I pulled her closer to me Yue seemed stunned at first but then smiled happily as we walked towards Hajime I stored the carcass in my inventory 

"It's a spacial skill I have for story items" I simply said before he could question me

Walking out of the room Hajime led us to his base as we settled down


"So who are you" Hajime asked Yue as soon as we settled down he still seemed cautious of her

"I was betrayed. As you may have noticed earlier I'm a vampire. I was the strongest in my clan, so I was chosen to lead my people but one day my Ministers and uncle decided they'd be better of without me" said Yue who currently sat on brandons lap who didn't mind 

Yue felt more comfortable in his arms as it reminded her that she was now free and that this wasn't all a dream. Hajime looked at Brandon in surprise as he seemed to be right 

"My uncle wanted the throne for himself. My power was a threat to him. I can't be killed so he settled on sealing me down here" said Yue as she seemed to remember a very terrible memery of her uncle dragging her down here by a collar around her neck 

"<Can't be killed>what does that mean" asked Hajime clearly confused and surprised by her words while Brandon was just keeping quite seeming to have no intention of telling her the truth

"Yeah my wounds heal very fast whether I want them to or not even my head would regrow if you chopped it off. My powers first awakened when I was only 12 and due to that I stopped ageing completely" said Yue with a sad look while Brandon just wrapped his arms around her waist from behind pulling her closer 

"Wait... Wouldn't that mean... Your at least 300 years old" Hajime asked straight forward one of the reasons we could see he's never had a gf as it was an unspoken rule never to ask a woman age

"It's rude... To ask a girls age" emphasizing on the word *girl*Yue looked at him with a blank face obviously not liking her age being brought up while hajime flinched and tried to change the topic 

"Wow that's a hell of a power is that the power that threatened your uncle" hajime asked curiously while cooking scorpion meat for him and Brandon that Brandon took out from his inventory when they arrived here at his base

"Not just that I can manipulate mana directly without incantations or magic circles as you've seen before. I also have an affinity for all elements" Yue said smugly while the two remembered the spell that damaged the scorpion

"Look you don't have to rub in the fact that I dont have elemental affinities, okay" Hajime said clearly annoyed since he knew he wasn't talented when it came to elemental affinities 

While Brandon just snickered at him as he also has all elemental affinities but never used any as he's more inclined to using his sword

"If I remember correctly according to the history books the vampire race was actually wiped out centuries ago due to a war. It's unfortunate but you may be the last of your race" Brandon said tacitly 

" It's fine I'd like to think I was a good ruler to my people despite having only been 17 when I was crowned as queen and ruled only for 6 years before my uncle betrayed me when I turned 23" Yue said saddened but she had felt acceptance

"So do you know what this place is Yue" Hajime asked 

" No.. but they said they said this labyrinth was built by a maverick" Yue said while hajime raised his brows in confusion 

"Maverick?" Asked Hajime as he looked at yue who was roo comfort on brandons lap but she decided to answer what she knows 

"The mavericks... They were once the messengers of the gods but then they rebelled and turned against their masters. Legend has it that they tried to destroyed the world but the gods discovered their plan. The mavericks were forced to flee to the world's seven corners" Yue said recounting her story

" these corners are now known as the seven great labyrinth's. It's said that the mavericks had built a stronghold in the deepest part of each labyrinth. Those labyrinth's might include passages to the surface" Yue said which made Hajime grin 

" I guess we'll try finding that stronghold then. I still have some stuff to do... So go on and sleep if you want" Hajime said as he finished eating the meat and started looking through the loot he had gathered

"So how did you two end up down here?" When Brandon had freed her he had indirectly revealed that they had also been betrayed which made her curious about their story 

"It's not exactly a pleasant one but since you told usyour story I guess it's only fair we share ours" Brandon said as Hajime decided to let Brandon handle this one 

Brandon then explained about how they were just students from earth and how they were summoned here up to the point where they were sent to the labyrinth for a training exercise and how they got betrayed and thrown down here

Hajime had also added a few things onto his story and bedore long Brandon was done with the story. Naturally the story had impacted Yue to the point of tears

"What're you crying for" Hajime questioned 

" That was heartbreaking" Yue expressed her true feelings about the story she was told

[Kouki amanogawa.. he is my enemy he must die for hurting Brandon] Yue thought in her head thinking about the different types of torture she'll put him through before watching as the life slowly faded from his eyes

"Dont worry about it we don't really lose sleep over our old classmates anymore" Hajime said as he started working on a new weapon for both him and brandon as he was asked earlier 

"I can't exactly say I didn't see it coming even before he had always glared at me with hostile eyes but I didn't think he'd make such a move " Brandon said 

" So what are you two going to do then" yue asked

" Reaching the 100th floor for now then going back to our respective homes" Brandon replied while hajime nodded in agreement 

"You two Wanana go back?" Yues asked looking down as she had lost her own people and she was basically homeless 

"Ofcourse we do a lot has changed but..." Hajimes stopped as he noticed the gloomy atmosphere with Yue looking down

"I...have no home to return to now" Yue said as she buried her face in brandons chest clinging to him it was obvious that Yue was attracted to Brandon the most who placed a hand atop her head

"Then come with me...no rather you will be coming with me" Brandon said determined not to take any refusal from the vampire princess

The words had it's effect on Yue as hse blushed and looked at him in surprise. They barely knew each other but yet he was welcoming her into his home and that made the warm feeling in her chest increase

"Our world may be different from this one but I'm sure you'll be fine. What do you think" Brandon asked while Yue gave a bewitching smile that stole his heart 

"Okay" Yue smiled at the man who stole her heart while snuggling her face in his chest for more comfort. Brandon responded by hugging her back as everyone sat comfortably 

Brandon proceeded to unbutton the shirt he was wearing opening to reveal a large portion of his neck he gently pulled her head from his chest into his neck, surprising her

"Brandon... What are you"? " Asked as she looked at him in surprise. When a human shows his neck and offers his blood to a vampire it's considered deep trust between both parties 

"Go ahead. If you want to drink my blood now is the time to do so when we are not being attacked. You will need to recharge yourself so drink your fill don't worry about me as I can regenerate almost instantly which includes my blood so nothing will happen" Brandon said with a slight smile

Yue remembered the taste of Brandons blood earlier which Tasted like the finest wine drink on the planet or not even the finest wine can even compete with the taste of Brandons blood

Which was so addictive that it took all her will power just to separate from it

Now that she was offered to drink his blood she could even hear the rich blood sloshing in his neck. Her mouth watered as she threw herself on him latching to him tightly

Brandon was pushed to the floor as she towered over him drool coming out of her mouth before she buried her face into his neck and sank her fangs into it

As she started to drink his blood with such intensity that it looked like she wanted to suck him dry

[im getting turned on from this... I think I hit ny head during the fall].

thought Brandon feeling some shame that he was getting hard from Yue sucking on his neck 

Not only that. From her latching ok to him her naked bosom and crotch was pressed against him and her hair that released a very nice fragrance made him even harder 

As he buried his face into her hair wanting himself to drown in her fragrance

[He loves my hair... I'm so glad] Yue thought clearly happy to know he is attracted to her 

As if smelling his arousal Yue began rubbing her crotch against his. She instinctively felt the urge to mate with him. She wanted to say 'shrew it' and get rid of this pesky clothes and mate with him but Hajime was there

Even though Hajime may have seen her a little when she was just released from the cube she doesn't want anyone to see her body other than Brandon 

She started to run her hands across his chest further unbuttoning his shirt for feel his body with her own hands 

"You damn bastards" murmured Hajime as he turned around clearly flustered by the sexual act committed before his eyes. He didn't want to see this and so he had to turn his back and look at the wall while continuing to make their weapons


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Possibly the only chapter today but let's keep out fingers cross hopefully I'll have more free time

Brandon_Miller_6615creators' thoughts
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