
35- Returning to Alastor

In the darkness of the night, Sirius shifted from a bird into the form of a bat, screeching with echolocation, making the landscape seem as if it were greyscale, every detail coming into heightened view.

It was better than his nigh vision and allowed him to fly faster than if he were a bird.

In only the span of a few hours, he had returned to his old home.

Madeleine and Brimir were there, even though they had said they wouldn't be.

As he burst into the cabin, Madeleine screamed as she jumped off of her husband who was half undressed underneath her on Sirius and Saoirse's couch.

Barely acknowledging them, Sirius went to the kitchen and grabbed bags of blood from the fridge, drinking them to envigorate his strength.

Madeleine came running into the kitchen with her husband, "You're back! So sorry! We were just checking on your house.." her voice trailed a bit as she saw the mess Sirius was making in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Brimir asked next.

"I think Saoirse's pregnant." He said, not looking at them. His aura of stress radiating off of him and scales were lining his neck and ears. He was looking around the house attempting to make some sort of murder plan, which wasn't his personality at all and he wasn't exactly sure if he could do it.

Brimir and Madeleine stood there in shock.

"Wait… you two finally…oh! Sirius! That's great news, isn't it! That's what you've wanted for hundreds of years! Congratulations! I can't believe it!" Madeleine exclaimed.

But Brimir didn't smile, he watched his friend searching through his junk drawer, grabbing onto a screwdriver and then a hammer, before following him out to the shed to find a shovel. "Sirius, you've got to calm down, I know what you're thinking, but this isn't the right way to handle this!"

Sirius side-eyed him with his primal beast eyes and Brimir struggled to reel him in. "Listen Sirius, are you sure she's pregnant?"

Sirius didn't even hesitate, "I'm sure. I'm not dense Brimir."

He set the shovel down and picked up a crowbar instead, and tested the balance of the weight in his hands.

"Ok ok, I get where you're coming from Sirius, you have to keep her safe right? I get it, but this right here, it's madness! You can't beat Alastor! He's the king!"

"AND I'M THE PRINCE!" Sirius roared at his friend. Fire whipped out of his mouth and sprayed Brimir in the face, catching his clothes on fire. He batted it away, putting it out. He pulled Sirius into a hug and held him tight as his beast fought against his grasp, trying to let itself out to wreck havoc on Alastor.

"Why are you so upset?" Madeleine interrupted them softly taking a stance next to her husband who still held Sirius tightly. "Isn't that what you wanted? I mean, I know you haven't chosen to, but why do you insist that you aren't ready? I'm sure Alastor won't mind…"


"He said that?" Madeleine asked in shock.

"He's going to kill what?" A voice behind them asked.

Sirius was looking at the ground and didn't respond, so Brimir snatched the crowbar from Sirius and pointed it at the intruder who he didn't know.

"Leave him Brimir." Sirius said dryly. "He's Saoirse's brother."

Linus looked at the creature who was wielding a crowbar and admired his black figure that seemed made out of shadow except his bony fingers and the deer skull face that stared protectively back at him.

"Interesting creature you are, I've never seen a wendigo before. Humans have stories about you, you know. Facing one off would be fun and all, but Sirius is right, we're on the same side."

Brimir lowered the crowbar and turned back to Sirius, "Why would Alastor kill your baby?"

Linus scowled at this, "You didn't tell the vampires about Lachlan did you?"

"No, of course I didn't." Sirius answered, "they're not talking about Lachlan."

Linus' eyes went wide, "Saoirse's pregnant?!"

Sirius nodded grimly. "I think so. She hasn't had her normal cycle ever since I….when I drank your blood, I kind of went irrational and we slept together. It was our first time, I guess it resulted in….well, now she's throwing up and eating dog food."

Linus burst out laughing, nearly doubling over, "That's the funniest thing I ever heard! I knew I wanted to make you guys take the next step, but I didn't know you did it on your own! Bahahahaha!!!! He continued laughing."

Brimir glared at his imprudence, "It's not funny! Clearly you caused them a lot of distress!"

"Ok….haha, I'm sorry, it really is funny though." Linus said wiping away a tear and straightening himself back up. Then he got more serious, "So what? You came here thinking you could get rid of Alastor?" He held back laughter again.

Sirius' beast wanted to slap him. Sirius started crying now and sank to his bottom, curling up his body. "No…of course I don't know how to kill him….Its just, this child, it's not a child from my beast, so my father, he's going to think it's weak. I didn't sleep with her in the form of my beast. She's never seen him yet. I just did it because I wanted to, I didn't think one time would hurt anything. We've been so careful for 900 years, we haven't even touched each other since! How could this happen?"

Madeleine sat down next to him and patted his back. "Hey, it's alright, you don't have to face him now, wait until the baby comes, then you can worry about it. You're with the wolf pack now, they'll give you refuge."

Sirius sighed. "I should have been more careful."

Brimir and Linus sat by them and the four of them just sat there on the floor for a while and let Sirius cry.

Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. The sudden sound of heavy clapping interrupted their moment of silence.

Everyone looked up and shock crossed their faces. Alastor smiled at them with immense satisfaction, he then addressed Sirius with a condescending tone,"Bravo son, bravo. What a great performance! Congratulations! Not only did you finally find Amali's long lost son, but you revealed to me who the traitors were that helped you escape.

"I'm afraid you're right though, he said, kicking Linus and Brimir away and grabbing Sirius by the hair, I most definitely will not let you have a baby that doesn't inherit your beast."

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