
'Return to..hell?' Chapter 12

Jungkook,after several sleepless nights, tossing and turning in bed,weighing the pros and cons of both options, finally reached a decision. His parents , hyungs and the Kim's strongly protested. In fact, Jin was rumbling, swearing, threatening. Namjoon was the voice of logic. Jimin was throwing tantrums, thinking of ways to kill his idiot brother and Yoongi was..Yoongi.

Stoic and detached by nature. On the outside!Nevertheless, Jungkook had made up his mind, justifying his decision that he missed Tata not him! He kept repeating it to himself only to make his decision more believable!

Meanwhile, anticipation and anxiety could best describe Taehyung 's state. Waiting for Jungkook 's return had him on edge. He spent many hours at home, surprising the staff. Each time the phone or the doorbell rang, he'd rush to the corridor or answer the phone with sweaty palms and a throbbing heart, only to be disappointed.

Taehyung was so caught up in his baffling emotions, he found it hard to concentrate on anything rather than Jungkook. He realised the younger possessed a big part of his thoughts and of course ,blamed it on JungTae 's condition. He obviously couldn't admit it was him who was anticipating Jungkook's return.

One Saturday , around noon the doorbell rang, Jungkook made his appearance and EunJin breath a sigh of relief.

" What an unexpected surprise! Welcome back Kook! Come...come in!" The woman hugged him." Are you here to stay?" She stepped aside , giving space to enter.

The younger nodded, his gaze roaming the surroundings. Setting foot in that house ,brought back painful memories, along with excitement, making his heart flutter. The girls and Kai welcomed him with open arms, looking pleased with his return. Kai carried his bags to his old room ,except from the one Jungkook handed over to EunJin.

" With papa 's compliments."

" I was dreaming of this for so long! I'll call and thank him!"

" Welcome home , Jungkook."

The younger swifted his head in slow motion, somehow sensing the man's presence and timidly smiled. Taehyung had lost his usual dour gaze and seemed more human , less arrogant.

" Thank you, Mr.Kim."

" I'm glad you decided to come back."

" Don't flatter yourself. I did it for Tata, not you! " The younger didn't beat around the bush, giving him a straightforward answer. He preferred being rude than showing his true feelings.

The statement stung the older 's heart. He understood and justified Jungkook 's behaviour. He was worse to him and had it coming. Still it hurt." Whatever the reason, I'm grateful."

Jungkook 's eyes roamed around the place , searching for Tata." JungTae?"

" Upstairs, as usual." His sad tone , made the younger 's heart clench. It had to be difficult for Taehyung to put aside his pride and be polite to him. The thought brought a bitter chuckle on his juicy lips.

Jungkook moved closer to the staircase." WHERE IS MY SWEET BUN? WON'T TATA COME DOWN TO GREET HIS KOOKIE?" he shouted all excited to see him after so long." IF HE DOESN'T ,I'LL LEAVE!"

The little boy, slightly pale and gloomy , slid down the stairs, dragging his bunny plushie. When he saw the younger, his face beamed." KOOKIE! MY KOOKIE!" he pratted, jumping into his arms." I missed you Kookie! So much!" He snuggled his head in the younger 's neck, gripping on his black T-shirt,as if he would disappear at any minute.

" I missed you too!"

JungTae pouted,his fingers playing with the younger's hoody." Why did you leave Tata? Was I a bad boy? You got angry on Tata?" Tears were forming in his sad eyes. " I promise to be a good boy and always listen to Kookie... eat my veggies too." The little boy blubed and sniffled.

Jungkook cradled him gently." Please don't cry baby. Tata was a perfect boy... I'm not angry at you." The corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of Taehyung 's guilty and terrified expression. He was scared Jungkook would reveal the truth behind his absence. The younger chuckled." Didn't dada tell you?"

His question made Taehyung 's blood run cold." I....I..."he gulped.

" I had to stay at my parents for a while because my papa got really sick and needed my help." he explained smoothly

witnessing the man's body slumping, losing its stiffness. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, smiling at Jungkook.

" Like you take care of me Kookie?"

" Exactly!Such a clever boy you are!"he complimented him, mildly tracing his fingers along the boy's cheeks as he giggled." Can you forgive me bun? For leaving you?" His gaze never left Taehyung." I had no other choice." he emphasized.

The boy hugged him tight." I forgive you Kookie...promise me you won't go again...Tata needs you! I love you Kookie!"

" I love you too...so much bun!"

Taehyung's quilt was written all over his handsome face. He treated him so lame, threatened and fired him and instead of exposing him, he took the blame, showing superiority and kindness. His heart jumbled in his chest. His stomach knotted. His thoughts obscured. How could this boy,naive and unsophisticated, stir his heart so intensely? Make him want to change? Be a better person and a better father?

" A little birdie told me you haven't been eating! Is it true?"

Tata hang his head , pouting." Yes..."

" Why was Tata not eating?"

" Dada was a meany...I wanted to see you but he wouldn't let me"

" Was that a reason to stop eating? Dada was keeping you safe. If you had seen me , you might have gotten sick. He was trying to protect you. As soon as my papa got better I came back."

" Dada didn't scold you... because of her." He cropped his head , whispering to Jungkook 's ear." She ...pushed...me in the water.She is mean...she hates Tata...I don't like her."

Jungkook balked his fists, drew in a deep breath,shaking his head." It's over now, bun. You're safe and I am here. No need to be scared of anyone." He pinched his nose." Papa prepared his most delicious recipes for you, along with your favourite strawberry cookies. What do you say we try them?"

" Let's eat Kookie! I am starving!" the boy hooted, clapping his hands. Jungkook winked at him and both giggled so adorably, Taehyung was staring enchanted, he forgot to breath,as his gaze followed them to the kitchen. The younger set the table, chatting with the staff, displaying his papa 's creations, making everyone drool. Taehyung crept in, leaning against the casing, shoving both hands in his back pockets, watching the younger move around gracefully. When he finished, he placed another set of plates and chopsticks on the right side of the table, stabbing him with his glowing eyes.

" Sit.Eat.It will get cold."

" Mmmmm?" He was left with his mouth hanging open.

" You do eat, don't you?"

" Y-yes...of... course..." he stuttered, as Jungkook gestured him to have a seat.

" Papa will be furious if he finds out you refused to try his food after spending all morning preparing it. He'll consider it a personal insult." He blew out his cheeks, putting Tata on his chair, next to his." Plus he will most likely whine on appa."

Tata giggled loudly, Jungkook begun feeding him and Taehyung sat at the head of the table,moving his things to be closer to the younger. The staff, taking its place at the table,was particularly astonished by the boss's presence in the room.They were unaccustomed to having him there, but mostly because Jungkook gave an order and their cold ass boss obeyed it.

" Jinnie scolds Joonie and he blinks his eyes like this." Tata pretended to be Namjoon making Taehyung choke on his water at his son's action." Then Jinnie shouts' I won't fall for your charm God of Destruction! Get out of my kitchen!"he mimicked Jin ,waving his index finger.Another set of giggles filled the air as he opened his mouth to accept a spoonful of rice. He was about to talk again when Jungkook warned him.

" Swallow your food bun. Don't talk or you'll choke."

The word' choke', initiated several wild images on the man's mind. Jungkook bouncing on him, naked. His hand circling his neck, squeezing his delicate throat. Moans throbbing the room. Bodies colliding, covered in sweat...Shaking his head, disturbed by the thoughts as well as by his hard on poking against his pants. He folded his legs, ashamed by his blatant reaction, in an attempt to hide his erection.

" He has met my parents" Jungkook explained." I hope you don't mind."

" Of course not....I was unaware you had male parents." Taehyung commented, relieved at the change of subject, drawing circles on the top of his glass." You never told me."

" You never asked."

" I didn't know I should."

" Well , I do have male parents.Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin."

" Kookie was in Jinnie's tummy." Tata blurred out , swallowing his bite, acting as if it was the most natural thing. The younger took out a pair of blue children 's chopsticks from his black backpack,handing them over to the little boy.

" Try these. I bought them for you. Since you are a big boy now you should learn how to use them."

" Thank you Kookie!" Using them seemed difficult at first but after the fifth attempt he managed to learn,smiling at his success.

" Excellent bun! That's my boy!" Jungkook patted his head, focusing on his food.

" I love chicken and rice Kookie! They are yummy, filling my tummy!"

" And so nutritious for you! You'll grow stronger!"

" Like you Kookie?"

" A lot more, trust me."

Taehyung was enjoying the bond between them. His son was glowing, smiling after weeks.Jungkook was...a breath of fresh air, that made him hopeful for the future. His curiosity increased , wanting to know more about the young man and his life." What do your parents do for a living?"

Jungkook didn't see that coming, was caught off guard. He didn't think for a moment Taehyung would be interested in knowing about his family. The family he had blantantly threatened, but casually replied." My appa is Managing Director and co founder of K- Auction. Papa is an author. He writes children 's books."

" Your appa is ' the' Kim Namjoon?" Taehyung asked surprised.

Hope embraced the younger, only to be disappointed again." Do you know him?"

" Heard of him from friends. Never actually met him.His reputation proceeds him." He gorged down the rest of his water." He is highly respected in his field. An intellectual...an acute mind with profound knowledge."

The younger 's face lit up , hearing praises about his appa." I'm so proud of him. His accomplishments. His recognition among his colleagues. His love for Arts, poetry, books, introduced me to the world of creativity. Inspired me in so many ways. My appa 's contribution in exploring the endless aspects and forms of Art molded my character. Enforced me to engage in a rather female field...a male librarian is unique. Hardly a man's first choice when choosing profession."

So absorbed in their conversation, they had forgotten the audience, who was merely enjoying the delicious food along with their interactions, occasionally exchanging weird looks.

" One could describe you as... unique." Taehyung 's comment brought blush on the younger 's face." Your papa? Is he well known too? I am familiar with writers, especially of children's books. Tata adores stories. He has a soft spot for K.J. You have noticed the amount of books we have from him."

Jungkook felt like laughing to Taehyung 's oblivious. He couldn't put two and two together." Papa was thrilled to hear his books have such satisfied readers. His work means the world to him. Teaching through stories is his delight." he stated casually, struggling to hide his laughter when the man widen his eyes in total astonishment.

"And your papa is K.J? I thought it was a woman...like J.K. Rawlings. Such depth of understanding concerning children seemed to be coming from a woman....a mother."

" In a way he is. He has given birth to me. Your remark is racist. Compassion and understanding can't be considered only a woman 's quality. You should know better." His unequivocal hint was well received by the man. Duri had given birth to Tata , yet lacked in mother instinct and affection." Besides papa is cautious about his identity, overlooking fame. One of his best qualities apart from whining..."

" It wasn't my intention to insult your papa... I'm sorry for sounding rude." Taehyung was in the habit of asking for forgiveness way to often, when it came to Jungkook. His initial belief about the younger 's simplicity was crumbling down, impelling him to admit the extraordinary complexity of his character.

" You are forgiven...again. Just don't make it a habit. It's irritating." he responded, in a scoffing way,sitting upright.

Taehyung, relieved by his statement, granted him a glowing , boxy smile, melting Jungkook 's heart into a puddle. However, he maintained a straight expression." Eat. It will get cold." he ordered the man, who obeyed again, tasting the food. Moans of delight escaped his stuffed mouth.

" OH MY GOD! IT'S... IT'S..." He was searching for the right words to express his liking." It's heavenly delicious! Wow! Never tasted anything like it before! No offence EunJin!"

" None taken! The woman replied casually." Jin 's cooking surpasses mine. I I should be given lessons from him!"

" Papa 's kingdom is his kitchen!" Jungkook stated proudly." He'll surely appreciate the compliments! More than being praised for his writing!"

The meal continued between small talks and laughter, until it was time for dessert. Taehyung, although he was full, had five cookies as he couldn't stop. It was joyful to feel calm and free with the younger 's presence in the house. Well at least until one Friday afternoon when one of Taehyung 's associates stopped by.


" So..." DaeHo's gaze inspected the surroundings." Where is that cute guy everyone is talking about? Are you hiding him? Afraid someone might steal him?"He winked and handed over some files to Taehyung , who pretended not to hear.

" Who?"

" Your male nanny."

" JungTae 's. Not mine." he corrected him sternly. He had to be cautious around his friend. The last thing he wanted was DaeHo gossiping about Jungkook at the company. The man had an impeccable curiosity at the size of the Sahara desert!

" Man I wouldn't mind having a nanny like him! I heard he is...hot!" He winked at his friend, grinning. Taehyung clenched his teeth, giving him a shut glare with venomous eyes.

" I pay no attention to his appearance. He is an employee." His fake smile made DaeHo even more provoking.

" Of course you wouldn't,bro. You are happily married. And straight."

" I was under the impression you were too." His eyebrow flashed, taken aback.

DaeHo hummed." Gender is irrelevant when it comes to attraction. Male or female makes no difference to me. If I like someone, I go for it!Where is your dear wife? "

" In the States for a movie."

" Mmmm... interesting."

" What?" he asked frowning." Care for a drink?" he asked in an effort to change the subject. His friend was nosy all the years he had known him.

" Too early for me, bro. It seems your wife's carrer is at its peak. K- dramas, movies,fashion campaigns. You must be proud."

" She is successful and highly paid. Her career is her prime concern. She struggled to get this far." The irony in his tone didn't go unnoticed. Taehyung observed his statement didn't hurt him at all. He was in fact relieved she was out of the way, in another continent, gaining more fame. He hoped she stayed there for ever!

" Her family? Husband? Child? Are these included in her concerns?"

He certainly hit a vein.The man glared him in moue." My marriage is not up for discussion. Let's focus on work." He opened the files, browsing through them, yet his mind was absent, looking forward to finishing the work as quickly as possible,so DaeHo would leave without unexpected surprises.

DaeHo was about to serve him a smart answer but stopped when Jungkook appeared.

" I'm sorry to interrupt. I didn't know you had a visitor... wanted to get a puzzle for Tata." He walked to the black bookcase, opposite the couches, grabbing the item. The stranger sparkled at the sudden encounter. Taehyung pretended to be absorbed with the documents.

The man coughed." Since noone is introducing us... Chan DaeHo. Taehyung 's friend.. Delighted to meet you." He offered his hand and Jungkook accepted the handshake.

" Kim Jungkook. Nice to meet you too."

" I know...You are the nanny."

" I prefer the term caretaker. It's less confusing."

" Regardless...the pleasure is all mine, Jungkook!"

That sweet tone infuriated Taehyung. Could he sound more drooling? His eyes were practically ravaging the younger, scanning him from top to bottom.

" I was told you were stunning but reality surpasses the description." DaeHo was awfully bold and straightforward. Jungkook blushed at the compliment, escalating Taehyung 's rage while attempting to tame his heartfelt resentment.

" Thank you...I guess..." His eyes were glued to the newcomer, making Tae curse internally. He felt his friend as a threat, for having the audacity to flirt with Jungkook.

" Without sounding impetuous, would you consider going out with me? If you are free and willing to put up with a dazzled admirer?"

Jungkook was ambushed at the unexpected proposal. Taehyung, on the other hand was filled with an inexplicable anger and desire to throw out his ifiotic friend and fire him. His weakness around Jungkook was draining him. The younger had a powerful impact on him, generating thoughts and emotions he was reluctant or unwilling to unfold. Unlocking them could unleash questions he had no answers to.

" I'm flattered by your proposal but..."

" Sorry. I forgot to ask if you are into men or women." DaeHo asked boldly, neglecting his friend's dour expression and anticipating a reply." Am I making you feel uncomfortable Jungkook?"

" That's not it. This is my workplace and it's not my day off today so..." he responded sincerely.

" Tae has no objection giving you permission. Am I right Tae?" DaeHo 's gaze landed on his friend.

Taehyung hid both hands behind his back, forming tight fists and casually replied." No objections. I can look after Tata." Each word stabbed him like hell.

Jungkook gritted his teeth at his response. Who would have thought his hyungie would push him into going on a date with another man, giving him his blessings. If he wasn't fuming in anger, he would have cried his heart out. Nevertheless, he had no intention of showing his bitterness to that bloody fool." If Mr.Kim is willing to take care of Tata..." he paused." I'll be happy to go out with you DaeHo."

" Great! I'll pick you up at nine?"

" Sounds fine."

" Do you fancy Japanese? There's a new sushi bar near my house. You'd love it!" DaeHo suggested enthusiastically.

" I love Japanese food!"

The man held his hand, kissing it gently." At nine then..."

" I can't wait!" he lied and left with a blank face. Taehyung was a freaking morron!

At nine sharp, DaeHo made an appearance, holding a beautiful bouquet of red roses, passing it on Jungkook. The younger happily took it only to receive a kiss on his fluffy, pink cheek ,as well as a deviant look from his boss. He was dressed in total black. Tight, leather

pants, highlighting his firm, round ass and fit thighs. His half open ,silky shirt exposed his velvet, milky skin , combined to a bike leather jacket and black, chunky combat boots. The definition of wild perfection!

After their departure, the man had dinner with his whinny son, tacked him in bed,read him three bedtime stories and when Tata finally nodded off ,headed straight to his study. He poured himself a glass of whiskey, drinking a nip of the hot liquid, sat on the couch, indulging in his favourite jazz music and shunning any thoughts of the previous events. It only lasted twenty minutes, before out of the blue, he growled, flinging the glass across the room, scattering it into pieces, abruptly getting up.

" WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE? WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT HIM? HE IS FREE TO DO WHATEVER HE WANTS.GO OUT WITH WHOEVER HE WANTS.STOP THINKING OF THAT BOY! JUST FUCKEN STOP!" he snarled, gnashing his teeth. Pacing back and forth, he grabbed the bottle of whiskey, gulping it all down.

" Fuck...I have to figure out a way to bring him back... He must come home...now...before it's too late. DaeHo is a pervert...Think Goddamn it! Think!" The solution presented itself at the right moment. A crying JungTae opened the door, wrapped in a light, blue blanket, his favourite bunny plushie secured in his arms.

" Dada...where is Kookie? Did he leave Tata again?" He yawned, rubbing his half closed ,teary eyes, raising both hands as to be picked up by his father. Taehyung was thrilled and had the best excuse to bring the younger back without Jungkook understanding it was his idea.

" You want Kookie baby? Shall we call him?"

Tata nodded while the man was already dialing the younger 's number." Here, talk to Kookie...ask him to come." he mischievously urged his son.

" Kookie why did you leave me? Tata needs you here...please come back..."

Taehyung immediately stirred in satisfaction at his son's bright mind. Such a clever boy! A born genious! Now , Jungkook would abandon his stupid friend and return home to them!


At the other side of town, the moment Jungkook stormed out of the restaurant, hailing for a taxi, he received a call.

" Hey! It's me...did everything go according to plan?" the sweet voice asked, giggling.

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