
Are You Coming To The Tree?

Kai stood back as he watched Amyla sit down by the base of the tree, fixing her skirt so that it was completely situated above a trunk. Of course, she wouldn't want it to get dirty.

Hanging out with ghosts during free time was acceptable, dirt was not.

That's what Koko was. He could tell just by looking at him, by seeing his apparition shimmer against the few rays of light that shined through the vast canopy created by the tree.

'Hey, don't be shy! I promise he doesn't bite, he's very nice and friendly. You see, you wouldn't know that but that's just because you haven't known him as long as I do–'

The voice in his head just kept talking and talking, as if it was water just freed from the dam. 'Amyla, is that you in my head?'

He watched a smile creep onto her face, first a slight bend but quickly becoming a full-fledged smile.

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