
Daily Life No. 02 (R-18)

Stifled moans filled the bathroom.

Popola, short of breath and flushed red, joined Apex for his morning bath. Normally it was Devola who took up that task while Popola handled the cooking, but today the former had offered to switch things up and handle that.

And he knew why.

"Relax, Popola." He encouraged, both of his hands beneath the soapy water, one wrapped around her waist to keep her in place and the other between her legs, a finger sliding in and out of her soaked lower lips. "You don't have to worry about anything else right now. Just enjoy yourself."

Whether it was due to his whispered words or the mounting pleasure, her tension began to ease away. She laid her head onto his shoulder, wet hair splayed across, and she finally allowed herself to fully settle into his lap. Shifting his other hand from her waist, Apex grabbed hold of her thigh and spread her legs just a bit wider as he added a second finger into the mix, the digit sinking through her entrance with relative ease.

This time Popola didn't hide her pleasure, allowing her rising moans to fill the room.

He and Devola both agreed that Popola worked too hard for her own good, almost never relaxing since they started watching over him. So, he did little things like this. A little one on one time where he put her pleasure before his. While it wasn't always sexual in nature, Devola assured him that sex was the best form of R&R for Popola.

He was pretty sure that woman was just a bit of closeted pervert…actually closeted didn't apply to her at all. She was far too blunt.

Making use of his thumb, Apex rubbed and flicked the numb of Popola's clint, her moans growing more frequent. Considering they more or less went at it every night, he was intimately familiar with her body, the soapy water a nonissue to his wandering hands.

"I-I'm going to-"

"Go ahead." As if awaiting his permission the entire time, a shake racked her body, a rush a sticky liquid coating his fingers as well as diluting the tube's water. He slowed his fingering as Popola rode the waves of her climax before pulling his digits free of her tightened pussy.

She stayed against turning her head to meet his eyes. "That-that was amazing." She whispered. The whole time her eyes were drawn towards his mouth but she kept tearing them away. It was odd; despite all they've done together, Popola never tried to kiss him, unlike Devola who took every chance to start a make-out session. Maybe her warped sense of responsibility made her think it would be disrespectful. Either way, he let it be. She'd move at her own pace.

Popola shifted, grinding along his length that had been tucked between the soft valley of her rear.

"Should I-" She let the unfinished question hang in the air.

"Only if you want." He reminded her. Even if he made all these one on one sessions about her, Popola was never satisfied with being the only one to cum.

As expected, she rose up slightly, hands taking gentle hold of his hardened length and poising it to her entrance. Then she lowered herself, not stopping until she was fully situated back in his lap and his dick was pressed against her deepest parts. They moaned in unison, Apex laying his head back against the tub's edge and basking in the heat of her clenching walls.

This was her time. If she wanted to spend it attending to him, he was going to kick back and enjoy that decision.

Once the shifting water settled she rose up, climbing to the tip of his rock hard length and sliding back down. Slow at first, she soon took hold of the corners of the tub, and while not moving quickly, noticeably picked up the pace. Normally he did his best to match her, fending off his release until she showed signs of reaching her own, but again, this was her time.

It didn't take her long to ride a release out of him, his vision blurring as his throbbing length firing off shot after shot of cum into Popola's hungry depths as she brought herself down again. She changed up her movements, rocking her hips in an almost circular pattern in an effort to keep him as deep as possibly as she drew out every drop of cum she could.

"What's taking you two so long, the food is-" The door to the bathroom opened, revealing Devola who raised her eyebrow. "Huh, you just can't help yourself can you, sis?"

"Devola! P-Please close the door." Popola called out, ceasing the movements of her hips, embarrassed for reasons he didn't understand. You'd think she'd have no problem with Devola walking in on them considering all the revealing positions she took right in front of her but apparently not.

Just another thing that made it impossible to look at them as nothing more than machines.

"Alright, Alright. Just hurry up. I worked too hard cooking this food for it to get cold." Devola said while closing the door, or rather, nearly closing the door. Her eye was still very much visible in the slight crack she left.

"Devola." Popola called out again.

"Fine." This time the door closed all the way, leaving them to their privacy.

She took a breath before glancing back at him, her reddened face turning him no matter how much he saw it. "One…one more time?" She asked, putting a sway back in her hips.

"Its all up to you." He reminded her.

She bit her bottom lip, thinking for a moment, before riding him once more.

Popola might not ask for much but she did take what was offered to her.

-Route A, No. 013-

Apex dug into the dirt of cabin's garden, tearing out a patch of weeds without damaging anything nearby. He moved quickly, starting from one end of the garden and arriving at the other in record time, filling the wooden basket beneath his left arm with the uprooted vegetation. Despite the force he was using, he also made sure not to crush the weeds themselves; according to Popola some were quite nutritious and would help provide variety when she was prepping meals for him.

Clearing the entire garden of the invasive things didn't take long, Apex standing up and joining Popola near the backdoor steps where she was watering some flowers.

"Thank you for the help, Apex, but you should let me handle it." Popola said, setting aside the offered basket and raising her watering can. She tipped it over, the cold water running over his hands and washing away some of the dirt.

"Its no trouble. I need the practice." He assured her while rubbing his hands together. Like so many other things he did, finding the perfect amount of strength needed to make the task of weed pulling a breeze without unnecessary damage, would help refine his control in the long run.

"You should at least wear gloves. You could come down with a sickness or a disease if anything dangerous were to start growing."

"I highly doubt that will be problem."

'Careful, master.' Navi piped in. 'Arrogance is often said to lead to the downfall of many. It is wise to become comfortable with your abilities but do not allow them to lead you to taking on additional risks.'

"But next time I'll make sure to do that." Apex added, getting a satisfied smile from Popola. With the way he could shape his body at will he doubted any naturally occurring disease or virus would be able to do anything to him, but Navi was right. Better careful than sorry. Plus, he'd be putting Popola's mind at ease, killing two birds with one stone.

Apex idly watched as she went back to watering some of the flowers. Most of the potted ones closest to the cabin weren't meant for eating, their colorful petals and healthly stems providing color and life to the place. "You and Devola must be fond of flowers." He said off-handedly.

"We are though I'm not sure why." She admitted. "Watering them always had a way of calming me."

'According to compiled data on the twins, I believe that fondness may be a consequence of the absence of humans. They were built to as caretakers for humanity and in an effort to act out that purpose, they've turned to gardening as a substitute. An alternative way to foster life.' Navi said once more. She was becoming a bit more vocal, offering information that had nothing to do with goal of keeping him alive. A sign she was beginning to share in the individuality Popola and Devola possessed despite their status as androids? 'Negative, master. I am not programmed to express this individuality you speak of. Better understanding the twins will allow you to get along with them. Maintaining a positive relationship with them will see that your social needs are always met.'

'Whatever you say.'

'…Data from our previous interactions indicate that to be sarcasm, master.'

Apex cracked a small smile as Popola set down the watering and reached for one of the flowers she'd yet to water. To his surprise she grabbed hold of its stem and managed a clean break, pulling it from the others, then turned to him, holding it out.

A deep vibrant red, the flower had fully bloomed, its petals full and healthy, and its middle a darker shade that almost appeared black in certain parts.

"Can I?" Popola asked.

"Go ahead." Apex said. There was no point telling her that she didn't need permission to touch him. He'd done so over the past several days and it was like talking to a brick wall.

She reached, standing on her toes as he lowered himself slightly, and slipped the crimson flower between the right side of his messy bangs, the stem resting behind his ear, not too differently from how she wore the white flower in hers. She stepped back. Then her smile widened.

"I think that one is a good fit. It matches your eyes." Popola said.

Apex returned the smile, fighting the foreign heat that rose to his face. He often caught the twins looking his way but it was easy enough to pass that off as infatuation with the fact he was human. Genuine words like that though caught him off guard. "I'll try my best not to ruin it then." He said while running a finger of the delicate yet plush petals.

Getting embarrassed over a compliment like that? There was something to be said about how they were taking very out of order steps in their relationship, but he couldn't be bothered. Instead he took a seat on the back porch and watched Popola diligently carry out her work.

Watching her amongst the flowers, beneath the every present sun and a slight breeze swaying her hair assured him of one thing.

Beautiful. Sexy. No one word would ever do her justice.

-Route A, No. 013-

Apex carefully plucked one string on Devola's guitar, his fingers glowing over another as he moved to-


"You know, saying that is more distracting than helpful." Apex said, giving Devola a side eye.

"How else are you going to know you made a mistake?" Devola said. She grinned, bumping his shoulder with hers. "Go ahead and take off that fur."

Apex sigh but followed the veiled order, handing the guitar over to her before standing up from the living room's couch and untying the fur he kept around his waist, hanging it over the cushion behind him. As he sat back down, Devola began to play the upbeat tune she was attempting to reach him.

"You know, this game of yours isn't fair at all. How am I supposed to know if you did something wrong when you're the one teaching me?" Apex said. Devola only winked at him, continuing to fill the clearing with her perfectly memorized chords, not even needing to look down at the guitar like him.

This game, or motivation, as Devola put it, was simple. They'd take turns playing a tune of her choosing. When either of them messed up, that person could give the other an order and if he played it right he'd be able to give her an order. Despite the fact that he had two ways of getting her to do as he wanted, he couldn't be at a greater disadvantage. They were leagues apart in terms of skill.

This was all just an elaborate set-up to get him naked.

"Another perfect performance." Devola said while coming up on the end of the tune.

"Not quite." Popola said from the kitchen area. "You messed up on-"

"Sis! Come on, you're supposed to be on my side here." Devola complained before her apparent mistake could be pointed out. "Ignore her. She doesn't what she's talking about."

Apex shook his head, seizing the opportunity. "You heard her. If anyone is going know when you messed up, its going to be the person your always with." He said, crossing his arms, eyes running over her form. Might as well follow her lead in terms of the orders they were giving out. "Go ahead and take off your pants."

Devola huffed but stood up while handing over the guitar. She undid her buckle of her white belt then the button of her pants, bending over as she slid them down her legs, revealing the panties hiding her shapely rear. All the while, he enjoyed the view. Sure, he'd seen her naked several times by now but there was something different about seeing her partially dressed.

"Even with Popola on your side, you know you're going to lose right?"

"Lose? There's no order you can give that can turn this into a loss." He retorted while preparing to play. Devola snorted, all smiles as she settled back down beside him.

And so he began to play once more, plucking at the strings while thinking back to her first demonstration of the tune. Against all odds, defying his stark inexperience, he managed a perfect recreation. A true miracle, born from talents he didn't know he had.

"Wrong." Or so he wished he could say. Apex sighed as lowered the guitar, awaiting whatever order the smug woman had in store for. "Since she wants to stick her nose in my business, go over there and shut Popola up." Devola said. Shut her up? What did she mean by-

Devola's smile had morphed into that mischievous grin she always wore and quickly he caught on the meaning of the words. This woman really was something else.

Apex stood up and headed over to Popola.

"Hold on a moment. What do you mean by that, Devola?" Popola asked, the only one in the cabin confused.

"Oh, you'll see. And you'll be thanking me for it later." Devola assured her.

Apex entered the kitchen area.

"W-wait a minute. I would like to at least understand what's going on before-" He interrupted her, closing the distance between them, hands planted on either side of the stove behind her to prevent any escape.

"You've got five seconds to push me away." He warned, holding his face mere inches away from her.

"W-Wha-I-I don't-" Popola, red faced and finally catching on to what was happening, fumbled for her words, looking everywhere but directly at him.

"Five." He said leaning just a little closer.

"You-you don't have to listen to Devola." Popola stuttered out, still looking away.

"Four." He continued the count, now close enough to feel her slightly picked up breaths on his lips. "Three."


"Two" Apex said, ignoring Navi's call as well as his own quickened heartbeat, before pressing his forehead to Popola's. She finally met his eyes, holding his gaze for a moment before slowly closing them and inching forward ever so slightly. All the approval he needed. Apex didn't bother finishing the countdown, closing the rest of the distance.

Her lips were soft and a sweet taste lingered on them. He brushed his tongue against them but did no more, keeping the would be first kiss, short and sweet. As he pulled away, Popola's eyes stayed close, her cheek the reddest they've ever been.

"Hey, is something burning?" Devola asked.

Only now did Apex pick up on the searing pain from his hands. He yanked them away with a hiss, fresh burns marking. Placing his hands on an old fashioned wood fueled stove; probably the stupidest thing he's done since waking up. That explained why Navi tried to get his attention at least.

"Apex!" The girls immediately moved to dot over him but he waved them off showing off the already healing skin to them.

After they got a close look at his hands, he and Devola left the concerned and embarrassed Popola to cooking. It went without saying that she stayed out of the game least Devola put her in another situation like that.

-Route A, No. 013-

The cabin's typically unused fireplaced crackled, its flicker embers filling the main room with a soothing warmth. It was highly unnecessary given that Popola and Devola didn't need the extra heat and Apex's body was more than capable of regulating his temperature in a little chill. But he didn't want their efforts to prepare firewood to go to waste so they made use of it now and then. He rather enjoy it for reasons other than the heat.

The three of them sat on the couch, Popola curled into his left side and head laid on his shoulder. Devola laid across her part of the couch, head laid in his lap. Both were sound asleep, occasionally shifting as he stroked their hair.

Cuddling by a fire was damn good way to end the day.

400 powerstones this week is crazy people. I'm kind of surprised I can even reach numbers like that without cranking out updates every single day of the week but y'all are proving me very wrong. Thank you for showing so much love to this story.

While I did technically release an extra chapter this week, I wasn't really counting that one as the bonus chapter since I just happened to get more typing done than usual on that day. Since you guys are so awesome enjoy this little bonus chapter of some Popola action and cozy living. We'll be back to fully progressing what I guess can be called the main plot next week. Hope to see you all then.

Been really enjoying this writing stuff. To all my fellow readers who never given it a try, take a crack at it. It'll be difficult of course, I won't lie to you and say otherwise, but you might just find something you thoroughly enjoy like I have.

Looking back, I'm noticing I'm a bit of a vanilla boy when it comes to writing sex. Probably my wholesome side manifesting through the horni. Gonna need to experiment more in that regard.

That aside, I'll see you all in the comments and/or Monday.

TheContradictioncreators' thoughts
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