
Before the Festival


Thats the sound Bakugou did as i punch him in the stomach for the 5th time in a row, after i offer him training he started coming day after day to get his ass beat

The rules are simple, we get to use all four limbs but no quirk involved, straight hand to hand combat, i'm no expert, in my original life i just did some boxing and never really fight anyone

But, since i have a lot more of combat experience thanks to the U.S.J incidente and working a double life as Karma i'm years away from Bakugou

Anyways, i look at him as he stands up, trembling and sweating with his shirt tore off, i smile as he starts running at me

-You are very predictable-


He starts with a kick, instead of a punch, good, he is starting to try new things, the kick is directed to my stomach so, i move a little to the other side and when the kick comes in I grab it, leaving him exposed

This is not the first time he tries that, so, predicting my movement he use his other leg to throw another kick at my head, i move my head back and i'm able to dodge it, before he can move any further i grab his neck and push him onto the floor as he is in the air

He impacts on the ground and spits a lot of saliva, i stand up and start walk away to my initial position, he starts to breath more heavily so i just say

-Good work, you are getting a lot better in close combat in my opinion, but our time with the training ground is over, good luck in the festival-

He doesnt say anything, he just grabs his things and leaves, i stay a little more organizing everything we use, as i leave i see three of my classmates, they recognize me and wave at me

Kirishima, Denki and Mina, i get closer to them and see that they are in their training uniform

-Oh, so you are the ones that reserve the training ground after us?-

-Yeah dude, you also are training with Bakugou right? How do ...-

-Akuma Akuma, do you want to train with us?!-

Before Denki could say anything more Mina interrupt him and start jumping as she asked me, i looked at my clock and look at her with a smile

-Sure, i have time-

-Lets gooo!-

She says as she cheers with her eyes to the air, Kirishima pats my shoulder and Denki smiles at me with confidence

What is this feeling? Is because of the attack? Why they are so friendly to me? They used to be more cautious around me but now they act different

-So, how are going to do this? 2 vs 2?-

-Mmm, what about the three of us against you?-


I was stretching with my hands behind my back as Mina says that with a smirk on her face, i look at the other two expecting that they were against it but they looked at me with fire on their eyes

-Oh....well, if that is what yall want i can do it-

-Yesss~ You are the Best Akuma!-


As Kirishima screams to motivate his team they get into a group and start talking of what i think is strategy, i just end streaching and look inside me

Just as Recovery Girl said, my mode "Ultra Violence" is dangerous not only to me, but if given the case of using it in the future i can end up hurting civilians since in this state i cannot control myself

So, i started trying to make a version less powerful but controllable, to this i end up creating the "Chained Mode" is just like it sounds, a version more agile and powerful of my normal state that i can somewhat control by putting a little burden on my body after finishing used it

-Fine! We are ready!-



I get surrounded for the three of them as i start activate the "CM" (Chained Mode)

-Whoa?! Is just like in the U.S.J!-

-Dude...You are really going all in?-

-Don't worry, this is not "that" fase, this is more lighter-

I can see for the corner of my eye how Kirishima and Denki activate their quirks, Mina on the other hand is with her eyes closed

So, they plan to use Kirishima and Denki as main force to ambush me with Mina acid?, I get no more time to think as both of them jump at me



"Chained Mode"

I made a mask on the spot, a solid black full face mask with a single vertical line on the middle, yes i copy it from bondrewd, what can i say

I stop Kirishima fist, even if it didnt make any damage to me it make me back down a little, as i have my hands occupied Denki manages to pass behind me and as he is about to electrocute me from the back i make two hands come of it and reduce him in no time

I move my hands away from Kirishima and use the momentum to hit him pretty hard on the jaw, as he is stunned i move behind him making Denki free

Before Kirishima can turn around i hit a leg kick in his kneecaps


He falls onto his knees, before i can finish him, Denki comes flying at me and tries to attack me several times

I block and dodge everything, as he uses electricity in his attacks i make my hands harder to withstand the power

When im about to push back i notice i cannot move my feet, Shit!, i look behind me and there is Mina with a little smile

Kirishima is already standing, he looks at me and start dashing, Denki starts his attacks again and Mina is using some type of acid to try and leave my legs unable to move

As time starts to move slower i can see how this is going to end, if i continue to fight like this i'm going to lose

So lets change a little

I grab my core and launch it to Kirishima, before he can even notice what is it, my whole body is already there, just like teleportation

As i'm in the air with my newly created body i do a cartwheel kick, landing onto Kirishima back head, breaking the armor

I land in front of him, putting my body to the floor level while he is processing the first hit, i move my hips and but my body weigth to hit him with a kick in his stomach

As i see his armor breaking he flies to the other side of the place, before i can think another thing Denki is already rushing at me

Now that he is free to use his Quirk is more dangerous than ever, but that is no problem, i send multiple threads at him, he destroys most of them, but one grabs his toe, and thats all, the thread make him lose his balance and before he can fall im already there

I grab his face and I reduce him by tying his entire body with my threads, as he falls like a caterpillar i start walking towards Mina

-W-wait! Akuma-Kun! you already won!-

I stop in front of her as she beg me to not hurt her, her expresions are very funny, it's obvious i'm not going to do that but she doesnt seems so convince

As she moves her eyes and arms like crazy i par her head with a smile, i can see a little blush but i ignore it

-It was a good plan, it may had work against Deku or Lida, i'm sorry, but i'm way stronger-

-T-thanks, i was sure we were able to beat you-

-DAMMIT! I was sure that it was going to be easy!-

I laugh as Kirishima looks at me with some respect? Anyways, i free Denki and start walking away as they keep talking between them

-Thanks Akuma!-

-Yeah, yeah, lets do our Best tomorrow-

As they laugh and i leave i cant help me but smile

So i have friends huh?

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