

Kenji Tsuragamae

I enter the scene after i show my identification as Police Chief, since my face is almost impossible to confuse it's not necesary at all, but since it's law i cannot avoid it

9 people Died yesterday around 2:00 am, we found a whole ton of drugs about to enter our country, this happen because our Incompetence

I clench my fist as i walk to the corpses of the víctims, this was a genocide made from a Quirk

I get closer to the detective analizing the mural that was made with the blood of one of the victims, Naomasa Tsukauchi and his cat companion Sansa Takamawa

Both of them stop what they are doing to salute at me, i just make them the signal to stop and start the conversation

-What do you think Naomasa? A new Vigilante in Town?-

-Considering the violence used and the metod we can surely said that, but it goes more deeper than that, this "Karma" guy, is a novice-

-A novice you say?-woof-

-Yes, he surely knows how to use his Quirk, he can Dodge bullets and it's good at fighting considering the broke bones the victims present but he cannot kill, look-

He starts to guide me between the victims, Naomasa grabs with his cold face and points the cuts

-Mmm, they are irregular, they werent clean-

-Yes, also, this doesnt look like any normal weapon so his Quirk must be around his body, we can confirm this by looking at two things, first, he is capable of survive large falls, he enter the scene by jumping off that building -

He points the ceiling where a broken glass stays like evidence to sustain what he says

-Also, he can also survive bullets without caring to much-

He hands me a plastic envelope used to collect evidence full of crushed bullets, as if they had hit something that repel them

So he already have a case with this little evidence huh?

-You did a great job Naoma..-

When i'm about to congratulate him i notice that him is very angry, looking at the whole scene, well, it's normal, he always hated vigilantes

-Karma huh?-

He says as he looks at the sky from the ceiling glass the suspect broke, as he lights a cigarret and puff a cloud of smoke

-It doesnt matter if this people were trafficking drugs, you did something far more deporable and ilegal, i'm going to catch you, and i'm going to make you pay for your crimes-

I approve his position, we are going to catch him no matter what, as i grab his Shoulder i say

-Lets focus on the main thing right now, contact the Korean Embassy to proceed with all this people-woof-

-Yes Sir!-

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

Akuma Matsumoto

Well, i was expecting this, they finally made public the crime scene that i did, what i wasnt expecting is the whole bunch of Anxiety i was going to develop after i hear the reporter talking about possible suspects, i throw up while she was talking about it and the sirens in hear in my way to the UA was driven me insane

And my classmates didnt help a thing

-Did you see?! Did you see?!-

-Yes!! That Karma thing! They made a whole deal in the news, that wall was gross!-

-You two! Do not talk so well of a Vigilante, he is not a Hero! He is the same as a Villan, maybe even worse!-

Denki and Kirishima were talking about Karma and then Lida intervine with his usual Robot movements, that make the whole class start to talk about it

-Whoa, so he did that?!-

-Gross, Completely gross-

-Yeah, that is not something a Hero would do-

-I cannot aprove that in the slightest-

Mina, Jiro, Uraraka and Momo started to see in Mineta phone the news report, not only give Lida almost an aneurism but also mess with my nerves

What if they recognize my style? I mean, Jiro and Momo already see my quirk in full picture, yeah i change my whole style but if only a single seed of doubt start to grow i'm fucked

Deku, who notice me staring at everything and nothing at the same time touch my Shoulder

-Did you see it too, Akuma-kun?-

-I live close to the place-

Now, this could may sound like a self incrimination but in this society a UA student is somewhat close to a Saint, so, if i openly admit i live close to the crime they should A

Automatically put me out of the radar


As the whole class screams, i realized that even if it was a good plan, i am not prepared to the interrogation is going to have place in here, please Aizawa, don't take your time and save me

-Did you hear the shoots?!-

-You live in close to that place?!-

-Isnt that the what they Call "The Guetto?-


I just close my eyes And try to pass away, as the questions keep attacking my ears i almost cut them away, but in the end, i end up making a fake history, after all, the Guetto is too poor to afford cameras, so i can say whatever i want

After almost 10 minutes of me answering questing Aizawa finally burst in and announce that we are going to the training ground U.S.J

With another burst of laughter and cheering the class go to the changing rooms

I can just stare to the sky and pray for myself, i hope this goes well


In a dark bar two people talk, the bartender, a guy well dressed and with a metal neck covered in purple mist is talking with a blue haired guy, the most featured part of this man is the hand that is covering his face

They are both looking at the screen Where they just talk about two things

All Might stoping 3 crimes in an hour and the new supposed Vigilante "Karma"

The blue haired guy looks at the Purple one and talks

-Should we try and reach to him?-

-Its to late for that, that time is almost here-

-I know, we are going to CRUSH All Might, maybe later, we can contact this Karma guy-

-Get everyone ready, and prepare the Nomus-

-Yes, Shigaraki-kun-

A strange fog covers the place as both dissapear, in the screen only a name can be seen


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