
Chapter 12: Aftermath

In The King's Office were Ansel and Cobsworth.

Ansel sat behind his desk, shaking his knee in anticipation, while Cobsworth watched him, amusement painted on his face.

"Anxious are we," Cobsworth bantered.

"I don't know what to say to her. I mean she's going to waltz in here looking as beautiful as she's ever looked. She's going to completely take my breath away, and I… I don't know what I'm going to say. I already can't focus when she's around. She's the one who has my heart. I mean how can one woman be so perfect. I mean her eyes, her hair, her voice, everything about her… It drives me mad. I won't be able to take my eyes off of her," Ansel rambled.

"Well it's official Your Majesty. You're in love," Cobsworth grinned, being met with Ansel's love dazed stare.

"I can't deny it. I'm in love with Lady Gabrielle, but I can't let her know it just yet. I want her to feel comfortable around me first before I confess my feelings for her and hopefully she'll allow me to court her," Ansel spilled.

"I'm sure Milady will love for you to court her, Your Majesty. Don't be so nervous," Cobsworth comforted, giving a soften smile.

"I think I'll feel much better when she finally gets here," Ansel stated, tapping his finger in his desk, "It's been over an hour and the anticipation is killing me."

"I'll go check on Milady and see where she is right now," Cobsworth chuckled, heading towards the door.

"Thank you Cobsworth," Ansel sighed in relief.

Cobsworth left the room heading for Gaberille's bedroom.

On his way there he bumped into Hattie and Nylah.

"Move out of my way old man," Hattie snarled, pointing her finger in his face, "I have things to do."

"I hope you don't plan on bothering His Majesty. He's busy," Cobsworth stated, rolling his eyes.

"What she does and who she talks to is none of your business," Nylah scolded, gritting her teeth, "You are a servant and she is a Lady. Don't you dare question her or pry in her business."

"It's best you two leave His Majesty alone. He only wants to see Milady and doesn't want to be bothered with senseless nonsense." Cobsworth warned, glaring at them.

"We'll do whatever we want, thank you very much, now get out of our way," Nylah jeered, pushing Cobsworth out of their way.

Nylah and Hattie left as Cobsworth watched them, shaking his head.

He continued walking, making his way to Gabrielle's room.

Knock, knock, knock

The door to Gaberille's room swung open and Josephine walked out.

"Cobsworth, what are you doing here," Josephine asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I've come to get Milady, His Majesty has been patiently waiting for her for over an hour. He's about to explode from anticipation," Cobsworth chuckled, "So where is she?"

Josephine's eyes widened. "Milady left 15 minutes ago, she should've already made it down to his office," Josephine responded, worry filling her mind.

"Well she couldn't have gotten far. Let's go look for her now," Cobsworth said, leaving the room as Josephine followed behind him.

In a bedroom Gabrielle stood, with two others servants and a guard.

Her face being tightly gripped by the guard, leaving red marks.

"So what will it be," The Guard taunted, "Will you be good or are we going to have a fight on our hands?"

"Please if it's money you want, I'm sure I can get you some. Please let me go," She begged.

"Let you go before the party's started? No way! We want to have fun," The Guard tormented.

She kicked the guard in the leg, making him let go of her face. She tried to get to the door, but was quickly grabbed on both arms by the two servants (one holding each one of her arms).

"Please let me go now!" She shouted, trying to get out of their grip.

"I like the hard way," The Guard laughed, "You have a good kick on you, I hope you have more fight left."

"You don't want to do this," Gabrielle reasoned.

He grabbed her by the face, forcing a kiss on her.

"Yes I do," The Guard grinned, playing in her hair.

Her body shook from disgust, as tears filled her eyes.

"Please don't do this," Gabrielle begged, tears beginning to drip down her face.

"It's already done," The Guard laughed, ripping tulle off of her dress.

"No, please, stop," Gaberille screamed, as the guard and servants started ripping her dress, leaving holes, revealing the slip dress underneath.

"Gabrille," They heard a familiar voice call.

The servants and the guards stopped looking towards the door as they heard Gabrielle's name being called again.

Tears filled Gabrielle's eyes as she looked for the door.

"Help m-"

Gabrille's scream was interrupted by the guard tightly gripping her mouth.

"Shut up," The Guard barked.

"Gabrielle," The same familiar voice called out, "Gabrille, where are you?"

"You better shut up or else I'll kill you right now," The Guard jeered, tightening his grip.

She looked deeply into the guard's darkened eyes, biting down on his hand as hard as she could until he let go from pain.

She screamed, "Help me," her mouth quickly covered by the servant that tricked her.


The door to the room swung open, Josephine and Cogsworth stood at the doorway. Their widened eyes seeing the guard holding his hand in pain and Gabrille sitting on the floor, with her dress ripped, revealing her slip dress, and the servants holding on to each one of her wrists.

Their eyes shifted in horror as they rushed into the room.

"Let go of her now," Cobsworth growled, his body pumping with rage.

The servants let go of Gabrielle and Jospehine grabbed a cover off of the bed, quickly covering Gabrielle with it.

"What is the meaning of this," Cobsworth raged, slapping the servants.

"Are you alright," Josephine comforted, holding Gabrielle in a side hug.

She looked at Josephine, tears blurring her vision. "They tried to… They were going to…" She paused, tears rushing from her eyes. She covered her face.

"She's lying," The Guard shouted, "She was trying to entertain us."

"Shut your mouth," Cobsworth scolded, punching the guard in the face, making him drop to the floor, "If you think that anyone is going to believe that she tore her own dress and is crying for no reason you must be the dumbest man alive. Just wait until His Majesty gets ahold of you. The three of you are done for."

In The King's Office Ansel continued to sit at his desk. Shaking his knee in.

Knock, knock, knock

He quickly stood up from his chair, hurrying from behind his desk.

"Come in," He beamed, looking at the door.

The door opened and Hattie and Nylah entered the room.

They bowed, watching as Ansel's smile died down.

"What do you want," Ansel scowled, "I'm busy."

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, but I felt it very urgent and important to come talk to you right away," Hattie murmured, "You see I saw Milady take three men to a room. I think she's going to entertain them."

Ansel rolled his eyes, looking away.

"Why do you think that," He doubted.

"Well I overheard one of the men talking about a newsletter concerning Milady. Something about her entertaining men from Holden. She must be up to her same old tricks," Hattie informed.

Ansel's eyes widened as fear filled his heart.

"Please allow me to take you there," Hattie purred, a smirk coming on her face, "I know exactly which room she's in."

"Take me now," Ansel responded, his heart beginning to race.

He followed behind Hattie and Nylah, being led to the room (that Gabrielle was in) fear running through his mind.

'I have to get to her now…'

They made it to the room, seeing Josephine holding Gabrielle and Cobsworth scolding the guard and servants.

Veins popped out of the side of Ansel's temples as he saw ripped up fabric on the floor and Gabrielle crying.

Rage filled his body, making him shake.

"Your Majesty," Cobsworth gasped, bowing.

Ansel rushed over to Gabrille, crouching down to her level.

"What happened," He murmured, meeting Gabrielle's fear filled eyes.

"They wanted to… They were going to… They said I didn't have a choice and they were… They were going to make me," She stuttered, tears damping her cheeks and hair.

"Don't believe her! She's a liar Your Majesty," The Guard shouted, being met with a slap from Cobsworth.

"Watch your mouth," Cobsworth lashed, standing over him.

Ansel reached his hand out towards Gabrielle, gently touching her face. He felt a warm bump starting to form.

'Somebody grabbed her face… They hurt her…' He shook, adrenaline pumping through his body.

Gabrielle pulled away from him, hanging her head in shame as her tears dripped onto the floor.

"She can't even look at you," The Guard grumbled, "She's clearly ashamed of being caught in a lie."

Ansel stood up, fists balled up, his eyes darkened with anger.

Hattie shifted her eyes around the room, seeing the newsletter on the floor.

"Look Your Majesty," She sputtered, running over to the newsletter, Nylah following close behind her, "He's telling the truth."

Hattie held up the newsletter, showing the room. "Just look at this advertisement. She's a known entertainer from a different Kingdom. It's no wonder she was alone with 3 men. She's obviously done this before," Hattie stated, feeling accomplished.

Ansel looked at Hattie, seeing the old newsletter in her hands. His eyes widened in realization, as he had a flashback of him putting the newsletter in his pocket.

'I recognize that newsletter… That old dirty newsletter is the one I used to track Gabrielle down… In all the commotion and excitement of her being here I must've tossed it in with some of the documents I took from Holden… How could I have forgotten to discard it…'

He looked back at Gabrielle, seeing her shake.

'How could I have let this happen…'

Josephine stormed over to Hattie, slapping her across the face, leaving a bright red hand print. "How dare you talk about Milady like that. Especially in front of His Majesty."

"Your Majesty do something, the maid just hit me," Hattie cried, holding the side of her face.

"Josephine, take Milady to her room," Ansel commanded, his voice monotoned.

She nodded, helping Gabrielle off the floor. She held the sides of Gabrielle's arms, helping her back to her room as she (Gabrielle) hung her head, unwilling to look up.

"Cobsworth who else was involved," Ansel questioned, gritting his teeth.

"The two servants," Cobsworth responded, disappointment filling his voice.

"What does it matter," Hattie whined, stomping her feet, "She's a floozy! A dishonest woman. She's used material, and I a Lady, just got hit in the face by a maid, one whom you let leave without consequence! Will you stand there and do nothing?"

He glared at Hattie, coldness filling his eyes. She jumped in her skin. "Forgive me Your Majesty," She apologized, hanging her head.

"Your Majesty, Lady Hattie is right. That girl is nothing but trouble! You should rid her right now before she causes damage to the Kingdom and to your reputation," The Guard cajoled, sitting up on his knees.

Ansel walked over to the guard, his body tensed with rage. He picked the guard off the ground by his throat with a tightened grip, glaring directly in his eyes.

"Do you think I believe you? Do you honestly think I would take your word over Lady Gabrielle's," Ansel questioned, continuously tightening his grip.

"Your Majesty, I-I c-can't breathe," The Guard choked out, trying to gasp for air.

"How many times did she beg you to stop and you kept going… How many times did she say no and you didn't listen, and then you embolden yourself in front of your King to tell a lie," Ansel threw the guard to the ground, making him hit his head against the floor.

"Please, Your Majesty, believe us. She wanted to entertain us," The servant who tricked Gabrielle asserted.

Ansel snapped his head, looking at the servant (who tricked Gabrielle).

"I haven't forgotten about what you did," He roared, his cold eyes causing the servants to shake.

He looked at Cobsworth, "Get the guards, and bring them here in 5 minutes."

Cobsworth nodded leaving the room.

He looked at Nylah and Hattie, watching them start to shake. He walked over to them, tightly grabbing Hattie by the arm.

"If I find out you played any part of this, you won't have to worry about being homeless because you'll have a permanent home in the dungeon. Do not test me ever again. You are not my love interest, you are not Lady of The Castle, and you are not above Lady Gabrielle. Any more word of disrespect coming from you or your maid will result in a permanent ban from the castle. I don't ever want to hear any more disrespect coming from your mouth ever again," He warned, striking fear in Hattie and Nylah's heart.

Tears filled Hattie's eyes as Ansel let go of her arm, "And don't make me repeat myself to you about this issue ever again. You will not threaten or test Lady Gabrielle's position ever again. She's the only one who has ever had my heart. You keep pushing it and I will make good on my promises. Remember the only reason you're even living in the castle is because you saved my father's life years ago and he put in the decree for you to live here but father is gone and my patience for your attitude is running thin. Your title of Lady is only that, Lady. It has never nor will it ever be Lady of The Castle and if you keep going I'll override the decree. Don't push me," He growled, staring directly into her eyes.

"Yes Your Majesty," She replied and stormed out the room, Nylah following behind her.

Ansel walked over to the door and locked it, turning his fierce gaze at the servants and guards.

"What do you plan on doing," The Guard growled, "There's three of us and one of you and I won't go down without a fight."

Ansel smiled, "You're going to see why I fight alongside my men."

5 minutes later


Ansel opened the door seeing his royal guards and Cobsworth standing there.

He dragged the guard's unconscious body by the collar and tossed the guard to the floor in front of the royal guards, revealing the guard's unrecognizable bruised face.

"The other two are inside, if they're still alive, take them out of the castle and kill them," Ansel commanded coldly, leaving back to his office as his royal guards did as he commanded.

TW: This chapter includes things that may trigger readers, reader discretion is advised

Writergirl12340creators' thoughts
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