
TL Closing Remarks

Sigh it's finally over! Over a month of translating, over a million words.

First and foremost;

Thank you all for reading this AMAZING fic of Game of Thrones, and Thank you all also for the support you've shown this Fanfic.

I would like to continue this translating hobby of mine for an indefinite amount of time.

I would also like to continue translating amazing fanfiction works(for now) and grow my foundation.

So what is my next move? Probably find another Game of Thrones fanfic to translate, I'm a HUGE fan of Game of Thrones, and I'm knowledgeable enough about it, so it's my best move.

But if you guys have an amazing works in mind, Leave it here in the comment section and I'mma check it out!

Lastly, If you guys enjoyed my translation consider supporting me by being a member on my patreon, I'm sorry but it's not mandatory or anything. You can see it as a way to show your appreciation for me, I don't have any benefits that I can give to my members other than Translating amazing Fanfics with a best translation. For now it doesn't have anything, like i said. But! Next time I translate another project, which will be very soon, I'll try to post an advance chapters for you guys on there, but for now, my patreon is just for your support! Thank you guys!

Merry Christmas you all!

And Advance Happy New Year!

Spare me 2$(⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
