
All in, Proceed!

"What do you mean why?" Kaius' face twisted in disdain and contempt. "Look around you, the walls are crumbling, doctore has left, you cant afford gene treatments, Why do you think I've been stuck for so long?"

Priscus fought with all his strength not to mention Kaius' poor potential as the reason for his slow growth. Instead he listened quietly as Kaius continued to berate him on all the failures that were in truth his father's. 

"They promised me gene treatments to finally sustain my growth, as well as an entire 30% share of all the winnings I earn!"

Priscus' eyebrows raised slightly at this. It was common practice for the gladiators to receive no more than 15% of the winners purse for each victory they obtain. It was to ensure that the ludas recouped its costs of training the gladiators, providing meals, gene therapy's, among other things.

The Lupas Ludas had long been giving its gladiators a full 20%, and had been considered quite generous throughout their history. It was obvious that the Claudius family was trying to drive them out of business, but with his current circumstances there was little he could do.

So while Kaius continued to list all the reasons he no longer wanted to fight for him, he quietly spoke with his new system.

'System, do I have to be touching someone to activate my demotion ability?'

*No sir, as long as the individual is contracted with you activation can be done anywhere.*

'Thank you.'

There was no response required so the system remained silent, although it was pleased that it seemed to have bonded with a host with manners. Not that it cared.


That one word was enough to bring the tirade to a sudden halt, despite appearances Kaius was still very much a contracted gladiator under Priscus' employ. He could very well reprimand Kaius for his outburst.

The Imperium of Rome had advanced to the stars, and was now a galactic power. But some values had always remained. Total subservience to ones master was one of them. And while contracted gladiators were not technically slaves, the contracts were absolutely binding. Demanding respect and obedience to ones dominus at all times. 

The degree of punishment for offences against ones dominus was left solely in the hands of the dominus in question. The only limitation was that bodily harm was not allowed unless the offender had harmed the dominus or a member of his house.

That being said, the tirade that Kaius had gone on and on with was grounds for immediate termination of his contract, forfeiture of his gladiatorial license, and even imprisonment should Priscus be feeling extra petty.

But Priscus had a better idea, seeing as the Claudius family wanted to screw him over so badly he would oblige them. But he would be damned if he just handed Kaius over without any kind of retribution.

"You don't need to go on so long about the troubles my Ludas is facing. I know them well enough." Priscus' tone was icy but not angry. "We are in these unfortunate circumstances due to my fathers unfortunate actions. But his actions have nothing to do with me.

I am determined to rebuild this Ludas to its former glory and even beyond, and those who are unwilling to shed blood and sweat with me are not needed.

Therefore I will sell your contract to the Claudius family effective immediately. You will leave this compound forthwith and never return. Is that clear?"

A heavy silence hung over the room as tense moments went by. Never in his life did Kaius expect this boy before him to be so decisive. Truthfully he wanted to pressure him into renegotiating his current contract. 

If he were to actually go to the Claudius family he might actually be put in harms way. That family always put its gladiators in true death fights, whereas the Lupas family only did so if that was the only spot they could get. 

More often than not the fights he had participated in with this family were exhibitions, he didn't really want to put himself in danger but alas the chicken had come home to roost, and he had no place for his tears.

His face turning red with fury Kaius stormed out of the compound making sure to slam the doors on his way out. Promising vengeance in his heart against the young boy who had suddenly thrown him to the wolves. Albeit at his own request but that little detail escaped him at the moment.

Priscus waited until Kaius had gotten into a car and drove away before finally activating his demotion ability. He had told Kaius he had terminated his contract immediately but in truth it was pulled up in his system window still waiting to be signed. 

So in truth, Kaius was still contracted.

"System demote Kaius to F class."

*Acknowledged, beginning demotion of Kaius from D class to F class, please be aware that with the demotion of two class levels there is a 20% chance of permanent injury, and a 10% chance of death. Proceed?*

Priscus was in a dilemma, he had never been one to be cruel. He didn't want Kaius dead, after all the man was simply a jerk not a hated enemy. But at the same time the Claudius family was plotting against him and he needed to make decisions that would allow him to survive the storm long enough to get through.

"What kind of injury could he sustain, and could it ever be traced back to me?"

If he was going to do this he at least had to make sure it was safe.

*With the demotion of lesser class potential the risk of serious injury is low. Most likely that 20% refers to a permanent loss of some vitality. And with Kaius having already left the compound in perfect health, the likely hood that you would be blamed for any injuries is slim to none. what would they charge you with? Scolding someone so hard they got sick?*

Priscus understood where the system was coming from and no longer hesitated. 

"Proceed." he said coldly. "He will be the first stone laid in the foundation of my rise."

*Acknowledged demotion has begun, stand by.*

Priscus sat patiently waiting for the next notification when once again someone knocked on his door.

"Come in." was all he said when Icarus poked his head into the office.

He was a young man barely 22 years old this year. He was 6ft tall and fit, his body having been forged in the tough gladiator training. The most striking thing about this young man was his eyes, they were a glowing amber color almost like burnished gold. And his hair was the same cascading down his back to his shoulder blades in waves of amber light.

"Excuse me Dominus," a deep baritone voice echoed in the office. "I know you haven't called a meeting yet but I was wondering if I could speak with you."

Nodding his head Priscus welcomed the young man into the office. 

"Not a problem Icarus, I was going to come find you soon anyway to discuss some things."

Lightly smiling Icarus walked into the room and saluted Priscus before continuing to speak.

"Firstly I wanted to express my condolences for your father dominus, I know that he loved you."

Priscus found it difficult to speak, the genuineness of Icarus was plain to be heard and it touched him deeply.

"Secondly I wanted to let you know that the Claudius family has contacted me..."

Priscus' heart seized, 'Please not you too!' he pleaded desperately within himself. He didn't know what he would do if he lost ALL of his gladiators, fight himself? Yea right!

"But I turned them down, Your father and this Ludas took me in when no one else would give me a chance. I am with you to the end of the line Dominus. Come hell or high water I am all in."

It was at that moment when Icarus was finished speaking when Priscus received another notification.

*Host, the demotion of Kaius is complete. You have acquired 1000 kings prestige.*

A broad smile slowly spread accross Priscus' face, here before him was literally the answer to all of his prayers. 

He fixed his eyes on the young man before him and said joyfully.

"You don't know what that means to me my friend. But I can promise you that if your all in on me, then I am all in on you. I will renegotiate your contract to 50% of the winners purse should you gain victory. I will provide you with the best training, equipment, and accommodations, but most importantly,"

Priscus paused momentarily, his smile becoming even bigger if it was even possible.

"I am going to help you gain a strength that is unrivaled in the entire galaxy, YOU my friend are going to become the next champion of the Lupas Ludas, and eventually of the entire Roman Imperium!" 

Icarus was shaking, he could feel the sincerity and conviction in the voice of his dominus, the only issue was he didn't know how his dominus would achieve this with their current circumstances.

"I believe you dominus," Icarus began shakily. "But how are you going to do that? the next games are only 6 weeks from now and we have only the one slot in the death royale. Just surviving that will be a feat in and of itself."

Chuckling Priscus responeded. "You don't need to worry about that, Ive got it all under control but first...kneel."

Confused but obediant Icarus knelt on one knee. After which Priscus approached him and placed his right hand on his head saying.

"I Priscus Lupas, The Ludas King, grant you knighthood." and at the same time he said internally.

'System use knighthood on Icarus, lets go all in on this young man and begin our path to glory!'

*Acknowledged, improving Icarus' C class potential to B class. Please note that the improvement will cause an explosive growth in main stats and has a chance to awaken a basic talent of C class or below. Proceed?*

'All in, Proceed!'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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