

"You in for the next round, man?"

Thad shook his head and stifled a burp. He'd already had a few too many beers tonight, not to mention a few shots, and a mushroom one of his friend's friends swore up and down would 'take him to another world'. It tasted kinda stale and had only given him indigestion since the two hours ago he'd eaten it.

At least I'm still buzzed.

Thad rubbed the back of his neck. He looked down at his red polo shirt and khaki shorts. The shirt was a tight fit that showed off his chiseled frame that reflected his dedication to the gym and less so to his economics major. Still, he wasn't failing his classes and still managed to make a showing at all the major parties of his frat, Kappa Phi Lambda.

"Hey man," a shaggy-haired guy near the beer pong table shouted, "we need one more! C'mon!"

Thad shook his head, trying to smile despite the cauldron of pain in his lower abdominals brewing. "Nah bro, I need to go for a walk or something. Maybe get some tums," Thad replied, forcing a smile. "Just save some for me when I come back!"

"Right on dude!"

Thad quickly maneuvered out of the crowded backyard and through the small metal gate separating the large frat house from a forest path that led to a nearby park. He ran, doing his best to ignore the impassioned moans and grunts of a few folks hooking up in the brush. Perhaps next week he'd get lucky? Cramming for midterms was always a pain, mostly since his normal studies took a backseat to his weight lifting, pilates instruction to make some extra cash, and trying to figure out a way to win his ex, Cait, back.

Man, I really gotta figure something out. It's not like I can remember every date or anniversary! Thad clenched his head and dry heaved. Okay, maybe just find that water fountain at the park and try not to die. If I find that dude again with the shrooms, I'mma deck him.

Another bout of nausea hit Thad like a bullet, and he nearly doubled over, his sandal-covered shoes nearly catching on some of the raised up roots on the path. He ground his teeth and forced himself to keep moving, guided by the silvery moonlight.

The park was a flat expanse connected to another neighborhood with a covered area for cooking, a basketball court, and a few jungle gyms for kids. He spotted one guy passed out on the wood chips near a jungle gym; a lightweight from the party no doubt.

"Gotta get some water," Thad groaned, trudging his way toward the covered area. He spotted the red-handled water pump and quickened his pace. "Just gotta refresh myself a bit."

Thad flicked up the handle and waited a moment for the water to come gushing through the nozzle. The water splashed at his feet a bit, tickling his bare toes. He quickly cupped some water into his hands and splashed it against his face, rubbing his eyes and feeling the small crop of stubble that had grown on his face.

He splashed more water on his face, hoping to sober himself up a bit. His sleek black hair was kept short to not collect sweat. He flicked off water droplets from his tanned and calloused hands.

Thad gripped the water handle, leaning against it for support. Yeah, definitely gonna give that 'shroom guy the smackdown. If I'm late for my morning run, Jesse will blow up my phone.

The world began to tilt for Thad; like someone had slightly altered the gravity. His body felt heavy and leaned to the left as his legs began to turn to jelly. He grimaced, and slowly lowered himself to the grassy lawn, laying down on his back. The starry sky shined down upon him as he felt his body spin like it was left on one of those teacup rides at a carnival.

"Shit, second time this month I've slept in the park," Thad softly lamented. "Hope officer Tandy doesn't find me again. Or worse...any of the boys from the party."

He let out a long yawn and closed his eyes. Yeah, I'll just rest my eyes for a bit and ride out this storm, Thad pondered as he focused on keeping his breathing steady. Just gotta ride out the storm. Be back to business as usual tomorrow.

Something wet and rough brushed against Thad's forehead. He lazily swatted at the area but only caught air. The sensation returned and he chuckled. The dog's persistence was as good an alarm clock as any.

"Hey pup, knock it off, yeah?" That said, trying to push back the hound.

The dog's fur felt weird to him; oddly silky and damp, like it had recently bathed in a vat of the greatest conditioners known to man. He pushed again at the creature, but it didn't budge and continued to lick his forehead with its cool tongue.

Fine, you win.

Thad opened his eyes and immediately squinted as the light shined down on him. Only a shadow of the dog remained in sight above him, and the sounds of a tide flowing echoed out in the distance. He blinked rapidly and forced himself to sit up.

"What the hell," Thad whispered out as he looked to his left. A large ocean with small islands dotted the horizon. Sure, he attended UCLA, but his frat house was a good several miles from the beach.

The dog pushed its wet nose against his neck, causing him to scrunch up from the icy feeling.

Thad whirled around on the soft dirt and faced the creature. His anger quickly transformed into confusion as the dog in front of him was blue. Blue with spots of white upon its body with a flowing purple mane and a large diamond-shaped horn protruding from its head.

"Huh, you one of them fancy contest dogs?" Thad clicked his tongue and patted at his pants pockets, and then sighed. "Right," he said, "no damn wallet or phone. Great. And I don't suppose you saw them huh, weird blue doggo?"

"Suiii," the dog mewled out in a melodic and somber tone.

Thad threw his hands up in defeat. "Figured as much."

"Is that what I think it is?!" A voice shouted from across the muddy beach. Thad squinted his eyes, still trying to get his bearings, toward the direction of the excited person.

A man dressed like a magician came sprinting toward the blue dog and Thad. The dog gave Thad a nod and a look that expressed 'I'm done here' and then sprinted off at a speeding gallop into the ocean. Thad's mouth dropped as the blue dog ran on the surface of the water while hardly making a wake, skirting gracefully across like a water strider.

The magician, huffing and puffing, made his way to Thad and rested his hands on his knees. He wore a short white cloak with a large red bowtie over a purple suit.

He kinda looks like a pimp trainee, Thad thought as the magician skidded to a stop. I can respect it.

"Did you see Suicune? Talk with them?" The magician breathed out. "You were so close! What was it like?"

"Uh, was that your blue dog?" Thad pointed toward the ocean, where the mysterious hound had vanished. "I think somethings up with 'em. What kind of breed is that?" He glanced down and nodded to himself. "Also, I might need some directions getting back to Kappa Phi Lambda. This one of them beaches further north?"

"What?" The magician replied, almost offended. "Do you not realize how close you were to Suicune? The majesty—"

"Yeah, dude. Whatever." Thad stood up with some effort, and stretched out his legs, and flexed his biceps a bit. "Just call animal patrol or whatever. They'll look for your dog."

"Is your head injured?"

Thad furrowed his brow and rubbed his chin. "You know, it was wild last night. Had the spins and everything. So maybe?"

"Ah, I see." The fancily dressed man gave Thad a once-over glance. "You work at the local gym?"

"Yeah, bro. Pilates instruction on the side," Thad replied, his shoulders relaxing a bit. "Anyway, I'm Thaddeus, but just call me Thad. So, are we near Santa Monica or more near Marina del Rey?"

"You may call me Eusine, but I'm not familiar with either of those places." Eusine tilted his head and his lips became a thin line. "You sure you're okay? We're on the beach near Cianwood City."

"Cianwood?" Thad repeated. "Never heard of it. Is it one of them small towns further up north?"

Eusine pinched his nose. "What I'm saying is I've never heard of 'Santa Monica' or 'Marina del Rey'." He sighed and looked up at Thad with worry. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Thad flexed his toned calves and ran a hand over his shaved head, finishing by looking over his exposed olive-colored forearms for any further injuries. "...yeah? This some kind of magic trick? I don't have time for games, dude. I have training to get to."

And studying, but that can wait.

"Can I walk you to town?" Eusine offered. "I'd be satisfied knowing you weren't left out here alone."

"Sure dude. Whatever. Let's go," Thad grumbled as he began to follow Eusine up the shore.

Thad looked around and whistled as he observed the small mountain range in the distance. Either he got picked up and went on a bender last night when passed out or those mushrooms really did work as the guy said. The beaches weren't sandy like California and that blue dog was weird at the very least.

Probably some designer dog that escaped from Los Angeles. Wouldn't be too shocked that someone spent a fortune turning their dog blue.

Thad listened to the sounds around him; birds high in the sky that seemed larger than they should be. He'd never seen pelicans or a bald eagle up close, so he felt a little excited. He wasn't a nature geek but always thought visiting the zoo was fun. It wasn't until the duo breached the southside outskirts of the riverside town that Thad knew he was tripping.

"What in the hell…" Thad muttered under his breath. He saw a strange orange crab scurrying across the rocky sand. "Bro," Thad nudged Eusine in the side and pointed, "that's one juicy-looking king crab."

"It's just a Krabby," Eusine replied matter-of-factly. He quirked an eyebrow and asked in a concerned voice, "you still sure you're okay? Normally, stray wild Pokemon like that are pretty normal around here."

He did not just say what I think he did…

"Wait, you say Pokemon?" Panic crept into Thad's voice; his eyes fixated on the Krabby in the distance. "You mean with like that little yellow dude and whatnot?"

Eusine stopped and crossed his arms. "I don't know what yellow person you mean, but yes. Pokemon, as in those native to the Johto region." He stepped in front of Thad's frozen gaze. "You alright there? You look pale."

The Krabby in the distance scurried in the distance, clacking its pincers. Thad let out a mirthless laugh, unable to look away from the sea critter. His heartbeat raced and his breath felt hot and heavy. His vision began to darken at the corners.

"Yeah man, I'm fresh as hell."

Thad fainted, falling face-first into the sand.


"My head," Thad moaned as he rubbed his forehead. His vision felt scrambled and blotchy as he rubbed at the pounding sensation that had settled into his forehead.

Wait a minute...

Thad immediately sat up and looked around the dimly lit room by a single candle on the nightstand at his side. He was in bed with a pillow with a blanket over him. The room was warm and had a desk, a few posters of martial arts on the walls, and a couple of storage bins stacked on top of each other. A single window across from him showed a dark sky with a few street lights in the distance.

Thad carefully peeled off the sheet and placed his bare feet on the wooden floor. His shirt and shorts were still on, though a bit dirtier than he remembered. He sat for a moment going over the events he remembered: the shore with the blue dog, the weird cosplayer guy Eusine, and seeing a Pokemon.

I saw a motherfucking Pokemon. In the flesh! Or shell, I guess.

Thad laughed and ran a hand over his neatly trimmed head. The laughter quickly died down, twisting into a sad chuckle, and then finally silence. He stared at the floor longer than he cared to remember before rousing himself to stand. Then he dropped down and began doing push-ups.

Exercise had always served as a great distraction, whether it be social life, school, or other obligations. He could just put his mind on cruise control and let his body move on its own. Sure music would have been nice, but the point was to keep that energy directed from thinking too hard about what he'd seen.

"And...one-hundred," Thad whispered out. He propped himself onto his knees and rested his hands on his thighs for a moment. He let out a breath and hopped up to his feet, beginning to do squats. "Just need a bit more."

But I saw it, with its little eyes and stuff. That blue dog must've been one too. Thad grunted as he dipped into a lower squat, holding the position for a moment. What'd he call it? Silicon? I watched a few episodes as a kid. This is just too weird.

Thad stripped off his slightly damp polo shirt and gently dabbed his forehead. He continued his squat routine; dropping twenty-five normal squats followed by the same amount of jump squats, squat jacks, and a full minute of squat pulses. Still feeling a bit paranoid, Thad pumped out one-hundred lunges as well, fifty per each leg.

His legs burned a bit and felt like jelly, but it was that burn Thad craved. Helped keep his mind off of more pressing matters.

"Damn that feels good. Be cool if they had a TRX in here, but the burn is real." Thad said to himself. He struck a pose and flexed his left quad and calf, observing his handiwork. "Hell yeah, looking straight up shredded."

He wiped the sweat from his brow with his polo once again and tossed the shirt on the bed. He scratched at his washboard abs and walked toward the lone door in the room. Parched and knowing he'd have to face his mysterious situation, he didn't hesitate to dwell any longer on the matter. Thinking too hard about it would just make him want to work out more to distract himself.

Thad turned the knob and opened the door slowly. Footsteps pitter-pattered down the hallway, and he stuck his head out and peeked. Thad's eyes widened as he locked eyes with a strange humanoid creature that stood about two feet tall. It had a blend of pale purple and a pinkish skin tone, three fingers on each hand, and three little prongs protruding from its skull.

The creature held a tray with a washcloth and glass of water. It tilted its head to the side in a curious manner. "Tye?"

"Whoa, you're like ET's buff cousin," Thad muttered. He gave a meek wave at the creature. "Sup buddy…?"

"Ro." The creature held out the tray toward Thad. "Rooo."

Thad took a tentative step out of his room and into the dimly lit hallway. He tried his best to smile and seem approachable, but couldn't help but shake the feeling he was in a fever dream of sorts.

"That for me?"

The creature took a few steps forward, and it took all of Thad's nerves to not clench his well-toned glutes and stare. It raised the tray up above its head, and Thad slowly took the warm washcloth and glass. The little creature quickly lowered the tray and folded it under its arm and began walking toward the door at the far end of the hall.

"Uh, wait, do you run this place?" Thad took a sip of water, savoring the cool liquid. "Or do you have a master or something, little guy?"

"Tye." It pointed toward the door it was about to open, and beckoned Thad forth with its three-digited hand. "Ro-ro."

I think it wants me to follow? Take me to its leader or something. Thad reluctantly followed after the little guy, chugging his glass of water along the way.

Thad strolled behind the little helper, trying not to stare too much at the back of its spiked head. The house was one story with a few pictures hanging on the walls showing a slightly chubby middle-aged man in a gi and a woman with red hair wearing a flowy yellow sundress. While the couple looked happy, Thad hummed as he looked at the strange little creatures surrounding the two that also looked quite happy.

Except for the round monkey-pig thing with boxing glove-like fists. That looked absolutely furious.

Either I'm being punked, or this is the wackest shit ever.

The door at the end of the hallway opened, leading into a large dining room. A dark wood table dominated with a neatly carved driftwood chandelier. The room with a few doorless entryways leading into a kitchen and a small common room. Thad kept a safe distance from the creature before him as he watched it scamper toward the kitchen and begin saying words in its strange langauge.

Thad scratched at his pec, and then looked down. Damn, I don't even have a spare shirt. Eh, Not like anybody will complain seeing me.

"You say he's up?" A female's voice called out from the kitchen. More remarks sounding of 'ro' and 'tye' replied in kind, sounding excited. Not one, but two of the strange purple-skinned creatures slipped out of the kitchen and into the dining room, one having a small red apron wrapped around its waist. Thad couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the duo, nearly missing the woman that followed behind them.

The red-haired woman matched those in the portraits in the hallway, though a few more lines were on her face than he'd noticed. At least mid-forties by Thad's estimation, but even so, she rocked the pale apron that was wrapped around her lithe body, and her green eyes sparkled in the candlelight.

"Ahh, so you're finally awake?" She said in an easy tone, wiping her hands on the front of her apron. "Hopefully Tyreek didn't disturb you."


She turned to the creature without an apron and beamed, giving it a little head rub. "Ah, so you found him awake? Wonderful." She turned back to Thad and clapped her hands together. "I'm Diane by the way. Would you mind staying for dinner? Chuck is still at the gym, and we don't have company over much. How are you feeling by the way?"

"Fine, I think," Thad said, his eyes still locked on the creatures flanking the woman's sides. "To be honest though, I'm straight up not having a good time."

"Oh? Whatever is the matter?"

"What're those?" Thad pointed at the creatures. "Like, you for real right now?"

Diane glanced over at her assistants with a quizzical look in her eye. "You mean my Tyrogues? I mean, sure they're not the most common fighting type, but they're quite helpful. Are you not familiar?"

"Nah," Thad replied. "Not even a little. So...they like help you and stuff? They're Pokemon?"

"Must've been quite a fall," Diane said softly. "Look, a nice meal always helps me get my bearings, perhaps the same for you. It's Mantine stew, a local recipe that's truly divine. Go ahead and take a seat and I'll be out shortly with the pot. Tyreek or Tyson can help you get situated."

Thad looked down at the Tyrogue's who looked back with mild disinterest. Unsure what to say, Thad paused until they went back to their business of tidying up and basic chores as Thad pulled out a seat for himself and sat down.

The chairs and decor had a petrified wood theming, from the fissures that seemed to go across the chairs to the table. Even the plates and bowls had a rustic feel to them as Thad picked them up, inspecting them carefully, lest they all be still a part of his imagination. The strange little decals of figures carved on the bottoms denoted some kind of large bird figure with a sleek silver design; some sort of revered creature to these lands.

Diana strode back into the dining room from the secluded kitchen carrying a pot in her hands. Steam billowed out the top of it as meaty and earthy scents filled the room; hints of lemongrass, parsley, and something gamy Thad couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Smells dope. What's in the pot?" Thad leaned forward, looking into the creamy bubbling liquid. He pursed his lips and looked up at Diana. "This dairy? I'm trying to keep my macros balanced is why I'm asking."

Diana took a seat, waving her Tyrogue helpers away. "It's a family recipe for Clamperl chowder fortified with Miltank cream and some local herbs. Pretty hearty and delicious, and after the day you've had, I imagine you're in need of a good meal." She picked up a bowl and began to serve Thad. "Here, have as much as you like."

Thad put on a welcoming smile, though his stomach turned at the thought of all the unnecessary carbs. "Thanks." Thad scooped up a small spoonful, blew on the steaming liquid, and then gulped it down. His eyes lit up as he dove for another. "Damn Diana, this shit slaps."

"Uh, thank you? I take it, you like it?"

"Yeah," Thad took one more spoonful before setting it down, taking a moment to savor the rich flavors. "Haven't had something this good since my roommate David cooked up a gumbo. I'll have to ration myself, so don't take offense."

Hopefully, David had a better trip than me with that mushroom dude, Thad reflected for a moment as Diana ate her own fill. This can't be a dream with food this tasty and those weird little Tyrogue dudes. Shit be wack.

"So, what can you tell me about yourself, Thad?" Diana asked.

He leaned back in his chair and looked thoughtfully with his hand resting underneath his chin. "Well, my name's Thad. I'm about six-foot-three, hundred and ninety pounds, have about five percent body fat, I max squat about four-hundred, and run about a six-minute mile." Thad slurped down more Clamperl chowder and wiped his lips off with a nearby napkin. "Oh, and I'm an economics major. Guess I should mention that too."

"Where are you from?" Diana inquired once more. "Eusine said you were quite out of sorts, but you seem pretty lucid."

"The wizard looking dude?" Thad raised a brow and then chuckled. "He was helpful, but I don't take stuff too seriously from dudes that cosplay or whatever. He may have had a screw loose. Looking for his blue water dog, I think."

"A Vaporeon?"

"Sure, that sounds right."

Whatever that is. Thad scratched at his ear and let out a sigh. I'm gonna have to learn a whole new zoo system, aren't I?

The two ate in silence for a bit until Diana cleared her throat. "So, do you actually have anything else about yourself besides...impressive physique?"

"Does there need to be?" Thad grinned. Diana blinked and flashed a quick smile before remaining straight-faced, and Thad coughed into his fist. "Oh, yeah. Totally. Uh, I'm from San Diego originally, but currently supposed to be near Santa Monica. This is some small island town in north Cali right?

Diana shook her head. "Afraid not, as this is the Johto region. Cianwood is the major port in the Whirl islands besides Olivine City that's across the sea. Olivine is about a two day ferry ride from here. Does any of that sound familiar?"

"Shit, I'm a time traveler," Thad gushed. He crossed his arms and whistled in a low tone. "Or whatever you call traveling to other places that are far."

"Are you okay? Eusine said you may have hit your head…"

Thad smirked. "No worries, lady. I've been through concussion protocol plenty of times. I feel fine as ever. I think. The Tylenol dudes are still weirding me out."

"They're Tyrogues," Diana emphasized, her voice losing some cheerfulness. "A fighting type Pokemon, and members of this household. Do you really not know?" She clapped her hands together and stood up from the table. "Say, you should meet my husband, Chuck. He's in charge around these parts and may be able to connect with you a bit more." She gave Thad a slow once over; a hint of red appearing on her checks. "And maybe whatever workout routine you do will rub off on him a bit."

Thad couldn't help but smile. Gotta appreciate the bod.

The Tyrogues entered the room and began cleaning up the dining room table. They took the leftovers and dirty plates, to which Thad handed them over quickly. He could rationalize them being weird little human helpers, but their short physiques and strange speech still threw him for a loop. He looked at them like one might steal glances at the blazing sun.

"So," Thad started, pushing in his chair, "your man is the boss around here?"

"That's putting it lightly. He's the gym leader, so he helps with local issues, nature conservation, and," she lowered her voice a smidgen, "a bit too much wrestling and boxing with his Pokemon. Suppose it can't be helped considering his preferences."

"Why's he not here?"

"Had a challenger come in on the ferry earlier, so he won't be back until very late," Diana confirmed. "You're free to use the room you were in previously until morning, and then you can talk with Chuck." Her eyes gravitated towards Thad's abs for a moment. "And feel free to use our weight room. Someone ought to get some use out of it. I'll have Tyreek show you the way."

Thad gave a salute to Diana as she walked back into the kitchen, tilting his head to the side to get a better view of her rear. Not too bad, Chuck. Not too bad at all, Thad pondered as he stretched his arms, just in case she whirled her head around.

The Tyrogue with an apron walked up to Thad and pointed over to a closed door at the far end of the dining room. "Rogue," Tyreek grunted.

"That the gym?"

"Tye tye," the Pokemon replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Thad rolled his shoulders and rotated his hips. "You can understand me?" Thad waited until the Tyrogue nodded. "Dope. Have you ever rack weights before?"

The Tyrogue flexed its spindly arms and smirked.

Alright, maybe this Pokemon nonsense is alright, Thad thought, suppressing a chuckle.

Tyreek opened the door revealing a small indoor gym complete with a dusty treadmill, a squat bar, several plates, and an assortment of dumbbells. Thad brushed past the Tyrogue and closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of stale sweat and raw effort.

"No place like home, eh?" Thad said.


"Close enough." Thad opened his eyes and shrugged. "Now, let's get in a nice cardio burn before we test out that squat bar, eh?"


Chuck's home gym proved serviceable if a bit aged. Thad felt the burn in his legs as he approached the front door to the large building near the South edge of town labeled 'Gym' though it didn't resemble a Gold's Gym or Anytime Fitness. Hell, it looked more of a rock climbing dojo than anything structured with all the boulders outside.

"Guess Chuck is more of a naturalist kinda lifter with all the rocks," Thad mused. "I can dig it." A small chortle slipped past his lips. "Ha. Dig."

With the hints of sunshine peeking over the horizon warming his back, Thad pushed open the doors and walked in like he owned the place. The strut was simple: head held high, wide stance, and complete with the gi he borrowed from Diana. It fit Chuck a few sizes ago, but it did wonders in giving a peek at his sculpted pecs. Chuck apparently had slept at the gym last night, leading to Diana being more than willing to raid Chuck's wardrobe. It wasn't Thad's place to mention it, plus the gi was extremely soft and comfy.

He squinted his eyes as harsh light reflected off the polished wooden floors. A few boulders were scattered around the place, though what caught Thad's attention was how they were moving. Purple-colored brutes with black jockstraps pushed the boulders across the floor with little effort.

Damn, those guys got some nice briefs though. Need to get me a pair maybe? Thad wandered in further, getting a better view of the two creature's faces. Yup, more of those Pokemans. Damn, they buff though.

Thad weaved past the Pokemon, trying to take up as much space as possible. Sure, they weren't people, but it was all about that alpha status and acting like you belonged. A technique Thad had cultivated and perfected after many visits to Huntington Beach.

Thad cupped his hands around his mouth. "Alright, where's my man Chuck?" he shouted. He'd reached the end of the gymnasium area, and only saw the flat boards and a few dirt pits where he imagined the boulders went. Or whoever disrespected the creed of the gym; like those who hogged the full-body mirrors.

A hoarse grunt erupted from a nearby boulder pit. "Aye, I'm awake. One moment."

A slightly chubby middle-aged white guy crawled from the pit. He smoothed over his magnificent handlebar mustache and picked sand out of his ear. His shoulders were broad and his biceps were still quite massive; Thad had seen his kind before. Sure he had a dad bod, but underneath was still the coiled muscle of a warrior, just disguised with a layer of flab.

"You Chuck?" Thad asked.

"Yes, I'm the gym leader-" Chuck narrowed his eyes as he inspected Thad. "Is that my gi?"

"Your wife gave it to me." Thad took a step forward. "She also cooked me dinner last night."

Chuck's face contorted between pale white and deep red, unsure whether to be shocked or furious. Thad held out a hand and nodded. Chuck looked at the extended hand with a mix of confusion and utter disdain.

"You picked well, my man. She's a keeper. The only complaint is that gym of yours is hella dusty. You need fans or something."

The gym leader took a deep breath and clutched Thad's forearm, bringing him in close for a tight embrace. "She would have kicked your pretty boy ass anyway. Ha! Well met!"

They gave each other a back pat and chuckled. "You've got one hell of a grip, old guy," Thad said with a smug smirk.

"Watch it," Chuck warned in a low and dangerous tone. "I haven't forgotten the wife comment just yet." He plopped down onto the ground and spread his legs. "Take a seat, boy. You've got some story?"

Thad sat down and quickly regaled Chuck with the events of the past twenty-four hours. From the encounter with the blue dog and Eusine, waking up in Chuck's home, having dinner, and then getting in a killer lower body workout with the help of Chuck's Tyrogue spotting him. Chuck listened intently, nodding every now and then, being careful to not interrupt Thad's attempt to piece things together.

"So, you're a bit lost, eh?"

Thad nodded. "Putting it lightly, my dude. These Pokemon are trippy. Like," Thad craned his neck around and pointed at one of the large ones pushing a boulder, "what's that dude with the huge lats and belt called?"

"It's a Machoke. The superpower Pokemon is known for its great strength and impressive bulk," Chuck explained casually. "Plus, they make good boxing partners."

"You box and workout with these fellas?"

"Of course!" Chuck bellowed, slapping his knee. "It's the ultimate way to forge the bond between your Pokemon and to get a great workout. Strength of body and mind!"

That makes a lot of sense. Thad drummed his fingers on the hardwood floor. "So, uh, what about my story? This place not being Cali and whatnot?"

"Oh, that? Hmmm," Chuck rumbled, idly playing with the end of his bushy brown mustache. "Well, I've heard of strange things. Stranger than some jacked guy just waking up onshore–"

"Thank you."

"Of course," Chuck said sternly, giving Thad a look to not interrupt him once again. "As I was saying, I don't have a clue what it might be. I could send you to the pharmacy here, but you seem pretty with it. Only other option I could think of if you want answers is to point you toward someone who knows more about the strangeness in the world."

"Yeah? Some doctor or scientist?" Thad asked.

Chuck barked out a single laugh. "No boy! It's one of the Elite Four, Bruno. Man's tough as a boulder and built like a mountain. He's usually in the know, and if he doesn't know, then I'd be willing to bet a Starmie's gem that he would know who to talk to." Chuck stood up and rotated his hips, getting a few cracks. "Mark my words, Thad. Bruno is the guy you want. He's a straight shooter and I feel you'd get along great with him."

"So how do I find him? You call him up and give him a ring on the phone?" Thad furrowed his brow and frowned. "Wait...do you have phones?"

Chuck sighed. " 'Course we do, boy. This ain't Orre." He raised a finger. "But, we can't call him. He's usually in remote places and doesn't like tech."

"Shit bro, this is rough. How else am I supposed to...ya know, figure this out?"

Chuck nodded. "It's a conundrum. But tell me, Thad," he leaned in, casting a quick glance toward the two Machoke, "what is it you want? What are your goals?"

"My goals?"

"Yes," Chuck whispered. "Your dreams. Aspirations. That whole deal. Is it just to find out what you lost?"

Thad rolled his tongue around in his mouth as if to chew and savor his words before letting them loose. "I...actually don't know, bro. I think I want to go home?"

"Think or want? No second-guessing in this dojo!" Chuck roared. Thad's posture straightened up a bit. "Tell me, what do you want?"

Thad began counting on his hand. "Well, I want to be rich, have a career, and uh," he gave Chuck an awkward look, "bitches. But! Then to find some honey to settle down with, ya know?"

Chuck nodded and hummed in approval. "Aye, that makes sense. When I was a young man I desired similar things. So, I have a proposition for you."

"Hit me with it."

"You go seek out Bruno for answers, but in the meantime, why not train some Pokemon?" Chuck suggested. He wrapped his arm around Thad's slightly taller shoulders. "Look around. You want fame, glory, and women? Pokemon training is the path, my well-built friend."

"But," Thad started, "isn't that like, kiddie shit?" His lips became a thin line as he felt Chuck's grip tighten around his shoulder. "No offense, bro."

Chuck sighed. "It is. Which is a problem, since you're way too old to get started properly."

"I'm too old?" Thad asked, his voice rising higher than intended. "Really?"

"Really. Most kids start around eight or nine. Most get their first Pokemon at twelve. You're what, twenty-something?"


"Exactly. Way too old to get started," Chuck lamented. He stepped around from Thad with his hands on his hips, looking at the wood panel walls. "I mean, you'd need some kind of fighting Pokemon genius to show you the ropes."

I've got an awesome idea, Thad thought.

"Why not teach me?" Thad asked genuinely, stepping up beside Chuck to admire the blank wall. "I mean, you're like the Pokemon mayor or whatever, right?"

Chuck nodded and smiled. "You make a good point Thad. Alright, I'll do it, but only because you asked!"

Thad pumped his fist in the air. "Tight, bro. So how's this work?"

"That's easy enough. We gotta get you a Pokemon and in top condition!" Chuck said. "The ferry leaves in five days, so that's all the time we've got to get you up to speed. It's going to go fast."

"Like a training montage?" Thad asked.

Chuck's eyes lit up. "Exactly! You're sharp, boy. It'll give me time to write you a letter to give to Bruno. Meanwhile, you can get started with a Pokemon to help you in the wild and even win money in battles."

"Dude, you can gamble on fights?" Thad said with a hint of awe. "That's...like the Kentucky Derby but way more violent."

"I have no idea what that is," Chuck replied in earnest. He dug into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a red and white ball. "You know what this is?"

Thad studied the spherical object with razor focus. "I'm going to guess a Pokeball."

"Good," Chuck breathed out. "We don't have to cover that. Now, this contains a Pokemon. Me being who I am, it's a fighting type."

"Aren't all Pokemon fighting types since they, ya know, can fight?" Thad asked.

Chuck paused for a moment and glanced between Thad and the Pokeball. "Hmmm...your wisdom is certainly unique. Anyways, take this." Chuck handed Thad the Pokeball. "It's a Machop. Pretty young one I got a couple of weeks ago that I've been training up with a few of my gym trainers, but I think he'd be suited well in your hands for travel. Let the little guy see the world a bit."

"Dope," Thad replied, rolling around the ball in his palm. It was roughly the size of an apple and felt cool to the touch. The ridging where the red and white met led up to a small button. "Do I press this to let the dude out?"

"Give it a whirl," Chuck said, unable to hold back a large grin. "It's always fun seeing someone's first reaction."

Thad clicked on the beveled part of the ball and with a faint snap, it opened up. Red light jolted from the ball and took shape in front of Thad, forming a small humanoid figure. Greyish skin, three bronze-colored ridges on its head, and the outlines of tone muscle dominated the three-foot-tall creature.


"Nah, I'm good little guy," Thad replied. "Also, he looks like those dudes with the belts, don't you think?"

"He's talking with you," Chuck explained, kneeling down beside the Machop. "This is Thad, he's going to take you out to see the world, and you'll be keeping an eye on him."

"Macho!" The Machop cooed, striking a pose and flexing its biceps.

My god, he's like a mini-me!

"What's he saying?" Thad asked Chuck. "Are you some kind of Pokemon version of Caser Millan?"

"You can pick up on things after you've done this for a bit," Chuck said, grunting a bit as he stood up. He held his back and winced a bit. "Anyway, he's all set to go with you. He likes your muscles."

Thad looked at the Machop. "Well, thanks, little dude. You're pretty ripped for being so compact."


"Aye, now just for one last thing before we get to our little training montage, as you put it," Chuck said. His posture was a bit rigid as he stretched from side to side and mumbled something about never sleeping in a rock pit again. "Do you have a special name for him? Most folks do it, but it's not necessary."

"Uh, yeah I can do that." Thad scratched his head and locked eyes with the Machop. "Well, you're like a mini version of me...so how about...Chad."

"Is that the one?" Chuck looked to the Machop who gave Thad a thumbs up. "Well, there we have it. Thad and Chad. Now, it's time for our exercising! We can start working out!"

"Hell yeah, I'm ready to get my pump on," Thad replied. "So bossman, what's up first?"

Chuck smirked; a mischievous glint in the corner of his eye. "What I like to have all my newcomers try out to test out their strength. Some good ole boulder punching."

Thad held his sides and laughed. He looked to see Chuck still smiling smugly and Thad's amusement quickly contorted into confusion with a hint of worry.

"You're kidding right?"

"Follow me, Thad and Chad. We have a montage to get through!"

Thad followed Chuck toward the Machokes who were nearly done setting the boulders back in place. Chad bounced around, pumping his arms in the air while babbling out his own words of excitement. Thad too felt excited, though a bit concerned about what he'd just talked himself into.

At least it was working out, and that he could manage.


The sun just peeked over the horizon where the mists of the Whirl islands swirled. Chuck stood in front of the front doors to the gym of Cianwood City. Thad stood squarely across from the gym leader with his arms crossed, and to his left, Chad the Machop stood in the same stance as his trainer.

"It's been a hell of a few days, bossman," Thad said; his brown eyes twinkling in the morning light. "I think I learned a lot."

Chuck gave Thad the slightest of nods. "I think so, Thad. I really do. You picked up boulder punching with ease. So, before you go on your way to seek Bruno, let's go over the list one more time."

Thad smirked and snapped his fingers, pointing at Chuck. "Right. The list. One sec."

Thad duck into the pockets of his plain white gi pants, where one Pokeball rested on his waistband. A large orange travel sack rested near Thad's bare feet. He remained shirtless as suggested by Chuck's wife to help exemplify the physicality and identity of fighting-type trainers, and who was Thad to disagree? They were kind enough to show him the ropes, most of them climbing ropes and jump ropes, but the ropes nonetheless. Besides, Thad knew in his heart that he could rock that look with such glorious abs.

"So," Thad looked up to Chuck, "you want me to read the whole thing."

"Yup, let's hear it," Chuck gruffly replied.

Thad coughed, clearing his voice."I have to board the ferry, get to Olivine City, figure out transport by asking Jasmine for help, then get to the Elite Four in Kanto to ask where Bruno is, and then give him said letter," Thad dug into his pocket again, and raised an orange-colored envelope, "and then that's it. Right?"

"And to let Jasmine read the letter," Chuck reminded in a stern tone. "She could help too."

"Yeah, I hear ya, bro," Thad said. He dismissively rolled his eyes and waived off the fighting type master. Thad gripped the cord of his travel bag and slung it over his shoulder. "And I'll practice that Pokemon battle thing, alright?"

Chuck gave Thad a thumbs up, but his voice dipped to a low, husky whisper. "But, uh, remember that you can't actually wrestle the other guy's Pokemon. That's just a house rule I use for training myself and them."

"Sure," Thad replied in a whisper. He furrowed his brow and glanced from side to side. "Uh, why we whispering?"

"No reason," Chuck said in a relaxed, casual tone. "Just really don't do that. And make sure you actually call out the moves. I didn't have a Pokedex, but the notebook in your bag I wrote up for you should prove serviceable, among the other supplies and funds I could scrounge up."

"Ey, brah, it's all good," Thad said, leaning in for a bro hug. Chuck quickly embraced him, quickly giving each other a tight, yet brief squeeze, and then separating. "I'll send you some mail if I come back."

"Atta' boy.' Chuck gave Thad one last shoulder slap. He winked at the tall, well-built trainer. "You'll do fine out there."

Thad trotted out with a smile on his face, and Chad his trusty Machop walking confidently behind him with its chest puffed up and arms swinging. Thad's olive skin body glistened in the sun as he made his way through the heart of Cianwood City. Some citizens paused as he walked by, including even a single Krabby.

He passed the Pokemon Center, which had been wacky after talking to the nurse about how healthcare worked. To an economics student like Thad, it struck him as odd that it was all free. At least it did until he visited the market two days prior. When he discovered how expensive restorative items were from the market, after seeing the price it all made sense. It was a cavalcade of revenue established in making healing your pokemon more convenient.

But I won't fall for that scam, Thad pondered as he made his way to the docks. Always go to the Pokemon center. I ain't wasting my money. He tilted his head to the side thoughtfully, and he took a travel ticket from his pocket to the attendant. But also that nurse was smoking hot. And apparently, she's got lots of look-alike sisters. Hmmm.

The ferry was a fairly small vessel; only capable of holding a crew of six and about twice as many passengers. Normally it toured the Whirl islands for tourists, but would occasionally take residents to the mainland to shop.

Sailors in white outfits with blue trim and tricorn hats manned the anchor, ropes, and wheel. One of the bulky men let out a loud, high-pitched whistle and then threw a rock into the water. The boat bucked for a moment, then began to rumble and churn like a motor on idle.

"Mantine engines are online!" One of the sailors bellowed. A few others grunted in unison, acknowledging the man. Thad hummed under his breath as he looked out toward the misty islands, both he and Chad enraptured by the mystique and splendor of the jagged rock formations and foamy patches.

"Wait for me!"

Thad turned around and couldn't help but chuckle as Eusine, in his purple and white magician getup, jumped off the dock and boarded the small vessel. He wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, gently touched his combed blonde hair, and then gave a ticket to the less than amused attendant.

Thad waived at Eusine. "Ey, how's it hanging, brah?"

Eusine marched up to Thad, looking up at the Greek adonis. "I've been looking for you! I tried tracking Suicune the past few days, but they remain ever-evasive. You're the only documented human to get so close to such a magnificent beast." Eusine took a deep breath and straightened his red bowtie. "How did you do it?"

"Dude, I ain't trying to steal your dog," Thad replied casually. "I've been training with Chuck. Made me one of his trainers or whatever."

Eusine's face paled. "What? Chuck hardly ever takes on apprentices, let alone so quickly."

Thad laughed. "It's all about charisma bro. We let our muscles do the talking, and there wasn't much left to be said." He gave Eusine a sly glance. "Maybe try doing some push-ups? Some protein powder and a solid regiment could get you looking sleek, bro."

The ferry boat jerked forward and then settled into a steady pace, leaving a stream of bubbles behind at the small Cianwood dock. The sailors hooted and hollered, and some took out a few pokeballs to release a few blue tadpole creatures with white gloves and beady eyes.

They kinda look like Chuck's Poliwrath, 'cept his was freaking stacked. These little dudes look pretty stringy. Thad gave a nudge to Chad and smiled. "Go play or something. The wizard dude wants to talk."

"Chop, chop!" Chad chirped back as he mimicked his trainer's swaggering walk, and began helping out and talking with the other Pokemon.

Eusine watched with curiosity. "Seems you've got yourself a Pokemon." His lips formed a thin line, trying not to look directly at Thad's pecs, since that's where his height came up to. "Also following the fashion sense of those enthusiasts?"

"Buff little dude needs a role model," Thad said with a smirk, giving a nod towards his Machop. He flexed his pecs and biceps, showing Eusine his best side chest pose. "Plus, I don't see anybody complaining."

"Indeed," Eusine dryly replied. He coughed into his fist and turned to rest his arms on the railing of the ferry. "I came to find you to see if you'd help in my search for Suicune. It was drawn to you for some reason, and I think you may be the key to finding out more."

Thad saddled up beside Eusine, resting his forearms on the safety bar. The cool wind washed over his face, and he tried to hide his surprise when sea creatures jumped out of the water: from weird-looking fish to white sea lions, there were more than Thad could keep track of. He secretly wished he knew more about them instead of defaulting to calling them weird dogs or fishy dudes. While his training montage was epic in the amount of information he consumed like a chocolate-covered protein bar, he still felt a bit lost.

"You there, Thad?"

Thad backed away from the railing and refocused on Eusine. "Yeah, bro. Just lots of crazy critters out there, ya know?" He ran a hand through his short brown hair. "Just a lot to take in and think about. I've been punching boulders and lifting just about since I've arrived and I haven't thought about much else."

"And how are you doing with that?" Eusine asked. He offered a weak smile as his hand drifted toward his belt. "How's your memory? You learn more about who you were, or are things a bit hazy still?" Eusine raised a red and white Pokeball. "If it's training you need, I think we have enough space on the ferry if we talk with the crew. A little battle always helps clear my mind and my Pokemon's. Plus I could maybe teach you something."

Thad nodded and slapped the metal railing. "Alright magic man, you're on. Ey, Chad!" Thad looked over toward Chad who was posing and flexing in front of a Poliwhirl and another stacked sailor, but came running over.

"Macho?" Chad quipped, looking between his trainer and Eusine.

"We've got a challenge, so it's time to put that training with Chuck to use, brother." Thad crouched down to fist-bumped Chad, and then gave Eusine a thumbs up. "We're ready when you are."

"Alright," Eusine said slowly, "so how familiar are you with battle mechanics and etiquette? You're quite new to this aren't you?"

"I may be a rookie, but me and Chad got swagger to spare!" Thad boasted, hands on his hips. "I won't hop in, despite how spicy the action gets. Chad is a straight-up baller in the ring."


"Exactly," Thad replied. He leaned toward Eusine and whispered, "I still don't know what he's saying to be honest, but I'm getting the vibe he agrees with me."

"Alright," Eusine rolled his shoulders and began to roll around this Pokeball in his palm, "just let me get things cleared up with the crew. I'm sure they'll like the spectacle."

"Right on, bro," Thad said with a raised fist. He turned to his partner, crouching down to Chad's level. "Alright, so it's just like the bossman said would happen. Are you ready for the smackdown?"

Chad cracked his knuckles and smirked. "Machooo!"

Hell yeah, buddy. Thad smiled and shadowboxed alongside the Machop as Eusine talked with the crew. Chuck's words of wisdom echoed in his head, over and over again. He may have not been the most creative dude in college, or the best tactician. But most think I'm just some meathead. They ain't wrong, but I'm not some dumbass. There was a reason I could do economics and remember so many workouts and combinations for nutritional meals.

Eusine jogged over, smiling. "The sailors are more than happy to give us some room on the deck. You ready, Thad?"

"Born ready, magic man. Send out your little dude and Chad will show you that these muscles ain't just for show!"

Eusine nodded and backed up to the other end of the small ferry deck, giving them about twenty feet between each other. He tossed his Pokeball, and in a brilliant red light, a creature formed a few feet away from him. The Pokemon stood a few inches taller than Chad in a bipedal form, a gradient of yellow and brown skin, and a snout like a tapir.

"This is my Drowzee," Eusine stated like a teacher. "This Pokemon is-"

"Chad, rock his shit! Give him the ole' boulder special!" Thad shouted, and Chad whipped up into a frenzy and charged the Drowzee.

Eusine's face paled and his jaw dropped. "I was explaining about-"

"It's game time fool, put up ya dukes!" Thad retorted. He sank into a wide stance, his muscles twitching as he watched Machop's movements with rapt attention. "I'll showboat later after I hit you with some moves harder than my abs."

Eusine shrugged and let out a deep breath. "Very well. Drowzee, dodge and resettle!"

The Drowzee hopped around the charging Machop, but Eusine let out a gasp as Chad swung his body around and tipped the Drowzee. The psychic Pokemon fell flat on its face and Eusine furrowed his brow.

"That was no amateur move! Excellent Low Sweep," Eusine applauded as the Machop regained its footing and the Drowzee scrambled to its feet. Eusine crossed his arms and smirked. "Seems Chuck taught you well! I shall not hold back!"

"You're gonna need to stop this powerhouse!"

"Drowzee, use Confusion!"

Chad stumbled forward clutching his head, moaning lowly. The sailors watching around muttered amongst themselves. Thad rubbed his chin and looked on with interest.

"It's a psychic move," Eusine elaborated as Drowzee backed up, giving it more distance between the beefy Machop. "Type matchups are a quintessential part of Pokemon battles. For instance, fighting types are weak to psychic types."

"Ahuh. Chuck may have said something about that... so you're trying to pull a sly one over me?" Thad asked, the corner of his lips curling downward. "Alright, alright. Game on then, dude. Chad, go give 'em the sneaky slap!"

"The sneaky slap?" Eusine mimicked. He shook his head and returned his attention to the battle. "Drowzee, use Hypnosis and create more distance!"

A low hum emanated from the Drowzee, and Chad slowed for a moment, his grey legs stumbling a bit. He then shook his head and continued charging at the wide-eyed Drowzee. With impressive speed, the Machop spun around and backhanded the Drowzee right on its snout. It let out a low-pitched whine as it stumbled backward, revealing a large purplish bruise and a berry rolled from its closed fist and onto the wooden deck.

"Quick, use Confusion again!"

"No pain no gain, Chad. Get in there and give him the bossman special!"

Chad let out a yelp as the air around his head distorted a bit, but he pressed forward with gritted teeth. Despite the purplish aura around Chad, he marched on toward the Drowzee and reeled his right fist back.

The Machop leaned forward for a Superman-style punch, twisting his arm a bit as he connected yet again on the Drowzee. The aura dissipated as the Drowzee spun backward; its eyes looking lost and confused. Eusine gasped and ran out toward his fallen pokemon. Thad did the same as Machop sat down on its butt and rubbed his head.

"You hanging in there, dude?" Thad asked, a hint of worry in his voice. "He used some kind of brainpower shit, didn't he?"

Chad nodded. "Choop."

Eusine returned his Drowzee to its Pokeball and walked over to Thad. "Well, that was impressive. I should have known Chuck would give you access to his signature move."

"Aye, the bossman called it 'Dynamic Punch'," Thad replied. He helped Chad to his feet, although he wobbled a bit. "Chuck also said using code was a good way to do battles, so we just called certain workouts different names and went from there."

"It's actually a rather advanced technique," Eusine said, impressed. "I've only that connection with a few of my Pokemon. It usually takes time to cultivate."

Thad chuckled and gave Eusine a gruff handshake. "Never underestimate a good workout montage, bro." He gave Chad a thumbs up and grinned. "Plus, he and I are on the same wavelength. We both are on that grind, ya know?"

"I can see that," Eusine softly replied. "Perhaps...I underestimated you."

"Wouldn't be the first time," Thad said. "Most people think I'm just some meathead, and they're mostly right." He tapped the side of his head and smiled. "But I played a lot of sports. Boxing, Hockey, Football, and a few others. You can't do well in competition without remembering stuff. I just ain't good with the boring stuff, ya know?"

Eusine chuckled and pat Thad on the back. "It does make sense. So, do you think you could help me in my search for Suicune?"

"I dunno." Thad swung his travel bag off his shoulder and began to dig through its contents. He pulled out a waterskin and tossed it to Chad. "I've got my own, uh, quest of sorts. Going all around and whatnot. Gotta find some dude named Bruno. Might know a thing or two about my whole dealio."

A great sigh escaped from Eusine. "Ahh, I see. Perhaps it was a bit impertinent to ask so quickly. Shall we exchange Pokenav numbers at the very least? Could you do me the courtesy to call if you find Suicune again?"

"Uh, sure, but I ain't got no phone," Thad said with a shrug. "But if ya write it down, I'll see what I can do. Trying to be tight with my cash since Chuck just gave me a little."

"I completely understand," Eusine said, taking out a notepad and scribbling down some digits. He tore off the paper and handed it to Thad. "Just let me know, alright? In the meantime, mind if I fill you in on Olivine City? Unless you're familiar…"

"By all means, magic man." Thad took a seat on the deck beside Chad, taking a sip from the waterskin that the Machop had nearly drained to half. "We've got a few hours, I think."

Eusine sat beside Thad and began to tell him about the intricacies of the city, but namely the beach and lighthouse as the main points of interest. Thad nodded along patiently, digging out a few poffins to share with his pokemon and Eusine. He listened with rapt attention and didn't interrupt Eusine, though his mind wandered when he heard of the numerous fitness enthusiasts that would gather at the Olivine Cafe, and namely the feats of the steel phenom and beauty of the town, Jasmine.


After a quick exchange of goodbyes with Eusine, Thad hopped off the ferry with Chad in tow onto the Olivine City docks. The city reminded him of the bustling ports on the Californian coast; from the towering lighthouse, the sandy beaches, and the hot babes flaunting their well-toned bodies. The only difference and oddity to Thad were that people were accompanied by a plethora of Pokemon that he vaguely recognized.

"Chop!" Chad belted out, pointing toward the beach. Sounds of laughter and people splashing about in. Chad bounced up and down like a giddy child, and Thad couldn't help but hold his sides and laugh.

"Soon, lil' bro, soon," Thad said in a reassuring tone. "We gotta go find this hotty Jasmine and get the deets on how to get to the Elite Four." Thad's eyes drifted toward the beach, scanning the women clad in bikinis. "...But we could stop by the beach for some recon. Scout the area, ya know?"

The Machop grinned and flexed its lats. "Machop!"

"Still got no idea what you're saying my dude, but that sounds like you agree!" Thad said, giving Chad a thumbs up. "I may not speak Pokemon, but I'm fluent in gymrat and flexin', bet."

The sun hung high in the sky over Olivine City, blazing down upon Thad's bronzed skin. With no Pokenav, cell phone, or technological distractions he paid close attention to the bustle and movement of the city. Pokemon roamed around on duties and jobs alongside people through the busy streets, with small golf-cart-sized transports being the only motorized vehicles.

Thad stopped at an empty street corner and double-checked the funds he had stashed away in his travel sack. Damn, Chuck gave me like ten thousand Pokedollars. Thad glanced around to check for any civilians, only to see a few families walking toward the beach located a street over. The signs and restaurants around had menus and prices posted in the windows, and the gears within his enigmatic mind began to churn.

"So a sandwich costs one-hundred poke dollars at the sketchy place, and the high-end fancy grub looks to be around a thousand to three thousand," he let out a single laugh, "shit, even a lemonade costs three hundred and fifty." Thad turned to Machop and shrugged. "Sorry bro, but we be broke as shit. Gotta find the boss lady here and get our wagon straight."


"Yeah, you feelin' my vibe?" Thad replied, still sifting through his materials. Chuck had given him a small case for poffins, some healing potions, a basic cookware set, a waterskin, a few spare pokeballs, and of course his reference journal. He traced his hand over the cover of the composition notebook for a moment, before synching the bag's drawstring. "I'll study later. Sun is out, which means guns out, baby."

With a smile, Thad swung his pack back on his shoulder and crossed the street toward the public beach. He doubled checked that Chad was following along, to which he was, and copying Thad's posture and stance.

Just like we practiced. Gotta get that strut down. Human or not, ya gotta ya homies looking the part. Get him some sweet lady Machops, or whatever he be interested in. Thad slowed his pace and raised a hand to his chin, rubbing it as biology questions teased his mind. Are there female Machops? Machaps? Wachops? Maybe this Jasmine can help hook my bro up with a little squeeze.

"Now, my dude," Thad looked over his shoulder at his partner in crime, "we gotta be on the lookout for the important details."

Chad tilted his head, but slowly nodded in understanding.

"We need information, but it can't be just from anybody." Thad raised a finger as if to make his point stronger. "Look for the most ripped dude or gal on the beach. There's a code amongst our kind, and that is we know what sacrifice means." He let out a dreamy, distant sigh. "Heavy is the heart that knows not what carbs taste like. Commit that to your heart when we do our evening shadow boxing and squat thrusts."

"Macho Macho!" Chad replied enthusiastically. He tugged at Thad's pants, and pointed down the beach, toward a rocky shore. "Chop!"

Thad squinted, cupping his hand over his eyes. "Is that...a boulder with arms? Shit, bro, that I can 'mire. If you can translate, I'm all for it."

Chad jogged ahead with his trainer in tow as they reached the edge of the beach where rocks and some weeds had washed up on the craggy shore. Most of the people frolicking in the ocean hadn't set up on the harder earth, and even Thad had to admit the ground was rocky and a bit unstable.

The rock with arms was currently munching on a hunk of rocks, stripping them of a nearby boulder. Thad looked around, noticing a few jellyfish and fish pokemon out in the water, but nothing else seemed to be nearby the rocky fella.

"Alright, Chad," Thad whispered as they got closer, "When we get up to that dude, tell him to take us to the city's leader. Oh, and make sure you give him the pose and lean. We gotta have that swagger, bro."

Chad saluted Thad and ran up the boulder with arms. The Pokemon was about a foot and a half in diameter with a wingspan that would make most professional boxers jealous. Its large brown eyes immediately diverted from its food to the approaching Machop; who approached swinging its arms and chest puffed out.


Chad struck a pose, leaning back with his arms crossed, and began to chirp and babble with the sapient rock. Thad watched with curiosity as the two went back and forth, speaking their secret langauge. Never before would he have guessed to try and decipher what secrets a rock was keeping, but the Pokemon world had already proven to be full of wonder, with a side of insane monetary inflation.

After a couple of minutes of babbling banter, Chad turned back to Thad and tapped his chest twice, and then nodded. Thad winked at Chad, and stepped in front of him, looking down at the rock Pokemon.

"I'm the boss, so you gonna take us to your leader?" Thad asked.

"Geo. Geodude."

Thad nodded thoughtfully. "Well met, Mr. Dude." Thad jabbed his thumb back toward the city. "I can respect a dude that is mostly arms. I would say don't skip leg day, but you gotta work with what ya got, right? So, you know where this Jasmine lives?"

The boulder creature pumped its fists and then made a punching motion toward Thad's abdomen.

Most folk might be wary around a wild Pokemon, especially a rock capable of delivering power strikes.

But most folks weren't Thad.

And Thad possessed a set of abs hard enough to make most attacker's defense curl when struck. Polished like gleaming rocks in the heatwave of the sunny day, he flexed his eight-pack, ready to give the Geodude a smackdown.

Thad slapped his abs. "Give 'em a punch. I ain't one from backing down from a challenge from a swole kettlebell."

"Geooo!" The pokemon shouted. It slapped its hands on the ground, and propelled itself into the air, about at Thad's midsection. Reeling its right arm back, it quickly thrust a fist into Thad's tensed core.

A resounding crack echoed over the beach. The Geodude fell to the ground with a thud. Thad had a wide stance and smirked. Looking down, the fitness enthusiast noticed the poor Pokemon's fist was ever so slightly cracked on the knuckle. His stomach had a red spot from where he had been struck, but he had held firm and smiled at his handiwork.

Thank you training montage. My abs have from hard as a rock to stainless steel.

The rock pokemon stared at its fist in disbelief, back to Thad and Chad, and then back to its fist, unable to comprehend what had happened. Chad let out a howl of approval and dabbed behind his swole trainer.

Thad crouched down to the Geodude, taking a small healing potion out of his bag. He sprayed it on the Geodude's fist, sealing up the crack almost instantly.

"You got one hell of a right hook, my rocky bro," Thad commented as the Geodude flexed its fixed hand. "So, you want to tag along and help me find the boss lady? Figuring you a local and whatnot."

"Geo geo!" The pokemon grunted excitedly.

Chad nudged Thad in the side with his elbow and pointed at the bag. "What's up, Chad?" Thad looked over, seeing Chad point to a Pokeball. He raised an eyebrow. "Catch him? Hmmm. Only if he wants to. You and me are partners, and I don't know how I feel about the whole catching random dudes thing."



Thad threw his head back and laughed. "So you want to team up with Thad and Chad, do ya? Well, you've got good taste!" He took a Pokeball from the bag, propping it up on his fingertips. "I only wanted directions, but if you join the crew, you best be knowing that we work hard and play hard."

The Geodude rocked its body back and forth as if to nod in acknowledgment. The fact that Pokemon knew what he was saying still confused Thad, but he chalked it up to purely them understand the masculine aura he projected. Still, he couldn't help but feel amused that he was about to accept a swole boulder into his team.

"Alright, but you'll need a name…" Thad rubbed his chin, Chad mimicking his trainer. "How about Rocky, like after—" He snapped his finger, "Scratch that, you're name is now Dwayne. You dig it?"


"Couldn't have said it better myself," Thad replied, tossing the ball. The ball collided with the Geodude and quickly absorbed it into a beam of red light. The capsule fell to the ground and shook once before giving a clicking sound.

Thad scooped up the ball and smiled, giving his Machop a high-five.

"Nice work on the translation, bro. Not sure what you said, but we got a dude to help us on arm day a rolling stone who knows this big city." Thad fist-bumped Chad and then latched the ball on his belt. "Let's get a snack before we have Dwayne show us around. I ain't cutting right now, and one of them Tauros meat things sounded straight-up delish."

After a quick meal from a street vendor, Thad and Chad loaded up on their protein-heavy diet and shared a very overpriced water bottle from a vending machine. Thoughts of acquiring a water pokemon drifted across Thad's mind; as having an endless supply of water would be helpful for workouts, but then again, he'd need to capture a Pokemon to do it.

And a bro always knows consent is key.

Thad and Chad followed Dwayne, the Geodude, after the food vendor corrected him on what kind of 'mon he'd acquired, stood in front of a large grey shingled office-style building. It was located on the north side of town where not a lot of people tended to hang out, and the words 'GYM' was posted beside the sliding glass doors.

"These gyms are so weird," Thad remarked, scratching at the stubble on his chiseled chin. "You sure this the place Dwayne? I see the sign, but it looks like an office if I'mma be real with y'all."

Thad looked to Chad and exchanged a shrug. He grabbed both Pokeballs and placed his party within, and attached them to his belt. He patted his pants pocket, double-checking he still had the note from Chuck and then proceeded up the stairs to the Olivine City Gym.

The doors slid open automatically, and the heat of the blistering summer afternoon faded as he walked into a sleek, air-conditioned lobby. A few metallic floating magnet Pokemon buzzed around, and he saw a guy standing by the door; a middle-aged guy wearing glasses and a striped uniform.

"Welcome to Olivine City Gym challenger!" The man boisterous announced. "Gym Leader Jasmine is currently booked for matches for the day, but I can take your trainer ID information and get you scheduled—"

"Nah fam, I'm good." Thad dug out the letter from his pocket. "Chuck sent me. Gotta talk some deets with your boss."

"Oh," the man's energy level plummeted to a more mundane and controlled timbre, "then you may proceed right through. I wouldn't wish for you to miss the ferry back to Cianwood."

"Uh, sure my dude, thanks," Thad replied as he walked toward the end of the vacant lobby toward and another set of sliding double doors. He itched at his abs, which were slightly bruised, though with his tanned skin tone it was hardly noticeable. "I'll be sure to let her know you were helpful!"

"Just wait until Jasmine is done with her current challenger!" the man called back.

"For sure, bro," Thad replied, pumping a fist in the air.

The doors opened up to a large indoor stadium, filled with dirt and some chalk outlines like a tennis court. A few doors could be seen from the opposite end, but Thad's attention immediately focused on the battle taking place before him.

A large metallic snake dominated the room, towering over some kind of blue duck with a red dot on its forehead. A petite girl with brown pigtails notched with red, ball-like hair clips stood off on the left side of the arena dressed in a steel blue summer dress and matching pearl-colored sandals. Her slender build caught Thad a bit off guard as the person opposite of the field was a large burly sailor, dressed in a similar fashion to the men Thad had seen on the ferry ride.

Thad walked to the side of the door and leaned against the wall, watching the trainers shout complex commands to their companions. The lithe and short girl, Jasmine, spoke with a soft yet powerful voice that rose above the chaos of crashing earth and even stronger than the guttural commands from the sailor.

They really gettin' into it, Thad pondered as his eyes traced over the battle. Like any good sports enthusiast, he tried to predict what would happen next. The battle seemed to be a game of cat and mouse, between the duck dodging the large dives from the surprisingly fast metal snake that erupted from the earth, attacked, and then dove under the ground.

"That thing is huge as hell," Thad looked to Jasmine again, and then back to the behemoth Pokemon. A wry smile spread across his lips. "Maybe she's so tiny that she wants something so big?" Thad sighed, looking to his empty side. "Few days, and already feels weird not to have Chad by me. Huh."

With one final mighty roar, the large snake dove into the bipedal duck and flattened it out in a spectacular tackle. The sailor grumbled and kicked at the dirt before returning his ally to its Pokeball. Jasmine patted her giant companion its wide face where Thad imagined its nose would be, and then returned to her own Pokeball.

Thad waited for the banter to die down as the two trainers briefly talked in the center of the uprooted arena, with the sailor leaving amid cursing up a storm.

Don't be salty cause you lost to some Godzilla snake, bro.

"Eh, yo Jazzy!" Thad called out as the sailor rushed out the doors. The woman's attention swiveled from the wreckage and over to Thad, who waved to her. "Gotta talk with you, honey."

Her lips formed a thin line, and she retained the regal and soft tone Thad had heard from the battle. "I don't have any more challenges until the evening. Do you have a general question?"

"That I do," Thad peeled himself off the wall and jogged over to Jasmine, note in hand. "This is for you. Chuck said you might be able to help me out with some stuff."

Jasmine tentatively took the note from the bulky jock, looking at the sealed parchment, and then back up to Thad. Her head barely came up to his nipple, which amused Thad a bit as he couldn't hold back a grin. For such a formidable trainer, the fact that she was maybe one hundred pounds soaking yet tickled his brain.

"Let's see here…" Jasmine unfurled the letter, and her light brown eyes skimmed the contents with ravenous speed. "It seems Chuck is trying to get you in contact with Bruno… You're not native to Johto? From somewhere called California?"

"Born and raised." Thad flexed his pecs, though Jasmine held an iron-clad poker face. "Forreal though, I didn't even know about Pokemon being a thing until like… five days ago? Shit be wild."

Jasmine recoiled back as if she'd been slapped. "Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me you, a grown man, is unfamiliar with Pokemon?"

"Uh, yeah that is what I'm saying," Thad replied matter-of-factly. "I'm not too proud where I won't accept help to say when I don't know something, but yeah. This Pokemon thing be wacky, honey."

"It's a bit uncanny…" Jasmine rolled her tongue around in her mouth, rereading the letter for any missed information. "And Chuck even gave you his seal of approval as a verified trainer?!"

"Oh yeah," Thad said, puffing out his chest. "Just gotta find the Elite Four, or whatever your government officials are called, and find this Bruno dude. Says he might know a thing or two about a little something-something, ya know?"

The gym leader pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled softly. She smiled and looked up at Thad. "And Chuck knows I've been wanting an excuse to travel a bit. How thoughtful. So let's say I escorted you through Johto—"

"Seriously?" Thad piped up. He rubbed the back of his head. "I figured you'd give me a map, some money, or even a sweet ride. You got cars right?"

"Not here, and certainly not for outer city travel," Jasmine confirmed. She drew in a deep breath and handed the note back. "So to my understanding is I'm talking with a man that has no knowledge of Pokemon, has trained for a total of five days, and now is set to journey across the entire Johto region for one of the most reclusive trainers in the world?"

Thad tilted his head from side to side, mulling over her analysis. "Well, when you put it like that, it makes me seem kinda like a newborn baby. Guess I am with this stuff, but I'm doing alright so far. Even caught some boulder guy; a Geodude."

"Really?" Jasmine sounded impressed, a ghost of a smile breaking her neutral expression. "Perhaps there is something more to you than...uh, muscles, but it's imperative I help you." She placed her hand on her chest. "As a well-respected trainer and gym leader, it's my duty to help you."

"Sweet, so how we doing this?"

"Get a room at the Pokemon Center tonight," Jasmine instructed. "I've some time to get my affairs in order, and then I shall be able to escort you. It'll take some time, but I think it would help you acclimate to the world since, as you said, have next to no experience with no Pokemon."

"You're escorting me?" Thad replied, sounding slightly offended. "Just saying, you can say travel together. Don't gotta make it sound like babysitting."

The corners of Jasmine's eyes curled upward and her lips twitched. "Of course, Thad."

Shit, she's thinking I'm gonna get eaten by some wild Pokeman. Thad let out a sigh and returned a weary smile. Well, maybe I can get her to change her mind.

"So, meet at the Pokemon Center or here?" Thad asked.

"I'll meet you at the Pokemon Center at sunrise," Jasmine instructed sternly. "With any luck, we'll make it to Ecruteak City in a few days on foot. Maybe then I can get a better understanding of your unique situation."

"Bet." Thad held out his hand for a fist bump. After a moment of apprehension, Jasmine bumped his fist with her own, though she bristled a bit at the strange gesture.

"See you later, Thad," Jasmine said, walking away. "I've got to clean up my gym and organize a substitute."

Thad waved to the small woman. "No problem, girly," Jasmine's shoulders tensed a bit, "I'll see you in the morning."

Tomorrow looks like I'm going on a camping trip, Thad pondered. He began to make his exit toward the lobby of the gym but cast a glance over his shoulder to Jasmine. She had taken Pokeball off her waist, and released a two-foot mole with sharp hands and a protruding horn. She was crouching down, speaking quietly to her companion. Huh, looks like a little gopher dude. Maybe I'll see more in the future from her. She can teach me about these weird critters, and maybe I can get her on a squat regiment. She looking like she hasn't lifted a pebble or eaten any meat in her life.

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