

It had been a few days since the battle, snow covered the village and the university. It was a nice contrast to the depressed mood of Vaeril and Rophalin.

I understood their anger and sadness, being humiliated by a man who was saved by hiding behind soldiers. To think a man like that would enlist, a bandit being a soldier felt ironic. I couldn't picture the man clean shaven in a suit of armor, decorated.

I was watching out my window as the snowflakes fizzled out, perhaps they would continue later but for now I sat on my bed next to Sofia.

"I'm glad everything went alright," Sofia gripped my hand lightly. We had only known each other such a short amount of time but she was someone I had come to know on my own. No help from the original Delsanra, I had tried to think of anyone who had sat like this with me. It had been so long since I had met such a friend.

Speaking of friends I wondered what happened to my previous life, it wasn't much to write home about. I was some college student who didn't yet have a path, I was undeclared till I woke up in this very room. The sword that brought me here now sat on my dresser, clear from possibly bringing someone else to this body.

My eyes drifted up Sofia's pajama's, seeing the soft red pants and thin grey shirt made me want to climb into bed with her. Sleep off the hours and hours of contemplation. 

Since coming here I had experienced so much new wonder and people. In just a few days I had been enwrapped in a life that felt so good. Finally having friends made this world so much better than my previous.

"Everything okay Delly?"

She had caught me in a trance again, "Yeah everything is fine."

We left my room and went down the hall to our respective restrooms. I had a bathroom of my own of course, but I had put off replenishing any toilet paper or paper towels.

When I entered the well lit restroom I noticed how uncleanly the bathroom was. This was more like the college I had come to know, going to sit on one of the toilets I noticed a few pubes clung to the toilet bowl.

"Gross!" I said while grabbing some toilet paper and wiping the strands of hair into the water. I lined the seat with some toilet paper and did my business. 

A few people came in and out, the sink was used, the other stalls were used. Hearing the pissing of many of the men that lived on my floor felt strange. It didn't use to bother me but in this world I didn't have earbuds to listen to music or watch videos while on the toilet.

Hearing the different streams felt like I was invading their privacy, but it was public and strangely many didn't like using the urinals.

Once I was done the bathroom had deserted once more. I walked to the sink and began to wash my hands when the door opened.

I jumped a bit at the sound and saw a tall human man with dirty blonde hair walk inside, he stopped suddenly before taking a step back to look at the sign on the door.

"Ugh excuse me ma'am, I think you are in the wrong restroom."

I giggled at his politeness, "I'm actually a guy."

"Oh I am so sorry!" He smiled and slightly bowed his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay. Happens all the time." He was really cute, I hadn't seen many humans since coming here but he was definitely the most eye catching. I dried my hands before reaching one out to shake his, "Hi, my name is Delsanra."

He smiled while reaching out his hand. He had a firm hand shake, and despite the callouses his hands were soft. He was tall yet a bit muscular, and I noticed his hair was possibly dyed since his eyebrows were noticeably darker.

"The name's Parker, the pleasure is all mine."

Meeting a cute guy in the bathroom was not on my bucket list, but the interaction was more normal than I had suspected.

Once I walked out into the hall Sofia was no where to be found. I walked to her door and knocked but no response.

"Did I leave my door unlocked?"

Walking to my dorm room I opened the door to see my room decorated with very festive decorations. A stuff Santa sat on my bed and a small Christmas tree was lit in a corner. Tensile was hanging from the corners of the room and presents sat on my desk.

"Oh Delsanra, you came at just the perfect time. We finished!" Sofia had just lit a scented candle when I noticed her across the room talking to Vaeril and Rophalin.

They both wore heavy coats, but Vaeril was in multiple layers, where even in freezing temperatures Rophaline preferred a lighter set of clothes.

"Merry Christmas," the two old friends said in unison.

They looked much happier, but a certain wait could be felt on their shoulders. I was still happy they came since a Christmas with more people can often be more fun than alone.

Rophalin ran up to me, her large frame shaking the floor. She held out a cute pink bag with a Santa like figure imprinted on the bag's surface. "Let's get started! I love opening gifts!"


I had spent much of my time getting accustomed to this new area, elves were so different then humans. Many of my own family hated them due to their appearance of higher intelligence. But I didn't see the use of all the fuss.

I remember my grandfather sitting me down and telling me if I went to this Elvish school, to never show up to his place again. Which didn't make any sense since he lived with my parents, who were help paying for me to go here.

Despite the first semester going smoothly, I really hadn't made a friend. Even other humans were from different areas than I was and I have little in common with others that go here. I assume that is partly due to the path I wish to seek, from my sword master he said "a great sword master is made better if he knows how to heal himself". I still don't know if this is true, but it makes the admissions to a great Dueling University more unique and potentially worth it.

Perhaps I could attend one of the big 5 schools and be a great knight. A captain had arrived a few days prior but he ultimately chose some other person to be his squire. I had been told by a few of the captains men who I met at the bar not to feel bad. Apparently the guy he chose was next level.

Either way it was disappointing.

At least the snow was nice, and that short elf I met in the bathroom was nice as well. Maybe I will say hi next time I see him.


We laughed as we opened the presents, Sofia and I mainly got jewelry and new clothes while Rophalin and Vaeril got weapons and gear.

A few days prior I had bought a new bow for Vaeril with the money my mother sent me every month. She was very generous and a great lady but I had yet to meet her since I had transmigrated into this body.

Mainly thoughts of her realizing her son wasn't the same person from a short time ago. But I was denying the inevitable, she wrote me every week, and every so often Delsanra would write back. Which I began to continue shortly after finding myself here.

Rophalin was extremely happy and flattered since I decided to buy her some earrings that Sofia helped to get in. She said it had been years since she had worn any jewelry not made for combat so she was pleasantly surprised.

We all left the warm embrace of the dorms and played in the snow for some time, we ended the morning going into town and left at night from the bar with our arms wrapped around each others hips.

"Merry Christmas!" We sang as Sofia and I were escorted to the carriage.

We both hugged Rophalin and Vaeril good bye as we got into the carriage. Surprisingly we were alone and spoke freely.

I grabbed Sofia's shoulder, "So what is up with Christmas, like what is the reason we celebrate it?"

Sofia's eyes went big before laughing, when she realized I was expecting an answer her eyes went big again but began to explain. "Well I'm sure you remember the story of the white haired and red suited man who gave gifts every Christmas day. Well that is Santa Claus and it was also once known as the birth of a great person a very long time ago."

"Oh like Jesus?"

"Maybe, we don't remember those things anymore."


"Well more us Elves don't. We partake in these rituals and holidays after some war hundreds of years ago."

"Oh, you wouldn't happen to know more about this?" I ventured to find more information.

"No, but I'm sure the school's library would have some information."



We reached the university, most of it's lights were off since most went home for the holidays, but we went arm in arm to our building. We hugged and went to our respective dorms, it wasn't till I opened the door I stepped on something strange.

It was a letter, I picked up the enveloped and quickly opened it. "Mom?"

Written inside was-

"Dear My Lovely Son,

I miss you so much dear! Please come home for New Years or I will be coming to you Mr! (P.s. seriously, come a day early, your poor mother is sick of not seeing you!)



Merry Christmas

Vastayacreators' thoughts
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