
Chapter 7: Aphrodisiac

I took the reward for the quest with the power of my mind, and then my body shook quite a bit. Blood even started running from my nose.

Will x3 immediately affected my body. The essence of this Genetic Enhancement was to strengthen the owner's will, making it more tangible. It may not seem particularly useful, but in fact, the Will in this world could allow you to take the enemy by surprise or even intimidate. One only has to remember the Will of Stain. It was so terrifying that even professional heroes froze in place. Of course, I was still far from that, but I felt some good changes in myself...

I think my current Will should be enough to influence normal people. A strange ability, but not useless, especially considering that I got it for free.

Of course, the system points are much more important... As many as 30,000.


I returned to the shop menu and without thinking, purchased my second quirk.

It was my first time doing this, so I was a little nervous...

[Aphrodisiac] → 50,000 points.


— Hm? — As soon as I acquired this quirk, I felt a little dizzy, and then I was surprised to find that a strange red haze began to hover around my body, which seemed to bubble until it finally penetrated my body.

That's all?

The dizziness subsided. I didn't feel anything else.


Name: Koji Bakugo

Age: 15 years.

Rank: High School Student

— [Strength: 38] — [Stamina: 31] — [Speed: 14] — [Durability: 20] — [Talent: 100] —


- [Blast Wave] → Development 55%.

— [Aphrodisiac] → Development 0%.

Genetic improvements:

— DNA expansion → x1

— Strength Improvement → x1

— Improved stamina → x1

— Will → x3

Available system points: 10,000

Then a familiar notification appeared before my eyes, the one that usually appeared after completing a task:

[Striving for Power. Successfully completed!

Completion condition: obtain a second quirk.

Reward: 10,000 System Points.]

— Do you want to collect your reward now?

— Yes.

Ten thousand points were immediately credited to my account.

Well, not bad... Almost back to where I started. Now I'm not sure when I'll get back to fifty thousand, though.

But if there are no problems with this, then I may need certain quirks for cover or to quickly complete tasks. And in any case, I had to buy a second one to get a reward for it. Aphrodisiac was a good choice.

Okay, one more thing...

I spent all my points on another DNA Expand, then stood up and exhaled.

Now my account has been reset. But I can focus on a new fad. Depending on how everything goes, I'll decide everything.

Well, for now...

"I should evaluate the capabilities of my new quirk..."

I didn't get any information on how to use it. But, not everything is handed to you on a plate?

Besides, I was a time traveler, and I knew even more about quirks than I needed to. Except for this one, of course.

That's why I've been studying heroes and villains for many years.

The user of Aphrodisiac called himself "Alpha Male". He ended up in Tartarus for an obvious reason - women. But that is precisely why he remained elusive for many years. No one wanted to give him up. But that was clearly not enough for him...

He used his women as merchandise, and sold their bodies. But one day, he decided to take on a professional hero. An elite commodity that could allow him to make a ton of money. However, not only did he overestimate the capabilities of his quirk, he also took a swipe at Miruko herself. Of course, I understand him, considering how hot she is, but... He apparently didn't take into account the peculiarity of her quirk... Miruko was not a "full-fledged" person, which is why the pheromones did not have the desired effect, the essence of the quirk was revealed, the villain's crimes were made public, and he himself was not only brutally beaten, but also deprived of freedom forever.

According to reports, the "Alpha Male" had captured over a hundred women, and even after being captured, some of them still begged to release him. Many, of course, realized that it was his quirk. But Aphrodisiac did not cause love, but rather pushed towards it. After all, desiring and loving are two different things, but some confused these things.

In general, human psychology is a complicated thing, experienced people worked with these girls and I don't know how everything was resolved. They didn't write about it in the news.

One way or another, I learned two very important details about his quirk.

Firstly, attracting the attention of the opposite sex and influencing their behaviour by releasing pheromones. Literally, the smell of the owner of this quirk caused attraction in females. Of course, within reason. They did not fall in love with him at first sight. But, objectively, if ordinary males have a chance to attract a female, then the owner of this quirk has them tens of times more. If you combine this with communication skills, then there should be no problems in conquering a girl at all.

Secondly, the main weapon is Aphrodisiac. Any bodily fluid causes strong sexual desire and activity in individuals of the opposite sex. A little saliva is enough to excite a woman so much that she will hardly be able to control herself.

Simply put, if the first is attractive, the second allows you to catch the victim in the net. After all, only a few are able to resist sexual attraction. This is not considered a threat, especially in relation to an attractive person.

This is what the "Alpha Male" used. He only had to pass by the target, then attract her attention, ask her out on a date and lead her to a kiss. Then, like any normal person in the flow of passion, it became almost impossible for his victim to stop the inevitable.

Of course, sometimes it didn't work. Pheromones are not an absolute weapon, especially against faithful and strong women. Some may have been tempted, but they had no intention of cheating on their husbands or boyfriends. Then the villain had to resort to trickery. He could sneak into their house, mix "something" into their food or drink. Well, and then suddenly appear and it's a small matter... This is the strongest part of the ability. Due to the attraction specifically to the owner of the quirk, it was too difficult for the woman to control herself.

Well, something like that...

I have a week until the results of the entrance exam are announced, and during this time, I think I will be checking whether my quirk works and how strong it is. So far, there have been doubts...

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