
Chapter 4: I Was A Teenage Abomination

At the beach Eda asks an uneasy looking Luz if she ever saw something as breathtaking as the trash slug; Luz says she doesn't like this Eda says it's a home for those others have thrown by the wayside until it gets blasted by a wave one day and gets croaked by the salt then they get to sell the stuff.

"So you are getting my Luz to help you scavenger junk from a giant slug and sells it?" Carmila asked glaring at Eda who scowled.

"Seriously lady, are you going to be critiquing every single thing that I do?" Eda asked to which Carmila nodded slightly causing Eda to grumble with her arms crossed.

Luz begs not to make her as Eda gets out a pickaxe and King sarcastically tells Luz that it's not every day that they go to a dump and gets to pick apart a garbage carcass.

"I see King has more sense than you do." Commented Camila to which Eda laughed.

"Sister, just keep watching and see how much more sense King has." Eda retorts as King looks down with his arms crossed.

Eda says nuts to them both as she slings her pickaxe and Luz asks if they should try some new lessons for her apprenticeship like ancient scrolls or mixing potions. Eda says it sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff as she looks through the trash and Luz excitedly asks if there is a magic school around there.

The Hexside students smiled proudly.

Eda unenthusiastically says they force you to learn magic the 'proper' way but magic isn't proper and it's beautiful because it's wild and unpredictable.

"So many years out of school and you never learned to grow out of that attitude, have you Edalyn?" Bump asked to which Eda sticks her tongue out.

Eda says she didn't finish school and look at her and who wouldn't want to be where she is right now while standing in the trash with the flies around.

Eda glared at the silence that was coming out of the audience in response to that.

Luz looks down as Eda tells her a great witch is resourceful as she puts Luz down slime and she gets out a slime ball; Eda tells her to use her slime ball wisely.

"Seriously, if anyone there could have taken my Luz under their wing why did it have to be her?" Camila asked and Eda glared at her.

"Eda came in for me the last episode and she gave good advice and just wait Mum; what she had given me will come in handy!" Luz said winking at Willow who winked back to Camila's confusion.

"I have to say for the record that that your daughter would have been better off being found by someone else; like for instance Lilith Clawthorne." Bump told her and the students were excited to hear the mention of the Emperor's Coven leader and Eda glared at him for bringing her up.

Luz says that she will head home and look at pictures of animals that are still alive. Luz tells King that she loves him while he is lying on his blanket and tickles his stomach before walking off.

"Okay, he is way too adorable to be hanging around you lot. How much would you want to sell him for?" Boscha asked to which Eda and Luz glared at her direction for thinking they would put their friend up for sale.

Eda says more for her then as she looks through the trash which she throws and King is hit on the head by a tuba.

There was laughs at this as King grumbled, "I am putting you all on the list to face my everlasting vengeance once I am restored to my rightful throne!" King snapped.

The opening is shown.

Luz is angrily putting the slime ball into her pocket saying that if magic was all about digging for slime balls then maybe she doesn't have the stomach for it. Luz hears Willow say that she can do it and Luz takes it as mysterious voice of encouragement. Luz looks through a bush and notices Willow sitting by her books and her abomination cauldron with Luz excited to see a little witch girl.

"Met my first witch friend my age!" Luz said excitedly waving to Willow who was looking embarrassed knowing what was going to happen.

Willow tells herself that she can do it and even if she gets a bad grade then it isn't a reflection of her as a witch and her parents are right that there are better opportunities on the track.

There was some snickering from her former classmates and Willow looked down and Camila was feeling sorry for this poor girl who had to give herself some encouragement.

Willow steps on a flower and panics before she uses her magic to restore it to normal which amazes Luz. Then came riding by magic a cart with an abomination cauldron and Amity is riding on top reading Magic 101.

"You... Saw this..." Amity asked nervously looking to Luz besides her remembering what had happened.

"Not the best first impression as you come across as stuck up top student type of school character." Luz said honestly trying not to sound mean.

Amity then smirks as she notices Willow and jumps down saying that Willow is so unnoticeable that she almost rolled into her.

Camila and some students glared at Amity's direction and Willow looked sadly at Amity's direction as well. "Wow Mittens, do you really treat her like that even if you are not friends anymore?" Edric asked shaking his head in unison with Emira as students were muttering and Amity glared at his direction.

"Wait hold up, are you going to explain this backstory reveal to me?" Luz asked at once wide eyed but then saw Amity and Willow look down silent.

Amity asks Willow if she should get to class as Willow's cauldron falls over and the Abomination spills to the ground along with its eyeball.

Amity asks Willow if she has anything to show which Luz whispers calling it witch drama; Willow embarassingly puts her hood over her head and Amity says that this is why people call her 'half a witch Willow'. Amity hears her Abomination in her cauldron and says that someone wants to say something as she unlids her cauldron and gets her abomination to rise.

"Seriously what are these things?" Camila asked looking quite afraid of it.

"From what I can tell witches uses abominations as helping hands and guards or stuff." Luz explained and Camila wondered about there being an entire class around these creatures.

The abomination puts its finger to Willow's head in a star shape and Amity says that it's like her top student star badge but much smaller and meaningless. Amity says that as top student that it's her duty to keep at it and even her could get a passing grade someday. Amity gets her abomination to cower and lids it back up again saying 'see you in class superstar' as she leaves.

Willow was glaring at Amity along with Gus, Camila and some other unpopular students, "I was just trying to be encouraging..." Amity remarked looking down; she couldn't be too nice to Willow because what if they get caught and it gets back to her parents or more specifically her Mum...

Amity walks away with her cart as Willow puts her hood down and Luz looks angry at her direction spitting out her tongue; Willow puts on a fake smile while repeating the 'see you in class superstar' line and angrily says that she hates when Amity does that. She says that she hates making abominations, she hates getting bad grades and she can't stand it anymore as there is wind around her. Her eyes glow green and out from around the dead again flower comes vines with one taking Luz by the foot and drops her.

Some students were wide eyed at this and Luz laughed "what a way to meet a new friend, aren't I right?" Willow laughed along with Luz as Amity glances at this for a second thinking about how Luz has her ex-best friend and a mother who loves her.

Back at the beach Eda is tying a blanket full of trash slug eggs to her staff saying that the oviduct was loaded; King remarks that Eda lost apprentice and gained garbage eggs sarcastically calling it a fair trade. Eda retorts that she didn't lose anything and King replied that if she doesn't teach Luz right then she will and then he comes in and makes her his apprentice.

"Wait, what is going to happen?" Luz asked to which Eda smirked as King looked uneasy. Eda just told her to watch.

Eda laughs and asks if he would teach Luz to get stuck in the arm of a sweater and King retorts that it only happened once. King says that he would teach her about demons and how to identify them, talk to them and raise an army with them to tear apart the world.

Camila couldn't stop a scoff from escaping her throat to which Eda smirked her way.

Eda says after they take him out of the sweater arm and King replies asking why don't they make a little bet where he can prove that he would make a better teacher.

Camila was going to ask about them using Luz in a wager but her daughter put her to it; "Wait, did you put me up for a wager?" Luz asked not being thrilled with the idea to which Eda and King looked uneasy.

Eda takes out from her hair a book on their one sided wagers and says that she is obligated to remind him that she only uses their bets to utterly humiliate him and that he never won showing the star stickers of the boxes underneath Eda's drawing and the fail stamps underneath King's head. King says that he likes those odds.

Just about everyone bursted into laughter here.

"You think that you can tell me about these previous bets, please?" Luz asked and Eda smirked saying that she will love to.

Eda takes an egg and says that if he can teach this trash slug to be his loyal soldier in one day then Luz is all his but if he fails then she changes his name to Mr Wiggles.

There were snickers at this with the biggest one coming from Luz.

King says that if she loses then she has to wear a shame shirt, sleep in a shack and never come into the Owl House again. Eda says deal and has him stamp his paw on a page next to her signature. Eda tosses the egg onto King's head as it hatches and King catches the trash slug. Eda laughs as she walks off.

"What happened as neither seemed to happen?" Luz asked to which Eda just motioned for her to keep watching.

Luz is looking up at Willow who panics when she notices Luz and sets her free from the vines while apologising, Luz says that it's okay and the thorns only went through a few layers of skin.

Camila had been panicking at this and just shook her head at Luz's reaction.

Willow notices Luz's circular ears which Luz covers and then realises that she's human. She finds it astounding asking how a human got onto the Boiling Isles as she helps her up.

"You can seriously tell by the ears?" Camila asked to which Willow and HAS members including Gus nodding in response.

Willow hears the school bell and then says that she has to go disappoint her teacher.

Camila shook her head at Willow's lack of self-confidence being shown here.

Luz walks after her introducing herself and says that what she did with the flower and the plants was wow, Willow thanks her and says that her parents put her in the abominations track at school so she isn't supposed to be doing plant magic.

"What was stopping you from doing it outside of school?" Camila asked.

"The track system is a precursor to the Coven system where you are only supposed to be doing the one type of magic." Bump explained and Camila shook her head thinking it didn't sound very fair.

Luz excitedly talks about how jealous she is and she has a teacher but her lessons are a bit untraditional.

"Nicest way of putting it." Bump said to which Eda looked his way looking angry.

"I already have my student's Mom criticising my every move so I don't need you to do so yourself!" Eda told her.

"Your record speaks for itself Edalyn." Bump retorted.

Luz says that she wishes that she could spend a day there and Willow says she wishes to have a passing grade for once so that the students would stop calling her 'half a witch Willow'. Luz suggests that she becomes her abomination so she gets a good grade and Luz gets into magic school, calling it fiendishly clever.

"Luz..." Camila said shaking her head upon seeing Luz putting a planned stunt together to which Luz smiled sheepishly.

Willow bells out in response to her idea and Luz says the abomination is just chunks of stuff that talks weird and she is chunks of stuff that talks weird.

"So Luz, how many minutes did it take before you were caught out."Camila asked and Luz said she didn't know how long. "Come on Luz, was it like 5 minutes because I doubt this charade could have lasted any longer than ten..." Camila asked to which Amity let out a humourless laugh and Camila was stunned by this reaction.

Willow says that it's a deal as they shake on it but their hands get stuck together by the goo that Luz had put her hands in and Luz falls into the rest of the goo once they pull themselves free.

Luz and Willow were giggling at this.

At the school Willow welcomes Luz who is in her cauldron to Hexside School of Magic & Demonics and reminds her to stay hidden. In the halls Willow scratches her locker to open its mouth and her books are on its tongue.

Camila screamed out loud at this, "Luz your statement last episode about this magical world not being PG rated is such an understatement, I can tell." Camila remarked.

Gus bumps into her reading his Tween Bo$$ magazine; he tells her that humans put barbed wire around their kid's teeth while showing an ad for braces. Gus asks why thinking to make them magnetic and Luz still in the cauldron says that it's for storing treats.

"No, it's for straightening teeth." Camila clarified for the interested HAS members.

Willow says that she is going to tell him something but he has to be cool, Willow says 'abomination rise' as Luz stands up in the cauldron. Luz says that she is an abomination with Willow telling her that it's not how abominations act and Gus notices her ears.

Camila thought about how it seemed that witches here have elf years.

Willow explains to Luz that he is the president of the Human Appreciation Society and most witches wouldn't notice a human right away but Gus is an expert.

Gus looked proud of himself at this being revealed.

Gus asks where are her gills and Luz calls him Gus from Augustus which Willow had been calling him before; Gus is excited about getting a human nickname.

"Human's don't have gills." Camila clarified to Gus's direction who thought to recheck his source on that.

The school bell rings with its fanged teeth with Gus going to spelling class and Willow gets Luz to get back into the cauldron.

"Like the school bell isn't normally scary enough as it is." Luz joked to her mum and Camila giggled with her.

King is offering a treat to his trash slug naming him Prince Jr and Eda drinking while watching calls him Mr Wiggles saying that he's not going to teach him doing that. King calls it positive reinforcement as Prince Jr eats his treat growing bigger.

Camila and most of the student knew this wasn't going to end well.

King gets out another treat and tries to get Prince Jr to attack Eda and she nonchantly asks him to stop faking being attacked. King says that they haven't seen Eda's student in forever and for all they know Luz isn't loyal to her anymore as Prince Jr gets the treat from King.

Eda says that he wishes but then wonders where is she.

Luz was wondering how she was going to react.

Inside the abomination class the teacher fails a student for having too many toenails and says the biggest abominations are all of them.

"Is this guy trying to get a mean teacher of the year award?" Camila asked and most of the students in the guy's class were in agreement with her.

If the next one is a failure then everyone gets extra homework for a month which makes them mutter but Amity smirks at Willow's direction.

"I was trying to be helpful..." Amity weakly defended herself.

Amity volunteers to be the next one to come up and gets her's to rise and pose, the teacher laughs and says that he always saves the best for last. He gets Willow to come up as she puts her hood up and muttering from her classmates. Luz puts her head up and tells Willow that they can do this.

Camila was thinking that the charade had to end here.

She brings her cart to the front of the classroom and uses the 'abomination rise' line and Luz jumps right out. This amazes everyone as Willow gets Luz to bow and the teacher says it's impressive but can Luz speak; Luz does so using a cheesy line. Amity is open mouthed with the classmates calling this cute as the teacher gives Willow an A+ as Amity then crosses her arms glaring at Willow.

"You... You can't... You can't be serious..." Camila muttered her mouth wide open as Bump thought about that he needed to put him under training to tell a real abomination to a pretender.

After the bell rings Willow carries her cart out as the teacher commends her and takes the top student badge from Amity and gives it to Willow.

"After one good grade?" Camila questioned putting her hand on her cheek.

Amity angrily points out the last time that she saw Willow her abomination was mush and asks what did she do. Willow makes an excuse that she took her pep talk to heart and Amity says that she has her eyes on Willow as the badge is her's while walking backwards bumping into another student.

"It was just a badge Mittens; seriously it was no big deal." Emira spoke up not looking very happy at her and Amity was a bit embarrassed by how she had acted.

Back at the Owl House; Eda bangs the door open causing Hooty's face to crash into the wall with him giving a glare.

"Seriously, Hooty leads a horrible existence and he tries to be happy..." Camila said.

"His life isn't so bad..." Eda retorted to which Camila glared at her.

Most of the students were feeling sorry for Hooty after seeing this.

Eda asks if she has seen Luz and Hooty answers that he heard tiny feet walking close by but it might have been some mice and points up at the weather vane's direction with his eye. Eda realises what is in that direction and runs to the school and looks through a window. She bemoans blind obedience at a young student's class, pointless busy work from another class and notices through another window Luz standing by Willow writing stuff down. She then shouts to the sky.

"That was a horrible realisation..." Eda muttered shivering at the memory.

Camila was thinking about how Luz would fit right into home in a school of magic.

At the cafeteria Gus asks Luz who is sitting in the cauldron; if humans eat PB&J and Luz asks for some since she hasn't eaten some real food in so long.

"Wait, what have you been eating here?" Camila asked alarmed.

"I don't think you are ready for the answer to that question Mum..." Luz sheepishly admitted to which Camila groaned.

Luz goes back in and Willow asks if Amity saw that as Amity jumps onto the table angrily saying that she saw that and pointed out how abominations don't eat. She shouts into the cauldron and shakes Luz by the collar demanding answers.

Camila frowned at this display.

The abomination teacher goes by saying that he suspected that she might be jealous but says that this was sad.

Amity panics as the teacher sends her to Principal Bump's office which she angrily does so dropping Luz. Luz and Willow looks on with their faces down.

"For what it was worth, sorry Amity for getting you into trouble and getting your badge taken from you." Willow told Amity and she was taken aback by this.

"Sorry myself since this was all my idea." Luz said as well and Amity was silent.

"Water under the bridge I guess and sorry too for what happens..." Amity muttered fearfully.

King is giving commands to his significantly much larger Prince Jr while throwing treats at his mouth.

Most of the audience thought that this looked like they were waiting or a bomb to explode.

Eda is there and King asks if she found her runaways student and says that he has won while continuing to feed Prince Jr treats. Eda angrily tells him congrats as King shows her a shame hat that he made which she takes and walks on to the inside of a shack. King sends Prince Jr to make the world tremble as his training is complete but Prince Jr just stands there. King notices that he is out of treats and cowers at Prince Jr's shadow overlooking him.

"Oh dear..." Luz said as most of the audience were looking fearful.

In a classroom Luz gets out of the cauldron and offers a high five to Willow and Gus while they just stare on and Luz explains to slap her hand. Gus is excited to do so repeatedly. The door opens and Amity is there serious looking with Principal Bump behind him.

Students shivered at how scary looking Bump could be.

"Is that a mask on your head or..." Camila asked Bump who looked confused and then waved her hand. "On second thought, I would rather not know..." Camila muttered.

Bump goes in as Amity is at the side smirking, Willow and Gus looks nervous as Bump examines Luz. He gets her to rise and then lie but Luz thinks it's something wrong to which Bump thinks that it's strange for an abomination to get a command wrong. He means to lie down which she does so on a table.

Bump says that after what Amity had told him he had to see what she is made off with a closer look as he gets out a knife.

"You were trying to get my Luz cut open?" Camila asked sounding unusually calm to both Amity and Bump who both gulped and looked terrified. Some students were muttering about this was a bit much from Amity including members of her posse.

"I am so sorry Mrs Noceda..." Amity said sounding afraid forgetting that Camila was a human and she was a witch with half a dozen ways that she could easily defend herself.

"Mum, like Amity said it's water under the bridge... Okay, nothing I had done had warranted being cut open but I think we are moving past it..." Luz told Camila and she calmed down while still glaring at Amity. Amity shot Luz a grateful look at Luz for defending her and Luz smiled in response.

Bump says that she will let Willow have the first cut and she whispers asking if you can just cut open a human and Luz shakes her head in the negative. Gus then knocks down three cauldrons as three abominations rises up. Willow takes Luz and they run.

Amity says that they are getting away and Bump says the intruder won't get far as Bump uses a spell.

Students were becoming tense as it was scary when they were trying to run away from punishments from Bump.

Luz tells Willow that this is all her fault because she just wanted to see what a real magic school is like. Willow says they should get out of there but the defensive spell that Bump made seals the hallway.

Eda in her shack is lying down wearing the hat as King goes in begging that she helps him. The door is banging and Eda asks if it's trouble with his student and King says yes. Prince Jr gets in and drags King away who tearfully says that she can call him Mr Wiggles. Eda gets her staff and pokes Prince Jr in the head getting him to drop King. Eda tells King what they are going to do.

"Who hear is surprised that it lead to that happening, show of hands?" Eda asked everyone and no one raised their hands as King glared at Eda's smirking face.

Luz and Willow are running in the halls as Bump and the abominations catches up to them and they run. Willow says that this is awful since she doesn't know what to do and that Amity is right that she's just 'half a witch Willow'.

Amity sighed wishing that she had another way of trying to boost Willow's confidence up.

Luz retorts that she is a full witch and she is great and someone once told her that great witches are resourceful as Luz gets her stuff from her pocket which includes the slime ball which Willow picks up. Willow explains that it's a seed and uses it to grow vines.

"See, I ended up helping her once again!" Eda told Camila with a satisfied smile on her face but Camila shook her head.

The vines take care of the abominations and grabs Bump as he is amazed by what he is seeing. The sealing magic is done and they rush to the exit as Amity stops them demanding her badge.

"Again with the badge?" Emira and Edric had shouted in unison this time and Amity thought that she had taken it too personally. Willow did cheat on her assignment but she had been a bit too obsessed at this point. The fact that Luz seemed to be so forgiving didn't help matters...

She has her abomination seize them but Luz punches it and they run away as Amity reassembles it. Another abomination blocks the exit and Willow uses her vines to capture the abomination, Willow tells Luz to get away and Luz says that she is not leaving her. Willow says that she may get detention but Luz will get dissected as the abominations gets through the vines. Willow has a vine pick up Luz and throws her out the door closing it.

Camila smiled at seeing Luz finding herself a friend that was willing to face this much trouble to save her Luz.

Luz says that she can't save her right now but she knows someone who can.

Eda fights Prince Jr and King at the top of the roof above the door pours a barrel of salt over Prince Jr as they share a brief look and King disowns him as a son.

King sighs having since he did miss Prince Jr but Eda patted him on the head.

Prince Jr is restored to a small size and runs away. He falls down as Eda catches him and he calls her a good teacher as Eda wishes that Luz thought that too. Luz runs there catching Eda into a hug which she doesn't understand; Luz said her lesson worked about keeping junk in her pocket and how it saved her life. Luz says her new friends are in danger as Willow runs there along with Gus who both hugs Luz.

"That doesn't look like trouble to me..." Camila asked wondering what had happened.

Willow explained that everything is perfect now; Bump was so impressed with her plant work that she is being switched to the plant magic track. Her uniform's pink parts then turned green as they celebrate.

Willow smiled to Bump gratefully and he shrugged his shoulders, he saw that Camila was looking at the color change and decided to explain "the colors on the student's uniform match the track at the school."

Luz asks about Amity and Gus explains that last they saw Amity was asking if today could count as extra credit.

There were laughs at this.

Luz says that she can't wait to see her in action next time she sneaks in as Gus nervously shows her the banned poster with her picture on it.

"Oh Mija, I know you would have loved it there..." Camila muttered looking to Luz.

"Mrs Noceda, I know this doesn't exactly make up for the earlier dissection attempt but I have been thinking and my students could learn a lot from such a human in my school. I have thought about reversing this ban." Bump said speaking up to which Luz looked shocked, wide eyed and then excited. "Of course the requirements for me going through with this reversing includes Luz's teacher coming to the school and cleaning up all the messes that she left behind!" Bump snapped at Eda's direction; Eda had her mouth wide open before she stuck her tongue out at her.

No way was she going back there, but Luz did look excited at this prospect...

Eda cheerfully calls Luz her girl and Willow says that they both could come here and teach her what they learn. Luz says that it would be nice but she already has great teacher already which Eda is touched by. Eda excitedly calls Luz her student as she takes the poster which they laugh it and calls it baby's first wanted poster.

Camila just sighed at this point.

Eda pats Luz on the head saying great job and that she taught her something after all to which Gus said that they are supposed to high five with their hands.

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