
14.) Reuniting, the acquisition of skagos and a surprise.

AN: hey guys. Decided to at least start this today though I have no idea if it will be posted tonight before I go to bed or tomorrow when I wake up. I guess that depends on how I write.

Again, my title is pretty self explanatory. I like this way of doing things. I can't stand fics with just 'chapter 1-2' it makes it so hard to go back into the fic and find a specific part to either reference or go back and read for clarity.

Again, I need ideas on abilities for first men houses. If you need scale for the dragon pictures are posted in the meeting chapters. Yes, he and every other dragon has a thagomizer.

I'll also post pictures of skagos in this chapter. Not to brag but I think they're beautiful and the way I'm trying to set this up will be even more fun.

I do have a question though, because it will be named the kingdom of ice should I keep it snowy all the time there? Or should I use some magic bs to explain a way to bring spring about? Up to you all. I'm good with either. Here's the chapter. I'll refer to skagos as athens from now on. Thanks guys.


North side of Athens, the Shivering Sea, 128AC

Wylan Manderly pov

I and the rest of those sent here to scout the place that will be our home still can't help but gape each morning the sun rises over this beautiful place.

It's truly the most beautiful place I've seen throughout my long journey around the world. Everyone's always wondered why the island Lord Harald refers to as 'Athens' was always blanketed in a dense fog.

We've found the answers. All across the land we've spotted what seem to be ice covered volcanoes. Nobody knew such things were even possible.

While we were all eager to make landfall Lord Harald gave me specific orders to await his arrival to asses the situation himself before anyone put themselves at risk.

That was something I always found odd about Lord Harald. He never acted like any noble I've ever seen. He was genuinely nice to the people of low birth and didn't seem to care whether they were a bastard, heir to a house, or even a wilding. Hells, he bought Edris after sparing his life in the fighting pits.

Then he just told the man to be free. To do what he wishes.

The look the amber eyed man gave to Lord Harald that day will be forever remembered by me. It was one of confusion. As if he'd never thought about something he wanted to do.

After some time following us through the city where Harald got him some decent clothes, it seemed Edris slipped right into our group seemlessly, like he'd always been there.

He was quiet. Very much so. Harald always said he was like a cat. Ever watching, ready to pounce should the need arise.

I had just thought he didn't understand our language, which I later knew to be true. Harald was quick to teach him the language he uses with us he called 'Spanish.' A fascinating thing more akin to a bastard version of Valyrian. But it had its own beauty.

Edris being sufficent in many bastard Valyrian dielects quickly picked it up. After a few years he began adapting more to the old tongue we speak among ourselves. Something Harald didn't budge an inch on. He wouldn't allow any common tongue of the andals to be spoken.

Any of the men who disregarded orders in the beginning found themselves literally shunned. People refused to answer any questions asked in the andal tongue. It was made clear this was one of the only times Harald ever used his classic, 'this isn't a suggestion. It's an order' line.

He had many of those 1-2 sentence phrases. It got his point across quite well.

There were many misconceptions about the youngest stark in the pack. Many saw him as unstable but Harald was the most consistent man I've ever known. He never wavered in his beliefs or morals. He would destroy treachery root and stem, he never bedded any women, and he never went back on his word.

Harald had been transparent from the day we met. 'Don't give me a reason to take your head.' He had told me after I saw him kill his uncles and cousins as if performing a mundane task at stables. I had watched his face the entire time and it didn't shift at all, even the most hardened men flinch at something like that. Yet Harald did not.

That was when my own misconceptions about him were put to bed.

Sure, he'd wait for your back to be turned and hit you with a rock. But in his opinion why would he hold back when he didn't start the fight? That was one thing Harald also never did. He always treated someone with respect until they'd misused such respect. Then all bets were off.

Many south of the neck didn't understand this, even if they themselves did it to eachother on a regular basis. When he arrives, I'll need to ask Harald what he plans to do about the south inevitably finding our home and hounding us with either marriages or threats.

I sigh and rub my head thinking about such fools.

I don't get time to dwell on it long though. Because my thoughts are broken by the most terrifying sound I've ever heard. Louder than any other dragon I hear an ethereal roar echo out over the towering mountains of ice around us.

Running out of my solar on the ship gifted by Harald onto the main deck I see what made such a terrifying sound.

An ice dragon larger than any Targaryen dragon I've ever seen with Snow White scales. Ethereal purple/blue spikes along its back. And the most shocking thing is the rider I see mounted atop such creature, my friend Harald Stark.


Harald pov

I have to say, I'm truly shocked at the beauty of my new home. Towering volcanos of ice can be seen even from the ship. But the most incredible thing was the view from above atop Fafnir.

I swing around the ship carrying the different colored merman flag of my friend Wylan Manderly who just looks like Brock Lesnar to me, and then land on the ice covered beach with Fafnir.

As I climb down I begin patting his scales trying to explain why I have to go to the ship first before we conquer the island. Thankfully, it seems my men aboard said ship are either too shocked or terrified to approach yet so I have ample time to placate the large frozen creature.

However, after I then get across my need to go to the ship I had to begin to explain why he couldn't take me there himself. Such an animal would topple or outright destroy any ship it tried to land upon.

By this time a rowboat had made it's way quite a bit down the shoreline. Once everyone was ready I can see Wylan the first to hit the frozen ground, his mouth agape as he stares at my new friend and I.

I pay Fafnir on the snout and begin making my way towards them. In truth I'm ready to begin my acquisition of this island as soon as possible.

The need to set up defenses around the island after getting my castle in order is paramount. I already have an idea. If the dwarves in this world are half as good at forging as the ones from the Lord of the Rings they'll be able to put a ballista together with ease.

That along with the ice stones potential and I'm ready to begin so we can start preparing for war.

As I arrive a few feet from my men I see their dumbfounded expressions. I try to make light of the situation.

""I know I'm quite a sight to look at guys. But has only a month apart truly dulled your memories so? Perhaps I should cut down on the whiskey supply I give to you all?""

They all still for a moment, taking in my words before beginning to chuckle. Wylan comes up to me and slaps my shoulder.

""Tis good to see you my Lord. Can you please explain your new companion?"" He asked clearly gesturing to the huge ice dragon that hadn't taken its eyes off me or the men in front of me.

As I go to respond I see another sight. My ships incoming. I laugh and gesture to them. ""Companions wylan. Companions.""


After a meeting it was decided I and Fafnir would do an advanced recon of the island. Well more like I knew that's what he wanted to do and I wouldn't argue because I want to as well.

Any protest was silence when Fafnir did a fly by over the ships. His wings beating making it feel like frozen air was being blasted at you.

I make my way up his wing and call to Wylan, Edris, and Torrent, ""if I don't return by nightfall assume I failed and am dead.""

I didn't give them time to respond. Because I knew what would be waiting for me. The ice dragon big enough to take and hold this Island.

Fafnir and I make our way to the mouth of the valley I identified that can be followed by a frozen river that goes from coast to coast, half the main island almost in half. Except for the lake at the bottom of a water fall.

Arriving to the place I see what I expected. A large white dragon different in look from Fafnir. 'I guess their look can vary as much as their southern counterparts.'

As we circle the dragon in the air I give Fafnir the cue. He roars his loudest, most menacing roar I've heard from him to date. His crystal spikes behind and in front of me glow eerie white.

The dragon below looks up after coming to from what I assume to be sleep and returns the roar with a viscous one of its own. It's bigger than Fafnir but not by much. Maybe 100 feet or so. The thagomizer on its tail seems just as powerful as my own mounts.

Unlike Fafnir though, this new dragon looks to have pale blue spikes along its body.

In an instant it's jumping up towards us and the battle for Athens begins.


Fafnir and I are circling the dragon across from us and I decide to take the initiative. No words are spoken between myself and my dragon. Only pure instinct.

We tuck our wings as we come in at an angle after taking refuge to disrupt vision amid the foggy clouds.

Fafnirs speed picks up so much it sounds like a night fury is coming down to attack.

Just like in the movie fafnir and I use hit and run tactics to piss the dragon off.

Fafnir takes his chance when it's distracted by getting the ice spike from our latest hit to bite down on the back.

His weight makes us all fall towards the Earth.

Thankfully fafnirs wings allow us to have some control when we hit the frozen ground in a pile of flesh.

Fafnir roars at the other dragon. Much like Godzilla did to Kong in the movie. Unlike the gorilla however, the opposite dragon submitted.

With its head lowered Fafnir let out a piercing sound. It was just like the famous ghidorah alpha call.

With the island won apparently I tried to order Fafnir to leave. But he began approaching the other dragon.

I began to feel hesitation. Sure we'd found but the dragon submitted and neither i or Fafnir was seriously injured. Killing it didn't feel right.

When I relayed such emotions to fafnir I was surprised to learn his response.

It seems this dragon is female.

I begin to cackle like the mad king who grew a chub from watching someone burn in his throne room. 'My children will ride their children.'

I think as I look to the two enemies turned lovers.

'It's time to write Cregan.' I think before waiting to approach the female dragon.

Her golden yellow eyes lock onto me with focus. Fafnir growls low in his throat and the she dragon approached me head down. I pat her beautiful scales and speak. ""Forgive me for taking what was yours. However, I will try to make it a gem among men and beast alike.""

She trills at me before I mount my dragon again and make way to the ships to inform them of our success and the need to begin setting up in the valley now.



Hey guys, be on the lookout for the pictures of this chapter. I think you'll enjoy it. What do we think about the mate of Fafnir?

I was gonna try to put him with morning. May still do so. But I have to figure out how to explain it logically. Give me name suggestions for her.

I'm probably going to name her Athena if I can't find a better one from you guys. Thanks for the support. Enjoy :)

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