
10.) Pact of Caves and Ice, Giants, Wolf talks among the Reeds

AN: Hey guys. Sorry about no chapter yesterday. I was far too deep into the alcohol and other things to do any writing. Don't be upset. I didn't get to celebrate Halloween because I had to work Thursday, so yesterday was my time to let loose.

Will try to keep to a 1 chapter a day schedule but as you all know such things are not set in stone. However, I will try 🤷

I hope you enjoy. Time to set up the foundations of the kingdom of ice.


The North, Cave Dwellers & Milkwater meeting, 128 AC

Harald Pov

As I was patting the now named Fafnir, I turn to see the dwarves sitting beside my men. I decide to take this opportunity to make a friend when I reach the fire containing edris,Turin, torrent, and a few other miscellaneous men.

I arrive and all are happy to see me sans the dwarves. Before I can speak turin does, ""winter dragon, what are your plans here?""

I raise an eyebrow then chuckle. 'Looks like I've earned another moniker' I think before shaking it off and replying.

""I'm searching for the giants. I want them to come back with me and live away from the threats coming.""

I see turin and the few other dwarves shift uncomfortably when I mention threats.

They speak in hushed whispers I don't care to try and discern as I ask torrent, ((where's the whiskey?))

He smiles before calling out behind him.

One of the young guys with us brings a bag quickly and pulls out a black label whiskey. One barreled in honey oak. A beautiful smelling oak wood that grows in essos on a small little dot on the large world map. However, after discovering the wood I took as many saplings as I could back with me.

It makes the whiskey taste incredible. So much smoother.

I laugh as he tosses me the bottle.

((Hell yes. I didn't know we were breaking out the good stuff tonight. What's the occasion?))

The dwarves had stopped their discussions to look at the black labeled whiskey bottle I held. I hid my smile as best as I could behind the stark mask while asking the leader Turin.

""Do you wish to partake? Such things are for real northerners. People have often called it liquid fire.""

He scoffed before motioning to me. I followed his request and poured he and his 3 men a shot then showed them how to drink it.

As expected, a coughing fit ensued. Though admirably not as severe as my brothers and lord manderlys own initial taste of whiskey.

Turin was the first to regain his composure. He looked at me with wide eyes and a reluctant smile while speaking, ""that is liquid fire! HA! Who knew southerners could make such a good drink. You called it 'whiskey?' Incredible.""

I allow a small smile to break my face before speaking, ""Indeed. Whiskey. One of the many things I will use to generate money for my kingdom. On the chain of islands known as skagos.""

I decide to be bold and take out a map. Showing him where we are currently and where skagos is.

He looked shocked. ""Why would you and the giants need to be there?""

I sighed. ""Below the wall, people are fighting. Others with dragons who breathe fire and not ice reign. I need the giants to help me secure skagos' safety. Not only that however, in return my descendants will protect them from those who would seek to kill them in some misguided attempt to please their deity's.

Finally though, I will ensure they survive until the next Long Night. During and after that is up to them. However, they will thrive until then.""

As I was speaking I notice turin and the other dwarves faces becoming more and more severe with each thing I told them. Others who can ride fire breathing dragons. More who want the giants dead for inexplicable reasons. And lastly,the worst of all, the knowledge that another Long Night is coming.

Turin let out a shaky breath and spoke to me. ""would the winter dragon be willing to shelter us from the coldest winter as well?""

I began thinking. Maybe the cave dwellers could come with me back to skagos. If they're anything like the ones I saw in the LOTR universe, they'll be invaluable and comedic company.

I nod my head but respond before they get to excited, ""some things will need to be discussed further. But that's okay. Tomorrow we set out to go meet the giants. You are welcome to come.""

I see him nod. I honestly just needed time to think about it more before I give him a true answer. After the giants are recruited I'll think about the dwarves.

Right now I just want to focus on the big guys. My mobile ballista. And hopefully my most loyal guard. Imagine me,fafnir, and the 2 giants on each of my shoulders facing the cowardly lords of the south. Such a thing made me laugh.

Torrent said with our group it should only take a few days to reach the giants encampment. One he remembers well. It's one of the initial reasons we became so close.

I was someone fascinated by giants since I discovered what world I resided in. And Torrent grew up close to the giants in the FrostFangs/Valley of Thenn.

I began to let the whiskey take control, and just as I was about to fall asleep by the fire screams of terror rang out shooting me into a Sitting position in an instant ready to get all the way up and draw my sword.

I see what the cause of the scream was. Fafnir had started towards me. It seems he was just as ready to sleep as I was. I chuckle and speak to him.

""Come on Fafnir. I need a pillow,"" I chuckle at his gurgle and trill before he lays his large head in the snow behind my back.

I closed my eyes and leaned back.

I then notice something, the scene around me is weird. The quiet conversations over whiskey between both dwarves and men had come to a halt.

I crack an eye and see everyone, including my friends Edris and Torrent far far away from me.

""What the hell are you doing?"" I ask.

Torrent just shakes his head and responds. ""That beast may like you. But I still want to wet my cock when we return home. I don't want to take the chance of him not liking me.""

I'm about to respond before Turin speaks out, ""he's right Harald. Ice dragons have a notoriously bad temperment.""

I look back at the glowing eyes of my dragon and can't imagine him being angry. Especially at me. Though I know such things are naive.

I simply pat his snout and reply.

""Fine. Do as you wish. More room for me to enjoy."" I say getting even more situated against Fafnir and trying to go to sleep.

With the presence of him behind me,my mind falls into the realm of dreams quickly.

That night, I see visions of things I've seen before. But something is different. I can't tell what exactly but it is. Like an instinct that something changed. I only hope that change helps me.


The North, Winterfell, 128 AC


As Gage, Karl, and myself enter the Godswood, I have two guards on the enterance and dusk is pacing a little ways Into the small Forrest waiting for someone to be spying.

We reach the ethereal, gnarled white barked tree in the middle of the godswood. The heart tree.

Aptly named given it's location and appearance, distinct from every other tree in the godswood.

While all have white bark and red leaves, the three trunks of a heart tree is always the same. It symbolizes the earth, the spirit, and the sky. Three essential forces of the world and the beings within it.

I sat down on the same root I assume many generations of starks have sat upon to discuss war, trade, marriages, and any other number of things.

When my brother is home, he spends most of his days in the godswood. Just sitting there. He calls it, 'meditation' I just think he's sitting there wasting time.

I'm broken from my thoughts by the usually quiet Karl Reed.

""Forgive my forwardness Lord Stark, but where is Harald? I know he's returned to the North. I had assumed he would he here. Especially given the seriousness I can discern in your tone.""

Again I'm reminded by Haralds words about House Reed, 'terrifyingly competent. Humble, keen, and always listening. The Reeds have the only hidden keep. I doubt even a dragon could find it. I've been to the neck Cregan, it's so dense and thick. No wonder it's been the andals graveyard for thousands of years.'

I respond as sincerely as I can, not liking that I'm keeping things from my lords. I just can't divulge anything until I know Harald has a foothold.

""Harald is Harald lord Reed. Surely you remember him?"" I ask trying to steer the conversation towards lighter issues.

Gage takes his opportunity to speak, his deep voice rattling the bones in my chest, ""Tis true. Harald was never one to stay idle Karl. He's probably in the wolfswood right now without a shirt looking for wilding raiders. Ha!"" He said with a booming laugh at the end that shook the leaves around.

I then notice Karl reeds face. He didn't believe me and wasn't thrown off by Gages interference. Now I can see what Harald is talking about. Competence. Good. With the war coming I'll need all of those I can get.

I decide to lead the conversation back to why they're here.

""I've called both of you here today to tell me the validity of the Long Night.""

Now Karl looked at me seriously, ""is that where he is?""

I must've looked as confused as I felt because he clarified, ""Harald, did he already go North?""

I knew now that Harald must've told Karl about his plans. This changes things. If Karl knows then maybe he can give me insights Harald refused to share.

I only nod my head and see his face turn extremely pensive.

Nobody spoke for a moment. Even the usually jolly Gage Umber didn't break it. After a few minutes that way Karl spoke.

""I knew my dreams on the way here meant something. Lord stark, as you know my family is extremely connected to the children of the Forrest as you call them. That connection allows us certain abilities...….""


AN: Heyyyy that's it. Will continue later. Just wanted to get something out. More of a transition chapter to get us to the next big event, which is meeting the giants.

I hope you enjoy. Bye for now.

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