
8.) World Shifting Encounter, Thoughts of the Blacks and Greens

An: will do some black green pov to set up my version of the characters. They will be mostly show based. Of course how they react to the new character is my own interpretation, please do not comment things like, 'daemon would never do that.' Or 'aemond would never see it that way'.

I am not and will never be GRRM. Please don't make me have to try to keep up with him. I'm simply using a world he created to make my own interpretation of it.

Please enjoy. Remember, if you have criticisms I'm all ears as long as you remain respectful and offer suggestions on how to fix said problem. I cannot and will not tolerate people just trying to be negative because they don't have to take responsibility for their words from behind a screen.


Crownlands, The Red Keep, 128AC

3rd pov

We just see the scene in which aemond calls his nephews really 'strong' boys.

After such things have happened the heir to the iron throne Rhaenyra goes to her sickly fathers chambers.

When entering the room, she's hit with the smell of death. Everyone knows the old kings days are numbered, and the embers of war steadily grow hotter with each step toward the end the king takes.

She pleades with her father who's half out of it due to milk of the poppy being a regularity in his diet, "But the burden is a heavy one. It's too heavy. If you wish me to bear it, then defend me. And my children."

What anyone didn't expect is the old feeble king making his way to the throne room and up the arduous steps to his throne to see to court.

His younger brother, Daemon, had cut Vaemond Velaryons face in half because of his insistence on the fact his 'nephews' were bastards.

"He can keep his tongue," said the rogue prince cleaning his blade amidst the sea of swords now pointed at him.

Across the hall everyone had different thoughts.



As I watch my uncle clean the Velaryon blood off darksister my need for battle intensified. He was the only true threat to us in truth.

Hate him I may, but I also respect Daemon Targaryen. For he is a true dragonlord. Someone who bows to no one. That's how it should be. I know the war will depend on myself and vhagar's success agaisnt Daemon and the blood wyrm, and seeing my father today only further solidified the coming of war.

I will have to keep to the skies to ensure vhagar is ready when the time comes. The phantom pain in my left eye always a reminder of what it cost me to mount her. One I gladly paid.


Jaceaerys Velaryon

After arriving back at my chambers my mind begins to buzz. Todays trial was all the proof i or anyone else needed how close war between my fathers first family and his second. I wasn't born yet, but why grandfather viserys chose to marry another women and then still keep my mother named as the heir is the height of foolishness.

I don't truly know if laenor Velaryon was my father or not. I know I have black hair, which my grandmother also had in her youth. I have purple eyes the same shade as my mother. So how could I know? It'd be easier if I knew. It'd make me more confident in taking the iron throne.

Right now I'm more than anxious. I'm near fleeing. If I don't find the confidence to take what's mine soon I'm afraid this war is already lost.


The North, Bank of the Milkwater by the Cave Dwellers clan, 128 AC

Harald Pov

Our first destination is the cave dwellers. Torrent has told me a bit about them. However, I don't remember any in the show being of that name. I'm sure their proximity to the lands of always winter didn't help their prospects of surviving the Night King and his White Walkers.

So, I'm excited to meet them. According to torrent, their rather small but strong little buggers who can drink anyone big or small under the table.

This made me more enthusiastic about meeting them. They sound a lot like a group of people I know very well.


On the second night of the stay in the cave dwellers territory we were ambushed in our sleep.

I was woken up by the sounds of battle cries.

I jolted up from my sleeping position and unsheathed my axe and sword looking for the enemy.

I see short, about 5'5 at the tallest, people running around trying to kill my well trained and equipped men who quickly form a Spartan style sheild wall.

In the chaos I hear torrents loud booming voice, ""Turin, what the hells are you doing fella? It's me!""

Quickly I hear a response from everyone in the enemy group, ""torrent?!""

The fighting stops instantly. But my men keep their weapons at the ready incase of any funny business from the cave dwellers.

As I walk into view all my men begin to huddle around me ensuring my safety with edris at my direct side with his battle axe in hand. An annoying thing most of the time but in times like this it pays to be a lord.

I walk to the front of the circle around me where I can finally hear torrent and Turin in conversation while the, now that I see them up close, dwarves are surrounding the two.

As I approach I see torrent look to me and edris and begin to introduce me, ""this is my magnar, Harald Stark.""

All the dwarves still and turn to me. It seems the name stark still resonated beyond the wall. Turin, the leader of the small bearded men spoke with more weariness to torrent now instead of like an old friend.

""And when did you start kneeling?"" He sneared.

Now, a little information about torrent is in order.

The man is truly happy. The happiest person I've seen in this crazy world i now live in. He honestly reminds me of those guys who have so much money they don't know what to do with it, live on a house boat in the middle of nowhere and just enjoy life.

However, when he does get angry he becomes a different person all together. This is how I knew one of his decendents were tormund giantsbane.

His personality and fighting style was almost completely the same as his many great grandsons. Fierce like a winter storm.

So, seeing him hold the leader of the dwarves up by the collar of his furs was not a surprise to me.

He spoke so softly I almost didn't hear it, ""say that again..""

The threat was clear. One the dwarven leader didn't look ready to challenge. He sighed and spoke, ""forgive me torrent. I misspoke. Please, let me down and explain how you got to following a wolf.""

As he did he looked to me and shivered at the glowing grey orbs. The other dwarves did the same. Some muttering under their breath, 'demon' and 'skin changer'.

I know what those are. However, I don't believe I'm a skin changer. I've never had any bond with an animal. Animals are usually calm around me. But as I've spoken about before I have an odd connection to the weirwood trees.

I opened my mouth to refute their claims. But I didn't get the chance to when everyone heard an ethereal sound. One nobody truly knew what was. I did however. I recognize such a roar anywhere. It sounded like Godzilla himself was bearing down on us with a roar.

I look up and am met with the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. Throughout my time in this world nothing had been unexpected. Even the dwarves I'm now seeing aren't too shocking.

From ashai to westeros I've been all over this world. I thought I knew everything there was to know about it. Oh how wrong I'd been.

In front of me and the others was proof of my arrogance, my belief that I knew everything.

A large completely white dinosaur with wings, a dragon, came swooping down over the group, making everyone hit the ground to duck.

Everyone was frozen in fear as the massive creature landed in front of my group and behind the dwarves. It roared again and looked me in the eyes.

As soon as our eyes connected my world shifted forever.


AN: sorry for the cliffhanger guys. I hate them too. But it won't be long before the next chapter is out.

Question, the dwarves will be similar to the ones from lotr. I'm of the opinion we don't let them interbred with regular humans. Maybe some of the ibenese could though? Give me your thoughts in the comments.

Have a great day.

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