
They're attacking us!

The rose in her hands was squeezed tightly, causing it to lose its shape. As the unbearable pain clouded her mind, the young woman screamed so loudly that she felt her vocal cords would burst.

In her desperation, she threw herself through the curtains, escaping the transport and falling onto the sand.

As she rolled on the sand, it stuck to her body, even getting into her eyes. However, due to the pain in her body, she didn't even realize it.

Behind her, Wade quickly exited the place, confused by what had just happened. Just moments ago, he had been calmly chatting with her, but suddenly, she had erupted in screams.

In his confusion, he tried to figure out why she had started acting like this. 'Did she go mad?' This was the first thought that crossed his mind.

'She seemed fine before all this.' At that moment, as if his mind had lit up, he realized what was happening. 'It's the blanket!'

Quickly, he approached the young woman, and with his bare hands, grabbed one end of the blanket, intending to remove it. However, as soon as he touched it, he pulled his hand back with a stifled cry, due to the intense burn the blanket had caused.

Upon inspecting his hand, the layer of skin on his right hand had evaporated, as if it had been burned. All the flesh that had been hidden was now exposed to his eyes.

The blanket had left a very painful wound on his hand, and he had only touched it for a few seconds! He couldn't imagine what the young woman was enduring after having the blanket cover her entire body for so long.

Ignoring the pain in his hand, he took off his shirt and used it as a glove to remove the blanket. But this task was more difficult than he had thought.

After being in contact with the fabric for so long, parts of the young woman's skin stuck to the blanket, making it difficult to remove from her body. However, Wade wasn't going to let her suffer any longer.

By pulling with force, he managed to successfully remove the blanket. Along with the blanket, small pieces of skin were torn off.

Once the blanket was removed, the horrifying scene hidden beneath was revealed. The beautiful young woman who had once drawn the gaze of any man with her body was now nothing more than exposed flesh and bones, with rivers of blood and veins running everywhere.

Her arms, legs, and even her neck had been stripped of the skin that covered them, while her torso was surprisingly spared, thanks to the white shirt that had kept the deadly touch of the blanket at bay.

Although her face had also been saved, it seemed to have been distorted into an expression of intense pain, far from the pleasant and beautiful face she had shown before.

The entire situation left Wade in shock. Just moments ago, he had been calmly talking to the young woman, but in a matter of seconds, everything had gone to hell; the exotic beauty was now lying in agony in the sand at his feet.

The scene before his eyes was something he had never imagined. The most surprising thing was that the young woman was still conscious, enduring the constant suffering with barely audible groans.

Amid the confusion, one of the guards approached the scene much faster than anyone else.

Taiger was a man standing around two meters tall. His silver armor was different from the other guards', fully covering his body in silver plating with large shoulder guards and a layer of black leather, hiding any skin that might have been exposed under the armor.

His sharp face bore several battle scars, one of which had even affected one of his eyes, with a large scar stretching from his cheek to his forehead. His hair was short and unkempt.

On his back, an enormous sword, almost as big as himself, rested imposingly. He was the leader of the guard and the most loyal servant to the royalty of the Skyf.

"Majesty!" Taiger shouted from afar, driven by the thought that his lord might be in danger.

Hearing this, Wade saw the armored giant approaching at a speed that seemed impossible.

The armor alone seemed to weigh more than a ton, not to mention the massive sword on his back, which looked like it was made to slice through enormous horses with a single swing.

Naturally, no ordinary person would have the strength to carry such weight and run as if it were nothing. But Taiger was no ordinary person.

In tribulations, they are often sent to unknown places, where civilizations are strange and possess abilities that the world has yet to understand. Among these unique abilities, there are rare cases of those with evolved powers, and the Skyf was one of these civilizations.

Taiger was an evolved, and very powerful one.

"Taiger, don't let anyone escape! I want all the guards and slaves here! Right now!" Wade roared in fury as he looked at the poor young woman writhing in agony. The thought that he could have been the one in her position had crossed his mind.

That blanket had been meant for him-in fact, during the journey, he had covered himself with it on several occasions. He was sure that if it hadn't been for the young woman, his fate would have been the same.

This enraged him enough to forget his act, and, completely disregarding the way he was supposed to behave as Doyle, he used all his power to gather everyone.

The blanket had been used by him just before leaving the room, so whoever had tampered with it must have done so while Wade was exploring the surroundings.

'Whoever is responsible must have some clue on their body.'

'I can't give them time! I can't let the evidence disappear!'

For a moment, chaos had taken over the camp as word spread, but eventually, everything calmed down again.

In an instant, all the guards formed a circle around Wade, while the imposing Taiger stood in front of the slaves, who were huddled together in the center of the circle, under the watchful eyes of everyone present.

Wade didn't suspect the slaves—after all, thick chains bound their legs so that if one moved, the others would have to follow.

Once everyone was gathered, Wade looked at each person in the area.

"Majesty," his brother Bright approached. He was shocked by the sight of the young woman, who was still writhing in agony on the sand. The heart-wrenching image made him wonder if it would be more humane to end her life than to leave her in constant suffering.

This thought had crossed the minds of everyone present. Even some soldiers were looking away, trying to block out the image of the young woman from their minds, though without much success, as the barely audible whimpers of the slave forced the image to replay in their minds like a nightmare.

Ignoring everything that had happened, Bright rushed to help the young woman. 'Maybe I can help her somehow,' he thought as he covered her with his cloak. The strong winds could only be adding to her torment with wounds like those.

After glancing at everyone present, Wade mentally took note of each person's appearance—how they were dressed, their scars, marks, or blemishes. All of it was stored in his mind, but unfortunately, none of it helped him identify the culprit.

However, he couldn't just stand idly by. He had everyone in front of him, which meant that the guilty party had to be among them.

With curiosity, Wade turned his gaze toward the giant standing in front of the slaves. For a moment, Wade wondered whether he could trust him.

The reason Wade had never suspected Taiger was simple: it was physically impossible for him to oppose the royal family. He could never harm them.

The Skyf had a type of magical ritual involving strange but useful markings. Thanks to these marks, they had risen above other tribes, as they allowed the enhancement of artifacts or even the creation of unique ones.

But that wasn't all. They could also use various marks to influence people's thoughts. This was the case with Taiger.

There was a tradition among the Skyf royalty that the royal guard had to bear a slave mark, which made it impossible for them to act against the royal family. In this way, kings and their descendants were assured of having a loyal guard who would serve as a shield against any danger.

Keeping this in mind, Taiger was perhaps the least suspicious person in the entire camp. However, Wade still hesitated to trust him. Why? Because he wasn't Doyle!

Even though he was in Doyle's body, he was not truly him, and he didn't fully understand how these marks worked, so he wasn't sure if the mark would still have any effect on him.

For this reason, Wade decided to keep his distance, as there was a possibility that Taiger could discover his secret, and with his strength, he could end him with a single blow.

Wade let out a small sigh; if this giant really turned against him, it would indeed be his end.

Afterward, he positioned himself in a way that would grab everyone's attention and spoke loudly, intending for his words to reach everyone's ears.

"He is looking for murd..."

Suddenly, Wade cut off his words, leaving everyone confused. Given the urgent tone he had used and that everyone had been gathered, along with the moribund young woman, they all concluded it was something very serious.

Thus, when he stopped just at the last moment, the crowd filled with uncertainty.

"Your Majesty... Are you alright?" Taiger asked, confused.

However, Wade ignored his question. Instead, his eyes filled with terror as he looked over the soldiers' heads. With his fragment of evolution, he could see in the distance a gigantic group of strange yellow figures approaching rapidly.

"They're attacking us!" Wade screamed in terror, pointing in the direction of the figures.

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