
Day 7 - Bondage/Top-Bottom/Spanking

Day 7 - Bondage/Top-Bottom/Spanking

The hotel room was quiet, too quiet, considering the storm raging inside JJ's mind. The case had left her shaken to her core, not just because of the violence, but because of the decisions she'd made—decisions that had put her team, especially Reid, in danger. And then there were the dogs. JJ hadn't expected it to hurt so much, but pulling the trigger on those dogs had cut deeper than she wanted to admit. She had pulled the trigger without thinking, protecting herself, but it had left her hollow.

Now, back in the hotel room, sitting stiffly on the edge of the bed, JJ was coming apart at the seams. Her hands were balled into fists on her lap, her jaw tight as she stared at the wall, refusing to meet Emily's gaze. The air between them was heavy, thick with unsaid words, but JJ couldn't speak. She didn't know how to start. All she knew was that the guilt was gnawing at her, a relentless ache in her chest.

Emily stood near the window, her arms crossed over her chest, watching JJ carefully. She knew JJ—knew that her silence wasn't just exhaustion. It was guilt, festering inside her. Emily had seen it before, in herself, in the aftermath of cases that had pushed her beyond her emotional limits. But this time, it wasn't her—it was JJ, and Emily wasn't going to let her drown in it.

"JJ…" Emily started softly, stepping closer. "You can talk to me, you know. You don't have to keep all of this inside."

JJ's lips tightened, her shoulders hunched as she shook her head. "There's nothing to talk about," she muttered, her voice flat, but the strain in her tone betrayed her.

Emily sighed, sitting down beside her on the bed, the tension between them palpable. "You've been carrying this weight since we got Reid back," Emily said gently, her voice firm but full of care. "And I know it's eating you up inside. You can't keep punishing yourself for something that wasn't your fault."

JJ scoffed softly, her fists clenching tighter. "It feels like it was my fault," she said, her voice shaking with suppressed emotion. "I should've seen it coming. I should've—"

"Should've what?" Emily cut in, her voice sharper now, but not unkind. "You did everything you could, JJ. You made the calls you had to make, and Reid is safe because of you. You can't keep doing this to yourself."

JJ's eyes flickered with pain, but she still wouldn't look at Emily. "What am I supposed to do?" she asked, her voice trembling. "Go to confession? Pray for absolution? Be spanked like I'm five years old?"

The words were half-joking, but they carried a bitter edge, and Emily could see how much JJ was struggling beneath the weight of her guilt. Emily wasn't sure how to respond. She wanted to help, wanted to pull JJ out of this dark spiral, but she knew that it wasn't as simple as saying the right words.

But then, JJ's last comment echoed in her mind, and a thought crossed Emily's mind—something she hadn't considered before, but something she knew could work. It had worked for her in the past, during the worst of times, when she had felt like everything was spinning out of control.

Emily hesitated, her breath catching in her throat as she glanced sideways at JJ. She could feel the pulse of guilt radiating from her, the desperate need for release, for some kind of punishment that would let her feel absolved. And maybe, just maybe, Emily could give her that.

"What if… what if you're not entirely wrong?" Emily said slowly, her voice measured but careful, like she was testing the waters. "What if letting go of this guilt means letting someone else take control? Maybe… maybe being punished would help you release it."

JJ turned to look at Emily, her blue eyes wide with disbelief. "What?" she asked, her voice sharp with confusion. "You can't be serious."

Emily met her gaze, her expression steady but filled with a quiet intensity. "I am serious," she said softly. "I've been where you are, JJ. I've felt this kind of guilt before—this need to be punished for something I couldn't control. And I found that sometimes… giving up control, letting someone else take the reins, helped me let go of that guilt."

JJ blinked, her mind racing as she processed Emily's words. "Wait… are you saying that… that you've been spanked to feel better?" She was half-aghast, half-incredulous, but there was a flicker of curiosity in her eyes.

Emily exhaled softly, leaning back slightly, her hands resting in her lap. "It was a long time ago," she admitted, her voice quieter now. "With an ex. I was in a bad place, after a particularly rough case, even though I was riding a desk at the time. I felt like I was drowning in guilt, and she suggested something similar. At first, I thought it was crazy, but… it helped. I compartmentalizes better than most, but everyone has their breaking point…even me."

JJ stared at Emily, her mouth slightly open, her breath shallow. "I can't believe you're saying this."

"I know," Emily said with a faint smile. "It sounds strange. But it worked for me, and I think it could work for you, too. I'm not saying this to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable. I'm saying this because I care about you, JJ. And I know you need a way to let go of this."

JJ swallowed hard, her heart racing as she tried to wrap her mind around what Emily was suggesting. "You really think… that this will help?"

Emily hesitated, her breath catching for a moment as she considered how to respond. "It can be with someone else," she said carefully, her voice low but steady. "I'm not necessarily saying it has to be me."

JJ's brow furrowed, and she looked up at Emily, her expression one of surprise mixed with confusion. "But you aren't necessarily not suggesting yourself either, are you?" JJ asked, her voice soft but sharp, cutting through the quiet tension that hung in the room.

Emily didn't flinch. She held JJ's gaze, her dark eyes unwavering. "No," she admitted, her voice firm but without hesitation. "I'm not."

JJ let out a shaky breath, the weight of Emily's words sinking in. The truth of it hit her harder than she expected. She had been carrying so much, so many feelings—guilt, frustration, anger—but also this unspoken thing between her and Emily. It had lingered for months now, in the tension of shared glances, in the ease with which they understood each other without needing to speak. But neither of them had acknowledged it before. Not until now.

JJ sat there, her pulse pounding, her mind spinning as she processed what Emily was offering. It wasn't just about the guilt anymore—it was about trust. Trusting Emily with something she hadn't even been ready to trust herself with.

"I don't know what to say," JJ whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

Emily softened, her hand reaching out to rest gently on JJ's knee. "You don't have to say anything right now," she said, her tone full of understanding. "But I want you to know that I'm here for you. I see how much you're hurting, and I know how hard it is for you to let go. I just… I think this could help you release some of that."

JJ swallowed hard, her mouth dry as she tried to form words. The weight of what Emily was offering—this raw, vulnerable intimacy—left her reeing even more than she had been before. She had never seen this side of Emily before.

But she couldn't speak. The tension in her chest, the swirl of emotions she had been holding back for so long, made it impossible to find the right words. She wanted to let go, to trust Emily with this, but there was still something holding her back—a hesitation, a fear of what it meant to truly let go of control.

Emily seemed to sense it. Her hand rested lightly on JJ's arm, her touch grounding but not pressing. "Take some time to think about it," Emily said softly, her voice filled with understanding. "I'm going to head down to grab a bite to eat. When I come back… we'll talk more."

JJ's heart fluttered, her breath catching as she looked at Emily, searching her eyes for reassurance. Emily gave her a gentle smile, her hand squeezing JJ's arm before she stood up, moving toward the door.

"I'll be back soon," Emily promised, her voice soft but firm. "And no matter what you decide, it's okay. I'll be here."

JJ nodded, her throat tight as she watched Emily leave the room, the door clicking shut behind her. The silence that followed was deafening, the weight of everything that had just happened pressing down on her. Alone in the hotel room, JJ felt the full force of her guilt wash over her, crashing into her like a wave she couldn't hold back any longer.

She stood there, frozen, her hands trembling as she stared at the empty space where Emily had been. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, her emotions tangled in a web of confusion and fear. But beneath it all, there was a flicker of something else—a need. A desperate need to let go of the weight that had been suffocating her since the case ended.

JJ walked slowly to the window, her breath shaky as she stared out at the city lights below. Her reflection stared back at her, pale and strained, the exhaustion etched into her features. She looked like a ghost of herself, hollowed out by the guilt she carried.

The image made her feel sick.

She had shot those dogs. She had been responsible for Reid getting captured. Even though Emily had tried to tell her it wasn't her fault, JJ couldn't shake the feeling that she had failed them. That she had failed herself.

Her hands gripped the edge of the windowsill, her knuckles turning white as she swallowed hard, trying to push the thoughts away. But they kept coming, relentless, gnawing at her from the inside.

She needed to be absolved. She needed to feel something—anything—that would take away the guilt that had lodged itself deep inside her. Emily had been right. JJ couldn't keep carrying this on her own. She couldn't keep punishing herself in silence.

Maybe… maybe what Emily was offering was the answer.

JJ turned away from the window, her heart pounding in her chest as she moved toward the bed, her mind made up. She needed this. She needed to let Emily take control, to feel the punishment she thought she deserved. It wasn't about being spanked like a child—it was about releasing the pain, about finding absolution for what she couldn't forgive herself for.

With shaky hands, JJ slipped out of her clothes, her breath coming in shallow bursts as she pulled on the hotel robe, the soft fabric brushing against her bare skin. She tied it loosely around her waist, her body trembling with a mixture of fear and anticipation as she sat on the edge of the bed, waiting.

The minutes ticked by slowly, the silence in the room heavy and suffocating. JJ's mind raced, her heart thudding in her chest as she tried to steady her nerves. She wasn't sure what to expect—what would happen when Emily returned—but she knew she needed this. She needed to let go.

By the time the door opened, JJ was a bundle of nerves, her body tense and her mind spinning with anticipation. Emily stepped inside, her eyes immediately landing on JJ, sitting on the bed in the hotel robe, her bare legs crossed at the ankles. The sight of her—the vulnerability, the quiet determination in her posture—sent a wave of understanding through Emily.

"You've made your decision," Emily said softly, more a statement than a question.

JJ nodded, her hands clutching the edge of the robe as she looked up at Emily, her eyes wide but filled with resolve. "I need this," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I need… to let go."

Emily's gaze softened, and she stepped closer, her presence filling the room with a quiet strength. "Are you sure?" she asked, her voice low but full of care. "We don't have to do this if you're not ready."

"I am ready," JJ said, her voice trembling slightly but steady. "I don't want to carry this anymore. I need to feel something… anything that isn't guilt."

Emily nodded slowly, her hand reaching out to cup JJ's cheek, her thumb brushing softly against her skin. "Okay," she said gently. "I'll take care of you."

JJ closed her eyes for a moment, leaning into Emily's touch, letting the warmth of her hand soothe the knots of anxiety that had been twisting in her chest. She trusted Emily—trusted her to guide her through this, to help her let go of the pain she had been carrying for so long.

When JJ opened her eyes again, Emily's expression was serious, her eyes filled with quiet determination. "Stand up," Emily instructed softly, her voice steady but full of authority.

JJ obeyed, her body trembling as she stood in front of Emily, her heart racing. Emily's hands moved to the belt of the robe, slowly untying it, the soft fabric falling open to reveal JJ's naked body underneath. JJ's breath caught in her throat, her skin flushed with vulnerability, but there was no turning back now. She had made her choice.

Emily let the robe slip off JJ's shoulders, her eyes never leaving JJ's as she gently placed the robe on the bed. JJ stood there, exposed and trembling, waiting for what was to come.

"Lie down," Emily said, her voice low and calm.

JJ lay down on her stomach, her breath coming in short, shallow bursts as she pressed her face into the pillow, her body tense with anticipation. The vulnerability of the moment—the raw exposure of being naked and at Emily's mercy—left her heart pounding in her chest. But it also made her feel alive, like she was finally about to release the weight that had been suffocating her for days.

Emily moved with purpose, her movements slow and deliberate as she pulled the handcuffs from her go bag, the cool silver glinting in the light. She knelt beside JJ, her hands gentle but firm as she cuffed JJ's wrists to the headboard, securing her in place.

JJ's body tensed, her breath hitching as the cold metal closed around her wrists, but she didn't resist. She trusted Emily. She needed this.

"You're safe," Emily whispered, her breath warm against JJ's ear as she leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the nape of her neck. "I've got you."

JJ let out a shaky breath, her body trembling as she felt Emily's hand slide down her back, her touch grounding and soothing. The anticipation was almost unbearable, but JJ knew she needed to surrender to it, to let go of the guilt that had been eating away at her.

Emily's hand moved lower, her fingers brushing over the curve of JJ's hips before resting on her bare skin, her touch firm and steady. "Are you ready?" Emily asked softly, her voice full of care.

JJ nodded, her breath coming in short, uneven bursts as she waited, her body tense with anticipation. "Yes," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I'm ready."

Without another word, Emily raised her hand, pausing for just a moment before bringing it down in a sharp, deliberate slap across JJ's bare skin. The sound of the strike echoed through the room, and JJ gasped, her body jerking against the cuffs as the sting radiated through her.

But she didn't fight it. She welcomed the pain, the sharp release of tension that came with each strike. It was exactly what she needed.

Emily's hand came down again, harder this time, the force of the slap sending another shockwave through JJ's body. Her breath hitched, her skin tingling with the heat of the impact, but she didn't resist. She let it wash over her, the pain blending with the sense of release that followed.

"You're doing so well," Emily murmured, her voice soft but filled with command. "Just breathe."

Emily's hand came down again, harder this time, the slap echoing through the room as it landed on JJ's already sensitive skin. JJ gasped, her body jerking against the cuffs, but she didn't resist. The sharp pain mixed with the feeling of release, each strike stripping away another layer of the guilt that had been suffocating her since the case ended.

"You need to let go, JJ," Emily said firmly, her voice full of authority. "This wasn't your fault. None of it was your fault."

Another slap. This one harder, more deliberate. JJ's body arched off the bed, her breath catching in her throat as the pain flooded her senses, grounding her in the moment. But it wasn't just the pain—it was the sense of absolution that came with it. With each strike, she felt herself getting closer to letting go, to finally releasing the weight that had been holding her down.

Emily's hand didn't stop. It came down again and again, each slap deliberate, measured, hard enough to leave marks that would bloom into bruises by the morning. Emily knew what she was doing—she knew how far to push, how to give JJ exactly what she needed without taking her too far.

"You need to forgive yourself," Emily growled, her voice low and commanding as she brought her hand down again, the force of the slap sending a shockwave through JJ's body. "You did everything you could. This isn't on you."

JJ whimpered, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps as the pain built, each slap making her body tremble with a mixture of agony and release. But it wasn't just the pain. There was something else now, something she hadn't expected.

The heat between her legs had been growing, slow at first, but now it was undeniable. With each slap, the burn of pain radiated through her, but it sent a pulse of arousal straight to her core, and she could feel herself getting wet. JJ's face flushed with embarrassment, her breath catching in her throat as she tried to push the feeling down, but it was impossible to ignore.

Emily's hand came down again, but this time, it landed just a little too low, half hitting JJ's wet pussy. JJ let out a sharp moan, her body jerking at the unexpected jolt of pleasure that shot through her.

Emily froze for a moment, her hand still resting on JJ's reddened skin as she registered what had happened. "JJ…" Emily's voice was low, almost hesitant, the command in her tone faltering as she realized how wet JJ had gotten.

JJ squeezed her eyes shut, her body trembling with a mixture of shame and need. She didn't want to admit it—didn't want to acknowledge how much the pain had turned her on—but she couldn't hide it. Not from Emily. Not when her body was betraying her so completely.

"Please, Emily," JJ whispered, her voice breaking, full of desperation. "Don't stop."

Emily's breath hitched, her hand still resting on JJ's skin, her mind racing. She hadn't expected this. She had known JJ needed to let go, needed the release, but this—this was something more. Something deeper. And she wasn't sure if they were ready for it.

"JJ…" Emily began, her voice steady but full of concern. "We need to talk about this. I need to know if—"

"After," JJ cut her off, her voice breathless and pleading. "Please, Emily. I just… I need this. I need you."

Emily hesitated for a moment, her hand still resting on JJ's trembling body, her mind torn between the need to care for her and the intensity of what JJ was asking for. But JJ's voice—her raw, desperate plea—was enough to push Emily past her hesitation. She trusted JJ, and if this was what she needed, Emily was going to give it to her.

Slowly, Emily's hand moved lower, brushing against JJ's inner thigh, her fingers sliding just close enough to feel the wetness between her legs. The heat radiating from JJ's core was undeniable now, and Emily's breath caught in her throat as she felt how soaked she had become.

"You're soaked," Emily murmured, her voice low and thick with a mixture of surprise and desire. "I didn't realize…"

JJ moaned softly, her hips pressing back against Emily's hand, her body trembling with need. "Please, Emily," she whispered again, her voice thick with arousal. "I need you to finish this."

Emily's hesitation melted away, replaced by a quiet determination as she shifted her position, her hand sliding lower, her fingers brushing against JJ's wet folds. JJ's breath hitched, her body tensing in anticipation as she felt Emily's touch, the tension in the room thick enough to cut through.

"Are you sure?" Emily asked softly, her voice full of care even as her fingers teased JJ's entrance. "I need to know that this is what you want."

JJ's breath came in short, ragged gasps as she nodded, her body trembling with desire. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I need you, Emily. I need you to take the pain away."

The older woman knew she didn't mean the pain in her ass from the spanking but the one still resting deep inside of her. She wanted to feel something, anything that was not this terrible overwhelming guilt that still resided in her. 

Emily's hand moved slowly, her fingers sliding through JJ's wetness, teasing her just enough to make her whimper with need. The weight of the moment hung between them, heavy with unspoken emotions, but there was no turning back now. Emily knew what JJ needed, and she was going to give it to her.

Emily's fingers pressed against JJ's clit, her touch firm but gentle, the sensation sending a jolt of pleasure through JJ's body. JJ gasped, her hips bucking slightly as the pleasure mixed with the lingering pain from the spanking, the two sensations blending together in a way that made her head spin.

"You're doing so well," Emily whispered, her voice low and full of praise as her fingers moved in slow, deliberate circles over JJ's clit. "Just let go, JJ. Let me take care of you."

JJ's breath came in ragged bursts, her body trembling beneath Emily's skilled touch. The tension that had been coiling inside her for days was beginning to unravel, but she still held on, teetering on the edge of release, needing more.

Emily slowed her movements, her fingers drifting lower, teasing the wetness pooling between JJ's legs. Her breath was hot against JJ's neck as she leaned in closer, her voice low and intimate. "I'm going to take care of you, JJ," Emily murmured, her fingers hovering just at JJ's entrance. "But I need to hear you say it. Do you want me to?"

JJ's body tensed with anticipation, her mind spinning with a mixture of need and vulnerability. She knew what she wanted—what she needed—but the words stuck in her throat, thick with emotion. "Yes," JJ breathed, her voice barely audible, filled with raw desperation. "Please, Emily… I need you."

Emily's fingers pressed lightly against her entrance, but she didn't push inside yet. Instead, she moved her other hand to rest on JJ's reddened, sensitive skin, the heat radiating from where she'd spanked her earlier. "Tell me what you need, JJ," Emily whispered, her voice firm but full of care. "Do you want me to fuck you?"

JJ moaned softly, her hips pressing back against Emily's hand, craving the release she knew only Emily could give her. "Yes," she whimpered, her voice trembling. "Please… fuck me."

Emily's fingers slid inside her, slow and deliberate, her touch gentle but firm as she filled JJ completely. JJ gasped, her body arching off the bed as the sensation hit her hard, the combination of Emily's fingers inside her and the lingering sting from the spanking sending her senses into overdrive.

Emily set a slow, steady rhythm, her fingers thrusting deep inside JJ, her hand still resting on her sore skin. But JJ wanted more—needed more.

"Emily…" JJ whimpered, her voice breaking as her body trembled beneath her. "Please… don't stop spanking me."

Emily's breath caught for a moment, her heart racing at JJ's request, but she didn't hesitate. Her hand came down hard on JJ's exposed skin, the sharp crack of the slap echoing through the room as she continued to fuck her with her fingers. The dual sensation—pleasure and pain blending together—was overwhelming, and JJ cried out, her hands gripping the sheets as her body shook.

Emily's movements became more deliberate, her hand spanking JJ with precision, each slap sending a jolt of pain and pleasure through her body. At the same time, her fingers thrust deeper, harder, her pace quickening as she pushed JJ closer and closer to the edge.

"You're doing so well," Emily growled softly, her voice filled with desire and command. "I want you to come for me, JJ. I want you to let go."

JJ's body tensed, her breath coming in short, desperate bursts as the tension inside her built to a breaking point. The stinging heat of Emily's spanks mixed with the overwhelming pleasure of her fingers inside her, and it was more than JJ could handle.

"I'm so close…" JJ gasped, her body trembling violently as Emily's fingers thrust deeper, her hand still coming down in firm, deliberate slaps. "Please, Emily… I need to come."

Emily's fingers moved faster, her thrusts more intense now, her hand spanking JJ with just enough force to keep her teetering on the edge of pain and pleasure. "Let go, JJ," Emily whispered, her voice thick with command. "Let go and come for me."

That was all it took.

JJ's body seized, the orgasm crashing through her with brutal force, leaving her gasping for breath as the pleasure ripped through her. She cried out, her voice raw and broken as her body convulsed under Emily's touch, the waves of release overwhelming her senses. Her muscles clenched around Emily's fingers, the tension that had been building for so long finally breaking.

When the last of the orgasm finally ebbed away, JJ collapsed onto the bed, her body limp, her breath uneven as she tried to catch her breath. Emily slowly withdrew her fingers, her touch gentle as she uncuffed JJ's wrists from the headboard, the metal clinking softly as she set the handcuffs aside.

The room was quiet now, the air thick with the aftermath of the intense moment they had just shared. Emily moved with care, her hands soft and tender as she pulled the covers up over JJ's trembling body, her fingers brushing lightly over the marks she had left on her skin.

"You're okay," Emily whispered, her voice full of warmth and care as she climbed onto the bed beside JJ, pulling her into her arms. "I've got you."

At first, JJ was quiet, her body trembling slightly in Emily's embrace. The weight of the night still lingered, but now that the tension had been released, it left space for something else—something raw and painful that JJ had been holding back. She pressed her face into Emily's chest, trying to steady her breathing, but it was no use. The floodgates were about to open.

"I can't believe they took Reid," JJ choked out, her voice breaking as she finally allowed herself to speak the words she had been holding in since the case ended. Her breath hitched, and her body shook as the first sob broke through. "I should've… I should've seen it coming."

Emily's arms tightened around her, holding her close, her hand stroking JJ's hair gently as she whispered reassurances. "It wasn't your fault," Emily murmured softly, her voice soothing. "You did everything you could."

But JJ wasn't finished. The pain she had been burying—hiding beneath her guilt—was clawing its way to the surface now, overwhelming her with the force of it. "And those dogs…" JJ sobbed, her voice muffled against Emily's chest. "Those poor dogs… I had to shoot them. I didn't want to, but I had no choice."

The words tumbled out in a rush, each one cutting deeper than the last. JJ's body shook violently as the sobs tore through her, her emotions finally breaking free after days of being suppressed. She clung to Emily, her fingers digging into her shirt as the pain washed over her, unstoppable.

Emily's heart broke at the sound of JJ's sobs, but she didn't try to stop them. She held JJ tightly, her arms a protective cocoon around her, whispering soft reassurances as JJ let out everything she had been holding in.

"I know, JJ," Emily whispered, her lips pressing soft kisses to the top of JJ's head. "I know it was hard. But you didn't have a choice. You did what you had to do."

JJ's sobs grew louder, her breath coming in ragged, uneven gasps as she clung to Emily, her face buried in the warmth of her chest. The weight of the guilt, the pain of everything she had gone through, was finally too much to bear, and she couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"I couldn't save them," JJ cried, her voice breaking. "I couldn't save Reid… and those dogs. I couldn't save anyone."

Emily's arms tightened around her, her hand still stroking JJ's hair in a slow, soothing rhythm. "You did save them," Emily said softly, her voice full of conviction. "Reid is safe because of you. The team is safe because of you. And you had no choice with those dogs. You were protecting yourself. It wasn't your fault."

JJ shook her head, her body trembling with the force of her sobs. "But it feels like it is," she whispered, her voice broken.

Emily's heart ached as she listened to JJ's pain, but she stayed with her, holding her close, whispering soft reassurances as JJ let out everything she had been holding back. "You did everything you could," Emily whispered, her voice gentle but firm. "You're not alone in this. I'm here with you."

JJ's sobs continued, her body shaking uncontrollably as she clung to Emily, the weight of her guilt and grief finally pouring out of her. Emily didn't let go. She held JJ through it all, her presence steady and warm, her voice a constant comfort in the storm of JJ's emotions.

Slowly, the sobs began to subside, JJ's breath evening out as the intensity of the emotional release started to fade. She was exhausted now, her body spent from the crying, but there was a strange sense of relief washing over her—a sense of release she hadn't felt since the case ended.

Emily pressed another soft kiss to JJ's temple, her hand still stroking her hair gently as she waited for JJ to catch her breath. "How are you feeling?" Emily asked softly, her voice full of care.

JJ sniffled, her body still trembling slightly as she wiped at her eyes, her breath coming in shaky bursts. "I feel… lighter," she whispered, her voice raw from crying. "Like… I can finally breathe again."

Emily smiled softly, her arms still wrapped securely around JJ. "Good," she murmured. "You've been carrying so much, JJ. I'm glad you're letting some of it go."

JJ nodded, her eyes still wet with tears as she looked up at Emily, her expression filled with gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I don't know what I would've done without you."

Emily shifted slightly, pulling JJ closer as she settled them both under the covers, her arms wrapped tightly around her. "Just rest now," Emily whispered softly, her hand stroking JJ's back in slow, soothing circles. "You're safe."

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