
Day 7: Impact Play (T’lyn/Mariner)

Day 7: Impact Play (T'lyn/Mariner)

The lights in Mariner's quarters were dimmed to a soft glow, casting a warm, comfortable atmosphere around the room. Beckett Mariner, reclining lazily on her bed, wore a mischievous grin and a pair of lacy panties and nothing else. She watched T'lyn, who was still fully clothed, pace in front of her with that familiar, methodical Vulcan efficiency. It was Mariner's birthday, and she had only asked for one thing—something she knew T'lyn would find completely illogical, but something that, for her, was oddly important.

"Are you sure this is what you desire?" T'lyn asked, her voice as calm and measured as ever, though there was a slight furrow to her brow. She stood at the foot of the bed, hands clasped behind her back, looking every bit as composed as usual. The idea of inflicting physical pain for pleasure, as Mariner had requested, was not something T'lyn could easily comprehend.

Mariner stretched her arms above her head, her grin widening. "Yep. That's it. All I want for my birthday is for you to spank me." She wiggled her eyebrows playfully, clearly enjoying how the request threw T'lyn off balance.

T'lyn raised an eyebrow, her gaze unwavering as she processed the request. "I fail to understand the appeal of such an activity. Vulcans do not associate pain with pleasure, nor do we engage in acts of this nature without a specific, logical purpose."

Mariner chuckled, pushing herself up on her elbows as she looked at T'lyn with a gleam of amusement in her eyes. "That's because you've never really embraced the human side of things. It's not just about the pain—it's about the sensation, the trust, and... well, it's kinda hot. Especially when it's coming from someone like you."

T'lyn's brow furrowed slightly as she considered Mariner's explanation. "You find the act of being struck... arousing?" she asked, her tone clinical, as if she were conducting an anthropological study.

Mariner nodded enthusiastically, her grin widening. "Exactly! It's weird, I know, but it turns me on. And it's my birthday, so..."

T'lyn's gaze remained steady, though Mariner could see the gears turning behind her calm exterior. After a moment, the Vulcan gave a small nod, her expression resigned but composed. "Very well. If this is what you wish, I will comply."

Mariner's grin widened, clearly pleased that T'lyn was willing to go along with it. "I knew I could count on you," she said playfully, rolling onto her stomach and propping herself up on her elbows, her back arched invitingly as she positioned herself at the edge of the bed.

T'lyn stepped closer, her posture still stiff, her movements slow and deliberate. She paused for a moment, looking down at Mariner's prone form, clearly still trying to make sense of the situation. "It is highly illogical that one would request physical pain as a form of celebration," T'lyn muttered, more to herself than to Mariner. "However, if this is what you desire, I will proceed."

Mariner laughed softly, turning her head to look back at T'lyn with a teasing smile. "Don't overthink it. Just give me a good spanking, and we'll call it a birthday success."

T'lyn hesitated for only a second longer before stepping closer, her hand raised slightly as she prepared to deliver the first strike. Her movements were precise, calculated, as if she were analyzing the perfect amount of force to apply. Mariner, ever the relaxed participant, let out a soft chuckle, waiting for the Vulcan to make her move.

With a swift motion, T'lyn brought her hand down against Mariner's backside. The sound of the impact echoed through the room, sharp but not too harsh, the force behind it measured and controlled. Mariner's body jolted slightly at the contact, a low hum of pleasure escaping her lips.

"There we go," Mariner murmured, her voice full of satisfaction as she settled back into the bed. "That's more like it."

T'lyn raised an eyebrow, clearly perplexed by Mariner's response. "The impact did not cause significant pain," T'lyn observed, her voice calm but full of curiosity. "Yet you appear to derive pleasure from it."

Mariner smirked, glancing back at T'lyn with a playful gleam in her eyes. "It's the mix of sensation, T'lyn. The sting, the way it heats up afterward—it feels good. Trust me, you're doing great."

T'lyn remained silent for a moment, considering Mariner's words. Then, with the same calm precision, she raised her hand again and delivered another, slightly harder smack. The sound was sharper this time, and Mariner's body reacted instantly, her back arching as a low moan escaped her lips.

"That's it," Mariner muttered, her voice breathy. "Just like that."

T'lyn's brow furrowed slightly as she observed Mariner's reaction. "This level of physical discomfort is... acceptable?" she asked, her tone clinical but filled with a hint of confusion.

Mariner nodded, her body relaxing into the sensations. "More than acceptable," she said, her voice thick with pleasure. "It's exactly what I wanted."

T'lyn hesitated only briefly before delivering another firm smack, this time watching closely as Mariner's body responded. The Vulcan's movements were still calculated, precise, as though she were trying to find the perfect balance between pain and pleasure. With each smack, Mariner let out soft moans of approval, her body shifting with every impact, clearly enjoying the experience.

"You are experiencing heightened arousal," T'lyn noted, her voice even but laced with curiosity. "Despite the physical discomfort."

Mariner laughed softly, her breath catching as T'lyn delivered another smack, her movements becoming more confident. "Yeah, that's kinda the point," Mariner murmured, her voice low and teasing. "You're getting the hang of it."

T'lyn's hand paused mid-air for a moment, her gaze fixed on the fabric of Mariner's panties. Her brow furrowed slightly as she considered the situation. "It would be logical to assume," T'lyn began, her voice calm and even, "that the sensation would be heightened if you were to remove your undergarments. The material may be impeding the full impact."

Mariner's breath hitched at the suggestion, her grin widening as she glanced back at T'lyn. "Well, look at you, getting all into it," she teased, her voice full of playful excitement. "But yeah... if you think it'll feel better, I'm all for it."

Without a second thought, Mariner reached down and slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties, slowly sliding them down her hips and legs before kicking them off the edge of the bed. She tossed them aside, leaving her completely bare to T'lyn's gaze.

T'lyn's eyes briefly flickered over Mariner's exposed skin, her expression still calm and composed, though Mariner could tell the Vulcan was processing the sight with her usual clinical efficiency. "This will allow for a more accurate application of force," T'lyn stated plainly, as if this were simply another experiment she was conducting.

Mariner chuckled, shifting onto her hands and knees, her back arching in anticipation. "I'm ready when you are," she said, her voice low and teasing. "Just... don't hold back."

T'lyn positioned herself behind Mariner, her hand hovering above Mariner's now-bare backside as she assessed the situation. She raised her hand and brought it down with a controlled but firm smack, the sound sharper now that there was no fabric to dampen the impact. Mariner's body jolted at the sensation, her moan coming out louder this time, a clear sign of her approval.

"Better?" T'lyn asked, her voice calm but curious, her hand lingering over Mariner's skin.

"Way better," Mariner gasped, her body responding instantly to the increased intensity of the spanking. The sensation was sharper, more direct, and it sent a thrill through her that made her hips press back instinctively.

T'lyn, satisfied with the result, delivered another firm smack, her movements precise as ever. With each strike, Mariner's body reacted, her moans growing louder, her muscles tightening with every impact. The Vulcan's hand moved with practiced control, the rhythm steady and methodical, but it was clear that T'lyn was becoming more confident in her delivery.

As the spanking continued, Mariner's breath quickened, her body trembling with a mixture of pleasure and anticipation. She was completely lost in the sensation, each smack sending waves of heat through her, the sharp sting of T'lyn's hand followed by the warmth that spread across her skin. It was exactly what she had wanted—exactly what she had asked for.

But then, one particularly firm smack landed with more force than before, and Mariner let out a loud, breathy moan, her back arching as the pleasure hit her like a shockwave. The intensity of her response caused T'lyn's usually precise aim to falter for a moment, and her next strike landed lower than intended—right on the soft skin of Mariner's upper thighs, grazing her exposed pussy in the process.

Mariner cried out, her voice loud and filled with unmistakable pleasure as the unexpected hit sent a jolt of sensation through her. Her hips bucked forward, her body reacting instantly to the sudden, sharp pleasure that shot through her core.

T'lyn's brow furrowed, her hand freezing mid-air as she processed Mariner's reaction. "I did not intend to strike that area," T'lyn said, her voice calm but tinged with curiosity. "However, your response suggests that it was not... unpleasant."

Mariner, still trembling from the unexpected rush of pleasure, let out a breathless laugh, her body pressing back against T'lyn's hand. "Nope," she gasped, her voice thick with arousal. "Definitely not unpleasant. You... you hit a good spot there, T."

T'lyn raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the reaction. "It is unusual," she mused, her voice thoughtful, "that such an area would respond positively to physical impact. The vulva is typically more sensitive to gentler forms of stimulation."

Mariner let out another breathy laugh, glancing back at T'lyn with a playful gleam in her eyes. "Humans are full of surprises," she teased, still catching her breath. "That... that felt really good."

T'lyn's hand hovered over Mariner's body, her gaze fixed on the spot where her strike had landed. "I see," she said quietly, as though filing the information away for future reference. "Would you prefer that I continue striking that area?"

Mariner nodded quickly, her body already craving more. "Yes," she breathed, her voice full of need. "Please. Do it again."

T'lyn hesitated for only a moment before delivering another firm smack, this time intentionally aiming for the same spot—just above Mariner's thighs, grazing her exposed pussy once more. Mariner's body jolted at the contact, her moan loud and filled with pleasure as the sensation shot through her like a lightning bolt.

T'lyn, ever the keen observer, watched Mariner's reaction closely, her hand delivering another precise strike to the same area. "Fascinating," T'lyn murmured, her voice calm but curious. "Your arousal has increased significantly in response to these strikes."

Mariner could barely respond, her body trembling as the spanking continued, each strike sending another wave of pleasure coursing through her. The combination of pain and pleasure, the sharp sting followed by the overwhelming heat—it was exactly what she had wanted, and T'lyn was delivering it with perfect precision.

With every hit, Mariner's moans grew louder, her body pressing back into the sensation, completely lost in the pleasure that T'lyn's controlled strikes were providing. She could feel herself getting wetter, her body responding instinctively to the mix of sensations that were driving her closer and closer to the edge.

"T'lyn..." Mariner gasped, her voice barely above a whisper as the pleasure built inside her. "Don't stop... please..."

T'lyn's hand moved with practiced ease, her strikes landing with perfect accuracy, each one drawing louder and more desperate sounds from Mariner. The Vulcan remained calm and composed, but there was a glint of curiosity in her eyes as she watched Mariner unravel under her touch.

"It is highly illogical," T'lyn mused, her voice low as she delivered another firm smack, "but your body's response suggests that this form of stimulation is quite effective."

Mariner let out a breathless laugh, her body trembling as she pressed back into T'lyn's hand. "Yeah... it's working," she gasped, her voice filled with pleasure. "It's definitely working."

T'lyn, ever focused on observation and analysis, paused for a moment, her hand resting lightly on Mariner's lower back as she considered the next course of action. "Do you believe you can reach climax through this method alone," she asked in her usual calm, measured tone, "or would you prefer additional stimulation? In my experience with you, manual stimulation often facilitates orgasm more efficiently."

Mariner's breath caught in her throat at T'lyn's question, her body still buzzing from the sharp, pleasurable impacts of the spanking. She could feel the tension coiling tighter inside her, the heat building, but she knew her Vulcan partner was right. "As much as I'm loving this," Mariner said between breathy moans, "I think your fingers would... really help right now."

T'lyn nodded, her hand trailing down Mariner's spine with clinical precision as she considered the request. "Very well," she said, her voice steady. "I will provide the necessary stimulation."

Without further hesitation, T'lyn's fingers slipped between Mariner's thighs, her movements slow and deliberate as she made contact with the wetness that had been steadily building there. Mariner's body jerked at the sensation, a low, guttural moan escaping her lips as T'lyn's fingers brushed against her slick folds.

"You are significantly lubricated," T'lyn observed, her voice calm as her fingers began to explore, sliding through the wetness with careful, practiced movements. "This should facilitate an efficient orgasm."

Mariner let out a choked laugh, her hips instinctively pressing back into T'lyn's hand. "Always so... clinical," she muttered, her voice thick with arousal. "But yeah... it's good. Keep going."

T'lyn's fingers moved with precision, her touch firm but controlled as she began to focus on Mariner's clit, rubbing slow circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves. Mariner gasped, her body trembling under the intense, direct stimulation, the heat between her legs building with every stroke of T'lyn's fingers.

"Your body is responding favorably," T'lyn said, her tone as calm as ever, even as her fingers pressed more firmly against Mariner's clit, her movements increasing in speed. "Do you require further adjustments, or is this sufficient?"

Mariner let out a moan, her back arching as the pleasure surged through her, the intensity of the moment nearly overwhelming. "No... that's perfect," she gasped, her voice breathy and strained. "Just... just keep doing that."

T'lyn complied, her fingers moving with measured precision, her focus entirely on the task at hand. Each stroke was deliberate, designed to draw the maximum amount of pleasure from Mariner's body, and the Vulcan's calm demeanor only heightened the experience for Mariner. The sharp contrast between T'lyn's controlled actions and Mariner's increasingly frantic responses made the moment even more intense.

Mariner's moans grew louder, her hips grinding against T'lyn's hand as the tension inside her coiled tighter and tighter, the pressure building to an unbearable peak. She could feel herself getting closer, her body trembling with the need for release, and T'lyn's relentless, calculated movements were driving her to the edge.

"Keep... going..." Mariner gasped, her voice barely above a whisper as the pleasure surged through her, her body teetering on the brink of orgasm. "I'm so... close..."

T'lyn's fingers pressed harder, her movements becoming more insistent as she sensed Mariner's impending climax. "I anticipate that you will reach orgasm shortly," T'lyn stated calmly, her fingers rubbing slow, firm circles over Mariner's clit with perfect precision. "Do not hold back."

With one final, deliberate stroke of T'lyn's fingers, the tension inside Mariner snapped. Her body convulsed, her hips bucking as the orgasm ripped through her, sending waves of pleasure crashing over her with an intensity that left her breathless. Mariner cried out, her voice loud and filled with raw, unrestrained pleasure as her body shook under the force of the release.

T'lyn's fingers continued their steady rhythm, guiding Mariner through the aftershocks, the Vulcan's calm, methodical movements never faltering even as Mariner's body trembled with the overwhelming sensation. Mariner's mind was hazy, her body spent, but the lingering pleasure kept her grounded in the moment, every nerve in her body alive with the afterglow.

When the intensity finally began to fade, Mariner collapsed onto the bed, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Her entire body felt like it was buzzing, the release leaving her feeling utterly spent but completely satisfied.

T'lyn withdrew her hand, her expression as composed as ever as she observed Mariner's post-orgasmic state. "You appear to have reached the desired outcome," T'lyn noted, her voice calm. "Was the level of stimulation sufficient?"

Mariner let out a breathless laugh, her body still tingling from the aftershocks of her orgasm. "More than sufficient," she muttered, her voice thick with satisfaction. "That was... amazing."

T'lyn raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Mariner's reaction. "I am pleased to hear that my efforts were effective," she said simply, though there was a faint trace of curiosity in her tone. "Your reaction was particularly... intense."

Mariner chuckled softly, rolling onto her back to look up at T'lyn with a lazy grin. "That's because you're really good at this," she teased, her voice still breathy. "And maybe because I've been waiting all day for this."

T'lyn tilted her head slightly, as though processing the compliment. "I see. It is fortunate that I was able to meet your expectations."

Mariner grinned, reaching up to gently pull T'lyn down beside her on the bed. "More than meet them, T," she murmured, her voice filled with affection. "That was the perfect birthday gift."

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