
Author’s Note

Hey everyone! I have an idea that I want your input on. As the story progresses, the main character will be unlocking a new chakra affinity, and I'm considering letting you, the readers, vote on which affinity MC will unlock! But before I go ahead with this idea, I want to make sure it's something you'd enjoy.

Please comment if you think this voting idea would be fun, or if you'd prefer I stick to the decisions myself. Your feedback is really important to me, and I want to make sure this enhances the story for you!

Also, if you have suggestions for how I could introduce this without posting a whole chapter about it, feel free to share. And if I do end up doing the vote, those in the top 25 fan spots will get two votes each as a thank you for your support!

Thanks for being part of this journey with me!

Chương tiếp theo