
Chapter 93 - Shadow path prodigy.

Xin stood in astonishment, the wind whistling lightly inside of his open face helmet. These fighters were both strong enough to challenge him, yet their bout was short and brutal. Very anticlimactic, I wonder what my death will look like? 

"Good job, kid." Master Xiaodan hugged Tei Zhuo as the crowd cheered him on a few hundred steps behind. "Xin! You are next!"

"I know, master." Xin picked up his crossbow and stood up. Ling Yue didn't go towards the circle just yet, but approached him directly. She didn't look distressed by her comrade's gruesome death, and there was only cold excitement in her stern gaze.

"Xin. You denied my challenge, and we got matched anyway. What were the chances?" She said, her almond shaped eyes drilling a hole in him, looking for a weakness.

"One in three. Are you retarded?" He looked back into her eyes, smiling with a corner of his lips. Xin heard Rui Ming finally crack a little laugh behind his back. Xin was delighted, I finally broke through the Windsplitter's detached facade! 

"I see. How about we head to the combat circle? We should stop chatting, you look contagious, slovenly boy." She looked unaffected by his taunting, but Xin suspected she was acting.

"Contagious? You look like you had lichen." He kept mocking her hairstyle choice. She willingly made half of her head bald, Xin found it an extremely absurd thing for a woman to do, given how beautiful her leftover hair looked. "I could make you a lotion. One against lichen, another one for hair growth, in case you're thinning."

"Oh, you should be the last person to mock anyone's hairstyle choice, peasant! I'm willing to bet a hundred spirit stones you have lice on those salty dangles." 

I had to march and fight, you just sat there behind the town walls! That's how war is, you delusional noble brat, of course I got a little dirty. Again, he felt like it wasn't her comment but her ignorance that got under Xin's skin.

"I'm willing to bet a hundred spirit stones I could shave your head and you'd still have lice." He nodded and lowered his gaze between her legs for a short moment, then smirked staring into her eyes again.

"Ah. Very funny, you simpleton." She scoffed. "Whatever you say, my bloodline will crush you in the end. Let's fight now."

A rank two bald master approached her from behind and pulled her away for a moment. 

"Yue, cool down. Don't let this random peasant get inside your head. Execute the basics, nothing fancy, and you'll win. Now go. Remember what I taught you." He patted her spine and pushed her towards the combat circle.

Xin heard their discussion with his heightened senses. Not even trying to predict what my moves will be? "Execute the basics and you'll win?". The audacity.

"Random peasant? The way she talks about her bloodline, it sounds like she's promoting herself for an arranged marriage. I'm not interested, she sounds too desperate. My advice is, you should try being more subtle, or people will think that you're an easy woman, Ling Yui!" Xin pointed a finger at her as he mispronounced her name. 

"You!" Her eyes were bloodshot. "I'm done with you! You won't get a chance to surrender!"

"Hold on a moment. The fight will begin once both of your superiors authorise it. Executing the surrendered opponent is a criminal offence, I have to remind you." The inspector said, as master Xiaodan approached Xin and led him aside.

"Listen, kid. I know you're riding that high, taunting her and enjoying watching her lose her shit. You're too confident, too eager. Tone it down. In the fight, there is nothing but two bags of flesh smashing at each other. There is no you, no her, not even me or the sect. It's not what I usually tell my students, but that's the kind of truth that you need to hear. Flush all this shit down the drain. You're a big boy, you'll manage. 

She's of a shadow element bloodline. Illusions, mind affecting attacks, this sort of stuff. Don't overcomplicate, you remember my classes. Now go." Master Xiaodan tapped his shoulder and pushed him towards the fighting area.

Xin raised his crossbow and pointed it at his opponent, waiting for the signal. In his studies, he theorised a lot about how to defeat such an opponent, it was now time to put these theories into practice.

"Disciple Xin, point your weapon downwards. Disciple Yue, five steps back. One more. Good." Both sides tried to push the limits a bit, as it was a ranged fighter against a melee warrior, but the inspector shut it down. 

"One..." Xin looked at the girl as the inspector counted. Shadow element. A famous bloodline, means she'll have more qi and control it better than an average qi active mortal. At least master Zhi allowed me to plant my conflict removal materials once again, so my wood qi is not repressed. I paid so much for those materials, I've got to make it count!

"Two." Her whole body is like one big spring, ready to launch into action. Her gaze is still determined, even if she lost some of her composure. Totem, grant me strength! Xin sniffed the air as he prepared to aim. If I can use my sense of smell, I'll nullify her biggest advantage. There is no way she predicts me having a totem.


Xin activated the Mercury Greaves. Ling Yue momentarily dashed towards him, her movement graceful and slightly uneven, ready to dodge Xin's crossbow shot.

He sniffed the air again. Is something wrong? She emanated no smell, the totem was completely powerless. Xin aimed, but the girl's visage twisted, as if she moved into several directions at once, creating humanoid plumes of fog, rushing to surround him, her own image disappearing amid them.

Shot. Miss. It pierced through the fog, disrupting some humanoid figures, but not revealing Ling Yue's position. Xin didn't infuse this first shot, looking to catch the enemy by surprise later. As far as he remembered, no one who knew of his technique got away, she shouldn't expect his exceptional firepower.

Ling Yue collected the shadows into a cloud, four steps wide, flickering with humanoid shapes, emanating a dark grey light. Xin ran away diagonally and used a reloading technique without looking at his opponent, then turned back.

That's it! He was faster than his opponent, and caught her off-guard. He spent a moment analysing multiple images that approached him, then trusted his intuition and aimed where he thought the shadows looked the weirdest. 

Bowstring infusion!

Metal qi infusion! 

Twang. A powerful shot was launched towards the figure on the left. 

"Ugh!" Ling Yue groaned out in pain, as he heard his bolt connect with her armour. Xin saw a faint figure materialise amid the shadows, her shoulder injured, but the bolt bounced off, sadly it was just a glancing wound, bruising her upper arm. Xin kept running. 

Swoosh. Xin heard a breeze, and his leg was enveloped by grey smoke. He felt his legs get heavier. I'm slowed! Our speed is around equal now, and once my greaves run out, I'll be at a disadvantage!

Metal qi reload technique.

Xin turned back again, and realised that the opponent was much closer now. Should I shoot, or should I pull my glaive out?

Xin pointed his crossbow at the foggy figures, still flickering. The last shot was a flash of brilliance, but recreating it would be a challenge.

Last time, since he managed to outrun his opponent, didn't run in a straight line, and reloaded much faster than she expected, he caught Ling Yue as she was switching directions, her shadows in an awkward position, and by the way they were readjusting, he 

predicted where she stood. Xin's intuition was actually based on quickly processing these facts and making a quick judgement on the fly. That shot was still a gamble, but it paid off. This time, things were different.

The opponent clearly adjusted, making the shadows more congested, but also made them emanate several humanoid shapes jumping out of the fog at any given moment, making it much harder to gauge where she truly was, and confusing Xin's perception even

further. Any of these faint shadows could turn out real and attack Xin, and if he blundered, that could be the end of it. Supreme qi control, but probably costs a lot to use.

Is it just the middle? Xin guessed she'll call a bluff and attack him directly, aiming to quickly finish him off. He sniffed the air again and aimed towards the middle of the fog. Suddenly, one of the silhouettes flickered and unleashed a shadow whip towards him. He quickly jumped backwards and sideways, avoiding being hit.

Snap! Xin wasn't the target of this attack, his crossbow was! The attack wasn't strong enough to damage the shoulders of the crossbow, but it tore the bowstring! 

Shit. Those illusions can materialise if necessary. Xin threw this now useless crossbow into the fog, trying to probe for the enemy in the dark with this move. Miss. At least he knew where she wasn't.

Resonance Palms, or pull the guandao out of the bag of holding?

Something else. 

Snakevine dao shard! It flew as it spread widely, aiming to entangle Ling Yue's knees or hips. He assumed she wasn't to the left, where the shadow attacked him from, and she wasn't to the middle-left, as it was where he threw his crossbow! So it was middle-right or right, a narrow enough zone to cover with his snakevine daoshard. And indeed, his vine hit something in the fog cloud, as he saw the shadows flicker and Ling Yue's figure materialise for a moment, on the right side within the fog, but then it quickly disappeared.

Rush in as the vines entangle her? No, the vine didn't take hold just yet, and I don't know the degree to which it'll hinder her. I should let this one go, rushing into the fog head-on will get me killed.

He reached into the beg of holding on the ground, grabbed the polearm inside and threw the bag on the ground to make it release faster. The shadows were already closing up on him, and he suspected Ling Yue got rid of the snakevine, otherwise she wouldn't attack so boldly.

Swing, swing. He slashed at the shadows, hoping to keep the opponent at bay or even detect her. No attack hit. 

Wait. That bitch! Xin jumped forward and stabbed deep into the shadows while standing on one leg, while his other leg lifted gracefully off the ground and extended backward, maintaining his balance and adding momentum to the attack. Swallow Stab!

Clang. His attack was blocked, and he saw Ling Yue materialise for a moment. He was right, she was standing behind the shadows, trying to get a snakevine off her knees with her sword. She bluffed him! Judging by what he just saw, she had just finished cutting the snakevine.

He wanted to infuse his polearm with metal qi, but had no time for it, as he'd have to touch its blade. Now that he felt her out in the dark, he had to establish tempo, or she'd close distance and slash at his vitals from an unseen angle. 

Right-left swing! Left-Ring swing! His second attack was blocked by her blade. That's right where I wanted you! He swiftly raised his polearm.

Woodcutter's Downswing! His guandao dropped where the opponent was supposed to be.

Shadow rush! Ling Yue leaned closer towards where Xin was hitting, turned immaterial and passed through his polearm's shaft, avoiding the qi infused blade! 

Stab. Xin's shoulderguard was penetrated, and the blade sliced in, getting stuck on the collarbone. The pain was such that Xin lost composure for a moment. The attack was probably infused, but it would be hard to see a shadow element infusion amid the shadows. Ling Yue herself was manifesting for a few moments every time she attacked him or was attacked, so he had partial vision of her, allowing him to defend at least somewhat effectively.

Stab! Xin narrowly avoided a blow aimed at his face, then did something that even he didn't expect.

He infused the glaive with wooden qi and struck with the back end of his weapon, twisting the shaft and making it into a whip for a brief moment. An improvised attack, based on the vine style of the Carnivore Grove inheritance.

Crack! The metal spike on the other end of the glaive slapped Ling Yue in the face, propelled by the force of the handle, the blunt hitting her chin and the spike badly bruising her cheek. Somehow, Ling Yue didn't get stunned, stabbing Xin in response. This time, his wrist was sliced, his armguard pierced with umbral energy, as the young hunter felt the strength leave his arm. 

What have I done? Xin grabbed the bottom of his glaive, but it was dangling! It would reform eventually, but Xin didn't know when!

In panic, with his second arm, which was holding the glaive in the middle, he threw his weapon at Ling Yue, infused with metal qi at the shaft. The strength gains would be marginal, especially since the elements of wood and metal conflicted, and a lot of qi was wasted.

Ling Yue sidestepped, unaware of how ineffective this attack was, and disappeared into the shadows once more. 

"Xin, sniff the air!" Even Rui Ming lost his composure and started shouting advice. No, Ming, this won't work, she can't be detected like that! 

Xin jumped backwards and used the opponent's retreat to activate Resonance Palms. His qi was running low. 

He heard a cracking sound. Wait, did she munch on a spirit stone? That bitch! 

He sniffed the air. There must be something! What are even her qi reserves, manifesting so many illusions? And that technique where she turns immaterial, how can a mortal use something like that? It can't be cost effective, maybe I could outlast her? 

Nothing, no smells. Complete void, she emanates nothing, and so do her shadows. The strongest smell Xin could perceive right now was that of his own blood.

How does that smell obscuring work? Is that her using the shadow qi to directly hide the smell, or is it a mind affecting technique? What's the logic? Xin retreated again as the shadows approached him, but he was slowed and his greaves ran out, so he was back to square one.

What if I grapple her? I just need to endure one attack with metal qi, then overpower her. Can I? Xin felt the smell of his own blood again, and his arm ached badly, becoming weaker due to shadow element injuries.

Slap! Xin touched the arm at its pressure point and infused it with metal qi, temporarily restoring it to full strength, but the activation of this seemingly simple move cost him more than Resonance Palms did. He reached for the spirit stone. 

The mass of shadows dashed towards him, this time howling and manifesting ethereal limbs from several directions.

Swoosh. Xin delivered a powerful turning kick, aiming to lure the opponent out. He hit the opponent's block, and she stabbed at his exposed thigh.

Gotcha! Xin exhaled and infused his thigh with an Iron Lung technique, which together with his armour was enough to nullify the attack. He tried to grab Ling Yue with his left arm, but she turned her forearm immaterial and easily avoided his grasp. Xin leaned forward and raised his right arm, using her retreat to seize the moment.

Woodcutter's Downswing! Xin dropped his Resonance Palm on her shoulder, making a dent and slicing a thread of her hair off. Sadly, since she was wielding a sword, her stance was sideways and her head was out of reach.

"Agh!" She groaned in pain. He expected her to retort with her blade, but she suddenly leaned into him and clenched his shoulders.

Need to deliver another Downswing! Fuck, I am out of qi. Xin pushed her chest with his right arm, hoping to get her off, while his left arm pressed against her elbow, on the arm that held the blade, preventing the stab.

Shadow Punch!

Instead of trying to attack with her blade, Ling Yue punched Xin with her spare arm, her fist glowing with ominous umbral emanations. The strike went through his armour as if it wasn't there, and broke a rib or two, throwing Xin out of balance. She then quickly grabbed him and threw him over her hip. Xin landed on the ground, his armour emitting a loud metallic bang as the crowd gasped. 

While still in pain, he managed to push her away with his legs, preventing a coup de grace with her blade. Annoyed, she slashed at his legs, but luckily, Xin's Mercury Greaves protected him. Those weren't just for flashy speed-ups, they were also quite durable.

Unexpectedly, his opponent ceased her assault and stepped back, dispelling the shadows around her as she ate another spirit stone.

Wait, she can eat tw... His mind was assaulted, interrupting his thought.

"Aaaagh!" Xin's felt his psyche get filled with agonising horrors, but he understood what was going on. Her fist punch was infused with shadow energy, and was meant to unbalance his human qi, which would lead to his own Shadow torturing him. A rare technique, but a famous one.

Xin knew that he had just a moment to do the right thing, or he'd perish. He took out the Dew Orchid concoction and drank it, then put two spirit stones in his mouth. He ate one immediately, and held one for later. Then the inner shadows surged upwards.

Meanwhile, Ling Yue started taking out the healing medicine from her bag of holding.

Xin looked her in the eyes. Her bleeding face was terrifying, her mouth half twisted in a prideful smirk, while the upper half of it was completely emotionless, still drilling him with her empty blue gaze. She turned her head diagonally, like a confused animal.

It's taking too long. What's going on? It should have worked by now! Ling Yue ate the combat medicine as she waited for the technique to take hold, she knew better than to give Xin an opportunity of a last resort attack while he still had control over his mind.

Xin felt a dark cloud moving through his chest. It felt like a usual melancholic episode, but magnified tenfold. 

Everyone in the crowd is staring at you, holding their laughter.

You lost. To a woman. Humiliated again. By a woman. Fuck. My rivalry with Lei is over. I lost. Lei will move on and become friends with Rui Ming instead. The sect will forget me. My life is worthless to them.

Xin leaned on his knee and stood up, bleeding and breathing heavily. Ling Yue didn't know whether to attack or not, and just waited for the medicine to take effect. Half of her wounds closed by now.

Xin remembered his failed human qi breakthrough. He knew that his breakdown was his and not his at the same time. It preyed on his weakness, but it was implanted by an outside power. He spread his shoulders as he waved away the vision of his mother leaving his father to be eaten alive by the wolves, his entrails dangling on the ground as he tried to crawl away.

"How did you counter my technique?" Ling Yue looked genuinely confused. This can't be, mortals can't endure this move! Maybe it needs more time?

Xin stared calmly into Ling Yue's eyes, a part of his mind still in agony. There is no me, there is no her. Only bags of flesh lashing out at each other! Xin cracked a spirit stone with his teeth and swallowed it. Now I need to rapidly spend my qi, as I am above my natural limit!

"That fear is not mine, it's yours!" He shouted out as a realisation hit him. His visions were his, but she had to invoke her own fear to manifest this ability. Just like he couldn't manifest metal element's firmness without an internal sense of it, she couldn't manifest anxiety without feeling at least somewhat anxious herself. Xin scoffed.

Ling Yue covered herself in shadows, avoiding his gaze. Xin felt like it wasn't just a strategic move, it felt like she was afraid of him. Still, the shadows dashed towards him once again! It was the climax of their fight, and they both knew it!

Xin inhaled the smell of his blood again. I wonder how you'll like this! He stabbed his cheek with his pointing finger, entering into his mouth and cutting his tongue as well. The human qi wave he was assaulted with was now replaced with animalistic rage.

"I'll rape your fucking corpse!" Xin roared out as blood gushed from his cheek, and dashed into the shadows, frenzied. 

"Is he crazy?" Tei Zhuo asked Rui Ming, astonished. "That's suicide!"

"Shut up. I think I understand his plan." 

Stab! Stab! Stab! Xin was assaulted by a rejuvenated Ling Yue, and was breathing heavily as his mouth was filling with blood. He deflected most of her hits with Resonance Palms, but his wrist was sliced badly. It was hard to see her even as she manifested, as his vision was still obscured by the fog around.

Turning kick! Xin had a trick in his sleeve, borrowed from Wu Lei.

Ling Yue tried to punish this audacious move, but was too slow, and had to switch to blocking mid-swing. There you are! 

Stab! Stab! Now that he properly detected her, Xin lashed out at Ling Yue, but she deftly avoided and counter-attacked herself, going for his throat.

Stab! Xin infused his neck with metal qi, and Ling Yue's weapon sliced off after piercing his armour. 

Praying Mantis pose! Xin raised his arms for a moment, preparing a counter-attack. At least I know where she is now!

Idiot, you can't use a technique like that in melee, when we're already engaged! You wasted your tempo! Ling Yue threw a shadow punch at his ribs.

Metal infusion! Xin raised his knee, infused with metal qi, blocking her punch and deflecting it sideways.

Ling Yue's heart skipped a beat. I need to fall back, his suboptimal stance was a ruse, and I fell for it!

Crane style! Wing flap! Xin spread his arms and lashed out at her shoulders, grabbing them and holding her in place. He didn't know how to unleash a qi infused version of this technique, but still imitated it shamelessly.

Blood spit! He spat all the blood he collected in his mouth at her face, then pushed Ling Yue away, right as she prepared to stab him with her sword.

Xin felt his knees get weaker, the metal qi on his arm was fading, and his injuries were getting worse, but his martial spirit was indomitable. He sniffed the air, and caught the trail of his own blood.

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