
Predictive outcomes

The sound of metal clanging and hard taps coupled with the piercing and hitting of air, reverberated across the entire training field in Jane's mansion.

A teenage boy could be seen striking... Well trying to strike a woman in her late 30s. He swiped his dagger and moved his fists in an orderly motion, maintaining his breathe and balance whilst trying to land an attack on the woman.

But the woman's movement was also very impressive, she wasn't holding any weapon neither was she trying to attack. She just kept evading the boy's fist and dagger with ease, her feet and body moving with fluidity and precision, it looked like she was dancing.

And to top it all, she was smiling and having fun, contrast to the boy who carried both a serious look and disciplined aura. He was not having fun at all, this was rather a challenge.

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