
Chapter 24: Flames and Frost 2

Back at the camp

"Find them now!"

Pantalone screamed as he ordered his men. His clothes were wet from the storm and his eyes were manic. The wave of anger and worry overwhelmed his whole being. Around him were pieces of destroyed rocks and a few damaged carriages.

"If you don't find them you and your families will be the ones to pay!"

Frantically, he looked below the mountain looking for his children despite the harsh weather and strained visibility.

Many of his guards set off to search for Leo and Leon. Only a very few of his most trusted retainers remained by his side.

"Lord Pantalone, we've dispatched everyone to search for the young masters. We've also cleared the stray hilichurls that were roaming around and all the animals we've seen have been killed. We're waiting for reports from all the personnel that have been dispatched. We've also sent emergency letters to all closest camps."

"Waiting? Join them you fool!"

"As you ordered."

They scurried around and joined the search, each going in different directions.

"I can't lose them, never..."


"We should find shelter, we can't just be here with the storm and all." I muttered to myself.

After confirming that Leon and I were fine, I rummaged on the remains of the carriage to find anything useful that we could use. From ropes, and pieces of clothes, up to a few pieces of broken but sharp wood, I took everything that could help us survive. 

I've strapped them on our back with the material that once was the roof of the carriage.

"Leon, let's go, we can't stay here." I said, ready to elave.

"Wait, I haven't found it yet." Leon said as he rummaged on the debris of the carriage.

"What are you searching for?"

"The stick. The one the witch gave me."

"She gave you a what?"

"Ah! Found it!"

Leon pulled a stick made of fine wood from under the carriage's remains. Its delicate design suggests that it must be expensive—an expensive stick huh, who would have thought?

Leon and I held hands as we walked through the storm. Our eyes were covered in water and the gust of wind made us tumble from time to time. If only I had an adult body walking through this would have been easy.

For a few minutes, we searched for anything that we could call a shelter but we must have spent all our luck earlier because we hadn't found a single place to rest.

The coldness was starting to get through us and our body heat wasn't enough to keep us warm.

Soon, Leon and I started to feel our bodies weakening. Even the air that we breathe is very cold.

I desperately searched for any signs of a cave or even a hilichurl camp that would be godsent in this situation. However, I don't know if they would even let us in. 

"Leo, look there!" Leon pointed to our right and there I saw a small cave. We rushed inside and rested our tired feet, waiting for rescue.

Inside were spacious, with no signs of any life. We could stay here for the time being. My only worry is if a stray animal or worse, vishaps or a group of hilichurls also decides to take shelter here; there's no way we could fight back if that happens.

We carefully laid the stuff we took and made a makeshift bed with the cloth and fabric that we gathered from the carriage.

"Will Papa find us," Leon asked.

"They'll surely find us, don't worry."

We stared at the storm outside as we sat.

Leon's hands were shaking and tears fell from his eyes.

"I'm scared."


"Leo, will we die?"

"Don't think like that. Papa will surely find us, after all, he's very rich and there are also a lot of people who follow him. He'll surely find us."

I tried my best to comfort him, yet I was also afraid. Teyvat, despite all its colorful designs, had many dangers lurking in the corners. From just the game there were already many dangerous monsters and animals and I don't know how many are there or how vicious they can be now that we're living in this world.

"We'll get back alive, okay?"

"... Okay."

We spent the night cuddling, sharing our body heat as we took off our wet clothes and snuggled under a thick and rough blanket that once the roof of the carriage. 


Morning came and the storm finally stopped.

We set foot outside and all we could see was what was left in the storm's wake. Broken branches, fallen trees, puddles of thick mud, and a few corpses of small animals.

The place looked like it had just risen from underwater. Quite the spectacle actually.

"What do we do now?" Leon asked.

"Let's try to get food first maybe." As I said that Leon's stomach started to grumble.

"Yeah, food, that's what we need."

Together we explored the area but we didn't stray far away from the cave. Cautiously, we turned over small logs and branches to find any surviving mushrooms to eat but we found none. There are also no fruits on the trees here; they might have been swept by the storm.

"I'm so hungry."

"I know,"

A few more minutes passed and we finally found mushrooms. Leon was about to pluck it out but I stopped him, after all, their color screams death. One thing I know from common knowledge in any life is that if it's colorful, that means it can kill even giants.

Unable to find anything edible I made up my mind and walked over to some dead squirrels that we found earlier.

I didn't want to butcher if possible but we'll starve if we're going to be picky.

"Leo, what are you going to do with that?" Leon said as he pointed his finger at the dead squirrels I collected.

"I'll... eat them."


"You help me, let's get the blood out of them."

"No! Never!"

"I won't give you any,"

"Fine by me! I'll go find my own food!"

This guy. Don't blame me if you don't find anything.

Going back to the cave, I got some wood and tried to start a fire. But I forgot one simple thing. Wet wood doesn't burn. So I threw away the corpses of the squirrels and ran back to Leon.

"I thought you were going to eat them?"

"Changed my mind, let's go find mushrooms."


Half an hour passed, and we hadn't found edible mushrooms, but we found some fruits on top of a bent tree; it must be from the storm. If I remember correctly these are called Bulle fruit and are endemic to Fontaine.

As we approached the tree we found ourselves with another problem.

How do we climb on top of the tree to get them?

We stopped infront of the tree and racked my brain.

As I was contemplating Leon suggested something.

"Leo, I'll ride you."


"No, I ride you."

"What?! But I'm stronger!"

"That's why I'll ride you, you're stronger so you can carry me better."

"But...but... argh fine."

Leon crouched and I sat on his shoulders with my legs beside his head.

"Don't move too much."

We weren't able to get so high. Two five-year-olds aren't really that tall, fortunately, the tree itself wasn't so high and I was able to get a few pieces.

"Okay, you can put me down now."

Leon gently crouches back as I get off of him.

"Only this much?" Leon complained upon seeing the amout of fruits.

"Better than nothing. We're short, I wasn't able to get so high."

We shared the fruit and returned to the cave. Leon instantly started to gobble his share so I warned him.

"Leon, don't eat everything, you won't last until night."

In reply, he grumbled and stopped eating. Good thing he actually listens.

We waited inside the cave for the whole day. Leon started to grumble halfway, I tried to ask him some questions but his brain wasn't so developed yet. Same as mine actually, but I guess I have memories that helped me cope. 

"Many have heard me, but nobody has seen me, and I will not speak back until spoken to. What am I?"

"A ghost!"

"Wrong, it's an echo."

"What's an echo?"


"An echo is a..."

We spent the rest of the day doing questions and answers like this. Most of the time I spent teaching him about things like "What's an echo? What's a chef?" and more. It wasn't enjoyable, to say the least, but since there was nothing to do I thought to myself, 'Why not?'.


Nighttime came, and still no signs of any people around. We wore our ragged clothes back since it was already dry, and got prepared to go sleep for the night.

Thoughts entered my mind as I lay on the mattress that we made.

We already ate all the Bulle fruit and we have to go get some again tomorrow. We won't be able to reach the rest so I'll probably make some sort of stick with a hook. I wonder when will Papa find us. Will they even find us here?

Such thoughts remained on my mind as I fell asleep.


In the blanket of the night, the animals slept as the crickets started to make noise. The bright moon showed itself along with many stars forming a line on the night sky. The cold wind breeze grazed the trees as it made noise.

A giant roamed the mountains. His memories were blurry, his form warped from what he once remembered, and only a mask could hide his gruesome fate.

He once had a family, a country to serve, and people to protect like a normal person. Yet a night of red moon took it all away. A curse binded everyone and they have lost their sanity. Only a few were spared yet they too must suffer in eternity. Not even a single moment of respite was given as they suffered from internal pain, a curse from the soul; like an untouchable itch they endured in agony.

At this time, only a few fragmented memories held him together. A memory of a being he once called daughter. A life, of a soldier, of a patriot we once lived. Most have forgotten, yet he alone remembered.

"Protect the people! Destroy the abominations! Push back the abyss!"

The chant of his commander echoed in his memory. Without the mind of a human, he followed, without a will of the living, he pursued, without the conscience of a man, he killed.

Blindly, he marched. Towards the gates of hell as he walked the path of no return.


Spoiler alert!

Instantly go to next chapter and don't read beyond the author note if you didn't finish 5.1 Archon quest.

So, it's been cleared right that Khaenriah was not destroyed by celestia or the 7 gods. More like they're reinforcements to fight against the abyss from what Capitano said.

Capitano face is rotting damn

Vellkhancreators' thoughts
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