


I stared at Nick, stunned by his declaration. He would protect me from harm? Me, a Fae who had planned to destroy him? It made no sense.Before I could question him further, a knock sounded at the door. Nick was there in a blink, peering through the peephole."It's only Leo," he said, unlocking the door.I jumped from my stool, ready to run or fight, while trying to remember who Leo was.A tall, slender man strode in, his long brown hair pulled back in a neat ponytail. He wore loose linen pants and a simple white tunic with a leather bag slung across his chest. His hazel eyes shone with warmth as they settled on me."Celeste." He inclined his head in greeting. "I had a feeling I'd find you here."I shrank back against the counter, wary. "How do you know me?""I make it a point to know most of the magical creatures in the area. Or know of them." He covered the distance between us and held out a long-fingered hand. The pinky fingers were painted a dark aubergine. Druid. "I'm glad to meet you in person, little Fae."I hesitated, trying to remember what I knew about Druids and their powers before I raised my hand and allowed him to shake it. "Druid. Don't let my size fool you. I'm more than able to take care of myself."Leo's full mouth quirked up in an amused grin. "No doubt you can," he agreed. "All the Fae are very fierce, are they not?"His formal way of speaking belied his youthful appearance. I knew Druids were practically immortal and there was no way to tell how old this one might be. By his speech, however, I assumed he was very old indeed.His gaze moved from me to his friend. "I saw signs of a fight at the bar, and the scent of scorched ash was unmistakable. There were hunters, yes?""Yes," Nick agreed. "Several found us there last night. I don't know how they showed up without me sensing their presence before now."Leo's lips danced with a knowing smile. "Ahh, I think you were likely distracted, were you not, my friend?Nick narrowed his eyes at the man. Those big biceps crossed his chest again and his jaw tightened almost unperceptively. "Maybe."His friend's amused expression never faltered. "There have been rumors of vampires going missing over the last few weeks.""A few weeks?" Nick sputtered. "And you haven't mentioned anything to me?""Calm down, my friend," Leo assuaged. "They were only rumors. I couldn't pin anything down. I didn't want to worry you with no reason."My stomach dropped. They had followed me then? If they had been prowling around for weeks and didn't come across Nick until I showed up, it had to be true. "I'll leave. If it's me they're after, I'll draw them away.""Absolutely fucking not!" Nick growled in my direction. Yep, that was definitely a growl.My hackles now up from his tone, my fists hit [RA1] my hips as I glared daggers his way. "Do you have any brains under all those muscles?" I asked, accidentally revealing that I had noticed said muscles. Shit!Nick was in front of me before I could blink, his large, cool hand cupping the nape of my neck. His hands tangled in my unbrushed hair, holding me still and allowing him to bring his face inches from mine.I could feel his breath on my lips as he spoke again in a low, menacing whisper. "I said, I would not let any harm come to you, and I meant it."Sure he could hear the quickening thump of my heartbeat, I nevertheless kept up my bravado. "Back off, Bloodsucker," I demanded through clenched teeth.His nostrils flared, and I knew he smelled the desire that escaped my very pores with his touch, despite my aggressive words. Damn over-the-top vampire sense of smell!His lips moved forward another millimeter, and I was sure he was going to kiss me again when a throat was cleared loudly to our right."Sorry to interrupt," Leo's voice said, breaking through the bubble of lust that had trapped us. "But I think we should be figuring out what to do about the hunters. You can pick up the bonding thing later."Both our heads popped up and the words and we took a synchronized step back from each other. "Bond thing?" Nick asked, obviously coming to his senses before I could get any words out.Now, Leo looked confused. "You clearly feel it. I just assumed that you recognized it.""What are you talking about, Druid?" I demanded, my muddled synapses finally starting to fire again.Leo's gaze traveled back and forth between the two of us, a chagrined look on his face. He sighed. "You two are bonded mates. Fated, if you will." His finger worried his bottom lip, and he muttered as though to himself, "Though I wasn't aware it could happen between separate species. Interesting.""What the fuck, Leo?" Nick exploded at him. "We can't be bonded. We haven't even…" His voice trailed off, and he looked decidedly uncomfortable at his almost admission.I rolled my eyes. Centuries-old vampire and he couldn't say a little four-letter word. "We haven't fucked is what Bloodthirsty over here is wanting to say. As far as I know, there can be no bond without that."The Druid's head bobbed in response. "True. Usually. For those that want a blood bond and do it on purpose. You two, however, are obviously fated. Whether you, um, have relations or not, the bond is already there."Great. I was surrounded by prudes. I rolled my eyes again. "You cannot be serious," I huffed. "I'm Fae. He's Vampire. We hate each other. Have for centuries. I've worked against his kind my whole life."My eyes shot to Nick, who was standing like a statue. If I wasn't mistaken, he was even paler than normal. So, he was as shocked as I was. "You're wrong, Druid. Besides, we have more important things to worry about, like keeping our heads on our necks."This seemed to rouse the vampire from his shocked stupor. "Do you know how many there are, Leo? We had two chasing us from the bar last night.""At least five that I detected. So far." Leo frowned. "You two need to lay low until they move on. I didn't sense any more on their way, but if they found you at the bar downstairs, then it's only a matter of time before they hunt you to this place.""Good to know." I started to head toward the bedroom to put on my shoes so I could escape this cage."Where are you going?" Nick demanded."Not that it's any of your business, I'm getting my stuff and getting out of here," I called over my shoulder. "Obviously this place is not the safe haven you thought it was.""Little Fae," Leo said to my retreating back in that annoyingly calm and professorial voice. "Splitting up at this point would be a death sentence for both of you. The bond will still call to you, and the magics it takes looking for the other would definitely call to Oriana's hunters."My feet stuttered to a stop, and I whirled, shaking my head angrily. "First, quit calling me that. Second, I'm not hiding with a bloodsucker while they hunt me!"Nick scowled. "Did you not hear what Leo just said? He's never wrong! I will not let you wander the streets alone with them looking for you. Do you have a death wish?""Please, I can handle myself," I scoffed. "I've been doing it for months now. I don't need your help.""Oh really?" Nick stalked toward me. "Because last I checked, you were cornered in that alley before I showed up. Admit it, you need me, Fae."My cheeks heated at the memory. He had saved me that night, but I'd never give him the satisfaction of confessing it."Enough," Leo said firmly. "Arguing gets us nowhere. You two clearly have a connection; why else would you be drawn together? But divided you make easy targets. Together, you might stand a chance."I crossed my arms and scoffed with bravado. "A connection? Don't be absurd. The only thing connecting us is mutual irritation."Beside me, Nick's countenance took on a hardened scowl. "She's right about one thing, she's nothing but a thorn in my side."Leo studied us shrewdly, hazel eyes seeing more than I was comfortable with. "No bond, eh? You forget I can see auras my nightwalking friend. And yours are melding together in a way I've rarely seen."My mouth went dry. The Druid could see auras? Of course he could. Shit.Nick shook his head dismissively, but the muscle ticking in his jaw gave him away. "Lust, nothing more. Easily ignored."Leo gave an exasperated sigh. "Try to hold onto that belief, Nicolai and it will get you both dead. You need whatever advantage you can get right now. If I'm right, you need to solidify the bond, not deny it. Work together to evade capture, not against each other.""Solidify the bond?" Nick's throat worked as he grasped what the Druid was saying.I dropped down to the sofa in defeat. "He thinks we should fuck, screw, do the nasty, make the beast with two backs…""I get it, Fae," Nick said through gritted teeth. "I'm not a complete idiot.""Just making sure," I said lightly. Though this was a serious matter, it was fun to rattle the vampire a little. His kind were known for such calm and control.Leo sighed again, running a hand through his hair and straightening his que at the back of his head. "I will leave you to work things out, but know that divided, your chances of escape grow slimmer. Oriana's net draws tighter by the hour." He moved toward the door. "If I were you, I'd reconsider your positions and find a new hiding spot. Together, you stand a chance. Divided, you will never survive."With those ominous words, he left, the door clicking shut behind him.
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