
Need a movie Suggestion to travel

Need a movie to travel with Hot Mom or Hot in her prime.

And For them who are confused

it's Combined world Where Mohan Bhargav is Don, but he can't be number 1 as there is Roy Group.

1. Don will be good in here.

2. one has seen Don face except few peoples in this Fanfic.

3.I added Don because Dev will get Priyanka Chopra from here.

4. I wanted to give dev a Powerful weapon for use in powerful worlds, so I use Brahmastra before it has started.

5. After one or two chapters later it will be ek tha tiger then Don and then some normal movie like lust stories 2 or Something

6.Brahmastra will start when I decide which movie should dev travel.

Suggestions are open Hurry up before

other movie are selected.

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