
Uncovering a Dangerous Military Transport in Tver

8 am - Moscow-Petersburg Road

"How are you, Evan?"

Evan: fine..it's a beautiful morning..with such a bright sun

Alex: We're on our way into Tver County

Ivan rejoiced, "The city of Tver… I visited it when I was a child."

Alex: Are you with your mom and dad?

Evan: Exactly

Alex laughed: Your parents are Russian nationalists

Evan: Yes

Alex laughed again, "And your name is Ivan, after King Ivan the Great

Ivan laughed: This king is my role model… With him, Russia has become a great empire

He reached the Baltic and Caspian seas

Alex: Yes.. you are a really good person… you have become chief of guards haha

On the road was a sign with the words Tver Province

The car crossed..a road policeman stopped them immediately.

Alex: What happened to make Evan stop us?

Evan: I don't know, stop.. so we know

Alex stopped the car and opened the window..the policeman approached.."Hi..it's Policeman Dimitri

Your cards, please." Alex and Evan handed their cards

The policeman cheered… "Oh…Alex..and this is Evan..just doing an acquaintance."

The entrants..because in military transportation activities

Alex: What kind of transport is this?

The policeman answered firmly, "This is a secret...and where are you going?"

Alex: We're crossing into Petersburg

Policeman: Ah.. passing… well... I wish you good luck

Alex started driving..and became thinking.."Ivan, what do you think is a military transport..."

Evan: I don't know..it could be soldiers or tanks

Alex: Perhaps this was a dangerous transfer. He was checking the identities of the entrants…Let's stop at this grocery store.

They entered the grocery store… Alex looked at the goods and the prices.." Evan..you see their goods…It is the usual one..and from it, they made jam, honey, yogurt, and cured meat.

Evan: It's good to sell on the highway, a lot of people pass by

Alex took a basket and put some canned food, soda, and bread in it

Ivan: Do you remember Cuban cigarettes?

Alex: What…do they sell it here too.

Evan: No…I just remembered it because I see here a section for different cigarettes

Alex asked the saleswoman: How much is a box of apples?

Saleswoman: There are 40 apples in it… The price of an apple is 25 rubles, it is 1,000 rubles

Evan: What is this, miss? He pointed with his hand at a small pump

Saleswoman: It's a water purification pump… Here you can draw river water

Through it gives you drinkable water

Alex: That's great…I used to buy water in plastic bottles all the time

Record it on the bill

The girl looked at them .. examining them… She was a blonde in her twenties

 She wears an apron, and a work uniform, "do you want a plastic barrel for water"

Evan: Good idea..thank you for reminding us, you gave us the 20-liter barrel

Alex was putting the crate of apples behind the car..."Come on, Evan

 Take apples..you must eat fruits daily.

Evan: I'll take one…I'm used to eating fruit at home with my family

Alex: Take more than one, 3 daily..the body needs vitamins..for health..and wellness

Evan: All right..I'll eat now

Alex: Wait, Evan..it's not washed..we have to wash it

They got in the car and drove off.

Evan: Where are your Cuban cigars?

Alex: Why do you want to smoke it?

Evan: I'd like to try one

Alex: All right..now let's drive a bit.

Ivan: How long is it from here to Tver?

Alex: Um..about an hour... I see most of the village houses are poor

 I see to the right and to the left.. as if the villages have vanished.. oh woe

Alex pulled Evan out of the pack of cigarettes

His left hand was on the steering wheel. "Ivan... take that cigar!"

Evan: Thank you, Mr. Alex.. and you don't smoke

Alex: OK..I'll give it a try

Evan lit his cigarette and Alex's… They started smoking and suddenly they coughed

Alex: My chest is burning..it's so strong and without a filter

Evan: I knew how to smoke it... slowly

Alex: Ah... Havana... the capital of Cuba

Evan: And did you visit her?

Alex: No.. but to this day she is our loyal friend

Evan: Yes, their system is socialist, and I see pictures of them with our leaders during the Soviet Union

Alex: I've had enough of this long cigar

Evan: Give it to me…I'll turn it off for you

Alex: In the sixties of the last century there was a problem between us and

United States of America..because of Cuba

Evan: Ah...the missile crisis

Alex: Exactly..we have transported nuclear missiles to this island by ship

Evan: Are still there?

Alex: No, we pulled them out..the issue..it was a plan to be America

At the mercy of our missiles close to it… Then we occupy it by anchoring our ships on

It's eastern shores… On the one hand, a military landing in Alaska

Evan: A nice cigar…I will open the window completely..and what happened?

Alex: They objected to Cuba keeping our missiles with them..because it represents a danger to them

Evan: The current missiles are intercontinental..and I think that what is being transferred…Now.. in the region are nuclear missiles

Alex: Ah…Boom Boom rockets…Let me take a ride now

Evan: What round?

Alex: I'd like to approach the transport caravan

Evan looked at him in surprise and felt fear, "The missiles are being transported by

 Military railways"

Alex: Trucks don't move them

Evan: I don't know exactly which one..but why do you want to get close to her

Alex: I'd like to know where they're taking it, and why

Evan: No…Whoa…This is espionage, and this work is prohibited

Alex: Uh..ok..let's keep driving to Tver..it's half an hour

An old black Mercedes drove by with a group of young men

And honked the horn

Alex: I think it's the mafia

Someone shouted from the car…Where do you think you are…You are in Tver…We are mafia… One of them pulled his hand out of the car window, carrying a large knife.

Evan waved a gun at him..the car sped away, "Evan,..it

They are gone, thank God".

Evan: Do not be afraid…I tell you that you are with a man who is experienced in protection

Alex slowed down the car..and was driving fearfully

Evan: A little bit left, and we'll get to the city

Alex found a car parked on the side of the road

An old black BMW. A huge man with a gun came out of it Magnum…Evan greeted him..the man started advancing toward them…Evan asked…Alex had to stop the car. Evan spoke to him through the window. "Hi…I'm Evan, From Moscow from the Ministry of the Interior…This is my card…You may not believe it haha"

Man: Hello… You are going to Tver

Alex: Yes, sir… What are you looking for here?

Man: Welcome… I am here.. ah.. ah.. a car was chasing us.. and we decided to wait for it here

Alex: It's okay..bye

Alex set off.. and became accelerating

Ivan: Here is the city of Tver

Alex felt that they were letting go..."Thank God...what a beautiful city

Built since 1135"

Evan: Like all of Russia... renovations, big buildings, shops

Alex: Let's take a walk around the city center

Evan: Good idea

Alex: Different shops…I see many new cars

 American, German, and Japanese brands. See Evan written Tvertsa River and see there Volga River here were the first settlements, The Russian appeared… The Russians came from southeastern Sweden in the eighth century

Ivan: I think the origin of the word is Russian.

Alex: Exactly..you mean Rowing men

Evan looked at Alex passionately, "What do you think of the Russians?"

Alex: They were fur traders and raiders.

Evan: Raiders

Alex: Of course… So how did they seize all these lands?

 They treat me with racism.. these days

Evan: I know that your mother is Russian.. and your father

Alex: My father is from Kazakhstan..but my wife is Russian

Evan: And what does Mr. Alex mean..wasn't there the Soviet Union?

And people mixed in the name of the friendship of peoples

Alex: That time is gone…but I find that we can bring it back

Evan: Great…I see that the city is amazing, what do you think Alex..let's go to

Hotel and rest..it's 11 o'clock

Alex: Good idea..let me see my phone..tver maps..hotel..here..find

In a nearby hotel called Volga..it is on the banks of the Volga River

Evan: Are there places?

Alex: Let's see the hotel..and ask

Evan: I remember…Alex..when I visited this city with my parents, we visited

The House Museum of Peter the Great, the builder of Petersburg, has rooms

Beautiful furniture and a well

Alex: Do they have pictures of Peter the Great?

Evan: Definitely a lot of pictures of him

Alex: Yes… Tver is amazing… It was Empress Catherine II

Her procession stopped at a palace of hers here, called palace road when she was traveling, To and from Moscow Petersburg. Here we are, Evan.. approaching the hotel

Look at the river in front of it..beautiful..and big..where the trees line up On its edge.. and long chairs to sit.

Evan: I hope there are rooms for us

They entered the hotel, it was an old hotel built in Soviet times

They go to the reception "Hello miss..do you have a double room

Receptionist: You are welcome…I see..there is a room

Register it under whose name

Alex: In our names Alex and Evan..take our ID card

She took the two cards and read them and smiled and was happy

"Ah..Alex is a professor from Moscow University

Alex: What floor is the room on?

The receptionist, she's on the third floor..that's the key

Evan: Thank you, miss

Alex and Evan enter the elevator. "Press Evan to the third floor."

Ivan: Does the room have a view of the Volga?

Alex: I don't know..this is her number

Evan: If not, we will replace her

They got out of the elevator.. and started walking in the hallway

Alex: Hey..it's on the Volga Ivan

Clear the room.." Evan..we have to get things from the car

Evan: Later…Look, the room is beautiful..two beds..and a table in the middle

Alex: I'll take the bed on the left..let me see the river from the window

Ah… Evan. Nice view… Evan approached. "Yeah.. great… Let's order lunch

Alex: I call the restaurant..ask them what they have

Evan: Here is the menu..on the table

Alex: I'll see her later… I'll take a shower and shave my beard

Evan: Let me hear you the menu…I would like to take a walk in the city

Alex: Haha..and you remember your childhood

Alex started taking a shower. "Amazing… Evan.. the water is warm."

Evan: There are types of Russian salads..and soups

Alex: Order me a mixed salad with traditional borscht

Evan: Well Mr. Alex..and what for lunch..there are grills..and macaroons

Alex: I'd like spaghetti with bechamel

Evan: Ok…I will do the request

Alex: Are there other minis?

Evan: There is a dessert menu, cake, and tarts

Alex: Great..I'll watch it myself

Evan: I'll get our things from the car

Alex: I'll wrap myself in a towel while you get my bag

Evan came out of the room..a quarter of an hour passed, Alex was sitting

Watching the news… Evan entered with the bags

Alex: The news says that the presidential elections will be in 6 months

Evan was opening his bag, "Wonderful..and whom will you vote for?"

Alex: I have to see the candidates first..then I decide

They heard someone knocking on the door, "It's me, restaurant services…I brought orders."

Evan went..and opened the door, "Hi..put them on the table, please."

Alex: Ah..smells delicious..thank you

Ivan: Look, Tver has its own TV

Alex: What don't you know...all the district center cities in Russia

 Haves their own TV

Evan: Great..if it was one..wouldn't it be better

Alex: No.. not the best… Russia is a very big country.. and there is a lot of news from one region to another

Evan: Come on, Mr. Alex, let's have lunch

Alex: Um..it's one o'clock

Evan: I ordered pork steak with beans

Alex was having his soup

 In a big and small way." They heard the voices of girls at the door of their room

"They say Rahlan..and Handsome..why don't they come to get to know us."

Evan's face blushed.. "Evan, go get to know them."

Evan: No..the many girls..let's rest and continue the journey

An hour passed... Alex laying on his bed..he ordered a big cake

And he ate some of it, "Come on, Evan, finish the cake."

Evan: Relax..we'll finish it tomorrow

Alex: Marek, let's go for a walk on the Volga…I'd like to talk to the people of the city

Evan: Well..it's 2:15..let's go..it's across the street

Alex and Evan came down and Alex was handing the room keys to the receptionist

Meanwhile, a man and a woman were talking to a big fat man with light black hair

"We arrived last night...will you take us to the district administration office"..."Of course, we are waiting for you..and at your service in the issues and problems of the region." Alex approached the man.. "the problems of the region."

"Yes.. and all the issues.. who are you." "I am Alex, a professor from Moscow University."

"Ah…Moscow University." "I see that the villages need development." "Yes..and I think that All the villages of Russia need it." Alex rejoiced and looked at the two guests reassuringly.

Alex: I would also like to come to this office

"I understand..a university Teacher your opinion is important to us. Please visit our building at any time On Kamsmolskaya Street...And where is this street?"..."It's the street

The one next to the hotel..our building at the end of it"..."Thank you..that is kind of you for inviting me."

Evan was waiting at the door of the hotel… Alex came up to him "My friend Evan…I would like to go to the district office..and you go and walk around"

"Well." Evan was surprised.. and walked away. Alex got into his car. "Ah.. he says

At the end of this street." Alex was driving his car. "Ah… Tver." The air was pleasant

People were gathering to the right and left of the street, waiting for the trill bus… Ray

A bridge over the river in front..."This is a bridge built from the Soviet times"

"Ah.. he means the last building." Alex got out of the car.. and headed toward the building

He entered..the receptionist asked him, "Citizen...what do you want?"

"Hello, my name is Alex…I would like to meet the manager…I would like to talk to him

 About the region's problems", she smiled

"I will Call someone to take you to the office of the in charge." Alex looked inside the building, They were all offices and departments… A young man approached him, "Thank you, sir."

Alex walked behind him until they reached the office.. Alex entered the office

It was the secretary's room, and then the administrator's door.. the secretary welcomed

"..Mr. Alex..Mr. Leonid is waiting for you."…"Thank you."

Alex entered the office straight away… Lwinde stood up… "Hello.".. extended his hand.. to Alex, and he shook hands with a welcome.. "So you go sit down.. What are you drinking tea or coffee..." Alex sat down On the chairs across from his table, "Thank you, Mr. Leonid, I'd like to talk to you about...The villages of your region…During my driving, I noticed the villages..some old..and others, non-existent..and the other

Leonid: You know, Mr. Alex.. that our services are many and continuous, and I care

 about what you say

Alex: Some villages..without good roads..and without electricity

Leonid took out a cigarette from a pack on his desk.. and lit it.. and started smoking

Alex: There are no gas pipelines in some villages, and unemployment is high

Leonid: Indeed..Mr. Alex, all these problems need a solution

But don't you find it in all of Russia

Alex: Yes, the information in our university is remembered for years, About these problems..most of which are youth migration to cities…I would like to tell you that

When I entered the region..the policeman was checking the documents of the entrants..and he was saying: It's in a military transport.

Leonid was annoyed, "Yes, there are nuclear missiles that they were transporting

Alex: Ah..missile..and to where

Leonid: This is a secret…It may be for the military bases in the region or the other region...

But something happened.. that the transport commander was in contact with the head of the city and the province

Alex: Why did he call?

Leonid: He bargained.. about whether they want the current government.. and started asking about

Percentages of opinions among the residents of the city and the region

Alex: And who is this..and a question

Leonid got angry..he was talking to Alex like a colleague. "He was bargaining if you don't want to, The government and the president.. will detonate nuclear missiles in full Territory in cities and villages.

Alex was stunned, surprised, and afraid, "This is a very dangerous job."

Leonid: And the head of the city called and through us in the centers of cities and villages

..and we talked with them..to accept that there is no other solution..or

Alex: Of course, by acceptance

Leonid: He submitted and the officials were satisfied..and they would have no answer but yes, with the government and the president

Alex: That's weird

Leonid: That is why I tell you..since you are a Teacher of political science..you may be

 This information is useful to your university and its president

Alex: Don't worry…I and the president of the university are at your service

Leonid calmed down...and regained his smile..."Now about the problems...as you can see…we need money from the state..to solve all problems, that I mentioned..and the other.

Alex: Is the money.. not given to you.. or not enough for you?

Leonid rejoiced..and put out his cigarette. "They say...we don't have that much money now Because of the economic sanctions and the wars we are running.

Alex: Thank you..for your information..it was a pleasure to meet you

Leonid: You are welcome anytime

Alex exited the building..and caught the attention of a building opposite

The guard asked, "Hi.. what is this building?" pointing toward him

The guard laughed: It is a preparatory institute for learning Russian for foreign students

Alex rejoiced and struck ecstasy.." Like the one we have in Moscow

I am a teacher at the university..and where do they study then?

Guard: After completing the year, they enroll in different universities

 Such as medicine, veterinary medicine, agriculture, and engineering

Alex: I see..and since when has this institute been here?

The Guardian: Since the last century, during the Soviet era, until today

Alex was amused and happy, "And from which country were the students?"

The Guardian: They were from Syria, Libya, Yemen, Vietnam, and China

Alex: I knew them..the former socialist countries.

Alex headed towards his car.

 Evan was walking around the city and looking at the houses, and the buildings, and the people.

 A beautiful blonde girl approached him and asked him, "Are you a tourist?"

Evan: Hello…I was a tourist here as a child with my parents

"Hello..my name is Svetlana..and what is your name"…" My name is Ivan..nice to meet you".

Svetlana: Let me take you on a tour of the city

Svetlana was a 23-year-old girl in a short pink skirt and a Luna coat

Dark blue… She was 1.9 meters tall, had blue eyes, and wore golden makeup

Bright with lipstick

Evan: You are beautiful, Stevelana

"Thank you..you like Russian girls"

Evan looked and saw what he had seen when he was young. "Ah.. the circus is still in its place today."

Svetlana: This circus.. it does not operate today only during seasons

Evan: I invite you to sit in this café.

Alex was at the hotel, worried and scared. "I will call in the rector, This news is dangerous"... he pressed the numbers on his phone.." Hello.. the president of the university Mr. Nikolay". "Hello..yes..who is speaking."..."I am Alex..the Teacher of political science."

"What is the matter… Is there a problem?"… "I want to tell you some very serious news."

"What is this news..come to me now..you are sober and not drunk."…" I am not drunk

I'm talking to you from the city of Tver. I'm on vacation…I spoke with Mr. Leonid Responsible, The district administration official told me that a military transport commander had threatened to bomb the district With a nuclear weapon."… "Oh, my God... dangerous words.. and what.. happened."… "The administration has worked Contacts in all the cities and villages of the region and ordered them to be satisfied with the president and the government. Because the threat is serious."… "Okay..I will write the name of this Mr..Leonid..Alex from Where are you talking now."… "I'm from the Volga Hotel." .. "Okay, I'll call an administrator In the Ministry of Defense for questions on this serious topic.. maybe all territories and from Russia Under this threat."… Nikolai hung up. Alex felt happy to speak with the rector, he decided to go down and have a walk on the edges of the Volga River.

Evan was in Svitlana's apartment. She was the only one of her parents and lived with them. "Your room is beautiful…Pictures of roses decorate all the walls."… She locked the door to her room with the key and looked at him with lust seduced and moved towards and kissed him.

Alex was walking along the edges of the Volga.. and he was walking around the townspeople.. he sat on a chair. a long railing.. watching the river.. old people strolling with their grandchildren.. women and youth a girl passed by with a cart..in which was a baby boy..a man was standing, drinking carbonated water and smoking, and a young man waved his hand at Alex, saying, "You're welcome!"… It was three young children playing with a small red plastic ball… Alex's phone rang… "Hello… Alex.. that's you...I called the official..and he said that this is a personal act..we have nothing to do with it..that the crossing commander, he is responsible and we will be punished for what he did." "Ah..thank you..no problem now..."

"Alex, when you finish your vacation, visit me.".

"Thank you…I wish you success".

Alex started thinking..did they mock me..did Mr. Leonid lie or joke…

Is the university president joking? I don't know.

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