
White Fang of Konoha

Once he felt that his clone had moved away, he slowly walked out of his house and left the place to roam the village. 

Gossips about Sakumo Hatake's failure reached his ears and even though he knew that Sakumo's teammates would be the ones to betray the legend, he really didn't know how he could stop that from happening. 

All of them were Jonin, so there was no way he could fight them. As for other methods, he couldn't think of any. After all, he wasn't Shisui who had the kotoamatsukame, a legendary genjutsu that could put anyone into their control without target noticing. 

'It's just a matter of time... he'll kill himself and kakashi will become a stickler for rules... I can't do much at this moment so I'm sorry for your father, but when the third great shinobi war occurs, I should be able to have the ability to save Rin.

 As for Obito... he'll have to play his role as Tobi for me to be able to achieve my goals. Oh well, there's more than enough time to think about this, so I'll just focus on the present now.'

He felt sad, but he wasn't dumb. If he tried to lash out and save Sakumo right now, Danzo would surely begin to target him even if he failed in saving the great white fang. 

As for saving Rin, if he did that, then the fourth shinobi war would take place in a very different way. It wasn't that he was scared of altering things from the original story, but black zetsu's existence and the still alive Madara. 

If he saved Rin, then Obito wouldn't act according to Madara's plans and this would put Kira into their radar. If there was anyone with whom he wanted to keep a distance with other than Danzo, it was these two.

He shook his head to disperse his thoughts and began his main mission; helping random people. 

At first, he thought it would be easy, but after 5 hours of doing nothing, he realised that he couldn't help people if they didn't require any help.

"Ugh. Let's just hope that the clone comes up with some results." he muttered as he headed back to his house.

A week quickly passed by and Kira looked at the achievement notification in front of him as he ran to the academy. 

He jumped from one roof to another as opened up his system screen and stared at his new character point, the one he got from beating Kakashi. The urge to use it was high, but he decided to save it for later.

Although he didn't get the chance to help anyone on his first day, he had managed to figure out the reason. 

When people told him that they didn't need his help, it wasn't they they didn't need it. It was just because they didn't think that he could, in fact, help them out. Due to this, on his third day when he saw Obito carrying an old woman to a meat shop, he decided to follow him and help people along with the Uchiha. 

As for his clone, it had an easier time helping people as it had an adult's appearance. In general, adults were way more reliable when it came to asking for help. 

Due to this, he was easily able to help 100 people in just a week and saved another point, bringing his stash to 2 character points.

He turned around and looked at Obito who was running along the road. He hadn't unlocked his sharingan yet, and he was just above average when it came to combat and chakra application. Due to this, he wasn't able to jump onto buildings and run like Kira did.

Kira turned around and increased his speed once more rushing towards the academy at an incredible speed for someone his age. 

As he got close to his classroom, he skidded to a halt and stopped perfectly in front of the door as he gave Benji a wide smile.

"Were you helping old women again?" Benji asked incredulously, not trusting the kid one bit as this was his reason for the past few days as he was always late.

Kira nodded, giving Benji the most innocent look that he could muster as he said, "Yes teacher Benji, I was helping an old woman with Obito and he's coming right behind me."

"Yeah sure, stay there until the lecture is done and then I'll let you in." Benji said as he went back to the black board and resumed teaching.

Kira's daily schedule had become fixed by this point. Everyday, he would be late to class and during breaks, he'd camp out in the library as he read scrolls on different ninjutsu, genjutsu and multiple other areas. 

Due to this, even though he did come late and was quite mischievous in general, his teacher usually let him do what he wanted to. 

Why would anyone be angry with a genius who works hard most of the time?

After school, he'd join Might Guy and Might Duy for physical training. Even though he didn't have to do such intense physical training to get his yearly physique quality upgrade, he still continued to do it as there was a chance for Duy to teach him the eight gates. 

It was a violent technique that absolutely destroyed a person's body if used unprepared and even if their body was in the top tiers of the ninja world, like Guy, they'd still experience hellish pain. 

Kira wanted this technique as a last resort option. Not just the eighth gate, but the entire eight gates technique in general. He wasn't a masochist who'd only depend on experiencing pain to dish out damage to his opponents. 

Rumours about Sakumo spread like wild fire and unsurprisingly, he took his life. The villagers who were saved by him during the second great ninja war, were the ones who took his life. His teammates, for whom he had abandoned the mission for, were the ones who turned on him. 

Such was the fate of the legendary hero of Konoha.

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