
123: Lin's Secret Thoughts_5

"But you need to understand something, little brother, the difficulty of conscription is continually increasing. Seventy percent of the time, you still have a long way to go."

Zhou Baiyu took Lin's words to heart.

Lin flirtatiously tossed her hair and then mixed a drink for Zhou Baiyu to end his journey.

"You should return to Linxiang City now, little brother. Although I would like to keep you and chat longer, you probably really want to get back to reality, right?"

Zhou Baiyu nodded. At this moment, he didn't even know what the situation in Linxiang City was really like.

In the transfer station, everyone was discussing him, leaving him unable to gather any information.

At this time, Guang Tongchen, Dream Waker, and all were not online.

This gave Zhou Baiyu an uneasy premonition.

But soon, his mindset calmed down again.

As long as he returned, then he would ultimately be able to solve various problems.



Linxiang City.

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