
Mission Begins

[Notification: Mission start in 30 minutes. Prepare for transfer.]


The waiting period for the mission to start was a mixed bag of anticipation and excitement. As I settled into a quiet corner, the familiar Gacha interface appeared before me. I didn't think much about it as it has been a month already, I initiated the 4 monthly spins one by one. The first reward was a spear not just any spear a deadly weapon used by a very unlucky lancer—Gae Bolg from Fate. I immediately stored it in my storage, Gae Bolg could be very useful in Minecraft world if we were up for any surprises. The second item was a Block of vibranium. This was a very useful item but I had no use of it but I know someone who could put this to good use. I intended to hand this over to Bruce once we were transported for the mission, as it would be far more beneficial for him than for me.

The third reward was Twin Compasses that pointed towards each other. The utility of these in navigating or tracking was clear, and in a vast world like Minecraft this could be very useful. Lastly, I received a Heated Blanked which had the ability to keep whoever touches it warm. This item was useful, so I stored it away in my storage. This time gacha was useful to not just for me but for everyone.

With the spins completed and items secured, I waited to be transported to the world of Minecraft. After a few minutes, the familiar sensation of transition engulfed me, and I found myself in a vast, open plains biome. I looked around and saw, floating above our heads were an inventory and hot bar—familiar sights from the game world of Minecraft.

I turned to the group, my gaze sweeping over Tatsumaki, Megumi, Rose, Peter, Hinata, and Bruce. "Alright, everyone, let's start by gathering some wood. It's important to get a feel for this world."

Hinata was the first to break the silence. "This is so weird. To be inside something which is unreal but feel everything."

Peter, adjusting to the new environment, shrugged. "Well, we've all been through stranger things, haven't we? Let's just get this over with."

We all started by punching the trees. But to my surprise, only Hinata, Peter, Bruce, and I were able to break the wood blocks normally. Tatsumaki, Megumi, and Rose struggled; their attempts to break the blocks were futile. They could barely make a dent.

I examined the small block of wood in my hand, deep in thought. "It seems even though the wood appears small in our inventory or hands, its weight and toughness remain unchanged. The same would apply for the other materials I guess. Without strengthening your bodies, breaking these blocks is going to be a challenge."

Bruce nodded, his brow furrowed in concentration. "So, what do they do then?"

Peter chimed in, "We should use our abilities. Even if this world is modeled like a game, we're not built according to its logic. Our original world's physics and logic still apply to us."

"Agreed," I said, looking around. "Let's make the most of our abilities to adapt to this world."

Tatsumaki without saying anything floated up, her eyes scanning the area from above. After a few seconds, she descended gracefully. "I've spotted a settlement behind these woods. It looks like a village or some kind of outpost."

I turned to the group, calling them out to get their attention. "Alright everyone, let's head towards the village. It might be a good place to gather information and supplies."

As we made our way through the forest towards the village, the atmosphere was a mix of excitement and caution. Megumi, who had been relatively quiet so far, finally spoke up. "How are we going to interact with the people there? I mean in the game they don't exactly communicate and how do we know if they're hostile or friendly?"

Rose, adjusting the straps on her gear, answered, "We should approach cautiously. We don't know what kind of reaction we'll get from the villagers. Let's stay on guard and be ready for anything."

Hinata looked around, clearly intrigued by the surroundings. "This place is so different from anything I've seen before. The terrain, the trees—everything's so… Cube like."

Bruce, who had been quiet as he surveyed the landscape, said, "We need to start out by building basic tools and shelter. The last thing we want is to be caught off guard by the environment or any potential threats."

We continued through the woods, our conversation shifting to various strategies and plans for the coming days. The village grew larger as we approached, its buildings and structures becoming more defined. I could see people moving around, engaging in various activities.

As we reached the edge of the village, I signaled the group to stop. "Let's stay hidden for now. We need to assess the situation before making our presence known."

Tatsumaki, floating slightly above, gave a nod of agreement. "I'll keep an eye out from above. If there's anything noteworthy, I'll let you know."

Peter and Bruce started assessing the surroundings, looking for any signs of danger or opportunities. Rose and Megumi prepared themselves, ready to act if necessary. Hinata used her Byakugan to explain the layout of the village and I took a moment to strategize our next steps.

The village was bustling with activity, and as we waited, I couldn't shake the feeling that this mission was just beginning. The true nature of our task remained hidden, and the village might hold the key to uncovering it. We had to be prepared for anything that lay ahead.

Because while Minecraft was a game, mods could also be added to it making things rather complicate and dangerous. I just hoped for the best because while some mods could add an element of surprise some could also be beneficial to us. We just needed to be on the lookout for any trouble and be ready for it.

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