
Chapter 31: Do Demon's Get Sick? 3

Dalton's eyes narrowed at the mention of that name.

Blackbeard... that man filled him with something terrible.

"...After telling him Blackbeard was long gone, he asked us if we saw a boy wearing a straw hat, accompanied by a man with striking red hair. When we said we didn't, he gave me this bounty poster and told me to inform the two of them that he'll be in Alabasta for 10 days."

"His name?" Dalton asked. There was nothing to worry about. The pirates were already headed for Alabasta right now so that was a relief.

"Ace," he replied.

Ace… that sounded familiar…

"No use thinking about it now. They're already gone and headed there anyways," Dalton said. Princess Vivi… she had grown into a fine woman.

"We need to prepare for a flashy sendoff," Kureha grunted, turning in the direction of the men near the cannons. "ARE THOSE CANNONS READY, MEN?"



Chopper knew Hiriluk's research was done. He knew the man had achieved his dream before dying.

There was always the possibility that he had lied to the reindeer again to not hurt his feelings but Chopper knew. It had to be complete… It just had to be!

"Nothing is impossible for those who fly the flag of the crossbones!" Hiriluk's words repeated in his mind.

30 years of research… It had to be completed! Chopper believed with all his heart that it was finished.

So, when he heard the sound of cannon fire and looked up in a panic at the sight, Chopper froze completely at what he saw.

The Straw Hats looked at it with varying degrees of awe.

"It's beautiful," Nami awed and the rest nodded in agreement.

Tears began to well up in Chopper's eyes as he beheld the sight and he began sniffing uncontrollably, unable to hold the burst of emotion in.

"D-Doctor… Dr. Kureha," he whimpered, staring unblinkingly at the beautiful sight before him.

The falling snow had turned pink, reminiscent of cherry blossoms and they descended down the mountain, giving it an appearance similar to that of a Sakura Tree.

Doctor's dream… it was… it was here! After 30 years… After 30 longs years, he had finally accomplished his dream and that fact was enough to push Chopper over the edge.

"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He sobbed happily, overwhelmed with emotion at being able to witness it finally come true.

He cried and cried and the Straw Hats watched him with relieved smiles.

Up on the mountain, a tearful Kureha looked at the sight with a grin.

"Go on, you foolish boy," the woman said to her son.

It was currently night and the Straw Hats had tired themselves out from all the partying they had done due to the recruitment of Chopper.

Robin and Rosan were the only ones left awake and they conversed quietly while the others slept. The Devil Child was currently informing him of what the other Baroque Members could do.

"Which ones are you thinking of recruiting?" Robin asked calmly, already knowing what he was planning.

"Mr. 1, Miss Doublefinger and Mr. 2," Rosan replied instantly, already deciding this while she spoke about them.

"I don't particularly care about what Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas can do and honestly, besides Mr. 2 for his Devil Fruit, the ones I am recruiting don't seem that interesting. But, they are the highest ranked duo after you and Crocodile so they must be able to offer something."

"It's hard to be impressed by people when you have a Devil Fruit like Modification." Robin shrugged helplessly.

Rosan himself was hard to please if you weren't one of his loved ones and incredibly easy to if you were.

"That reminds me… what do you plan on doing with Crocodile? Recruit him as well?" She asked curiously

"Of course. He's their second most valuable member after all so it'd be a shame if I let him go free," Rosan replied easily.

Crocodile was the leader with a powerful Devil Fruit to boot. He would be a valuable tool.

It would be difficult, considering he had a Logia but they needed to defeat him anyways and Rosan didn't plan on dying here. Luffy may have had dibs, but if he had to, the redhead would interfere.

"Second most valuable…? Oh," Robin gasped slightly as realization hit her and a tiny blush appeared on her face.

The woman rolled her eyes and lightly slapped his shoulder. "Aren't you just a little flatterer," she stated.

"Oh? My Robin-nee can't handle a compliment?" Rosan teased, tilting his head questioningly at her. "Why? I thought my beautiful best friend would be getting compliments over the years but she can't handle some from humble me?" He prodded, grabbing a strand of her hair and wrapping it around his finger.

"The words of people who don't matter to me don't phase me but you're a different story," Robin replied like it was common sense.

"You're saying I'm the best looking person you've seen in 16 years, then? I suppose that's expected… every time I land on an island eyes seem to be on me," Rosan retorted, shrugging helplessly in a what can you do manner.

"You should go back to being sick. You were much better than you are now," she sighed.

Rosan was about to retort, but movement in the sky stopped him and he glanced up to see what it was, prompting Robin to do the same.

Mr. 13 and Miss Friday landed quietly next to the duo with nervous expressions that only seemed to amplify as they gazed at the terrifying redhead.

Rosan hadn't been sure if they'd actually go through with their final mission (and he would have dealt with them accordingly if they didn't) but it seems like he had nothing to worry about.

"It's done?" He asked softly.

They nodded in unison, fidgeting at the thought of betraying Crocodile.

"Well done, you two," he praised, stroking the both of them on their head in satisfaction. "I want you to standby in my base for me... I've prepared some food for you both as thanks and tomorrow I will show you both where you will both be staying," he instructed.

They saluted and soon, they both vanished from his sight.

"Why don't you bring them to Maro now?" Robin asked curiously.

"...It's not wise to teleport into Maro's castle at this time..." Rosan replied cryptically, pointing at the full moon in the sky. "Let's enter the mindscape so that we can continue viewing my memories."

Robin blinked. What was wrong with teleporting into her castle at this —


"That's a good idea. I'll leave a clone out to take watch," Robin giggled.

It seems like something rather embarrassing had happened between Rosan and Maro a while ago and the thought nearly made her snort.

Tomorrow it was. Besides, she did want to continue viewing his memories.

"Master! Robin! You two are okay!"

The duo easily caught the worried Maro and allowed the strong princess to envelop the two in relief.

"Of course we're okay, why wouldn't we be?" Rosan asked curiously, stroking the whites of her hair.

"You… you got sick, right?" She asked, explaining her observations of when they last met.

Robin was surprised she also noticed that Rosan's save point was slower than normal.

It was a far cry from what Robin had seen from earlier memories of the two. The synergy they had acquired was incredible to witness.

"Yeah, Modification thought it would be a good idea to strengthen my body by allowing a deadly virus in," Rosan muttered, patting the distraught queen reassuringly. "I'm fine, look. Good as new and even better than before."

Maro sniffed worriedly but nodded in his chest, relief set on her features now that he was fine.

It had been chewing at the three rulers of Celadon for days now, knowing that Master was sick but he was okay now. Angel and Demon would be relieved to hear that once she told them.

"Adorable," Robin couldn't help but think, watching the two interact. Maro was like an overly concerned puppy when it came to Rosan and it was incredibly cute seeing how much their relationship had evolved.

"I won't stay for too long today, I wanted to go visit Aiko and Akemi as well… it's been a while since they last saw me and I know how much of a worrywart Aiko is," Rosan hummed.

Maro's eyes lit up at that. "Oh perfect! I didn't want to call you to do this since it would be a waste but since you're already going… Give something to her for me please?"

"Sure but first…"

Rosan waved his hand and Maro watched in interest, as an otter and vulture appeared from his Pocket Dimension. They made noises of surprise, before focusing on the surprised queen.

"These two are agents too?" Maro asked curiously. An otter and a vulture...

How did that work?

Rosan nodded his head in affirmation.

"Mr. 13 and Miss Friday. Useful messengers who are also well versed in execution," Robin chimed in.

The queen sweatdropped at the second part but let out a noise of delight at watching the otter perfectly draw her.

"AWESOME!" She squealed, jumping in excitement and getting closer to the two. "I was a little skeptical but they're so smart! Oh, you two can be my new messengers to Aiko and other allies in the future! Nice to meet you both!"

The animals blinked at her but found that she was much more acceptable then both Rosan and Mr. 0. Mr. 13 held out his hand, while Miss Friday brought out a wing and Maro eagerly shook both appendages.

"You two are just the cutest!" She gushed. Now she had four pets and they were all super unorthodox! Haha! This was awesome!

"Alright you guys can do whatever. I'm gonna go get that thing for Aiko," she beamed, dashing off to go retrieve it.

They glanced at Rosan, who just tilted his head. "Thank you for all you've done but you don't take orders from me anymore, don't worry. I'm done demanding things from you so feel free to do what she says."

The animals blinked at that, before saluting and waltzing off to go… explore.

"Things seem to be going well with all the agents so far," Robin commented.

"Maro is a genuinely good leader… and they can tell. It's good that they are adapting well but even if they weren't, they stand no chance against my student," Rosan stated confidently.

The Devil Child smiled at his faith in her and nodded in agreement.

"Master! You're okay!" A voice screamed, tackling the redhead, who didn't move an inch.

Rosan glanced down to see a worried Angel burying herself in his frame. Demon followed quickly after and soon, he was hugging his visibly worried siblings. Maro, who was holding an envelope watched it with a relieved smile on her face.

"Yeah, I was a little sick but I'm fine now," he assured the two.

"156° is not something I would consider "fine"." Robin snorted at the look Rosan shot her but it was too late.

"156?! Are you serious?!" All three of the rulers barked, glaring holes into their former leader.

"You can be so annoying," Rosan grunted to her, accepting all their sudden fussing without complaint. Demon was already pushing him to the medical room to run a checkup on him, while Angel and Maro berated him for not mentioning the fact that he had literally been steaming.

"Consider this payback for how you acted with me as a child," Robin smiled gently, following after the group with amusement set on her features.

"If you thought I was bad as a child, I'm about to show you I'm way worse," he shot back. "Consider your freedom privileges revoked."

Robin rolled her eyes. "As if I had those from the start."

"Aiko. Akemi. Maro sends her regards. Says she wants to party with you sometime next week and introduce you to her new soldiers."

Aiko shrieked, which caused Akemi to jump, and both the woman glanced up wildly from their paperwork.

Her furious glare turned into of confusion, as she beheld the unfamiliar woman before her.

She was tall (like really tall) towering over both her and Akemi (who were 5'7 and 5'3 respectively) and being only a little shorter then their stupid little brother himself.

The woman was also seriously hot. Like really, Aiko would have had no problem making a move on this tall, sexy girl if not for that small (and very life threatening) detail that she was probably her really stupid little brother's girlfriend.

Seeing as Rosan didn't care enough to introduce his numerous flings… it was only natural for Aiko to hazard a guess that this, rather beautiful, woman was a friend of his… or his girlfriend.

Judging by the gleam in her little sisters eye, she was naturally assuming the second.

Of course she was. The brat attracted all the cute girls. It made him a very good partner for Aiko to drag out into clubs because he almost always turned them down too.

"Rosan it's so nice to see you! Who's your friend?" Akemi beamed shamelessly, smiling politely at the woman who was standing very close to their surrogate little brother.

He pulled the two woman into a hug and said, "This is one of my closest friends, Nico Robin. We've known each other since I was four years old and she's the person I trust most with my life."

"I am?" Robin asked in slight shock, staring at the redhead with a startled gaze.

"Of course you are. I shouldn't even have to explain it to you," he countered.

She sent him an appreciative glance at that, glad that they both thought the same thing of one another.

The sister's eyes widened at that information before turning towards the woman in question.

"Nico Robin? You mean the one from the bounties…?" Aiko asked. The supposed Devil Child? She always wondered why Rosan never once expressed interest in going after her as Reap—

Wait a second…

"Rosan, were you the one that traveled with her through the North Blue all those years ago?" The leader of Fregate gaped in disbelief.

Nico Robin, from what she knew, was from the West Blue but apparently, very long ago, there were reports saying she was seen traveling through the South and the North with a mysterious companion…

"Oh? You heard about that?" Robin asked in surprise. "Aren't you a lucky one for not getting your identity revealed, Rosan. If they heard about you, it's a miracle the Marine's didn't find out your identity."

"Fortune favors the bold," Rosan replied calmly.

He was?!

Aiko held her head in her hands. That explained why Rosan liberated Fregate… he wasn't only just opportunistic... He was a fucking menace since the day he was born and was just naturally drawn to chaos.

No, nevermind. He wasn't drawn to chaos, Rosan created chaos.

"It's nice to meet you, Robin!" Akemi beamed, shaking the very tall woman's hand.

Seriously, she was only a little shorter than Rosan and that made her nearly an entire foot taller then Akemi!

"I'm Akemi and this is Aiko. We run this island together and we're some of Rosan's closest friends!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Akemi." Robin shook her hand politely. She knew these two well from Rosan's memories and was glad to see how good of a shape Akemi seemed to be in.

Her past trauma didn't seem to phase the dainty woman at all anymore and she was a far cry from how she used to act.

"You two are really close. You even have similar color pallets," Aiko snorted, shaking the tall woman's hand. "Purple and black? I'm vomiting at the cuteness. You just need to add red and you'll be the exact same."

"Rosan admires me a lot so I'm not surprised that he's adopted my colors," Robin smiled at the gray haired leader.

"Says the one who wears my clothes," Rosan countered, glancing at her with an unimpressed gaze.

"Weren't you wearing my coat just the other day, when you were all snuggled up on me and sleeping comfortably?" She smiled serenely, making Rosan scoff slightly.

"The lack of context you're "forgetting" to add is doing you plenty of favors."

The gleam in Akemi's eyes, watching the two interact, gave Aiko no illusions what her sister had planned.

"Oh, right. Speaking of clothes, I have some things to discuss with you," Rosan hummed, tossing her a blue envelope that she caught.

Aiko glanced down at it and her eye twitched at the, "From Maro ;)!"

Annoying brat.

"Whaddya need to talk about?" She asked, opening the envelope to inspect its contents and humming at the general gist of it.

It was just a standard letter from Maro, detailing what she had earned and if there was anything she needed... Oh? What was this at the bottom?

"I want to talk to Hiroshi so that we can make a full fledged Raid Suit for Robin," Rosan informed her, pointing at the Devil Child in question.

Aiko blinked at both the contents of the letter and his words, idly handing the piece of paper to Akemi so that she could regard her long time partner.

"Oh?" She asked, glancing at the collected woman.

They hadn't made a full fledged Raid Suit in a while. Besides Germa, Maro and Rosan were the only ones to have them. Resources needed to make them were pretty steep and they didn't want to attract the armies attention, so Fregate simply supplied Celadon and themselves a much more downgraded version of Germa's prized weapon.

It was quicker to make and allowed them to make bulks, lacking the special abilities that Rosan and Maro had, but being as durable. It was perfect for their needs and kept them safe from a majority of things in the North Blue.

Besides, a full fledged Raid Suit didn't grant normal users abilities. It only worked on Devil Fruit users or that Judge guys modified children. The abilities were derived from the person's DNA after all.

"Alright, that can be arranged. We can go now… just get out and lemme change into something more comfortable," Aiko grunted.

The two nodded and left the room to go discuss whatever it was they wanted to.

Once the door closed with barely a noise (Aiko asked Rosan to fix it for her one day and he made it perfect).

"…You read the letter, right?" Aiko asked.

Her sister was practically buzzing in excitement. "I'm so glad I'm not the only one who wants them together!" Akemi gushed, eyes gleaming bright.

"They're a really good looking duo," Aiko admitted and that was probably as good as Akemi was going to get for her support.

Honestly, her sister should be more open!

"You know, I always figured he and Maro would have gotten together, then she ended up marrying his sister and I figured he'd just be single," Aiko mused.

"I used to think the same before I caught her staring at your ass almost nonstop around puberty," Akemi nodded sagely.

She dearly wanted Rosan to find someone for him because he deserved it. He helped them all in some way, so it was only right that they help him. He shouldn't be asexual like Akemi currently was (she knew he wasn't considering the flings he had), he was still young!

Aiko spluttered at that. "W-What?! She used to stare at my ass?!"

That damn perverted Goblin... What was her deal?!

"I can't say I blame her," Akemi shrugged, smiling impishly. "You do have a very nice ass and your suits do you no favors."

Now that she thought about it... Angel also had a very nice bottom. Guess Maro knew exactly what she liked.

"A-AKEMI!" She barked, forcing a hand over her giggling sisters mouth. "Don't talk about my ass like that! I need to talk to that stupid goblin about where her eyes should be from now on," she grumbled.

She liked pants. There was no way she was ever going to wear a skirt or a dress.

"Still though, could the goblin idiot have been anymore obvious?" Aiko complained. "She should be thankful Rosan isn't so curious, else he'd have read this letter and figured out everything!"

Akemi giggled. No one said Maro was the smartest person around.

"We should go follow them, lest he gets suspicious. Unlike Maro, Rosan is smart," she hummed.

Aiko snorted in agreement and prepared to change.

"Hiroshi, it's been a while. You look well," Rosan greeted the scientist politely.

"Ah! Rosan-sama! Aiko-sama and Akemi-sama too!" The lead scientist smiled, shaking the tall man's hand. "Thank you for the compliments, what's the occasion?"

Rosan liked that. Hiroshi was a person who got straight to business.

The lab had expanded much over the years, becoming one of Fregate's most notable features and skyrocketing their value up even more than it had already been at.

These days, Fregate was the only island in the North Blue (and probably the rest of the four seas) whose prestige was near Celadon's and considering they were such prominent allies, it bolstered them up to near untouchable levels and made them all the more valuable to the World Government.

Hiroshi's laboratory had become an entire facility of different things and the amount of people working had nearly doubled, all with him at the charge.

His doubts, if he had any, had swiftly vanished in time and he was living a nice and comfortable life, with a wife and a newborn.

"All of this because you overhauled him?" Robin couldn't help but gasp in slight awe.

"That's right but besides securing his loyalty to me and Aiko, everything else is his own doing. It breeds less suspicion, when a person discovers these things on his own," Rosan informed her.

His understanding of a person's mind… it was impressive. Rosan had always been perceptive when it came to people and it seemed that it evolved enough where he could confidently apply Overhaul without making the person have any doubts.

Just look at what happened with Gem… He was actually utilizing his Devil Fruit how Rosan intended it to be used and, combined with the redhead's implanted creativity, he was quickly becoming a force in Maro's army and the queen was extremely pleased.

"I want you to make a full Raid Suit," he instructed, getting a surprised look out of the man.

"For this woman, I presume?" He asked, shaking Robin's hand as greeting.

Rosan nodded his head. "That's right. Is there anything you need me to collect?"

Hiroshi was already guiding them to his office to discuss further, greeting all his employees in the process (and chastising them for staring too hard at the duo). "That won't be necessary… making a full fledged Raid Suit is resource heavy but we have the means to do so."

Sitting the duo down in his lab, the scientist simply said, "I can actually finish it faster than I did with you and Maro-sama. I just need a large blood sample and for you to answer a few questions."

That sounded easy enough so Robin nodded curiously. This seemed rather straightforward and easy to get something as useful as Rosan and Maro's Raid Suit.

Hiroshi pulled out a clipboard and began jotting on it before glancing at her.



"Color preferences?"

"Black and Violet."

"Any specific theme you are interested in?"

"...I'm not sure. Flowers I suppose."

"Do you have a Devil Fruit?"

"I do. The Hana Hana no mi."

Hiroshi's eyes glinted a bit at that and he placed the clipboard down. "Perfect! Since it was a request from Rosan-sama, I'll be personally working on your Raid Suit and it will be my #1 priority!"

"Always so diligent," Aiko grinned, slapping the embarrassed scientist on the back. "With this guy on the job, your suit will be done in no time!"

Rosan nodded, satisfied, and stood up. "Thank you, Hiroshi."

"I appreciate it," Robin smiled in agreement.

"Think nothing of it! Rosan-sama gave me a much better life here so it's the least I could do!"

With a few farewells, and a hefty blood sample, the group of four departed almost as quickly as they came, deciding to head back to the castle to talk over some food.

"So, Robin-chan! How did you two meet?!" Akemi asked curiously.

"Around 20 years ago, I was sailing with a group of pirates before someone randomly showed up, attacked them, and stole their ship after throwing them overboard," Robin explained.

"I never expected to find you while getting in my first fight. I guess it's a good thing I was so chaotic," Rosan hummed.

Aiko and Akemi's expression shifted into shock at hearing what he had done.

"Are you fucking nuts?!" Aiko barked, unable to keep the worry out of her tone. "You fought a pirate crew when you were four?! Don't be so damn dumb, you dumbass!"

"I freed your island when I was nine," the redhead countered calmly, patting her on the head and not even flinching at seeing her bite his finger. "You are a rabid animal, Aiko."

"Fuck you," she snarled through his finger.

"What would your girlfriend have to say about that? You're already biting my finger. Is this the type of kink play your into?"

"I broke up with her! Too overbearing!" She bit back.

"...I'm surprised she didn't break up with you. You seem like a terrible relationship partner and you're especially rude too."

Aiko began to beat his back as he slung her over his shoulder. "I fucking hate you! Put me down, dickface!"


"Over my dead body."

"Wrong answer."

"Wow you two have known each other for so long," Akemi awed, ignoring Aiko and Rosan completely even when the redhead began to mess up her perfectly done hair (that had Aiko howling in fury and she swiftly began biting any part of the redhead she could reach).

"We have, would you like to hear some stories about Rosan as a child? He was terribly chaotic," Robin asked, glancing in amusement as Rosan didn't even register the leader's bites.

"I'd love to!" Akemi beamed.

Aiko's eyes gleamed at the sigh Rosan let out and she stopped biting him unsuccessfully to regard the Devil Child.

Oh, she was gonna like Robin.

"You won't stay with Maro while we deal with Crocodile in Alabasta?" Rosan asked softly.

"Of course not," Robin replied, glancing unimpressed at the redhead. "I'm happy that you're worried for me, but I'll be fine."

"But you mentioned being pivotal to his plans. What does he want you for anyways? Is it Poneglyph related?"

"He suspects that the ancient warship, Pluton is in Alabasta and he wants me to give him the details of where it's located."

Rosan hummed at that. "Pluton? That's one of the three ancient weapons isn't it? From the Void Century you're so interested in?"

"Yes. Along with Uranus and Poseidon."

"Pluton?! That's why Crocodile wants to take over Alabasta?" Vivi gasped in shock. It… It all made sense now!

"That's right," Robin replied, much to her shock. "But even if I'm not there, that won't stop Crocodile from attempting to locate it. I suspect he already knew I wasn't going to divulge that information but kept me around just in case," she explained.

"I see. Fortunately, I'm here now. I doubt he would have taken your betrayal well and you might've died but that won't happen while I'm here," Rosan assured, getting Robin to roll her eyes.

"I'm in your care," she smiled. "All things considered though, Crocodile isn't as strong as I expected someone of his caliber to be… Over the years, I've noticed that despite his ambitions, he lacks quite a bit of willpower and it may have made him weaker as a result."

That lined up well with what Rosan and Mod thought. It was a good thing Meiko's words had given him that much willpower. She was the reason he was still alive.

"Don't underestimate him though. He has the Suna Suna no mi and it makes him impervious to most forms of attack, besides liquids," Robin informed them all.

"Too much Logias… I still need a consistent way to hit them," Rosan grunted in annoyance. So being wet would allow them to touch Crocodile.

That was easy.

"Are you listening Luffy? You won't be able to hit him unless you're wet," Rosan instructed. "And don't underestimate him either… Imagine what Maro would say if she heard we had to double team someone."

Luffy made a disgusted face at that. Maro wouldn't let them live it down if she learned about it and then she'd tell Ace and then Ace wouldn't let them live it down either.

"That reminds me…" Nami mused. "Rosan, sorry if this is a bit personal… but do you know who your mother is?"

The redhead raised a brow but answered regardless.

"Portgas D. Rouge," Rosan replied instantly, not minding the question. He pulled the pendant out of his shirt and expanded it, showing his crew the picture that lie inside. "This is her."

It was a beautiful woman with freckles and strawberry blonde hair and she was cheek to cheek with an adorable little boy who had the largest grin on his face.

"He looks exactly like he did when he was sick," everyone thought as they gazed at the adorable child.

The Straw Hats never expected to see Rosan with such a big grin on his face but it was really endearing.

Vivi furrowed her brows at that. Perhaps she had been mistaken…? Rosan looked nothing like his mother Rouge... but Raisa could have always had siblings and the redhead took after his father.

"Though, I suspect you guys aren't talking about Mom based on the looks of confusion. If you are talking about my birth mother, Raisa, then barring her status and appearance, I don't know much about her."

There was a short silence before everyone collapsed at that statement.

"S-SO YOU TWO ARE RELATED?!" Vivi screeched.

"You know your birth mother?" Robin asked curiously. He never mentioned that to her.

"I never mentioned her because I don't care about her," Rosan explained softly. "We don't know anything about each other and it's been that way for all my 24 years of living."

Robin nodded at that. Rosan truly didn't care about you if you weren't in his circle and he had always been like that, even before his shift.

He either loved you with his whole heart, hated you, or didn't deign to even think about you.

"Did she… abandon you?" Vivi asked, unsure of herself. She didn't know much about Raisa but that didn't seem like something the woman would do.

Vivi just remembered her being very nice to the child and very no nonsense with the adults. The woman was a pillar of confidence and showed no fear for anyone or anything.

"Yeah, the same day I was born," Rosan replied calmly. "I'm assuming you've met her before if you were able to make the connection that she's my mother."

"I think anyone with a brain could make the connection, to be fair," Vivi muttered. "You two look really similar to each other… But I didn't think she abandoned you, I'm sorry for bringing that up."

"No worries. I take no offense to any mention of Raisa," Rosan dismissed.

"Look similar you say…" Robin mused and Rosan's danger senses went off at her tone.

Before he could even think of excusing himself, the Devil Child grabbed him tight and smiled gently at him.

"Rosan, you have something to show me," she said softly. The grip on his arm was tight and though Rosan could break out of it, something told him that was a bad idea.

"Putting me on the spot right here is rather underhanded, Robin," Rosan muttered. Did she really want him to do it right here and now?

Robin simply smiled at him, knowing he'd do it regardless.

She was so lucky that before his loss in emotions, she was the only one besides Meiko and Mod-chan who could successfully boss him around with little to no complaints.

She could also order him with no resistance because of his lingering regrets at leaving her behind but he wouldn't tell her that.

If he did, she'd stop making demands immediately.

Robin deserve to have a little fun. He truly didn't mind.

"Fine," he sighed in defeat.

The Straw Hats watched in confusion as the duo spoke. What was going on? What did Robin want from Rosan that he didn't feel like showing all of them?

Watching his hesitance, only made them more curious!

"Uh, what are you two talking about?" Usopp spoke up in confusion.

Rosan ignored him and took a step back, eyes glowing brightly to signify his use of Modification.

Modification? What was he planning on doin —

"Modification: Swap."

"Oh," Robin couldn't hide the surprise from her face as she slightly gawked at the figure before her. Seriously? She was right to be relieved that he was born a man because this was unreasonable.

Let it be known that Rosan as a man was not any uglier then his female form... it's just he didn't have such noticeable... accessories.

None could keep the shock out of their eyes, as Rosan's proportions flared out. His height reduced, his body changed and his spiky hair grew longer, forcing itself out of its bun, and stopping at his lower back…

Well, not his but her.

Poor Sanji let out the most confused noise known to man, as his jaw dropped from the sight of Rosan as a female.


"Hm? She wasn't done growing?" Rosan said to herself. It looked like his female form had grown another three inches, standing at 6'2 now.

He'd have to ask Angel if she wanted the added height but she'd most likely say no. The woman liked being taller then Maro, but not by much.

They couldn't help but shudder at that deep and feminine voice. Similarly to Rosan as a male, the softness did nothing to hide how commanding and back straightening their voice was.

He truly had a voice fit for royalty no matter the gender.

"Are you some type of genetic monster?" Robin couldn't help but ask. No matter how she looked at it, Rosan had clearly won the genetic lottery and he was showing it over and over again.

"Every time I look at her, I thank the stars he was born a man," Mod sighed. Attention was still bad but it was nothing compared to how many creeps would have targeted him if he were a female.

Robin agreed. The differences between his male and female were even more apparent now that time had passed and Rosan was no longer a child.

They looked remarkably similar but no one was going to confuse them. Whereas Rosan looked pretty androgynous as a child, his male form now was unmistakably handsome, while his female form was utterly beautiful

"Are these natural? Are you sure you aren't showing off your abilities?" She idly poked one of the female's large breasts and got it slapped away as a result.

Rosan's unamused expression nearly made her laugh aloud and the transformed redhead replied, "Do I look like I enjoy performing this technique enough to amplify it past its base appearance?"

"So you're just naturally this blessed?" Robin teased, reaching for the woman's chest again and squeezing it curiously.

The Straw Hats gawked at Robin's actions, blushing at the interactions and spluttering.

What was she doing?! H-How shameless!

"Could you not?" Rosan grunted in annoyance, swatting her grabby hands. "Since when are you such a pervert? Groping me like this is not something you'd normally do."

Robin shrugged. This was her best friend, she was free to act differently with him. "I can't help it. They are just asking me to."

Since when was Mod-chan radio silent at treatment like this? Wasn't she supposed to be protecting his chastity?

"It's Robin. She's free to do what she wants," Mod shrugged.

Robin smiled victoriously at that and the redhead let out a tired sigh as she cupped both this time with a curious gaze.

"This is sexual harassment," Rosan informed her.

"Who are you going to report me to? Mod-chan already gave me the green light," Robin smiled in return.

"Um… What the hell's going on?" Nami asked, tired of being confused and embarrassed... and confused. "Why's Rosan a chick? Why's she so hot? Why is Robin groping her with no shame?! Start explaining, please!"

Rosan, who was still be fondled by the very annoying Robin, glanced over at them and they regarded the ice queen (how could she look so composed even despite the situation?!) with wide eyes.

"This is exactly how I would look if I was born a woman. If you want to see how you'd look as the opposite gender, I can always perform the technique on you. Luffy was already subjected to this because of a prank he pulled long ago... he's actually quite adorable as either gender," Rosan explained to the crew.

This was exactly how he would look as the opposite gender?!

That didn't seem very fair... what the hell was this?

The crew balked at hearing he could do the same to them and Usopp fearfully took a step back at that fact.

"Vivi, you've seen her, correct? How comparable am I to Raisa?" Rosan asked suddenly.

The princess was beet red and squeaked as she looked up, face turning even redder at seeing Robin continue so she took far too long to process the question.

"U-Um, well truth be told, the resemblance is uncanny," she admitted reluctantly. "Though, you look like a much wilder version of her… Raisa-san is a very natural and neat beauty while you're a very natural and… wild beauty…"

Vivi's face was visibly embarrassed at her admittance and the poor girl looked like she wanted to burn up on the spot.

"Hm. I see," that smooth voice stated, humming softly. Much like Rosan's male form, she had a pleasant voice that made it very apparent she could sing.

"I hope you're satisfied," Rosan said, eyeing Robin with a raised brow as the woman finally stopped feeling him up. "If you were anyone else… except for Meiko, I'd have buried your head underground by now. I don't like to be touched in this form."

Meiko? Who was that? Another of Rosan's friends?

"I'm honored to have such special privileges," Robin teased with a small smile, despite how genuinely happy she was to hear that.

To be up there with Meiko… it was truly an honor for her.

Ram grinned so largely, Mod had to stifle a laugh that desperately tried to make its way out.

"I'm satisfied. I've embarrassed you enough and seeing this form is always a treat so you can transform back," Robin said in satisfaction.

Rosan nodded and with a wave of her hand, he was back in his default state. He stretched a bit (and patted his chest) and regarded his crew with a tilted head.

"I was never intending on showing you guys that but someone has become exceptionally annoying... and perverted over the years."

Robin raised a brow. "Me? Annoying? Coming from you, I genuinely feel insulted, Rosan," she retorted, amused expression gone.

"You have no business being insulted by the truth. You didn't even try to defend yourself on the pervert claim," he assured, patting the woman on the head and getting her to glower at him.

"You and I both know that claim is false!"


They continued to bicker with each other, but the argument was broken up by the sound of Sanji collapsing on the floor, unconscious.

"Hm?" Rosan asked in confusion. "Is he alright?"

"I think you broke the idiot cook," Zoro grunted. Why was Rosan so damn tall as a man and a woman?

"For once, I don't blame Sanji," Nami muttered. Poor Vivi was still flushed at the entire thing and the navigator couldn't really blame her.

Never did she expect to see their scout as a woman and never did she expect him to look so sexy while being one.

Some people were just born with it all.

"Me? Was the shock of becoming a woman too much for him?" Rosan asked. While it always shocked whoever saw it for the first time (and the second... and the third), this was the most extreme reaction he'd gotten yet... besides Maro of course.

That goblin was something else. How did she always end up behind Rosan's female form to stare at her bottom?

Everyone nodded sagely at his question, not willing to explain it to him.

Robin watched curiously, as Rosan pulled out a ringing Den Den Mushi from, presumably(?), his Pocket Dimension and picked it up.

How did he even know it was ringing?

"Greetings. I trust the call is being blocked?" Rosan began immediately.

"It is," the voice on the other line replied. "It's been a while, Rosan. I take it you're in the Grand Line now?"

"That's right, Dragon," the redhead replied calmly.

Robin went still at that. Surely he wasn't talking about…

"This is Monkey D. Dragon. The leader of the revolutionaries and Luffy's father," Rosan informed her.

Ah, so he was...

Could she even say she was surprised that Rosan knew the most wanted man on the planet?


"He's Luffy's father?" She repeated in surprise. The world worked in funny ways… Rosan and Ace were the sons of the most dangerous pirate to exist (not to mention Rosan's biological mother was a queen), while Luffy was the son of the most wanted man alive.

How fitting that they were all brothers. Next, they were going to reveal that Rosan's biological father was someone incredible too!

"A meeting in the Grand Line would be slightly more difficult on your part… what island are you headed to?"

"Alabasta. Another island that your revolutionaries should have been helping with but here we are."

"Alabasta? The desert kingdom? They are in the midst of a rebellion, yes?"

"That's right and it's all being orchestrated by the Warlord, Crocodile," he informed the leader.


There was silence on the other line for a moment before Dragon simply said, "We don't watch over government sanctioned countries but this works. I'll send Sabo to Alabasta then."

"Alright… and thank you, Dragon. I don't know what your reasons are for abandoning Luffy and I don't care to ask, but at least you raised one of my brothers so I'm grateful."

"I hope you can help Sabo remember his brothers. You three must have missed him dearly."

Rosan hummed and hung up the call, watching the Den Den Mushi go back to sleep with a neutral expression.

"Sabo… the brother that supposedly died," Robin mused. She had yet to see him in Rosan's memories, but he had told him about all of his siblings including him.

To not only be alive, but suffering massive amnesia as well…

"I hope you can help him remember," she finished.

Rosan nodded at that.

He'd been hoping to find Ace and tell his younger brother that Sabo was still alive because that had been his best friend and he deserved to know.

Ah, well maybe it was for best… Ace wouldn't wait to hear Sabo had amnesia, he'd almost certainly attack him.

Luffy would probably cry… a lot. Since Sabo was coming to Alabasta, he'd be cruel to not reveal his fate. He just didn't reveal it immediately until he could truly verify.

"The second in command of the revolutionaries and he's also your brother… you have so much connections in high places."

Sabo… Rosan hoped he was doing alright.

Smoker took a puff of his cigarette, hanging up his call with headquarters.

He had just finished calling in backup for his trip to Alabasta… He wouldn't have done so but he had a gut feeling he'd need more assistance.

They'd only be able to send him one more ship due to having a Warlord there (that being Crocodile) and while he didn't really trust pirates, he was at least getting Marine backup.

It was someone he was familiar with too, being Hina, due to the Alabasta Kingdom being the area she patrolled.

It was a gut feeling… but something crazy could be going on at Alabasta and Smoker wasn't arrogant enough to go in alone, especially after hearing of how easily Baroque Works disposed of the Straw Hats.

But what especially made him decide to call for backup, was hearing of a potential outside force, that being the group who had taken one of the agents known as "Miss All Sunday".

Part of him wanted to go with just his ship, considering it had been his job to capture Straw Hat and this group had taken them out seemingly with no effort. But, he couldn't go in solo and expect things to go well for him.

That's what fools did and he was no fool.

Based on the agent they had been interrogating, and his reaction at hearing she was captured, Miss All Sunday wasn't just some other agent. No, she was the right hand of the unknown leader himself so her going missing was very alarming.

There was potentially an unknown force at hand and Smoker wasn't keen on finding out what it was alone.

"Alabasta? Yeah, I can go there… You want me to meet up with this… Rosan while observing the rebellion?"

"Yes. Rosan and his captain, are tied to your past that you forgot. Ask them questions while you're there. That's all from me."

Sabo's brows furrowed at that, staring at the sleeping snail in contemplation.

Something connected to his past… All he remembered was an overwhelming desire to stay away from the place Dragon had called his home.

Despite that, the name Rosan invoked a strange feeling inside of him. It felt like… determination?

What was he determined about? Getting away from him? If that were the case, why did Dragon insist on having them meet…?

If he remembered correctly, when Dragon had first found him, he mentioned two other names… What were they again…?

"So what will you do? It's obvious you won't remain here. Where do you plan on escaping?"

The scarred blonde grabbed his head and shook it rapidly.

Right, Ace and Luffy. Both those names, coincidentally, belonged to pirates and the first one especially spelled big trouble. He imagined that this Luffy was Rosan's captain but surely the Ace that Dragon mentioned wasn't the same Ace that was apart of the Whitebeard Pirates, right?

Whatever the case, there were more pressing matters to worry about, such as the fact that Alabastas civil war was being orchestrated by Sir Crocodile.

He wasn't surprised to hear that. Crocodile was a pirate after all who could practically do whatever he wanted, so long as he worked for the Marines.

If it came down to it and no one else could, Sabo would get rid of him and free the country despite the revolutionaries not typically caring for a country like the desert kingdom.

Grabbing his top hat, the blonde placed it on his head and reached out for his metal pipe, securing it to his back.

"I think you're the best of the three with that metal pipe."

Sabo grunted and pocketed his Den Den Mushi. He had just finished reporting his mission details to Dragon before getting this sprung on him but that was fine.

He never liked staying in one place for too long and sailing the seas always felt wonderful.

As the Chief of Staff began departing to Alabasta, he could only think to himself,

"How am I supposed to know who and where this Rosan is anyways?"

Memory Viewing with Robin and Rosan - 1

Ram and Maro Pt. 1!

The group of four were situated back in the theater like room to continue from where they left off.

Once more, Robin sat in the middle of Rosan and Ram, while Mod chose to sit atop the Devil Child this time.

Robin idly raked a hand through Mod's purple hair as the memory of Ram's creation began.

"Ah! My creation!" Ram beamed, shaking excitedly in her seat.

"You're thorough... to think this entire time you were already accumulating all the knowledge you needed to make the stone," Robin muttered, gazing at the genius redhead on the screen with impressed eyes.

It was still jarring to see how suddenly his personality shifted and the thought that the redhead was even more emotionless somehow, was uncomfortable to witness.

"I wanted to be 100% confident in my ability to create it and before... it was just a nice little side job. Once my scythe broke too many times, I decided to pour all my attention into it and thankfully, I had just about finished amassing my knowledge," Rosan explained, watching as the younger version of him read through the perfectly remembered notes one last time before shutting them.

After verifying everything, he went to visit Aiko and Akemi so that they could collect part of the materials he needed.

"It's nice to have so many reliable people," Robin commented, a little pain filling her as the sisters realized Meiko's fate.

Rosan clasped her hand in his warm ones (they were so soft for someone who fought so much!) and nodded. "It's everything I was hoping for and more allying with those two... Without Fregate, even Celadon wouldn't be as prestigious as it was."

Aiko and Akemi very valuable to him. Not only were they resourceful allies with all the info they supplanted him... they were his older sister figures and he learned many human things from them.

After getting that out the way, the little redhead sought out his next course of action, which was learning how to Blacksmith.

"You don't actually spend much alone time with Angel and Demon," Robin pointed out as they watched little Rosan and Angel embark on their journey.

"I would never have minded but they were too afraid of me," he reasoned.

Robin raised a brow in curiosity at the way Angel was acting around Rosan.

"It looks like Angel is somewhat trying to take Meiko's place for you in hopes of trying to get your emotions back," Robin pointed out.

Whether it was intentional or not, Angel's overly affectionate attitude towards Rosan was probably her way of trying to help with his emotions. Perhaps she thought by emulating a bit of Meiko, it would help.

"Is that so?" Rosan muttered at her observation. "Then I am glad I found Maro. I would rather not see where that would have led her."

He never thought about it but it was true. He wondered how bad it would have gotten if he never got his student for Angel to focus her attention on.

Robin hummed at that. The triplings and Mod were all handling their grief in a rather toxic way truth be told.

Rosan and Demon had become workaholics, while Mod and Angel tried to keep the rope from slipping further, all while having their own issues to deal with that they ignored.

Robin sighed... they really were all related. It was very clear that without Meiko there, no one was really capable of telling them to just stop for a second.

"Don't worry Meiko... Maro will handle Angel and Demon, I will handle Mod and Rosan," she assured with a sigh of exasperation.

The Devil Child watched as Rosan and Angel bonded over the blacksmith's (who had been overhauled... what a terrifying technique) teaching and couldn't help but let out an annoyed noise at seeing how quickly they exhausted his teachings.

"It only took you a month! A month!" Robin complained, glaring at the redhead.

"Shouldn't you be happy for me?" Rosan replied with a raised brow, holding a placating hand up.

"No!" She denied, crossing her arms.

"...But Robin... you're smarter then me."

The woman opened her mouth and then shut it as a pleased feeling washed over her. "I'm proud of you for learning that skill so quickly," Robin eventually said.

Mod and Ram sweatdropped. "That was way too easy."

Robin was still smiling, even after she lamented how quick of a learner Rosan was.

With his lessons finished, Rosan now had everything at his disposal to begin the process of creating the Philosopher's Stone.

Robin watched the entire thing with undisguised interest. After all, this wasn't something anyone else had ever seen. Right now, she was witnessing the very first creation of something and that filled her with a joy only someone who sought knowledge would understand.

So she payed undivided attention as Rosan cut himself deep to pour a nauseating amount of blood inside of a cauldron he created. Even despite her concern at seeing just how much blood he was using, didn't interfere with her mind greedily absorbing the info.

It was abundantly clear that this wouldn't be possible without Modification or some matter manipulation ability but even then, it would be highly difficult.

But Rosan did it...

He summoned a cube of energy (the same cube used to create Angel and Demon) filled with his essence and dropped it into the cauldron, before fully beginning the process.

"Fascinating," Robin muttered as Rosan's eyes transformed into familiar slits and he summoned the unnaturally colored fire. "Do you think the order of the stones dropped matter?"

Rosan hummed as he contemplated that question. "Yes but I don't think it's because of the stones themselves... but because of the temperature I was using. I believe the creation of Ram, was truly how well I could broil everything. The stones are important... but the order of them just helps me keep a baseline of the strength of my fires."

She nodded in understanding, eyes impressed as she gazed at the intelligent redhead before focusing back on the screen.

"And did you think it was smart to immediately do such a taxing task seconds after depleting that much blood?" Robin glared at the redhead, watching as Rosan superheated the first stone for hours.

He glanced away. "I thought I could handle it and who knows if me stalling would have messed up the process? What if my blood needed to be absolutely pure and time diluted it?"

"Then you could have put it in stasis! Don't think I don't know your abilities either, Rosan," Robin declared, frowning deeply at him.

He was always so reckless! Couldn't he stop raising their collective blood pressures for one moment?!

"...I'm still alive," Rosan said lamely.

Robin's eyes narrowed. "You're lucky I'm so interested in seeing this process... it's not every day you get to see something new get created."

"I'll remind you to tear into him later," Mod chimed, while Ram nodded enthusiastically.

Rosan sighed in annoyance and simply focused back on the screen.

Little Rosan painstakingly went through each stone, adjusting the temperature accordingly and getting more and more exhausted as the hours dragged on.

Not only did he have to use the right temperature, he needed to maintain it, a task that would be impossible without Modifications computer qualities to monitor his output.

The process went on for what felt like forever and it was visible on the expressionless Rosan's face. The boy was panting, his flames faltered for half a second, he began leaking blood from his mouth that immediately evaporated...

Robin didn't realize she had such a death grip on Rosan's hand due to her intense focus but the worry on her face because of how stupid her best friend was...

At least he was finally done. The exhausted redhead had finished and in the cauldron lie a pulsing stone and the glowing ring that he had thrown in at the final minute.

Normally, that would ease her mind.

Unfortunately, her best friend was Portgas D. Rosan.

Robin watched in horror, as a distorted voice (that sounded nothing like the current Ram) told Rosan to consume the stone.

Without any hesitation (seriously Mod had barely just said wait!), the smaller redhead immediately swallowed the Philosopher's Stone.

What happened next, truthfully belonged in some horror film.

Robin's eyes widened as blood began to leak from Rosan from all angles. There was so much blood as the redhead convulsed and collapsed, eyes going white as a puddle of his own blood began forming startlingly quick.

The memory abruptly cut and the Devil Child rounded on Rosan with a wild stare.

"What was that?" She hissed, noticing how guilty Ram looked.

Rosan immediately put both hands on her to try and calm her down (he failed) so that he could at least explain himself. "My body destroyed and rebuilt itself the moment I ate that stone... because I lost so much blood, it tried to refill me but because I was also rebuilding, that happened... the memory ended abruptly because I blacked out and Mod-chan was too busy stabilizing me to see what happened."

"Don't worry, I made sure he realized how reckless he was too," Mod assured.

Robin stared hard at Rosan before nodding. "Think about these things first, Rosan. Who knows what could have happened! Stones aren't meant to be consumed like that!"

"I'll try my best," he replied, holding out a hand to continue the stream.

The Devil Child scrutinized him for a bit more, before nodding in satisfaction. She finally gazed back at the screen and watched as true to her word, Mod reprimanded Rosan for being so reckless and placed him on punishment.

She then brought the boy to the mindscape and Robin couldn't help the small gasp at just seeing how similar Ram and Meiko looked.

Despite having the same face, Ram was still physically 24 years old. But in this memory, she truly did look like an alternate version of Meiko and it was heartbreaking.

"Ram looks like Meiko because she was the longest holder of that ring, right?" Robin asked softly.

Ram's name was based on the initials of the ring, Rosan and Meiko...

Rosan nodded slowly. "That's what I think. I only had the ring for a few months... Meiko had it for a year and some."

"I-I'm sorry, Father... I know I sometimes give you bad memories," Ram said quietly, looking at her lap with a disappointed expression.

"You didn't choose how you look, Ram and I'd be a fool to only see Meiko in you. You are just as much me as you are her," Rosan assured.

The ring hesitantly looked back up and felt her heart swell at seeing the three faces all sending reassuring glances her way.

"R-Right! I'm not Mother or Father! I-I'm my own person!" She nodded furiously, smiling brightly at them.

They all smiled at the youngest one there and continued to watch the memories.

If Robin remembered, Rosan should be meeting Maro soon... He did mention that it was soon after he created Ram and Aiko was currently giving him the letter so she wondered how the meeting went—

The Devil Child couldn't help but blink, as a little tiny figure darted through Reaper, snatched his fruit and quickly vanished around a corner.

"Was that...?" Robin asked.

"Yes," they all answered in unison.

So Rosan wasn't kidding... Maro really did steal from the Angel of Death of all people.

The poor girl... or perhaps fortunate considering the state she was in now.

It didn't take Rosan long at all to find her and when he finally got a good look at her, Robin couldn't hold back her awe.

"Maro used... to look like this?" She couldn't help but ask.

The little girl she was looking at, didn't look anything at all like the Queen of Celadon.

She was small and dreadfully skinny, contrasting Maro's lithe and strong curves and her azure hair was matted with so much dirt, it may as well have been black.

Unlike the simple but intricate kimonos that hugged Maro's blessed frame, little Maro wore loose rags that did nothing to hide her modesty.

The only thing the two shared, were those unique orange irises that never wavered.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Rosan asked, gazing at his younger student with an impressed gaze.

"I... I didn't realize her conditions were so terrible," Robin said, sadness filling her at the sorry state that Maro was in. No one deserved to live like this, where they had to worry about when their next meal would be...

But even then, in a move that further surprised her, she watched Maro steel herself and try to mow through Rosan. She failed spectacularly but just the fact that this homeless little girl, who was so weak a gust could blow her over, tried to run through the Angel of Death...

Well it was no wonder Rosan took an interest in her.

"You live here, day by day, fighting for your life constantly. You live in horrible conditions; you are starving, you haven't had a proper bath and you haven't had a proper meal in who knows how long. You have nothing. Not even a name to claim as your own."

The words of Reaper were harsh and biting, bringing tears to Maro's eyes and making Robin frown slightly.

"Yet, you continue to fight, simply to reject the people surrounding you. Your purpose for existing is to deny those who want you to disappear. Such a petty, vindictive, reason to exist, I find that admirable."

Robin stood up straight at that. Even without emotions... that charisma of his... the one that made you believe everything he was going to say, was still out in force.

Evidently, it wasn't just Robin who was victim to that overwhelming charisma of Rosan... Maro looked positively entranced. The orphan was gazing up at Rosan like he were a God willing to give her a taste of what he lived.

"You, who have nothing, I will give you something."

Reaper held out a gloved hand for her to grab and Robin found herself clutching the hand she was holding, just as captivated by his words.

"You have no name you say... Well then, as of today, you are Maro."

With that, the memory ended and Robin let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

"Rosan... you have the disposition of a king," Robin said bluntly. "You're words can inspire anyone... you could honestly make someone die for you. The world should be glad that you have so little interest in being a captain."

Rosan snorted at that.

Disposition of a king eh? How ironic. Shouldn't he technically be a king right now?

"I just let Maro know what I thought of her. Such an interesting person didn't deserve to die on an island like that so I took her under my wing."

Robin smiled. "Look how that turned out! She must have exceeded your expectations!"

"Tenfold," Rosan replied immediately. "But it wasn't all sunshine... let's continue so you can see how little synergy we had at the beginning."

Robin laughed slightly at that. "After a quick late night snack... I'm hungry."

"What do you want to eat?" Rosan asked, standing up so they could leave.

"Sandwiches," she replied immediately.

The redhead nodded and grabbed onto her. "We'll be back to continue."

With a short wave, the duo vanished.

"Auntie, if I asked them to kiss would they do it?" Ram asked randomly.

"Probably... those two are very compliant... but please don't," Mod said eventually with a sweatdrop.

She needed to heavily monitor Ram, the girl would send her own plans crashing if given the chance.

She truly was Rosan's daughter.

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