
Chapter 12 : I'm here to get Beckham for free!

  Lying in the bed filled with the scent of Sophie's bath bomb, Gu Ran tossed and turned.  

All he could think about now was...

  How to add talent points.

  This was the first step in a career that had yet to begin.

  According to the system prompts, talent points can be added to existing skills or to basic attributes.

  This is a very broad choice.

  Gu Ran's current skills include hand-washing, bra unbuttoning, stockings putting on and taking off, exam cheating, realistic acting, and reasonable collision.

  I haven't used the hand-washing technique, the stockings-putting-on-and-off technique, or the exam-cheating technique yet, but to be honest, the bra-unbuttoning technique is really fast and accurate.


  Of course, Gu Ran doesn't want to be a professional gangster, so he definitely can't add his precious talent points to skills like breast unbuttoning.

  What is worth considering are the two professional skills of realistic acting and combined collision.

  Realistic acting is very practical, but Gu Ran is not planning to act in a movie now, and his current +1 level is enough to handle small scenes.

  The skill of reasonable collision is a very important skill on the court.

  Logically speaking, it is more appropriate to add talent points to reasonable collision.

  However, the core of a reasonable collision is not the technicality of this skill, but its own "strength" attribute.

  Strength is a primary attribute that is required for center backs and center forwards, especially in the British arena of all levels that emphasizes physical confrontation, and any position requires a high level of strength.

  This is the most basic and necessary attribute.

  As Gu Ran, who often played football in his previous life, he understood this point well.

  Without strong physical attributes, you can't even stand on the court. It's useless to know other skills.

  Skills and techniques are just improved on the original basis, but a solid foundation must be laid first.

  With the foundation of the "strong" attribute, combined with the skill of reasonable collision, you can naturally perform at a higher level than ordinary players.

  Therefore, after combining his experience of playing football in his previous life, Gu Ran decided to improve his strength attribute first.

  Gu Ran's mind moved, and the talent points in his mind immediately merged into his body!

  Gu Ran immediately felt that every muscle in his body had become thicker by one dimension!

  Gu Ran couldn't help but touch his muscles...hard!


  "Congratulations to the host for successfully adding points. The host's strength attribute has been increased from 58 points to 59 points."

  Hearing this system prompt, Gu Ran couldn't help but be stunned:


  My strength attribute is so bad in the system rating? Only 59 points!

  The top defenders and centers in the Premier League should have strength attribute values ​​above 90 points, right?

  As expected, my body is still too weak now.

  With a strength value of 59, it is far behind even the amateur school teams, not to mention the top defenders and centers in the Premier League.

  Apart from anything else, if Rusty's strength value is based on the system's evaluation standard, it would probably be at least 65 points!

  Going head-on with Rusty on the field would definitely be a disadvantage.

  There are only two days left, so hurry up and pick them up!

  Tomorrow night, I must pick up Sophie's talent-level bubble again.

  How can I make Sophie explode again?

  Forget it, don't think about it. I don't know what's wrong with this little girl lately. She gets angry at the slightest provocation.

  Tomorrow, I will go and get some free sex with Beckham...

  Gu Ran stretched lazily and fell into a sweet dream soon.


  The next morning, the sun was shining brightly!

  Gu Ran got up energetically, simply ate two slices of toast and fried scallops, and hurried out.

  In the past, at this time of year, he would study and practice exercises in his room.  

  But now, he has a more important and worthwhile goal.

  At 8:30 in the morning, Gu Ran took a taxi to Southampton's famous attraction - Sand Dune Beach.

  There are not only unique sand dune features here, but also swings on the beach.

  The sea breeze in the morning was still a little damp and cold. Looking around, all you could see was clear sea water and several rusty shipwrecks in the distance along the coastline. The rising sun was right between the sky and the sea. Everything was as beautiful as an oil painting.

  At this time, the security staff had already begun setting up cordons, and the entire beach was cordoned off with an area of ​​approximately two hundred meters.

  Gu Ran took out the golden wig he bought on the road from his backpack, put it on his head, glued on a small mustache, put on a vest with the word "Photographer" printed on it, and then swaggered towards the cordon.

  This is Gu Ran's bold plan!

  He wants to pretend to be a photographer to get close to Beckham, and then find opportunities to get the free stuff a few more times!

  That's David Beckham! The golden right foot! The crescent moon blade! The heartthrob on the field!

  Even Beckham's ordinary bubbles must be super awesome!

  The security guard in charge of clearing the area saw someone coming and immediately stepped forward with a stern face.

  Before the security guard could say anything, Gu Ran said in a hoarse voice, "What's going on? Why hasn't Beckham arrived yet? Where are the other staff? Why hasn't my camera arrived yet? Damn it! Did I get the time wrong?"

  The realistic acting, coupled with the typical southern English accent, makes Gu Ran's performance very natural, as if he is really a photographer who misread the time because of overwork at night.

  The security guard was obviously intimidated by Gu Ran's aura, "Sorry sir, you must have remembered the time wrong. They will arrive in half an hour."

  Gu Ran frowned and said, "Fuck! Half an hour? Such a good light angle will be gone in half an hour! No, I have to call them to hurry up!"

  As he spoke, Gu Ran took out his cell phone and randomly dialed a few numbers, walking towards the cordon while making calls. "Hello? It's me, why haven't you come yet? What? You've already left? Bullshit! I can hear the room service over there! Come quickly, or you'll miss the best light!"

  Although the security guard was startled, he still followed Gu Ran diligently, "Sir, according to the regulations, please show me your relevant ID..."

  Before the security guard finished speaking, Gu Ran frowned and said, "This damn sea breeze is so cold! Go buy me a cup of hot coffee first. Remember, don't put sugar in it."

  Gu Ran pulled out two fifty-pound notes from his pocket and handed them to the security guard who wanted to refuse to buy him coffee.

  Gu Ran said generously: "The remaining money from buying coffee is your tip."

  The security guard's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly took the money. His attitude also changed 180 degrees: "Okay sir, I'll be right back."

  Sure enough, at critical moments, acting skills alone cannot solve the problem, money is still needed.

  Two fifty-pound bills would have been a huge expense for Gu Ran in the past, but now, it's just a drop in the bucket.

  Gu Ran sat on the swing by the sea and waited for five minutes, and the security guard came trotting over with a cup of hot black coffee.

  "Sir, your hot coffee does not have sugar." The security guard's face was full of flattery and he had no intention of checking Gu Ran's ID.

  Gu Ran crossed his legs and took the coffee. "Thank you. You can go and do your work. I want to sit alone for a while and quietly think about the shots."

  "Yes, sir." The security guard ran away happily.

  Gu Ran secretly breathed a sigh of relief. While admiring the beautiful sea view, he picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

  Holy shit...it's so fucking hard!

  You said don't add sugar. I'm just pretending to be cool. There's no need to order me such a pure and bitter black coffee, right?

  While no one was around, Gu Ran quietly spit the coffee back into the cup and only used the coffee cup to warm his hands.

  Half an hour later.

  Seven or eight support vehicles were parked on the beach road.

  Football superstar Beckham got out of the nanny car sleepily and walked towards the sand dune beach surrounded by many staff members.

  Here he comes, he is finally here!

  Gu Ran took a deep breath and tried hard to suppress the urge to rush up and ask Beckham for his autograph.

  I'm not here to get Beckham's autograph today!

  I'm here to get something for free!

  (End of this chapter)

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