
Status and skills

Name: Maxwell Hayes

Age: 19 years

Race: Human

Job: Downloader

Current world: Supernatural (Original series universe)

**Downloaded from Elizabeth's ghost (Chapter 1) :

Downloaded abilities :

 Telekinesis: Mastery Level: Beginner | Rarity: Uncommon

Intangibility: Mastery Level: Beginner | Rarity: Rare

Teleportation: Mastery Level: Beginner | Rarity: Epic

Perception of the veil of death: Rarity: Rare (No mastery)


**Downloaded from the spider (Chapter 2):

Web Weaving :

Web Creation : Uncommon/Beginner Level

Sticky Web : Rare/Intermediate Level 

Venom and Prey Capture :

Paralyzing Venom : Rare/Beginner

 Info: While most spiders found in houses have venom harmless to humans, they use their venom to paralyze or kill their prey before digesting it.

External Ingestion : Epic/Advanced

 Info: Spiders inject digestive enzymes into their prey, liquefying the insides before sucking up the nutrients. They don't chew their prey but "drink" them in liquid form. The MC will never use this for eating, but for killing, it could be interesting.

Vision et Sensation :

Enhanced Sensory System : Uncommon/Intermediate

 Info: Spiders have sensory hairs on their bodies that detect vibrations, helping them locate prey or sense threats in their environment. For example, vibrations from an insect trapped in the web help them pinpoint the exact location of their victim.

Spider Vision : Uncommon/Beginner

 Info: While most spiders have limited vision, they compensate with a heightened sensitivity to vibrations. Some spiders, like jumping spiders, have excellent vision, capable of perceiving details and tracking movements with precision.

Rapid Movement :

Agility : Rare/Intermediate

 Info: Spiders can move quickly to escape predators or capture prey. They have agile legs and excellent climbing abilities, allowing them to traverse long distances in a short time.

Jumping Ability : Epic/Advanced

 Info: Some spiders, like jumping spiders (Salticidae), can leap long distances to surprise their prey or avoid danger.

Survival in Hostile Conditions :

Drought Tolerance : Uncommon/Beginner

 Info: Spiders in abandoned houses can survive with very little water. They absorb moisture from their prey or environment, enabling them to live in dry or isolated places.

Cold Adaptation : Rare/Intermediate

 Info: Spiders can slow down their metabolism to survive in cold or extreme conditions, an advantage in an abandoned house without heating.

Opportunistic Feeding : Epic/Advanced

 Info: Spiders can go long periods without eating. They wait for insects to get caught in their webs, allowing them to survive in sparsely populated areas.

Camouflage and Concealment :

Hiding Ability: Rare/Intermediate

 Info: Spiders are highly skilled at hiding in dark, damp, or inaccessible places. They often retreat into cracks, behind furniture, or frames, where they are difficult to spot.

Mimicry: Epic/Advanced

 Info: Some spiders blend into their surroundings by mimicking the colors of their environment (e.g., brown or gray spiders blending into dusty walls or old furniture)

Leg Regeneration :

Low Regeneration Ability : Epic/Advanced

 Info: Allows regeneration of lost limbs, but very slowly. Regenerated limbs will only regain 85% functionality the first time for each limb, then 70%, 50%, etc., until the ability to regenerate is lost entirely.


**Skills acquired from Bobby Chapter 4:

English: Master Level | Rarity: Common | 30 MB

Description: Complete mastery of English, both spoken and written.

Latin: Intermediate Level | Rarity: Uncommon | 60 MB

Description: Ability to read and understand ancient Latin texts, particularly useful for occult rituals.

Master Hunter: Expert Level | Rarity: Rare | 850 MB

Description: Highly skilled in hunting supernatural creatures. Uses specialized weapons and is knowledgeable about the weaknesses of many creatures.

Demonology Expert: Master Level | Rarity: Very Rare | 1.2 GB

Description: Specialist in demons, capable of performing advanced exorcisms and manipulating demonic artifacts.

Tactical Ingenuity: Expert Level | Rarity: Rare | 500 MB

Description: Expertise in effective strategies to counter supernatural creatures and improvise when facing threats.

Expert Mechanic: Expert Level | Rarity: Common | 800 MB

Description: Complete mastery in the repair and modification of vehicles, often adapted for combat against the supernatural.

Occult Polyglot: Intermediate Level | Rarity: Rare | 1 GB

Description: Ability to read and translate several ancient languages related to occult texts. Enables decoding of complex rituals.

Master of Weapons: Expert Level | Rarity: Uncommon | 250 MB

Description: Mastery of various weapons, from firearms to melee weapons. Deep knowledge of their use against supernatural creatures.

Hand-to-Hand Combat Master: Expert Level | Rarity: Rare | 300 MB

Description: A blend of martial arts, developed over years of battling monsters.

Plus a wealth of diverse knowledge from Bobby's books.

**Downloaded Abilities from Animals in Chapter 5:

For Strength:

Rhinoceros Beetle (Oryctes nasicornis)

(Titanic Strength) Level: Perfect | Rarity: Very Rare

Explanation: Ability to lift and move loads up to 850 times its own weight, giving Maxwell phenomenal strength relative to his size, far surpassing other creatures—approximately 60 tons.

For Speed:

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)

(Blazing Speed) Level: Expert | Rarity: Rare

Explanation: Maxwell can reach extreme speeds over short distances, allowing him to hit a top speed close to 112 km/h, enabling him to either escape or catch up with enemies quickly.

Tiger Beetle (Cicindelinae)

(Instant Acceleration) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Near-instant acceleration, allowing Maxwell to reach full speed almost immediately.

For Dexterity:

Praying Mantis (Mantodea)

(Flash Precision) Level: Expert | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Possesses lightning-fast reflexes and surgical precision in attacks, able to anticipate opponents' movements with deadly accuracy.

For Regeneration:

Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)

(Complete Regeneration) Level: Master | Rarity: Rare

Explanation: Allows for the rapid and nearly perfect regeneration of lost limbs, tissues, or organs, similar to an axolotl.

Starfish (Asteroidea)

(Partial Regeneration) Level: Expert | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Ability to regrow arms or body parts after losing them, allowing Maxwell to recover from severe injuries.

Planarians (Planaria sp.)

(Total Regeneration) Level: Perfect | Rarity: Very Rare

Explanation: Can regenerate his entire body, even after losing his head, reforming every part of his organism with total regeneration.

For Endurance:

Sled Dog (Siberian Husky or Alaskan Malamute)

(Inexhaustible Endurance) Level: Expert | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Ability to maintain intense physical effort over prolonged periods without showing signs of fatigue, even after covering long distances.

For Breathing Underwater:

Sea Turtle (Chelonioidea)

(Extended Breath-Holding) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Ability to hold his breath for long periods underwater, allowing for extended dives and hours of immersion.

Frog (Anura)

(Cutaneous Respiration) Level: Master | Rarity: Rare

Explanation: Can breathe through his skin underwater, ideal for extended periods of immersion.

For Electricity Control:

Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus)

(Electric Discharge) Level: Master | Rarity: Very Rare

Explanation: Ability to generate and release powerful electric charges, up to 600 volts, capable of neutralizing or paralyzing enemies.

For Poison:

Blend of Geography Cone, Box Jellyfish, Blue-Ringed Octopus, Desert Taipan Snake

(Deadly Poison) Level: Perfect | Rarity: Mythical

Explanation: A combination of several deadly poisons, each toxin extremely potent, targeting different systems: rapid paralysis, cardiac arrest, and neurotoxic effects. Maxwell can quickly neutralize opponents with a dose of this poison. He can choose the poison's strength and effects.

For Smell:

African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)

(Long-Distance Smell) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Can detect odors from kilometers away, even small concentrations of chemicals or environmental elements.

Hunting Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)

(Scent Tracker) Level: Expert | Rarity: Rare

Explanation: Maxwell can track complex scents for days, remembering specific smells over long periods.

Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

(Blood Detection) Level: Master | Rarity: Very Rare

Explanation: Ability to detect a faint trace of blood or prey in the water from several kilometers away.

For Bioluminescence:

Firefly (Lampyridae)

(Natural Glow) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Max can generate a soft, controlled light, allowing him to illuminate his surroundings or distract enemies in dark environments.

For Vision:

Crested Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus)

(Advanced Night Vision) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Ability to see in low-light conditions with exceptional clarity, useful for night vision.

Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus)

(Peripheral Vision) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Extremely wide peripheral vision, allowing Maxwell to monitor his surroundings in nearly 360 degrees.

Chameleon (Chamaeleonidae)

(Independent Vision) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Ability to move his eyes independently, allowing him to monitor multiple directions simultaneously without moving his head.

Praying Mantis (Mantodea)

(Trinocular Vision) Level: Expert | Rarity: Rare

Explanation: Trinocular vision, allowing for unmatched precision in distance evaluation.

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

(Piercing Vision) Level: Master | Rarity: Very Rare

Explanation: Sharp vision over kilometers, enabling him to spot extremely distant details.

For Camouflage:

Chameleon (Chamaeleonidae)

(Adaptive Camouflage) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Can change color to blend into his immediate environment, making his movements nearly invisible.

Flatfish (Soleidae)

(Invisible Burrowing) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Ability to burrow and perfectly hide in surfaces such as sand or dirt.

Stick Insect (Phasmatodea)

(Natural Imitation) Level: Intermediate | Rarity: Uncommon

Explanation: Can take on the natural appearance of objects like branches or leaves, allowing Maxwell to hide in plain sight in natural environments.

Leaf-Tailed Gecko (Uroplatus sikorae)

(Mimetic Camouflage) Level: Expert | Rarity: Rare

Explanation: Mimetic appearance of rough surfaces, like trees or rocks, for exceptional natural camouflage.

For Radiation Resistance:

Tardigrade (Hypsibius dujardini)

(Radiation Resistance)Level: Master | Rarity: Very Rare

Explanation: Maxwell can survive massive doses of radiation that would be lethal to other creatures.

For Dehydration Resistance:

Tardigrade (Hypsibius dujardini)

(Anhydrobiosis) Level: Master | Rarity: Very Rare

Explanation: Ability to survive without water for years by entering a state of anhydrobiosis until normal conditions are restored.

For Extreme Cryptobiosis:

Tardigrade (Hypsibius dujardini)

(Cryptobiosis) Level: Perfect | Rarity: Mythical

Explanation: Ability to enter a dormant state where all biological functions cease, allowing Max to survive in impossible environments (space, intense heat, extreme cold) without being affected by time or conditions.


Protection from the Madman Chuck (Multiverse Unique Rarity): Prevents you from being detected by him unless you make contact with him or as long as he plays his role as the writer of Sam and Dean's life story.

Modular body: Allows adapting skills and abilities to avoid negative effects, such as vampires' weakness to sunlight.

Download speed: 4.5 MB/s

Simultaneous downloads: 2

Rarity Classification (from most common to rarest):

Common: Basic skills or knowledge frequently encountered. Most people in this universe can possess them.

Uncommon: More specialized skills, rare but accessible to those with specific talents or knowledge.

Rare: Skills difficult to obtain, reserved for experts or those with advanced knowledge and significant experience.

Very Rare: Skills that only a few individuals in the universe can master. They require great talent or unique knowledge.

Legendary: Exceptional skills, often tied to extraordinary characters. Only remarkable individuals can possess them.

Mythical: Extremely powerful and nearly unattainable skills. These are surrounded by legends and known throughout the universe.

Unique: A one-of-a-kind skill in the universe, possessed by only one individual or entity. No one else can master it.

Multiversal: Transcendent skills, so rare they are unique across multiple parallel universes. They affect multiple realities.

Omniversal: The ultimate level of rarity. Skills that transcend the laws of the multiverse and extend to all existing realities in the Omniverse. Only beings of unimaginable power can possess these skills.

Mastery Levels (from weakest to strongest):

Beginner: The person knows the basics of the skill but executes it with mistakes or inefficiency. Their results are often unpredictable and lack precision.

Intermediate: The person has a good understanding of the skill and can use it effectively in standard situations. They master the fundamentals but may still struggle in more complex contexts.

Expert:The person is highly skilled and can execute the skill with great precision, even in complex situations. They can apply their knowledge creatively and solve unique problems using this skill.

Master: The person has complete mastery of the skill. They can teach and use the skill in extreme or unprecedented situations, adapting to unpredictable conditions.

Perfect: The ultimate level, rare to achieve. The person can use the skill at an exceptional level, flawlessly. Their actions seem almost impossible to others, performing feats beyond the imagination of ordinary individuals.

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