
Dark Temptation.

Kyle was taken aback by the information told to him by Ella because this was something he felt he should have been told by Jane. But then again, it wasn't his business in hindsight seeing as they didn't have any defined relationship.

She presented Mike as someone harmless but that was far from the case.

Kyle wasn't going to let him have his way and he returned to his room with Jane still sleeping or at least that was the illusion she gave.

Her phone was on the table, charging but Kyle noticed that she had no passcode on it.

A lesser man would have gone through her phone to see the kind of conversation that she was having with Mike but Kyle wasn't threatened by him.

Kyle knew that Mike was hanging around like some pathetic dog hoping for a piece of the cake but Jane wasn't stupid enough not to see through this or at least he hoped.

Jane adjusted on the bed and Kyle realized that she was awake or at least, about to wake up.

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