
National Dex

Barry turned to the voice, it was professor Oak.

"I can see that you're awake." Prof. Oak said as he motioned for Barry to come.

'I wonder what this is about.' Barry wondered as he got up.

"There's something I would like to ask you." Prof. Oak said.

"I'm listening."

"Haha, not yet my boy, we need to wait for Red and Blue." He said with a smile.

Just then both Red and Blue burst through the door, they seemed to have been arguing about something and almost started fighting.

"Cut it out." Barry said annoyed, they were about to be told something very important and these two insisted on fighting.

They turned to the source of the voice and noticed Barry, Blue scratched his head.

"Gramps, you called."

"Yes. There's something I wanted to ask of the three of you." Prof. Oak said as his voice turned serious.

"Professor, why is it only the three of us, you gave 5 of us the sponsorship?" Red questioned.

"It's because the others don't fit the criteria." Prof. Oak explained.

"Anyway, I summoned you three here for the purpose... or rather a request." Prof. Oak took in a deep breath. "I had a dream when I was younger... It was to gather data on every single kind of pokémon in Kanto. But overtime that wish was fulfilled when I became a professor."

'I see where this is going, he wants us to catch every pokémon in the Kanto region.' Barry thought.

"And now Kanto is the only region that all of its pokémon are known by other regions. I want to rectify that mistake so I need 3 of you to catch all the pokémon of at least 3 regions each." Prof. Oak said with a wide smile.

'I see- I don't see! So he expects me to catch over 500 pokémon, the sponsorship does not include the price of fuel in it!!'

"Wait professor!" Barry exclaimed in shock.


"Why do you want the information of the pokémon of the other regions?' Barry asked.

"My boy, it was trainers from other regions that gathered the pokémon of our region so this could by called payback. And there is another thing I need the data for." Prof. Oak said. "Follow me."

He began walking towards a secluded area in the lab, none of the aides operated there and in the corner there was a pokédex looking device. The only difference was that it was colored orange, red and blue.

"This here is called the national pokédex." Prof. Oak presented the device."It is designed to store the information of every single pokémon in all the regions."

"Will the three of you help me fulfill my dream?"

Seeing an old man ask something from you truly good people cannot deny him of his request, then what if the old man is paying you to do what you want, would you refuse?

Of course not.

That was the predicament Barry was in.

He could not reject professor Oak because the man was the one who was paying for his adventure. But he also didn't want to continue throwing a pokéball for over 150 times.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it.

"Do you boys accept?" Prof. Oak asked again.

"Of course." Barry resigned himself to fate.

Both Blue and Red agreed as well, but it seemed like Blue only agreed because Red agreed, everything was a competition between the two of them.

"The both of you can go, I have something to discuss privately with Barry."

Both Red and Blue excused themselves leaving only Barry, the professor and several other aides.

"Now that they're gone there's something important that I need you to do." Prof. Oak said, his voice serious.

"Can you help me wake Charizard up? He doesn't want me to get near him, anytime I try to wake him up he destroys something in his sleep." Prof. Oak said with a smile.

'I actually thought that he would give me an undercover mission to act as a spy or something! Not something so underwhelming.'

Barry nodded.

Professor Oak directed Barry to where Charizard slept.

"I wonder why a Charizard would be so lazy." Barry wondered as he walked into the ranch. "Maybe it's because it was one of the strongest in its days."

As soon as he entered the ranch he noticed Charizard, not only was it the biggest there but other pokémon gathered around it for warmth.

"Funny, I thought I would see a Typhlosion here."

(A/N:Typhlosion was my favorite pokémon in Johto)

Slowly, Barry began walking towards Charizard, there was no telling what the pokémon would to him.

And he doubted something ordinary would be able to wake him up.

"Aha!" Barry exclaimed silently.

He checked his belts and saw his pokéball, he quickly threw it into the air.

Nidoran burst out of it.

"Nido!" The pokemon exclaimed joyfully.

"Nidoran, I need you to attack Charizard." Barrry said getting to the point immediately.

The pokémon began running towards the behemoth orange flying lizard.

"Nido!" The pokémon exclaimed joyfully as it pecked Charizard joyfully.

Charizard's eyes were closed since but once the attack landed on its belly the pokémon got up immediately, breathing fire in the air as it looked at its surrounding angrily.

Its hateful eyes stuck on Barry's figure, completely ignoring Nidoran.

"Now I think Professor Oak sent me on a suicide mission." Barry yelled preparing to run away.

"Charizard, you're finally awake." The voice of Professor Oak came from behind Barry.

Noticing the voice Charizard got up, its previous anger was gone and now it only felt annoyed.

"You need to get into shape, you've mostly spent the last two years sleeping." Prof. Oak reprimanded the pokémon. "Now I even doubt whether you could beat Venusaur."

Hearing the name Charizard raised its head up, opened its mouth it unleashed a torrent of coninuous flames into the air.

"Is that competitive spirit or something." Barry asked himself.

The pokémon flew into the air, flapping its large wings as it propelled itself through the air.

"Thank you my boy." Prof. Oak told Barry.

"It was no problem." Barry replied with a smile.

"Make sure you prepare accordingly, remember tomorrow is when all of you leave for the first time."

"Will do." Barry said as he recalled Nidoran into its pokéball.

He walked out of the ranch before leaving the lab, he had a long day ahead of him.

Barry walked through the streets of Pallet Town, tomorrow he would be leaving the place he had grown so fond of over the last six months.

He looked at the hotel Gary brought him to six months ago, he did have some memories of the place.

"Well, can't be helped. Its not like I didn't plan on going on an adventure six months ago, I would have gone much earlier if professor Oak didn't give us classes." Barry told himself before entering the building.

He entered room 3 and began sorting his clothes into his Silph Co. bag, one that was given to him thanks to professor Oak's sponsorship.

The bag could fit in a lot of things, money, clothes, even food and its space was infinite.

As soon as he finished fitting his necessities inside he released Nidoran.

"Sleep well buddy, tomorrow morning we're heading out." He told Nidoran.

Nidoran snuggled onto the rug.

Barry finished making his preparations in the evening at 7.

"Good night buddy, let's make history!" He smiled as he laid down on his bed.

He slept peacefully, ready for the adventure that awaited him.

A/N: The journey is finally starting!


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