
Night Ride

(Third Person POV)

Outside of the Dragonpit, Aegon crouched down behind a rock as he gently pulled Helaena to him. The Princess was wearing her nightwear when she was suddenly woken up by her brother and was told it was an emergency. 

Prior to that, Aegon had woken Aemond up by smacking him with a pillow, which angered the young prince. But after telling him what they were up to, Aemond calmed down and agreed to it, looking forward to getting fresh air. With Baelon backing them, they were sure to not catch too much flak for it. 

"B-Brother.." Helaena said as she moved her hair out of her drowsy face, "W-What are we doing here?" 

Aegon smiled, "We're going for a ride." He told her

"What? N-No, Mother is going to be mad!" The Princess said 

"Relax, it'll be fine." Aegon said, "Come, the coast is clear, let's go!" 

He stood up and pulled Helaena alongside him as he quickly darted inside, making their way down the steps that led to caverns. Helaena was following him, rocks jabbing against her bare feet as she winced in pain. 

"I should've brought my shoes, brother...it hurts...." Helaena whispered

"What?" Aegon looked down, "I thought you did!" 

"I didn't!" She said in a quiet tone

"Okay, take it easy then." Aegon said as they walked down the stair, "You do know how to ride Dreamfyre up the steps, right?" 

Heleana nodded, "Y-Yes...." 

They reached the bottom of the steps, the cold and damp ground of the caverns was felt on Helaena's bare feet as she shifted uneasily, looking up at the cavern ceiling. 

"Okay..." Aegon said as he looked around, "The Keepers don't seem to be around, not around this time....most of the Dragons should be asleep. When we take ours, the rest will probably wake, sister. So let's be quick about it, okay? Caraxes is a cranky fucker, so he'll probably roar and it'll alert the keepers." 

Helaena looked at him, "Why're we doing this, Aegon?" She asked, "B-Baelon will..." 

"This is Baelon's idea." Aegon said as he patted her shoulder, "Where do you think he is? Our Dragons are the only ones that are in the Pit, Aemond went and got Vhagar. Now let's hurry up! Go to Dreamfyre!" 

Aegon then began to run towards the Cavern where Sunfyre resided, leaving Helaena alone at the bottom of the steps. 

"A-Aegon..." Helaena said as she kept her hands to her chest, "I....I don't....." 

She sighed as her brother disappeared into the shadows of the cavern, the sudden rumbling of a dragon was heard, followed by a hushed command to calm down. 

Helaena then quickly jogged down the passageway, making her way to Dreamfyre's cavern, feeling the cool dirt underneath her as she ran. 

"Why are we doing this? What has gotten into Baelon's mind?" She thought to herself, "He always obeys Mother and Father's orders.....they don't want him flying nowadays..." 

As she approached the cavern's entrance, she heard the loud snoring of her dragon, seeing her scales illuminating by the far light of a torch. 

Almost as if she was sensed, Dreamfyre's eyes shot open and she let out a low rumble, moving her head up as she looked at Helaena. 

Helaena stopped and extended her hand, "L-Lykyri...." she said in High Valyrian, "It's me..." 

Dreamfyre blinked vocalizing loudly as she leaned towards her, snorting loudly. 

Helaena smiled, "H-Hello, girl..." She said softly

She then noticed that Dreamfyre had her massive iron collar on, chained to the walls of the collar. Since she had last ridden her, the keepers chained the dragon up, considering that she was in her breeding cycle and was about to lay clutches of eggs. This was a safety measure so she wouldn't leave the pit as the breeding dragons typically fly around to find places to lay eggs. 

Helaena walked over to the side of her neck and placed her hand on the massive iron pin on the collar. 

"Oh...I...." She said as she pulled on the rod, "I don't think...." 

The rod was heavy and she was pulling with all her might, barely moving it. But as soon as it was moved to a certain point, it slid right off, causing her to stumble back and watch the iron collar just plop down. 

Dreamfyre let out a rumble, almost out of relief as she slowly shook her neck, looking at her rider. 

"Must've had oil...." Helaena wiped her hands as she looked at Dreamfyre

"W-We're going for a ride, dear girl." She said

Dreamfyre lowered herself, hanging her neck. She was allowing her rider to climb atop her saddle. 

Helaena gulped, "O-Okay..." She said quietly, 

"Here we go...." 


Above the Blackwater, Sunfyre's golden scales could be seen, reflecting the moonlight and emitting a beautiful glow. 

The beautiful dragon let out a roar as his rider let the breeze hit him in the face. 

"Ahhh..." He said, "Yes! This is more like it! Eh, Sunfyre???" 

Sunfyre roared in agreement, gliding in the air. Aegon then noticed a larger dragon behind them; Dreamfyre. 

The massive dragon let out a roar, which resounded through the air as Helaena was seen on her saddle, clutching onto the handles with nervousness. 

Aegon chuckled, "Loosen up, sister!" She said, "You won't fall! You're a better rider than that!" 

Helaena nodded as Dreamfyre glided right next to Sunfyre, "I..." She said, "I don't like riding in the night." 

Aegon extended his arms outwards, "Look at the bright moon! It's bright light reflecting off the water! It's a beautiful night to ride, Helaena!" He said with a bright smile, "Take it all in!" 

Helaena noticed that there were more clouds than usual on this night, which worried her that it could rain. She didn't like riding in the night or in the rain. So if it rained during the night, she would not enjoy it one bit. The bright moon was shining through a massive clearing in the sky, its light reaching the water below them. 

"It's...." Helaena said as she straightened up, "It's nice....I guess....." 

"Yes!" Aegon said as they flew further into the bay

"We shouldn't get too far from the city!" She said as she turned around, "Aegon!" 

She saw the Red Keep getting smaller and smaller as Dreamfyre followed the golden dragon. 

"Relax, it'll be fine." Aegon said with a smile

Suddenly, the heard a deep and loud roar. 

Helaena turned to see an even larger shadow through a set of clouds behind them, "What?" She said with surprise

She then saw the figure of the old Vhagar burst through the clouds as she flapped her old wings, letting out it's roar, coarse and aged. 

"Ah, here he is!" Aegon said with a smirk

Vhagar slowly reached them, dwarfing both Sunfyre and Dreamfyre together, flying to their far right. Her rider, Prince Aemond, was seen atop her, his white hair flowing in the wind. This was a terrifying sight; the massive figure of Vhagar next to two grown dragons, clearly larger than the two of them. 

The sight of this beast would've been enough to strike fear into anyone. 

"Brother! Sister!" Aemond said as he waved, "Where to?" 

"We go further!" Aegon pointed forwards, "Let's have an adventure!" 

"An adventure? I didn't bring water or food!" Aemond said, "I thought this was a quick ride!" 

"Ah, you gotta be more ready!" Aegon chuckled

Helaena steered Dreamfyre more to the left, "I don't like this!" She called, "I'm going back!" 

"Huh???" Aegon responded, "Don't! He's not here yet!" 

As he said that, they heard the loud flapping of wings, cracking like thunder as a massive shadow was cast on them from above. 

Helaena looked up to see nothing but darkness through the clouds above them, "W-What...?" She said with nervousness

"Ah!" Aegon said, "There he is!" 

Aemond smiled as Vhagar let out a roar, "Yea!" 

Suddenly, an even louder roar was heard, deafening everyone and even the dragon were slightly surprised by it. 

Bursting through the clouds, the figure of Balerion appeared, his black scales shining from the moonlight as he slowly descended down towards the group. His wingspan was so massive that one of his wings stretched out above the others, its shadow covering them completely. 

Even Vhagar was noticeably smaller than Balerion, although nothing compared to Sunfyre or Dreamfyre, who were significantly smaller. Aegon's mount being the smallest was like a cat to the Black Dread. 

"Brother!" Helaena said with surprise

Balerion slowly descended, his entire body showing no signs of his age, despite being older than Vhagar. Even the old hag's wings were shown with wear and tear, but Balerion's were dark and healthy, almost as if he was brand new. 

His massive and red eyes glanced down at Helaena and Dreamfyre who were right below them. He let out a deep rumble, resonating through the air and being felt in the princess's bones. 

Suddenly, peeking from atop him, Baelon looked down. 

"Ah, Sister!" He said with a bright smile, "Sorry to wake you! Come, ascend next to Balerion!" 

Helaena nodded as she steered Dreamfyre upwards with caution, trying not to hit Balerion's massive wings. As she did this, Aegon and Aemond created more distance away from the Black Dread, trying not to cause an accident as the four dragons flew over the Blackwater Bay. 

Dreamfyre ascended slightly above Balerion's level, slowing down so she could be right next to him above his wing. While one might think that this was risky, as Balerion could hit the dragon while flapping his wings, it was no issue, as the Black Dread was a veteran flyer and could flap his wings without hitting any dragon that gave him company. 

Balerion let out another roar, no doubt that he'd wake everyone in King's Landing. 

Baelon chuckled, "Ah, yes, Old Boy!!" He shouted in High Valyrian, "It's always good to get a good flight in, eh?!" 

Helaena looked at Baelon, "B-Brother, why are we doing this???" She called over from atop her dragon

Baelon looked at her, "Hm? Oh, it's simple!" He said with a smile, "I wanted to spend time with you! You, Me, our Dragons.....and well, our brothers too...but mostly you and me....together....alone...." 

Helaena blinked, "O-Oh..." 

Baelon nodded, "Yes." He said, "I can't stop thinking of you, my beloved sister." 

"I want to enjoy this night together."