
Baelon Targaryen II

[A/N: There isn't a definitive schedule for this story, I'll just work on this one when I feel like I need to take a break from the others to mentally refresh myself. 

This is basically a Helaena Fic, she deserves happiness in the world. Also, I felt like writing an OC riding Balerion during the time of Viserys's reign but with some changes, obviously. This is an AU where everyone is living somewhat happily and because Baelon is alive, he's the rightful Heir and no Dance happens. 

Of course, with Balerion in the picture, there could be some conflict or drama, who knows.]

(Baelon's POV)

"Father." I said as I stood in front of where he stood, "I would like to apologize for not attending breakfast." 

He leaned back, it had looked like he was speaking with Lord Lyonel Strong but I suddenly came up to them and spoke up. We were in the Royal Tent, I had to endure the gazing and calls of many nobles and soldiers outside after I got here with Mother and Helaena. I was looking for Aemond, but I guess he's somewhere in the crowd.

"Baelon." He said as he gave me a serious stare, "You overslept again." 

I nodded, "Yes." I said, "I was quite busy last night." 

"Indeed you were." He said as he eyed me up and down, "That was quite bold of you." 

"That's what they call me." I said with a slight smile

He glanced at Lord Lyonel who merely shifted while he stood there. 

He sighed, "Whatever." He said as he took a sip from his cup, "Go on, greet the Lords of the Realm." 

"I already did." I said as I placed my hands behind my back, "Tell me father, when can we go on the Hunt. Mother tells me I am forbidden to go off on my own." 

"Yes, that you are." He said as he sighed, "When the Hunstman spots the White Hart, we'll head out." 

"Okay then." I clapped my hands, "Whoever gets to it first, wins." 

"This is not a competition." He said with a frown

"Ah, that's where you're wrong." I chuckled, "It is." 

I turned around and walked away, nodding at some Ladies who were looking in my direction. I then went to see where Aegon was, sitting down on one of the couches, drinking some wine and eating what looked like a piece of pie. 

I reached him and patted his shoulder, "Where is our brother?" I asked him as I leaned down to him

"Oh, shit.." He said with surprise, "Baelon." 

"Where's Aemond?" I asked, "We should get out of here, get a head start and take that Hart down." 

He looked at me, "You mad?" He asked, "Mother would be furious." 

"She's not going to know." I said with a chuckle, "Come on, stand up, leave that here, we're off." 

"Ugh, fine." He said while rolling his eyes as I straightened up, "Aemond is with Grandsire, speaking to Uncle Gwayne." 

"Ah." I said, "Well, let us go and fetch the prince." 

He stood up and patted his shirt, "I suppose so." He muttered

I ruffled his hair, "Come, brother, let us have some fun!" 


"What are you two up to?" Otto said as I pulled Aemond aside

We were outside, where the Lord Hand was speaking to his son, Ser Gwayne while Aemond and Daeron were just standing there, idly. Aegon and I reached them and while Aegon picked Daeron up, I pulled Aemond aside.

I patted Aemond's shoulders as I gave him a slight smile, "We are going to just have a little brotherly talk." I said, "Right, Aemond?" 

"What is it now, Baelon?" He asked with an annoyed tone

"If you plan on going off to hunt without the main hunting group, I highly advise against it, Prince Baelon." Otto said, "Your Father is already sour after that incident in the middle of the night. You are fortunate no casualties had happened, otherwise, it would have been quite the punishment for you." 

"Ah. We're not going to Hunt or anything." I chuckled while leaning into Aemond's ear and whispered, "We are." 

Aemond scowled, "You're mad, Mother will be furious." He said

"Ah, let the boys be boys, Father." Gwayne said, "It is good, though, the Princes are in no danger, their eldest brother would be there." 

"Anytime Baelon and Aemond are left to their devices, Balerion and Vhagar are soon to be spotted in the air, terrorizing the smallfolk." Otto said, "Only a fool would leave them by themselves." 

I pointed at Otto as I pulled Aemond closer to me, "Hey." I said, "You're the fool for thinking the smallfolk, my people, would be terrified of our Dragons. It gives them relief that they're healthy and flying about." 

"Let go of me." Aemond grumbled

"Ah, it's your name day, brother!" I said with a smile, "Let's go have some fun! Or would you rather stay with this bunch? So boring, listening to Ser Otto and Ser Gwayne talk about politics." 

I noticed that Aegon was nearly dropping Daeron as they stumbled out of sight. 

"Let me go, Aegon!" Daeron shouted

"Hey, be careful, you idiot." I said as I pointed at Aegon

"Hahaha!" Aegon laughed as he spun the kid in the air

"Ahhhh!!!" Daeron yelled

"Aegon, you imbecile, put the boy down." Otto scowled

Gwayne cleared his throat, "I'll supervise them, Father." he said, "That way, they can't run off on their own." 

"Not gonna run off..." Aemond said

I patted Aemond's shoulder, "Now now, Brother, no need to be broody today." I told him, "It is your day, we shall have the best of fun." 

I heard Daeron begin to make gagging noises as if he was going to throw up. 

"Aegon, he just ate a lemon pie, he's going to hurl." Gwayne said

"Aegon, for crying out loud, leave him be!" Otto shouted

Both of them had their backs turned to Aemond and me and I leaned into him, "Now's our chance!" I whispered, "Let's get a horse and ride back to the city, we get our Dragons and we'll fly to Dragonstone! Wouldn't that be an adventure?" 

"No." Aemond sighed, "Not today." 

I frowned, "What's with you?" 

"I've just learned that I am to be betrothed." He said

"Oh shit." I said straightening up, "To whom?" 

He kicked some pebbles on the ground, "Aemma Targaryen." He said with a disappointed tone, "Rhaenyra's daughter." 

"Oh, for real?" I said with a bit of surprise, "What's wrong with that?" 

"I don't know, she's our niece, I guess." He said

"Well, that's true, now that I think about it." I said placing my hand on my chin, "Isn't she eleven too?" 

He nodded, "Yea..." 

"Huh, how about that?" I said, "Well, keep the bloodline pure and all.....Oh well, what can we do? I'm marrying our sister. This whole thing is weird....." 

"It's to keep our Dragons in the Family, I suppose." He told me

"That's true." I said, "Man, the amount of gifts I got to get my favor back when I claimed Balerion, ooh boy, everyone wanted me. There was that Westerlands girl who was Rhaenyra's age! Can you believe that?" 

Aemond was around four years younger than me, he was thirteen today. Aegon was around a year younger than me while Helaena was two years younger. The little Daeron was the youngest, he was barely ten years old. 

Right now he was hunched over, trying not to hurl, while our brother laughed like an idiot and pointed at him. 

Father was working fast, huh? To rebuild his family, I guess. It's strange. 

Rhaenyra had children of her own, happily married and all, but she rarely spent time at the Red Keep or KIng's Landing at that. She was cozily keeping Dragonstone nice and tidy for me when I eventually turned 18 and moved in. I guess to her, the family dynamic was weird and only I was close to her. She didn't hate our siblings, she just felt off about it, considering she and Mother were somewhat close prior to my birth. 

I was surprised she agreed to marry her only daughter to Aemond.

I slapped Aemond's back, "Alright, let's not get too hung up about that." I said with a chuckle, "Let's go get something to eat." 

"And after that, we go and have some fun!" 

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