
Chapter 30: Attack on Base E313

Ethan stood in the kitchen of the villa, pouring himself a cup of steaming coffee. The tranquil sounds of the jungle outside were a stark contrast to the thoughts racing through his mind. The events of the previous night still lingered, and no matter how much he tried to act normal, a knot of awkwardness had formed in his stomach.

The door to the common area slid open, and Prella entered, looking as sharp and focused as always, though there was a casual ease in her movements that only came when she felt safe, something that had been rare as of late. Right behind her was Vala, as usual, smirking and carrying that air of relaxed mischief.

"Mornin', Captain," Vala said, dropping into one of the chairs by the table. "You look like you didn't get much sleep."

Ethan coughed slightly, avoiding eye contact as he took a long sip of coffee. "Just… busy night. You know how it is."

Vala raised an eyebrow, a grin creeping across her face. "Oh, I know exactly how it is."

Prella narrowed her eyes, studying Ethan for a moment, but didn't say anything. Instead, she poured herself some water and took a seat opposite Vala. The atmosphere was peaceful enough, but there was a palpable undercurrent, something was about to happen.

Just as Ethan was about to attempt changing the subject, Nova entered the room. She was still in her newly adopted android body, moving gracefully as she took a seat at the table, her eyes bright and cheerful.

"Good morning!" Nova chirped, her voice filled with energy. "I trust everyone slept well?"

For a moment, there was silence. Vala's smirk widened as she leaned back in her chair, clearly enjoying herself. Prella's gaze flicked between Nova and Ethan, her brow furrowing slightly. Then, almost as if a light bulb went off in her mind, Prella's eyes widened slightly, and she folded her arms, staring pointedly at Ethan.

"You didn't…" Prella began, her voice calm but with a dangerous edge. "Nova, what are you doing in that body?"

Nova blinked, confused by Prella's sudden tone. "Oh, I thought it would be useful to experience things in a physical form. It's been quite an interesting experiment, actually. Ethan approved it."

"Ethan approved it," Prella repeated, her voice dry as she shot a look at Ethan that said far more than words could. "Of course he did."

Vala burst out laughing, unable to contain herself. "Oh, this is priceless! Let me guess, you two had a… 'bonding experience' last night?"

Ethan's face flushed. "It's not like that, alright? We were just… exploring possibilities."

"Uh-huh, exploring possibilities," Vala echoed, still laughing. "And how did that exploration go, Captain?"

Nova, still oblivious to the teasing nature of the conversation, smiled. "Oh, it was quite informative! I've learned a lot about the complexities of human interaction."

Prella pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Nova, return that body to where you found it."

Nova tilted her head, clearly confused. "But Prella, this body has been incredibly efficient for the tasks I've been handling. Why should I, "

"Just do it," Prella interrupted, her voice firm but not unkind. "We don't have time for distractions right now."

Nova looked at Ethan for confirmation. "Ethan?"

Ethan sighed, feeling like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. "Nova, it's probably best if you… return to your regular form. For now."

Nova's shoulders slumped slightly, but she nodded in understanding. "Very well. I'll comply." She stood and gracefully left the room to transition back to her usual holographic form.

The moment the door slid shut behind Nova, Vala doubled over with laughter. "Oh man, Captain, you really have outdone yourself this time! I didn't think you had it in you!"

Ethan glared at her, though the corner of his mouth twitched with a reluctant smile. "You're not helping, Vala."

Prella, though visibly irritated, shook her head and said, "You're the captain. I just hope this doesn't cloud your judgment when we're under fire."

Before Ethan could respond, the base's alarms suddenly blared, cutting through the room like a knife. Red lights flashed, and the serene jungle ambiance was replaced with the roar of sirens and distant explosions.

Ethan's stomach dropped as he looked to Prella and Vala. "What now?"

Nova's voice came over the comms, now back to her usual holographic form. "Captain, we have a problem. The Vrak armada has arrived in orbit."

Ethan's heart skipped a beat. The Vrak? They'd barely escaped a mercenary attack, and now the Vrak, one of the most dangerous alien forces in the galaxy, were here. He rushed to the console, pulling up the external feeds. The sky above Base E313 was filled with black, organic-looking ships, their appendages twitching as they descended toward the jungle like a swarm of locusts.

Prella's expression hardened instantly. "How the hell did they find us?"

Vala was already grabbing her blaster. "Doesn't matter. We've got to move."

Nova's voice chimed in again, more urgent this time. "Captain, General Salarmi is calling for immediate evacuation. The Vrak armada is overwhelming the base's defenses. You need to get to the Ark, now."

Ethan's mind raced. This was an all-out assault. The Vrak didn't just appear without reason, they were here to destroy. He knew that Base E313, for all its fortifications, wouldn't survive long against a force this large.

"Let's go," Ethan said, grabbing his gear. "We're leaving. We can't win this fight."

Prella and Vala were already at the door, ready to move. Nova's hologram appeared beside them, her usual calm composure now laced with urgency. "I've charted the quickest route to the hangar. The base's defenses are already failing."

As they rushed through the villa's hallways, the distant sound of explosions grew louder, and the entire base shook from the impact of the Vrak's assault. The jungle outside was ablaze with energy blasts, and in the distance, Ethan could see the massive Vrak ships landing, their insectoid troops spilling out and swarming the base.

"We need to move faster," Prella urged, her hand on her energy blade.

They broke into a sprint, navigating the narrow corridors as the base fell into chaos around them. Soldiers ran in every direction, shouting orders as they tried to hold the line, but the Vrak's relentless advance was impossible to stop.

As they rounded a corner, Ethan caught sight of General Salarmi on one of the holoscreens. His helmet was cracked, water spilling out as he barked orders at his troops. "All personnel, evacuate immediately! The Vrak cannot be contained!"

"We're not going to make it if we stay any longer," Vala muttered, firing a shot at a Vrak scout who had slipped into the base.

Ethan nodded, adrenaline pumping as they neared the hangar. "We need to get to the Ark and get out of here."

Ethan, Prella, and Vala raced down the hallways of Base E313, the heavy thud of explosions rattling the walls around them. The lights flickered as the power struggled to keep up with the damage, and the air was filled with the shouts of soldiers trying to hold off the Vrak invasion. The sound of weapons fire grew closer as the invaders began to breach the perimeter.

"We have to hurry!" Prella shouted over the noise, her voice tense but controlled.

Vala sprinted alongside them, her blaster at the ready, a grim grin plastered on her face. "I don't know what's more terrifying, the Vrak or the idea of getting stuck on this planet while they tear it apart."

Ethan's pulse raced as they reached an intersection in the hall, where they could see soldiers manning defensive positions against a swarm of Vrak scouts pouring into the base. The Vrak were just as monstrous as he remembered, black insectoid creatures with chitinous bodies and sharp, multi-jointed limbs. They moved with terrifying speed, their eyes glowing faintly as they hissed and charged at anything in their path.

The base's defenders were putting up a valiant effort, but the Vrak were relentless. Each time a soldier took one down, another two appeared, their numbers seemingly endless.

"We're not going to make it through this if we don't move fast," Ethan muttered, glancing around for an alternate route.

Nova's holographic form flickered into view beside them, her expression serious. "Captain, I've identified a secondary passage that will bypass most of the fighting. It's risky, but it should get us to the hangar faster."

"Risky how?" Prella asked, her hand on her energy blade as she scanned the area.

"The passage is partially exposed to the outside," Nova explained. "We'll be vulnerable to Vrak ships overhead, but it's a more direct path. If we take the main route, we'll be caught in the crossfire between the Vrak and the base's defenders."

Ethan weighed the options, but it wasn't much of a choice. They had to get to the Ark, or they'd be overwhelmed by the Vrak sooner or later. "We'll take the passage," he decided. "Let's move."

The crew quickly adjusted course, following Nova's guidance as they broke away from the main corridor and into a side passage that led deeper into the base. The walls here were scarred from earlier attacks, and they could feel the tremors from the ongoing battle above them.

As they moved further into the passage, the sound of the battle began to fade slightly, but it was replaced by something else, a low, rumbling hum that seemed to vibrate through the walls.

"What is that?" Vala asked, her grip tightening on her blaster as they pressed forward.

Nova's hologram flickered with concern. "That's the Vrak's ships. They're landing directly above us."

Ethan's heart sank. The Vrak were already this close. "How much time do we have?"

"Not much," Nova said. "They'll be in the base within minutes. We need to keep moving."

They picked up the pace, the narrow passageway eventually opening up into a larger chamber that was partially collapsed, exposing the jungle outside. The once-beautiful foliage was now a battlefield, with thick clouds of smoke rising from where the Vrak ships had landed. Several of the insectoid creatures were already prowling the area, their limbs twitching as they scuttled over the wreckage.

Prella held up a hand, motioning for them to stop. "We can't take them all head-on. We need to find another way around."

Nova scanned the area, her holographic eyes glowing faintly as she processed the situation. "There's a service ladder to the right. It leads to an upper platform overlooking the hangar. We might be able to slip past the Vrak without being detected if we move quickly."

Ethan nodded, motioning for the crew to follow. "Let's go. We stick to the shadows and move fast."

They moved silently toward the ladder, each of them taking turns climbing up to the platform above. From there, they had a clear view of the hangar, which was now in chaos. Several ships were trying to take off, but the Vrak's relentless assault had made it nearly impossible for anyone to escape. Massive black warships hovered overhead, their spindly appendages firing beams of energy at anything that moved.

Ethan's stomach tightened as he watched the destruction below. They needed to get to the Ark before it was too late.

Vala, crouched next to him, peered through her scope and frowned. "Looks like most of the defenses are down. We're running out of time."

Prella pointed toward the far end of the hangar, where the Ark was docked. "There it is. We need to get down there before the Vrak overrun the hangar completely."

Ethan nodded, but as he glanced down at the path between them and the Ark, he realized just how difficult that would be. The hangar floor was swarming with Vrak soldiers, their sharp limbs clattering as they stalked across the wreckage. Soldiers from Base E313 were fighting back as best they could, but they were outnumbered and outgunned.

"We'll never make it through that," Ethan said quietly, his mind racing for a solution.

Nova, who had been silent for a moment, suddenly spoke up. "I have an idea. I can create a distraction, trigger one of the hangar's energy cores to overload. That should draw the Vrak's attention long enough for you to get to the Ark."

Ethan hesitated. "That sounds dangerous. Will you be able to get out in time?"

Nova smiled, her usual confidence returning. "I'll be fine, Captain. I'm not going anywhere."

Ethan exchanged a glance with Prella and Vala, both of whom nodded in agreement. It was their only chance.

"Do it," Ethan said.

Nova's hologram flickered as she accessed the base's systems, her form becoming more translucent as she focused. A moment later, one of the massive energy cores near the center of the hangar began to whine, its lights flickering as it overloaded.

"There!" Nova said. "That should get their attention."

As if on cue, the Vrak soldiers turned toward the core, their movements becoming frantic as they realized something was wrong. Several of the larger ships began to reposition, their attention now focused on the unstable energy source.

"Move!" Ethan shouted.

The crew didn't hesitate. They sprinted down the platform, sliding down the final ladder to the hangar floor. The Vrak, now distracted by the impending explosion, didn't notice them as they made a break for the Ark.

Blaster fire rang out as they ran, dodging debris and the occasional stray shot from the ongoing battle. The hangar was a warzone, but the distraction had worked, the Vrak were too focused on the imminent explosion to notice the crew slipping through the chaos.

They reached the Ark, and Ethan wasted no time in getting the ship powered up. "Prella, get the shields up! Vala, man the guns in case they figure out what we're doing!"

Prella jumped into the co-pilot's seat, her fingers flying over the controls. "Shields are up! We've got a small window, but it's closing fast!"

Vala, already strapped into the gunner's seat, grinned as she targeted one of the Vrak ships hovering above the hangar. "Let's give them something to think about."

Ethan slammed the thrusters, and the Ark roared to life, lifting off the ground just as the energy core behind them exploded, sending a shockwave through the hangar. The Vrak ships were thrown off balance, their formations breaking as they scrambled to recover.

"We're clear!" Prella shouted, her eyes focused on the horizon.

Ethan pushed the Ark forward, dodging debris as they sped through the atmosphere. The Vrak were still in pursuit, but the explosion had bought them just enough time to break free.

As they ascended into the upper atmosphere, Ethan glanced back at the smoldering remains of Base E313. The jungle world, once a peaceful haven, was now a war-torn wasteland, consumed by the Vrak's relentless assault.

"We did what we could," Vala said, her voice uncharacteristically quiet.

Ethan nodded, but the weight of the destruction below still sat heavily on his shoulders. "Let's hope it's enough."

The Ark soared through the upper atmosphere of the jungle world, its thrusters roaring as it dodged debris and incoming fire from the Vrak ships. The once-vibrant planet below was now a chaotic wasteland, smoke and fire consuming the base and the jungle as the Vrak continued their relentless assault.

"Shields at 70%," Prella reported, her hands flying over the controls as she worked to keep the ship steady. "We need to get into space fast, or those Vrak ships are going to tear us apart."

Ethan's grip tightened on the controls as he pushed the Ark harder, weaving through the barrage of energy blasts from the Vrak fighters. His eyes flicked to the sensors, several large Vrak warships were still in pursuit, their organic-looking forms undulating as they fired streams of energy at them.

"Nova, any ideas?" Ethan shouted, the strain clear in his voice as he narrowly avoided a blast that skimmed the Ark's shields.

Nova's holographic form appeared on the console, her expression focused. "I've been scanning their ships. They're using an energy signature that we might be able to disrupt, but we'd need to get closer to one of their capital ships."

"Closer? You want us to fly into that mess?" Vala called out from the gunner's seat, her fingers already firing back at the Vrak fighters. "You know they're just waiting to blow us out of the sky, right?"

Ethan grimaced. "We don't have much of a choice, Vala. If we don't get rid of these ships, we're not getting out of here."

Prella's gaze flicked to the sensors. "We've got incoming from above, two more Vrak warships closing in fast."

Ethan made a split-second decision. "Nova, get ready. We're going to dive toward the lead ship and disrupt their systems. If this works, we'll have a shot at escaping. If not, "

Vala finished the thought for him. "We're space dust."

The Ark banked hard, diving down toward one of the massive Vrak warships, its black, insectoid hull looming like a nightmare against the backdrop of the stars. The ship's appendages twitched as it fired at the Ark, but Ethan's quick reflexes kept them just out of reach, maneuvering through the onslaught with narrow precision.

"Hold on," Ethan muttered as he brought the Ark into a sharp dive, dodging debris and enemy fire. "Nova, it's now or never."

Nova's eyes glowed brightly as she accessed the ship's systems, working quickly to overload the Vrak warship's energy field. "I'm in. Disrupting their systems now."

For a tense moment, nothing happened. The Vrak ship continued to fire relentlessly, their weapons hammering at the Ark's shields.

Then, suddenly, the Vrak warship shuddered, its appendages freezing in mid-motion as its systems began to overload. The organic ship let out a high-pitched screech, and several of its weapons went offline, its energy signature flickering wildly.

"Now's our chance!" Prella shouted. "Go!"

Ethan didn't hesitate. He pulled the Ark up in a sharp climb, blasting past the disabled Vrak warship as it struggled to regain control. Behind them, several of the Vrak fighters veered off course, disoriented by the disruption.

"We've got a clear path!" Nova called out, her voice filled with urgency. "But we need to move fast. The Vrak will recover soon."

Ethan pushed the Ark to its limits, accelerating toward the edge of the planet's atmosphere. The ship rattled under the strain, the distant roar of the Vrak still echoing behind them.

"Come on, come on," Vala muttered under her breath, her fingers still ready on the gun controls as they cleared the last of the Vrak ships. "We're almost there."

With a final burst of speed, the Ark broke through the atmosphere, the stars of space opening up before them. Ethan exhaled sharply, relief flooding his system as the ship's systems stabilized.

"We're clear," Prella confirmed, her voice steady but filled with tension. "No sign of pursuit. For now."

Ethan finally allowed himself to relax, his hands still gripping the controls as the adrenaline began to fade. "Good work, everyone. Let's put some distance between us and this system."

Nova appeared next to him, her expression calm but thoughtful. "We were lucky. The Vrak will regroup and track us again if we don't keep moving."

Vala leaned back in her seat, wiping sweat from her forehead. "Yeah, and I don't feel like getting chased by those bugs again anytime soon."

As the Ark soared into deep space, Ethan set a course for the nearest safe system. They needed time to regroup, repair, and figure out their next move. The Vrak attack had been devastating, and the loss of Base E313 weighed heavily on his mind. They had barely escaped with their lives.

But something about the Vrak's timing bothered him. The attack had been too precise, too well-coordinated. It wasn't just a random invasion. Someone had led them there, someone with knowledge of their location.

Prella seemed to share his thoughts. "The Vrak knew exactly where to find us. That wasn't a coincidence."

Ethan nodded, his jaw clenched. "The Council of Shadows is behind this. They wanted us dead, and they used the Vrak to make sure of it."

Vala crossed her arms, her usual grin replaced by a serious frown. "So, what's the plan now? We can't keep running forever."

Ethan stood from the captain's seat, his expression grim but resolute. "We're not running. Nova gathered intel from Base E313 before the attack. If the Council is behind this, we'll find out where they're operating from, and we'll hit them where it hurts."

Nova's holographic form flickered, a confident smile on her face. "I've already started analyzing the data. It won't take long to pinpoint their movements."

Ethan nodded, his mind already working through their next steps. "Good. But first, we regroup. We need to repair the ship, rearm, and prepare for whatever comes next. The Council thinks they can hunt us down, but we're going to make sure they regret it."

Prella's hand rested on her energy blade, her gaze steely. "We'll be ready."

The crew settled into the calm of deep space, the distant stars twinkling around them. For now, they were safe. But the war with the Council of Shadows was far from over, and the next battle was already on the horizon.

As Ethan sat back in the captain's chair, he cast one last glance at the jungle world behind them, now little more than a distant memory. They had lost a refuge today, but in its place, they had found resolve.

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