
Chapter 147: Water 7 – Jozu’s Curious Doubts

Takumi heard the two Navy soldiers talking clearly.

He already knew what kind of guy Spandam was. Even if this weakling did want revenge, it wasn't like he had the ability to pull it off.

The day was still young, and the streets along Water 7's canals were filling up with people. Deciding not to stick around, Takumi used Shunpo and Geppo, making his way back to the coast where he'd fished the previous night. Taking out his fishing rod, he settled in for a quiet morning of fishing.

He'd only been at it for a couple of hours when he noticed a fish just about to take the bait. Just as he focused on reeling it in, a lazy voice called out from behind.

"Hey, Takumi, taking it easy, huh? Fishing, of all things?"

It was Marco, strolling over with a massive man, easily over five meters tall, broad-shouldered with heavy armor on both.

Thanks to Marco's interruption, the fish that had almost been caught darted away...

Takumi shot him a look, his eyes practically saying, You're killing me, man. Leave.

But Marco, either oblivious or pretending to be, kept on walking up to him with a grin. "Oh yeah, let me introduce you. This here is Jozu, Captain of the Third Division under Pops."

Takumi glanced at Jozu, a little annoyed but unsurprised.

Of course, he knew Jozu—otherwise known as Diamond Jozu. The guy had been serving Whitebeard for over a decade, one of the oldest members of the crew. He had the power of the Shining Shining Fruit, a Paramecia type. It allowed him to turn his body into diamond, giving him incredible durability. The guy could even block an attack from Dracule Mihawk, the world's strongest swordsman.

Mihawk was no joke either. A close friend of Shanks, he was recognized across the world as the greatest swordsman alive. His swordsmanship was unparalleled, on a level few could ever hope to reach.

Takumi hadn't crossed paths with Mihawk yet, but he figured if he fought him now, with his swordsmanship at Level 8, the odds weren't exactly in his favor.

Hell, he still took internal damage when he blocked one of Whitebeard's attacks…

Marco continued the introductions. "Jozu, this is the kid I was telling you about—Takumi."

Jozu let out a hearty laugh. "What, him? He's just a kid! You really expect me to believe he blocked a strike from Pops? Maybe Pops went easy on him, huh?"

Marco waved it off. "If Pops had held back, the Moby Dick's railing wouldn't have shattered like that."

Jozu scratched his head and laughed again. "Hahaha, you've got a point. If this kid blocked Pops, then he's gotta be something special. I'd love to spar with him one day, hahahaha."

"Come on now," Marco chuckled. "He's only fourteen. Give the kid a break."

Takumi: "..."

So, are you two planning to leave anytime soon, or what?

Takumi looked away, trying to get back to his fishing.

But Marco and Jozu both plopped down on either side of him, like they were planning to hang out.

Takumi: "..."

"Don't mind us," Marco said casually, leaning on his hand as he gazed out at the shimmering water. "We're just resting. Keep doing your thing."

Takumi felt a wave of frustration. All he wanted was a peaceful morning, alone with his fishing rod. Was that too much to ask?

He sighed internally, but just then, the fishing line jerked. Refocusing, Takumi watched the movement carefully, and a few seconds later, he reeled in a thirty-centimeter sea fish.

"Nice! Looks like you've got some skills with that rod," Marco said in a lighthearted tone.

Without a word, Takumi unhooked the fish and, right in front of Marco and Jozu, tossed it back into the sea.

"Wait, what?" Jozu asked, confused. "You just threw it back? Why would you toss a perfectly good fish back into the water?"

Ignoring the question, Takumi packed up his gear. He'd had enough.

"Not gonna fish anymore?" Marco asked, noticing Takumi was done.

Takumi gave a nonchalant "Yeah," then slung his rod over his shoulder and began walking back toward the city.

The day was still early, so he decided to take his time. He strolled leisurely, taking the scenic route back into town.

As Takumi's figure disappeared into the distance, Marco smiled and shook his head. "That kid really doesn't like socializing."

Jozu, still puzzled, muttered, "But seriously... why'd he throw that fish back?"

Marco stood up, dusting himself off, and looked out at the endless horizon of the sea, a small smile playing on his lips. "I guess that's why he stays so calm, no matter what comes his way."

Jozu blinked, more confused than ever. "Huh?"

"Come on, let's go find Vista and the others," Marco said, giving Jozu a pat on the back.

Meanwhile, Takumi hadn't made it far when he passed a small shop at the entrance to Water 7, its sign reading, Yagara Bull Rental Shop.

This shop specialized in renting out and selling a type of sea-horse-like creature called Yagara Bull. They were used as transportation across the waterways of the city.

Since Water 7 was crisscrossed with canals, the Yagara Bulls made for the perfect way to get around.

Without giving it much thought, Takumi stepped into the shop.

The middle-aged man behind the counter, who was wearing round spectacles, looked up from his newspaper and gave a friendly smile. "Welcome! Looking to rent a Yagara Bull?"

Takumi nodded.

The shopkeeper stood up, dusting off his chair. "What kind do you need? We've got Yagara, Rabuka, and Kengu. Are you on your own?"

Takumi nodded again.

The shopkeeper led him to the water's edge, where a number of small boats were docked. "For one person, an Arrowfish Yagara Bull should do the trick."

He efficiently pulled over a small, two-seater boat. "You can sit up front. The backseat's good for any cargo you pick up. You're not from around here, are you?"

Takumi answered with a simple, "No."

The shopkeeper chuckled, pointing out the Yagara Bulls floating in the canals. "The ones pulling the boats out there are all Yagara Bulls. They're everywhere in this city. Since Water 7's mostly waterways, Yagara Bulls are essential for getting around—whether you're a local or just a visitor."

The shopkeeper prepped the boat and placed it in the water, turning back to Takumi with a smile. "That pond over there has a bunch of Yagara Bulls. Renting one of these Arrowfish Yagara Bulls is just 1,000 Berries."

Takumi approached the fenced-off pond, where about a dozen Yagara Bulls swam lazily around. One, a chubby, pale-pink Yagara Bull, swam up to him, trying to lick his face.

Takumi quickly stepped back, avoiding a face full of slobber.

"Hahaha," the shopkeeper laughed. "Looks like this one's taken a liking to you. How about this little fella?"

Takumi shrugged. "Sure."

The shopkeeper opened the gate, and the pink Yagara Bull obediently swam out, dipping under the water before re-emerging with Takumi's rented boat on its back.

After paying, Takumi hopped aboard, took hold of the reins attached to the Yagara Bull's mouth, and with a light flick, they were off.

As he left, the shopkeeper waved. "Thanks for the business! Safe travels!"

Takumi casually waved back.

He spent the next hour or so cruising around the outer parts of Water 7, letting the Yagara Bull guide the way. After a while, he found himself waiting at the entrance of a large cylindrical building, where the Waterway Elevator was located. It would take him up to the city's central district.

As he waited, a man riding a bicycle pulled up beside him, apparently waiting for the same water elevator...


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