
5| She is no more

After ending the phone call, Shiva drove towards his luxurious mansion and arrived there in no time. He swiftly made his way to his bedroom, closed the door, and collapsed on the floor, unable to hold back his tears. As he lay there, the sight of the belt he used to beat her with brought immense pain to his heart.

"I am a pervert.How could I have done such a thing? How? I was madly in love with Raavi before all of this happened, but that one night changed everything. I killed my love for her and turned it into hatred," he murmured to himself.

"Raavi, I miss you so much. Please come back to me. Punish me for my stupidity. I'll endure any pain you inflict upon me, but please just get up once for me, my love. I know I have no right to say this after what I did, but my heart will always belong to you." Shiva's words were filled with regret and longing as he thought of the woman he had hurt so deeply.

A scream erupted from Raavi's lips as Shiva's hand made contact with her cheek in a resounding slap. She stumbled and fell to the ground, the impact leaving her dazed and disoriented.

"You monster!" Shiva's eyes blazed with anger as he towered over her. "You wanted to hurt me, just like you hurt my sister, didn't you?"

Raavi looked up at him with a pained expression, shaking her head frantically in denial. Tears streamed down her face, but Shiva was too consumed by his rage to notice the agony in her eyes.

He stormed towards the cupboard, and Raavi's heart dropped as she knew what was coming next. Trembling with fear, she backed away as Shiva retrieved a leather belt from inside.

"Shiva, please don't do this," Raavi pleaded through sobs. "It hurts so much. Please, have mercy."

But Shiva was blinded by his fury and ignored her pleas. He raised the belt high above his head, ready to strike...

Shiva closed his eyes, but the memories kept haunting him. His heart shattered into countless pieces as he regretted his actions and thought of ending his own life. He had hurt her deeply, both physically and emotionally. He didn't deserve to live; he had killed an innocent soul himself. His inner voice taunted him, rendering him vulnerable to his own guilt and remorse.

He had been so blinded by his own anger and pain that he had lost sight of what was truly important. He was supposed to love and protect her, to be her rock and her comfort, and instead he had become her tormentor.

He had been so wrapped up in his own selfish desires that he had never considered Raavi's feelings. He had never thought about how his actions had affected her, how much pain and suffering he had caused her.

He realized now, in that quiet room, how much he had hurt her, how much he had destroyed the innocent women

his women.

He was filled with regret and self-hatred as he thought about the times he had hit her, the times he had shouted at her, the times he had made her cry. He had become the monster, and now he was paying the price.

Shiva's eyes brimmed with tears as the weight of his regret and guilt crashed down on him. He couldn't hold back his emotions any longer, the tears fell in a steady stream down his face.

He couldn't stop thinking about Raavi, the woman he had once loved more than anything in the world, and now he might lose her forever.

He rose to his feet, reaching for the leather belt that lay on the bed. His eyes were bloodshot and his face contorted with pain, but he believed he deserved even more agony. He struck himself with all his might, relentlessly punishing himself. With each hit, he whispered words of apology to Raavi, his love.

"Forgive me, Raavi. I am so sorry."

His shirt tore apart, but he didn't stop. Tears streamed down his face, not from the physical pain but from the thought of Raavi. His own suffering was insignificant compared to her pain. Blood seeped from his back as he collapsed to the ground, yet his hand continued to strike himself.

He couldn't bear the guilt and regret that consumed him. He had hurt her so deeply and now all he could do was inflict pain upon himself as a form of atonement. Every strike was a cry for forgiveness and a reminder of his love for her.

As he lay there on the floor, battered and broken, he knew that no amount of self-punishment could ever make up for what he had done. But he couldn't stop himself from trying, hoping that one day she would forgive him and they could be together again.

But until then, he would continue to hit himself with every ounce of regret in his heart, murmuring her name in a desperate plea for forgiveness until exhaustion overtook him and he drifted into a restless slumber filled with dreams of Raavi's forgiving smile.

Shiva's phone began to ring, but he didn't pay any attention to it. After a while, it rang again and finally he decided to answer it. The caller's name was Varun, and a small glimmer of hope rose within Shiva as he thought Varun might let him speak with Raavi, even if it was just for once.

Picking up the phone, Shiva asked eagerly, "Hey Varun, how's Raavi? Is she okay? Did she wake up? Please tell me."

His voice was almost trembling with emotion as he waited for Varun's response.

But instead of good news, Varun's words shattered Shiva's heart into a million pieces.

"You should be happy. She is no more," Varun replied coldly.

Shiva felt like he had been thrown into a pit of darkness as he shouted into the phone.

"Are you insane? What are you saying? Nothing could have happened to her. You're lying to me. Please tell me the truth."

Varun shouted back, his anger evident in his voice.

"This is the truth, you fucker! She's dead! Raavi is gone forever. And it's all because of you!"

The phone slipped from Shiva's hand as his world came crashing down around him. He couldn't believe what he had just heard - that Raavi was no longer alive and that he was responsible for her death. Tears streamed down his face as he realized that he would never get another chance to see her or apologize for what he had done.

In that moment, Shiva felt like his entire world had come to an end. All because of one mistake that cost him the love of his life.

The pain was unbearable, a raw and ragged wound in his soul that he couldn't seem to heal. He had lost the one person who had meant the world to him, and he didn't know how to go on without her.

He tried to convince himself that it was all a nightmare, that he would wake up any moment now and she would be there, by his side.

He refused to accept that he would never see her again, that he would never hear her voice or see her smile. He didn't want to believe that the person he had hurt so much was now gone forever, and he was left alone with the pain of his own mistakes.

The phone dropped from his hand, hitting the floor with a loud thud. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he couldn't even breathe.

The grief and guilt hit him like a wave, overwhelming and relentless. He had lost her forever, and it was all his fault.

"No no no-Raavi you can't. My raavi cannot leave me. She cannot leave me. She is mine. I was supposed to be with her"

He murmured to himself. He eyes was bloodshot as tears continued to flow. His mind is consumed by pure madness. He felt like he is going insane. He had lost is sanity.

It's impossible for this to happen. She cannot simply abandon him in such a manner.


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