

I stood with my hands piled behind me in submission of a servant by the dining table while Alicia and her daughters ate breakfast.

Alicia's gaze kept sweeping the room, she was looking for a flaw. Anything at all to begin her day with me as a topic.

"Don't just stand there, go and find something to do. Don't think finishing your duties last night gives you the liberty of standing around idle" she lashed.

"I… um… I have something to ask of you, Ma"

How I abhorred this pitiful act of being the servant. Toning down my voice so it doesn't out tone hers.

Yeah, Alicia did that. She measured tones. Whenever she's speaking with any of the servants, we are all expected not to out tone her.

We were meant to listen to her, identify her tone and make sure our response is in a lesser tone, or else, one had to go completely mute for a week depending on how high the tone was.

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