
Altar Summoning

Ms. Doom.

A strange encounter.

Chen Feng didn't take any excessive actions. In fact, a murderous intent flashed through his mind, but the thought was quickly dismissed. Even if this woman before him was indeed the future Ms. Doom, who would one day stir the world with chaos, they had no enmity between them. More importantly, Chen Feng, with his keen intuition, estimated that the success rate of killing her was less than 60%.

Never underestimate anyone.

Especially someone who would become one of the dark overlords in the future.

This woman was not like Ma Biao. She was shrouded in an aura of intense despair. For someone like her, there was no telling what terrifying power might erupt upon awakening.

Out of caution, eliminating an unstable factor would be prudent, but if he failed, he would only create a powerful enemy. That was not something Chen Feng wanted.


Ms. Doom exhaled a cloud of murky air, her surroundings thick with fear and despair. She raised her head, her mutilated face carrying a natural ability to sap others of their courage. Ordinary people wouldn't even dare to meet her gaze.


There are countless specialized abilities.

Clearly, after awakening, this woman had gained some form of coercion or intimidation ability. In battle, this kind of specialty would weaken her enemies' courage and could even repel some monsters.

This woman was showing her potential.

The woman looked at Chen Feng, a complex expression flashing in her eyes. It seemed like she was recalling something, as if she had forgotten something important. When her gaze fell on the corpses outside the door, her eyes began to clear. Anger, fury, and boundless hatred intertwined within her pupils.

"Thank you."

After a moment, she uttered the words.

A complex emotion welled up in Chen Feng's heart, but his face remained impassive.

He spread his hands and said softly, "It's nothing, just a small effort. If you still need to vent, I can let you borrow the knife for a while longer."

The woman, or rather the future Ms. Doom, still maintained a semblance of calm. When she had awakened, her memories had been in disarray, but the sight of the corpses outside had seemingly brought her back to herself.


That was Chen Feng's initial motive for considering killing her.

Extraordinary Awakenings came with certain side effects. Unlike those who had awakened naturally, these professionals, who had experienced significant emotional turmoil before awakening, such as despair, fear, or rage, sometimes entered a state of chaos afterward—killing anyone in sight without awareness.

This wasn't unprecedented. Some people, in the midst of fleeing with their families, saw a monster about to kill their loved ones and erupted with power, becoming Professionals. However, their minds would often be overwhelmed by their newfound strength, with the last clear thought being to kill all enemies. The result was that they not only killed the monsters but also their own family, leading to a guilt that was truly fatal.

This was a gamble.

If Ms. Doom had been consumed by chaos, Chen Feng wouldn't have held back. Even if it risked creating a powerful enemy, he would have done his utmost to deliver a crippling blow.

Chen Feng had been testing the waters, and in fact, the Dark Elf had already prepared herself, holding an arrow ready to shoot. As for the Dretch, its tentacles were itching to strike.

Luckily, Ms. Doom successfully snapped out of her chaotic state.

More importantly...

Chen Feng had gained her gratitude. The goodwill of a future powerhouse could yield unexpected rewards if leveraged correctly.

Chen Feng had taken advantage of the situation. He could sense that Ms. Doom was on the verge of awakening. Even without his intervention, those thugs had no chance of surviving.

A life-saving benefactor.

And now, Chen Feng had acquired a new title.

Of course, he wasn't naive enough to think he could subdue her or make her work for him.

Ms. Doom was not like Xu Hongzhuang. She had awakened in the depths of despair, and the first thing she did upon awakening was to scar her face. In a sense, she was already a lunatic.

Chen Feng was confident he could use some minor methods to control women like Xu Hongzhuang, but mental illness was a different matter. The former could be loyal through training, while the latter was more like a ticking time bomb, ready to self-destruct at any moment.

He needed to keep his distance.

Ms. Doom didn't make any rash moves. After confirming the deaths of the thugs, she put down the boning knife, jumped out the window, and vanished into the night.

His... hiss...

Sharp, tragic cries echoed from the distance. Compared to dead bodies, she needed living creatures to vent her hatred.

Chen Feng didn't truly relax until he was sure of his safety. He had witnessed the rise of a powerful figure—this was the apocalypse, and no one knew what they would encounter next.

What he had to do now...

...was become stronger.

Only by becoming stronger could he deal with all the unstable elements around him.

With Ms. Doom's awakening concluded, Chen Feng now had to consider how to secure this stronghold. Eleven corpses and a room full of blood—this atmosphere of slaughter could attract unnecessary trouble.


Chen Feng frowned, some thoughts flashing in his mind. He then ordered the Dretch to regurgitate the head of the Earth Dragon.

Preserved in the demon's stomach, the Earth Dragon's head remained as fresh as it had been at the moment of death. Its eyes were wide open, still reflecting the disbelief that it had been slain by mere ants.

The Summoner's self-preservation ability lay in summoning. Though their own level limited the number of creatures they could summon, they could use other methods, such as scrolls or sacrifices, for temporary summons. These summoned beasts were not as permanent as the Dark Elf, and could only exist for a few minutes. But if used correctly, they could turn the tide of a battle.

Moreover, such summoning relied heavily on luck. Since the contract time was limited to a few minutes, a high-quality sacrifice might even attract the attention of some powerful entities.

A sacrifice was brewing in the night.

Clearing the blood would take too much time. Instead, Chen Feng chose to use it to inscribe a summoning formation, turning the dragon's head into a sacrificial altar.

Chen Feng arranged the corpses into a crude pentagram and used a knife to draw blood from their arteries. In just a few minutes, a shallow blood pool had formed.

Lifting the dragon's head, Chen Feng gently placed it in the blood pool.

The dragon's head.

Blood covering the ground.

Chen Feng was attempting to create a crude altar to communicate with the evil entities of the abyss...

Summon time!

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