
First shop purchase and second trip to the dungeon

The next morning, Tsubaki informed Yuri that they wouldn't be heading to the dungeon, as she had some orders to attend to. With an unexpected day off, Yuri decided to spend her morning learning more about her system from Lilly. After chatting for about ten minutes, Lilly suggested that Yuri should check out the store.

Intrigued, Yuri opened the shop to find various categories like.

food /drinks, weapons /armor, skills /magic, potions /artifacts, books /scrolls, and consumables /techniques.

However, it was the "gacha" option that caught Yuri's eye. When she asked Lilly about it, she discovered that it was an inexpensive way to acquire items, but there was a risk of receiving something worth very few points. Lilly also explained the possibility of bulk gacha rolls and the chance to get an extra roll for each level of bulk rolls.

Yuri decided to ask "So how does the gacha work and how expensive is it" In response Lilly told her.

One draw is five sp.

But five draws is twenty sp and earns a free draw.

Ten is thirty-five so but gives two free draws.

And the final option.

Twenty draws is sixty sp and gives three free draws.

Hearing this Yuri decided to try the bulk draw of five because she could get six chances of getting something good. She activated the gacha and a screen appeared in front of her that read gacha and had a start button. Yuri hit the button and the word on the screen blurred.

Item one received a box of tissues.

Item two received a brush.

Item three received a bracelet of minor power.

Item four received a book beginner guide to blacksmithing.

Item five received shoes of the sylph.

Item six received a spell needle rain.

Other than the first two items everything else seemed to be decent items.

Pack of tissues- a pack of tissue paper can be used to blow your nose.

Brush- a brush that can be used to tame unmanageable hair.

Bracelet of minor power- when equipped boost strength stat by 25 points.

Beginners Guide to Blacksmithing- a book that contains the basic techniques and tools needed to start learning blacksmithing skills.

Shoes of the sylph- shoes that when equipped increase dexterity by 15 and agility by 25 points.

Spell needle rain- a spell that calls forth 100 needles made of mana to rain down on the enemy costs 15 mp can be increased by doubling or tripling and or so on the mana cost. Used to stun enemies and distract them allowing you to get close.

Chant: bring forth the pestering rain downpour of needles needle rain.

Shortened chant for half-power: downpour of needles needle rain.

Happy with her gacha pulls she decided that she would spend the rest of the day reading her blacksmithing book. She got so engrossed in it that before she knew it dinner was ready. While they are Tsubaki asks Yuri what she has been up to throughout the day. Yuri got up and ran to her room and brought the book with her to show it to Tsubaki. Seeing the glint of happiness in her eyes Tsubaki told her it was pretty smart to read up on the topic before they got to training. Before they got up from dinner she told Yuri that they would be going to the dungeon in the morning and she would take her to the second floor and see how she does.

Before they headed for bed Tsubaki went over what the dungeon would have in store for her.

Other than the same goblins and kobolds she would also have a chance to see dungeon lizards. A brown quadrupedal lizard monster with sucker discs on its feet. Attacks by climbing walls and jumping down at people, preferably from ambush. Since this monster focused on ambushing she would need to keep an eye on her surroundings. After going over everything they headed for bed for the night.

Waking up early the next morning both Tsubaki and Yuri had a quick breakfast of egg sandwiches and then headed out toward the dungeon. Upon their arrival, they noticed that there were a lot more adventures entering the dungeon than the first time Yuri entered.

After entering they took slightly over half an hour before they arrived at the entrance to the second floor. Having stopped for Yuri to defeat a few enemies that spawned in their path.

Yuri was still trying to use different weapons until they got off the first floor. But still hadn't found one that felt right.

So as they entered the stairs down to the second floor Tsubaki handed over the scythe that Yuri had taken an interest in. As Yuri placed her hand on the weapon Tsubaki made sure she understood that with a longer weapon. Particularly one that used big swings and slashes she would have to pay extra attention to her surroundings. This was for the fact if she was backed to a wall she could have her attack stopped by hitting her surroundings.

After they stepped foot on the second floor it took around five minutes when they finally found a fight. After entering a side room there was a group of two goblins a kobold, and in the corner, there was even a dungeon lizard

Taking a moment while the enemy hadn't taken notice of their presence, Yuri analyzed the situation. Deciding the biggest problem would be worrying about the possibility of the dungeon lizards' ambush. She made a plan and acted immediately.

She pointed the bladed end of her scythe at the dungeon lizard and chanted "Downpour of needles needle rain". Launching the short chant spell knowing it would only be at half-power she figured it would distract the lizard. While it was distracted she could focus on the other monsters in the room. But this is not how things played out to both her and Tsubaki's surprise when her spell landed on the lizard. The needles that hit actually manage to pierce all the way through pinning it to the wall. This also allowed for more needles to land and effectively allowed one to pierce the core defeating it instantly.

Realizing now was not the time to be surprised, Yuri returned her focus to the remaining enemies. She rushed to the first goblin who had just started to turn around after her surprise attack. As she got next to it she spun toward its back as she swung the blade down toward its neck. Not thinking about the fact that her stats had been updated and she was now over four times stronger than she was the last time she fought. She managed to cut the goblin in half from its right shoulder to its left hip with a single slash.

Not wanting to lose her momentum she finished her spin bringing the blade back to the ready for the kobold that was now running in her direction.

While Yuri was taking care of the monsters Tsubaki was in slight disbelief. The fact that Yuri could come up with a plan and act it out that quickly usually takes experience she hasn't had time to gain. Not only that but she hadn't used that magic before so Tsubaki was wondering if it was a grimoire. Because last she spoke to Hephaestus Yuri had no spells.

As she continued to watch Yuri taking down the enemies she also noticed that she looked so natural using the scythe. Like it was an extension of herself. She was in Tsubaki's eyes actually dancing around the monsters and claiming their lives before they could even react. The only thing running through Taubaki's mind by the end of the fight was how could a slaughter actually look so beautiful.

As Yuri Finnish off the last goblin unbeknownst to her what was running through Tsubiki's mind. What was going through her own was how she would have to tell her mother she was right. When she told her that signing her up for dance lessons would be helpful in the future. How was Yuri supposed to know that dancing would help her to move around a battle while killing? She never thought of even schoolyard fights back then.

Yuri packed up the cores that dropped and headed back over to Tsubaki so they could continue on their way after around three hours they had made it through the second floor and Yuri racked up a total of 87 goblins, 45 kobolds, and 21 dungeon lizards. Deciding this would be a good stopping place they made their way back to the surface.

Tsubaki took the bag of cores from Yuri and told her to go get her falna updated at Hephaestus's workshop. She would exchange the cores and give her her valis at home.

Nodding in agreement Yuri made her way to the workshop with a slight skip in her step. Upon arrival, she noticed that there was a woman at the counter talking with Hephaestus. Not wanting to be rude and interrupt Yuri just stayed at the side waiting patiently.

How many of you know who is the person at the counter or at least think you do?

MAG666creators' thoughts
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