
5 years ago.. 5 dollars.. Male escort..

Ella started looking at the western style food on the plate below her. Her mouth was watering as soon as she saw breakfast. She was very hungry, and considering how healthy her breakfast was, she was a little surprised.

After a long time, someone had prepared breakfast for her. Often, Ella's mother used to prepare breakfast for her, but after her mother left, only problems came into her life. No one has ever done or made anything for her.

She was looking at Evan after averting her gaze. She restrained herself a lot, but how can anyone stop herself from looking at such a handsome man? The more Ella looked at him, the more handsome and perfect he appeared, no matter from what angle she looked at him.

Good looking, gentleman, and also a very handsome chef, all these qualities were running in Ella's mind while looking towards Evan. Despite being prayllzed, he was living an independent and confident life.

These were the qualities she wanted to see in every person. 'I wish every man in the world was like him.' Ella thought.

While living in London, Ella worked in a welfare institution, consoling handicapped people. She had met many people with different physical disabilities. However, she had seen in their eyes that they have many ways to live a life without defeat. They were also strong people who stood tall in front of fate.

The courage of those people inspired Ella a lot. They always gave her hope to see the good in bad times. The courage of those people never let her hope be dashed. They helped Ella understand that she should value whatever she has in her life. And even after all this, she should appreciate her life. After all, whatever happens, it happens for the good.

Ella had a friend whom she met online a few years ago. His name was Tyler, who was handicapped. When she met Tyler, he had all the negative thoughts in his mind. And he saw everything bad around him.

Tyler lacked confidence in himself and felt as if nothing good could happen to him. After asking about his medical condition, Ella shared her experience with him. Ella reveals to him about her time spent in a welfare institution. She sends Tyler pictures of there. And convinced him not to give up. She gave him hope that everything could be good. In the end, Ella succeeded in giving him hope.

Even after leaving her consular job and having her account hacked, Tyler's story was always fresh in her heart. '2 years have passed. I hope tyler will be fine now.' Ella thought.

"What's the matter? Don't you like breakfast?" Evan's low voice made Ella come back to reality.

"Huh, no, it's nothing like that breakfast is very good... thank youu!" She replied.

Ella started smiling apologetically, and she started feeling shy about her habit of daydreaming. She picked up her spoon and started eating. After eating 2 or 3 spoons, Ella looked up.

"Actually, I am very surprised, or I can say that I am curious..." Ella continued.

"Why did an award winning actor like you give up everything even after having such a good and successful future in front of him?" Ella wants to know the answer to this question. And she also wanted to get rid of any awkward suiation, that's why she asked this question.

She was not expecting a reply from Evan, but the surprising thing was that Evan responded to her question.

"To be honest, being called an award winning actor is very lame." He replied. But the reality was that he had to leave his dream that is acting to take care of his family business.

After hearing Evan's answer, Ella's food got stuck in her throat. Is it lame to be called an award winning actor? What logic was this? Ella even considered slapping Evan. Did he understand that some people only get to play side roles or support actors throughout their lives? And here he is saying this is all lame?

"Look, Ella, being an award winning actor doesn't seem as glamorous as you think...." Evan continued his incomplete sentence.

"Till now, one memory has not gone away from my heart, and that was 5 years ago. I was forcibly asked to spend the night with a girl. She thought I was a male escort. She also gave me 5 dollars for that thing. After that, I never met her again. Sometimes, I wonder if she really scamed me?" After finishing his conversation, Evan started looking towards Ella. He couldn't take his eyes off Ella.

5 years ago... 5 dollars... Male escort... both of their eyes were stuck on each other. But after a few seconds, Ella's memories clicked something. Some memories of the past started coming back. 'Spent the night with a stranger in a hotel room 5 years ago...'

'Ohh, my God... This can't be possible... Don't tell me that 5 years ago, I spent the night with the world's most handsome man and award winning actor. dimpleless...offcourse that dimpleless.. are you serious...' Ella said in her mind. Ella couldn't believe how powerful human genes can be, that even dimples can transfer from one generation to the next.

That's why Cherry is very cute. She started thinking about Cherry, and then she looked at the person sitting in front of her. 'Ohh my god.. these are the same dimpless... so he was that person??' She thought.

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