
Chapter 51: Battle Axe Military Industrial Agent

"You better show us your identification and documents. How do we know they're not forged?"

The coast guards, seeing more and more people gathering, grit their teeth and said. 

Though they realized they had picked a fight with the wrong person, they insisted on continuing the identity check to save face.

They still hoped that maybe the young man was using a false identity.

Before Lin Lan could speak, a girl with black hair, white and red streaks in her bangs, and dressed in a black and red dress with high-top boots, quietly appeared from the yacht's hatch.

This blue-eyed girl wearing a cap had a bloodthirsty smile that didn't match her age.


In her hands, she held a black and red shark-mouth long-barreled shotgun!

"Don't, don't shoot!"

Facing the terrifying barrel aimed directly at him felt like having a cold, murderous intent gripping his heart.

Even though the two sea police carried submachine guns, they were as defenseless as lambs before the barrel of Deutschland's gun, collapsing and kneeling on the ground.

Even seasoned soldiers find it hard to face the killing intent of the Sirens directly. Deutschland's chilling intent was far more terrifying than the cold, mechanical Sirens.

It was a pure, bloodthirsty, and brutal killing intent. To them, it felt like facing a monstrous abyssal shark, not just a young girl.

They had no doubt that if the navy officer in front of them gave the slightest signal, they would be blown to pieces in an instant.

Deutschland's killing intent was completely directed at the two sea police, while the surrounding crowd was oblivious to it.

"It's a ship girl!" "Wow, he's actually a commander!"

Seeing Deutschland, the people at the dock suddenly realized Lin Lan's true identity. Only a port commander would have a ship girl by their side.

The port commander was a crucial force within the Navy, despite lacking a formal rank, and was seen as a major savior for the United Nations of Aolan.

"Hehehe, my servant, shall we kill these lowly animals?" Deutschland sneered, keeping her gun trained on the two trembling sea police and glancing at Lin Lan.

With a single command from Lin Lan, she would pull the trigger without hesitation.

At that moment, Lin Lan noticed a team of sea police in blue uniforms approaching from a distance.

"What do you think I should do with these two?" Lin Lan suddenly raised his voice, loudly asking the crowd at the dock.

When the crowd didn't immediately respond, Lin Lan continued to ask loudly:

"These guys have definitely bullied you all before, right? Now, how do you want them dealt with? Speak up, and I will decide for you!"

The crowd finally reacted. After a brief silence, a young man with a suitcase boldly shouted.

"Commander! They deserve to be executed!"

Following this young man's lead, others started shouting in agreement.

"These two forced me to pay protection money or they would seize my boat! My family depends on me for business!"

A young woman spoke up.

"On my first visit to Dongyun City, they detained me at the port for over half a month just because I didn't pay! I almost went bankrupt because of it!" said a bespectacled businessman.

"They even took half my earnings when I was vending here!"

"They often beat us, the laborers from Liao Continent, and said we should be fed to the Sirens!"

"Kill these two scum!"

The people at the dock, who had long suffered at the hands of the sea police, were now boiling with rage. Their accumulated anger was ignited by Lin Lan's words.

The crowd grew more and more agitated, and many started shouting curses at the two sea police. Several people took out their phones to capture and upload the scene.

The two kneeling sea police were pale and sweating profusely, their faces pale as they trembled on the ground. The revealed evil deeds became their death sentence.

Although many of the crimes were committed by their colleagues, and not solely by these two, it was clear that with Lin Lan's backing, the crowd had placed all their grievances on these two.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Just as the crowd was demanding the death of the two sea police, several gunshots suddenly rang out, drowning out the clamor.

A group of about a dozen sea police in blue uniforms squeezed into the dock area, brandishing shields and violently dispersing the crowd.

"Move back, move back! What are you all gathered here for?"

"Anyone taking photos or videos of the disturbance will be arrested as criminals! Get out of here!"

Under the loudspeaker's threats and the submachine guns fired into the air, the crowd reluctantly dispersed, their anger suppressed.

Though many still wore angry expressions, they looked at Lin Lan with concern until they were completely cleared away.

Lin Lan watched silently as the sea police used force to scatter the crowd. This scene was something he had never witnessed in the country he lived in on Blue Star.

Now, in this otherworldly dock, the situation made him deeply aware that this was no longer Blue Star.

"You two useless trash, still kneeling here? Haven't you embarrassed yourselves enough?"

After clearing the crowd, a middle-aged man in a different style of blue uniform, reeking of alcohol, walked slowly up to Lin Lan.

Seeing the two still trembling and kneeling on the ground under Deutschland's killing intent, he scolded them sharply.

On his chest, a golden axe-shaped button indicated his identity.

He was the agent of Battleaxe Military Industries at the Dongyun City dock, a giant enterprise on Aolan's East Continent, alongside the Tian'ou Group headquarters.

He had just been out drinking with his superior from the consortium, and upon passing by here with his subordinates, he received a call about the disturbance.

Hearing the news, he found it somewhat amusing. It had been a long time since anyone dared to cause trouble at his dock.

After all, the last troublemaker had been tortured to death at the port's administrative office and thrown into the sea.

Because of this, he had arranged for the sea police he had placed to shamelessly extort money.

"Oh? Are you their boss?"

Lin Lan looked at the man, then focused on the golden axe button on his chest, and coldly asked.

"Yes, I am the port's administrative office agent. When did the Navy start having authority over the sea police?"

The Battleaxe Military Industries agent then saw the armed Deutschland and, with disdain and contempt, continued:

"Port commander? Hmph, just a bunch of people who live off women…"

"Break his right hand."


Before he could finish his sentence, a shotgun blast interrupted him.

Deutschland executed Lin Lan's command flawlessly at the moment it was given.

In front of the middle-aged man, a transparent barrier seemed to appear for an instant, but it shattered like thin paper in an instant.

The powerful blast of the shotgun knocked him to the ground, and the intense pain in his right shoulder made him stare in horror at his shattered right hand.

"Ah... ah!!!"

The Battleaxe Military Industries agent, who had been so confident and cruelly mocking Lin Lan, now let out a heart-rending scream.

But the next moment, an icy killing intent locked onto him, forcing his scream back down his throat.

He felt that if he made any more noise, his head would be next to be shattered.

Everything happened so fast that even the surrounding sea police couldn't react.

"Don't move, or the next shot will blow your heads off just like this guy's hand, you lowly animals."

Deutschland, like a predatory shark, held up the still-smoking shark-mouth shotgun, relishing the terrified looks of the sea police.

She laughed loudly, her childish voice making the most arrogant threats.

But no one doubted that she was serious.

At this moment, another girl in a black dress, with silver short hair, emerged from the cabin.

Deutschland's sister, Spee, also stood beside Lin Lan, looking at the sea police with a cold, disdainful gaze.

Although she wasn't wearing the red mechanical claws used for combat, the cold killing intent she radiated was enough to make the sea police tremble.

These sea police had seen ship girls before, but it wasn't until now that they realized that even seemingly harmless ship girls could instill fear as great as that of the Sirens.


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