

Chapter 756 Interference Of The Immortal Link.

Soverick saw what caused the sudden empowerment. The connections with the brute suddenly ballooned in number. It is not the increase in threads due to the death of the immortal power. The immortal link is messing with him again by increasing the threads of the black-scaled brute to 2 million.

"This is just not fair." He grumbled.

He is not one to care about fairness. But it seems to him that he is fighting more than one person at a time. And he can't harm the other person that is assisting the one he is fighting because they are at a safe distance. It wouldn't be unfair if he could also use the assistance of Legion in this fight. Unfortunately, he can't, or he will be creating trouble for Legion. After all, it will be very odd for him to have a domain. Not to mention that it is the domain of a world beast. That will surely turn some heads. But it is fine if the immortal link assists the other paragons at a safe distance. 

"So unfair." He grumbled his grievances one last time.

He scowled and pretended to continue to attack the brute. Others won't be able to tell what the immortal link is doing so they won't know what to do in this situation. He continued to strike the brute but half of his attacks were redirected to the fallen brute through the use of DANCE OF THE SPECTRAL WIND.

His sneaky move yielded abundant results immediately. The poor brute was diced into pretty quickly by the sudden attacks that appeared around it. The redistribution of power to the black-scaled brute left him weakened and ready to be taken advantage of. 

The period of abundance didn't last long. It was interrupted when the immortal link became aware of the danger. The white-scaled brute would have died had the immortal link not hurriedly allocated more to him. That made the black-scaled brute vulnerable so it got injured again. Soverick capitalized on this weakness for a while until it was also rectified by the interfering immortal link. 

The interference of the immortal link created a situation where he couldn't finish off any of them. In fact, things turned against him. Power was redirected from the other paragons that don't need it to the brutes. Instead of getting more injured, they became better. They healed and even began fighting back.

Their fighting back was ineffective though. Four of them couldn't hold him back so just the two of them are lacking. He can run circles around them and he did. He couldn't hurt them significantly but he didn't let up. He can strike them again and again. So he did.

He became a whirlwind around the two brutes as he ran around them and cut into them. His form couldn't be seen and neither could his blade. The only indication of an attack is the spark of light that is created when his blade makes contact with the skin of the brutes. 

Their skin has been hardened into some kind of metal that protects them. So there is no explosion or shockwaves when he strikes them. Just the high-pitched ringing of the impact of metal against metal and the flash of light from the sparks.I think you should take a look at

The three of them were in this stalemate when the spell tower joined them. She flew forward and stopped above them. Then she began constructing spell matrixes. She didn't construct one. She constructed 10 at first. That increased to 20 when she added 10 more to it. She continued to add more until there were more than 100 spell structures in the sky and even were still increasing. She is capable of casting more than 100 spells simultaneously. 

Some people are proud of their ability to cast two spells simultaneously or Double cast. Some can triple cast and more. What they can do is already impressive for ordinary spells Spell matrixes are different from normal spells. They are more taxing. They require maintaining a constant connection with the law matrix.

Spell matrixes are permanent structures of law and divine sense. They will stay in existence and continue to work as long as divine sense is supplied. That means that they exert constant pressure for their existence to be maintained. You can't just create a spell matrix like casting a spell and forget about it.

One will be exceptional to be to maintain 2 spell matrixes at a time but the spell tower can create and maintain 100 at a time. Her spiritual threads help her to make the calculations, adjustments, and maintenance of the spell matrixes for her. It is frankly cheating. All the paragons cheat in one way or the other but the spell tower takes cheating to the next level.

Her concentration and consciousness have been boosted to abnormal levels. Origin gods can cast powerful and massive spell structures that can do more damage than her but they can't cast as many spell matrixes at a time as her. She may not have quality on her side but she has a lot of quantity on her side.

"She should be called the one-man army, not Salvin," Soverick said in appreciation.

Even he had to admit to being impressed. A spell caster is a cannon of destruction. They are capable of spewing forth destruction in waves upon waves. The spell tower is capable of doing that multiply by 100 times. This entire place will be thrust into the center of a Calamity if she is allowed to fire her waves of spells. It will be unending carnage and he can't allow that.

He used his gravity control on all of them. The atmosphere became heavy and pressure settled on all three of them. The world became their enemy so all of them fell to the ground. The brutes managed to keep fighting despite the heavy gravitational force slowing them down.

They couldn't fly anymore because of the increase in gravity but they were able to keep standing. Their thick muscular tail coiled with unmatched strength and kept them upright. Fortunately for him, the spell tower doesn't have a muscular tail coiled with unmatched strength.

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